Justified causes for the IUBH to qualify for immediate termination particularly include outstanding tuition fees, breaches against the IUBHâs examination rules, a studentâs criminal actions at the expense of the IUBH, or if it is foreseeable, that a necessary (re)accreditation or admission of the study programme is not granted. In addition to relevant management know-how, the master's degree in marketing management provides you with extensive knowledge in the areas of marketing and sales. Conduct of the study programme
Regardless of this, the IUBH is entitled to terminate the contract due to extenuating circumstances, if the student is in default with fee payment. The revocation period is one month from the date on which the student receives access to the distance learning materials. Classically, the entry into the career occurs via product management or sales, but the tasks evolve in a very dynamic way. The IUBH is also liable for damages resulting from harm to life, body or health arising out of a breach of obligations due to the intentional or negligent breach of obligations on the part of the universityâs legal representatives or auxiliary persons. 2.5. A versatile career field awaits you in marketing! Master graduates are highly attractive to employers all over the world. The tuition fees are payable monthly in advance. An MBA in Marketing will open the door for a career as a marketing … The leave of absence can take place at the beginning of the second semester at the earliest, that is six months after the study start. 4.2. The Master’s degree program prepares you for different management roles with a focus on Marketing Management: You deepen your expertise in marketing … We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Master Marketing Management The IUBH Master of Marketing Management degree sets you up for a great career that could take you into companies large or small, worldwide. The content of the offered courses and the respective time period correspond to the module handbook and curriculum, which is made available to students digitally in the online system Care. 2.9. 3.1. The study contract cannot be terminated during a granted leave of absence. Redirecting to https://www.iubh-fernstudium.de/master/master-of-business-administration/ . Right of revocation
Youâre now part of IUBH. In order to change the study programme, fees to do so will apply. Admission. Supply Chain Management 120 ECTS. The fees, which have been paid until the requested change to another model of study was submitted, will be taken fully into account.
Apply now Apply now Apply now Master degree programmes MBA Master … IUBH grants the student a free trial month within the distance learning, if the student decides not to continue his/her studies within the revocation period.
If the student does not acquire all necessary performance records within the contract duration agreed upon on page 1, the contract will automatically extend by a maximum of 12 months free of charge. The IUBH is system accredited. The student is obliged to take care of the timely payment of the tuition fees stated on page 1. I won’t comment about the job prospects after the course but certainly I can share the quality of teaching. If the student changes his/her legal domicile or habitual residence to a location outside of Germany after the conclusion of the contract or his domicile or habitual residence is unknown at the time of a filing of a lawsuit, the parties agree to the following: for any dispute arising out of this contract or in connection with this contract, the court with jurisdiction for the IUBH (Amtsgericht Siegburg, Landgericht Bonn) will have jurisdiction. The central learning processes and the organization of the study programme will be handled internet-based via the IUBHâs virtual campus. In the event of a postponement of the start of studies, the student has a right of withdrawal, which (s)he can exercise within four weeks after a declaration by IUBH to this effect, also using the text form.
Online Marketing … A change in the duration of the contract requires the consent of both parties. The total costs for the chosen study programme are stated on page 1 of the study contract. The campusâ entry details will be given to the student at the beginning of his/her study programme and (s)he must assure that (s)he does not give these details to others. MBA in Marketing.
Depending on the admission requirements, passing an aptitude test (TASC) may be necessary. During the revocation period a change to another study programme is possible at any time free of charge and without adherence to the period after the submission of the request. IUBH gives you an opportunity to apply for one of our many scholarships, however our scholarships are only available to Non-EU students at this time. Failing essential examinations
To be allowed to start the âon campusâ semester a successful visa application and at least 15 ECTS in the enrolled programme need to be completed.
6. Details are regulated by a separate agreement to be finalized for the contract extension. 1.1. The student will be notified of the effects on his/her studies and the corresponding contract. Studierende der IUBH Fernstudium berichten über Ihre Erfahrungen mit der Hochschule und zeigen die besonderen Aspekte des Studiums auf. You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management … Any use for purposes other than contractually permitted is prohibited and requires the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The same applies, if other documents next to the proof of the university entrance qualification, which are necessary for the enrolment, aren't submitted. A change of the study programme within the distance learning is possible after a written request is submitted with one monthâ notice to the end of the full month with regard to the start of the study and requires the consent of IUBH. IUBH will not participate in a dispute settlement procedure according to the German law for dispute settlement (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz; VSBG). Contract duration
Learn about the prerequisites here. A conditionally-enrolled student does not receive a student identification card or a certificate of study.
Or would you like more insights about your chosen course?
With everything signed and ready, you can start studying practically right away. The fee shall be payable exclusively in Euro, regardless of whether or not the students place of residence is located within the Euro currency area. Additional conditions regarding this are decided upon in a supplementary agreement, which must be concluded separately. a letter sent by post or email) of his/her decision to revoke this contract. Immediate termination of contract
In the Master's program in General Management, you deal with topics such as strategic management, leadership, business ethics and corporate governance as well as marketing … Tuition fees
Entrepreneurship (Deutsch/Englisch), M.A. The use of online payment systems shall be necessary. Our MBA program is the ideal starting point for the next step on your professional path - a career as a successful manager. Additional tuition and related charges may apply in the event of students making any changes to their study programme. Changes to the course plan
All courses are individually accredited in line with German and European regulations and bear the seal of the Accreditation Council. Für den folgenden Studiengang gilt ein Studienstart ab 15.07.2021: M.A. 2.2. After the preliminary acceptance letter, students will have two months to send all their documents. What will I learn during my studies? You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management … In the event that a student fails an exam, which is necessary to pass in order to successfully complete the study programme, the teaching contract ends without having to be terminated. 4. Save on tuition, profit from lower living expenses and be able to work alongside your study. There will be no refund of partially or fully paid fees.
Get to know specific occupations that you can start after graduation. Any advance payments already made will be refunded in full. We are particularly looking for professionals and otherwise busy individuals who would like to grow on a personal and professional level whilst still continuing their core duties. Furthermore, the student can digitally view a copy of the study and examination regulations for the selected distance learning course at the IUBH in the Online System Care. The payment for the first month must have been received by IUBH before the start of the study programme.
This applies in particular to making these available via the internet, duplication and disclosure to third parties. 4.5.
The huge corporate demand for globally-oriented executives and IUBHâs excellent reputation in academia and industry gives IUBH graduates huge leverage for a successful career. IUBH will inform the student about the available online payment systems. In order to carry out the distance learning contract, IUBH uses software of different providers, which causes the processing of personal data also outside the European Union. IUBH Scholarship Initiative for Applicants* : IUBH Scholarship Initiative for Applicants*. Should one or more provisions of this contract be or become invalid, the remaining provisions remain unaffected. You don't need any previous knowledge of business administration and can focus on a specialist area from the fields of International Marketing, Finance & Accounting, IT Management… A student, who possesses a university entrance qualification and who does not submit the proof for the university entrance qualification in the correctly certified form, but only via copy or scanned, will be enrolled conditionally. With IUBH, you can study 100% online, on campus, or switch … For all claims referring to or in connection to this contract German Law is applicable. Booking additional services
2. The IUBH Master’s in International Marketing Management can help you do just that and give you firm skills in leadership and communication. International Management for career changers, Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved, Master International Marketing Management. Start your online programme in marketing management now. 2.8. If the student does not take the examinations or even attempt them for the first time within the 24 months after the allocation of the CARE courses, all assessments taken up until then are void and have to be taken again within 12 months. A change of the model of study is possible during the contract duration which is defined on page 1. Marketing at IUBH Online , listed on FindAMasters.com - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland
1.3. The sample revocation form, which is provided digitalized within the online system CARE, can be used for this, but is not mandatory. Liability of the IUBH
The conditionally-enrolled student is not allowed to take any exams or attend courses with any type of examination other than exam. The student agrees to be bound by the valid General Examination Regulations as well as the IUBHâs study and examination regulations of the named study programme (page 1), the IUBH library user code (LIS Rules and Regulations) and the guidelines for online-examinations and online-presentations.
Consent to submit academic achievements via online-tools
Other duties
Within 24 months of allocating the corresponding CARE courses, the student must take all the relevant examinations listed in the module handbook, even if just as a first attempt. In Germany, skilled professionals are in very high demand, which creates enormous career opportunities for you. We teach our courses in English, the single course elements are tailormade to work best in an international environment. Accreditation.
What career opportunities will I have after graduation? You discuss current topics in marketing practices and marketing research and use case studies and group work to apply the concepts you have learned to issues in practical marketing. The student will be notified of the effects on his/her studies and the corresponding contract. *earliest start date: April 1st, 2021; minimum number of participants required. Copyright protection
In consideration of the prescribed period, changing the model of study is possible multiple times. Additional fees may apply. If the tuition fees cannot be paid fully and on time by the student (e.g. 9. A completed, undergraduate degree with an economic or business focus. *Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm gmt +1. IUBH shows you personal success stories of our students and how our study programmes can sustainably improve your life, too. A change to another model of studies listed on our website is possible and will be conducted after a written request is submitted with a three monthsâ notice to the end of the full month with regard to the start of the contract. Examinations
To exercise the right of revocation, the student must inform IUBH in a clear declaration (e.g. 2.1. You will find answers to these and other questions on the following pages.
4.4. Your future fields of employment after graduating with this master's degree are initial management positions in the areas of marketing and/or sales - in agencies, in small and medium sized enterprises, large international corporations, or NGOs. Congratulations! The graduation fee must be transferred by the student until the date of the final exam. *Part-time model, including scholarship. Studying at the IUBH supports and challenges you. 2.4. Deepen your expertise in marketing, … Changes to the duration of the contract (change of model of studies)
Our worldwide business partners, patrons and sponsors open up optimal opportunities for your career. IUBH's online Master's and MBA programmes offer you an international orientation with a focus on business and general management competencies. In the case of a regulatory gap within this contract, the contracting parties shall find a resolution that corresponds to the purpose and economic intent of the remaining contract. ... Master Management in International Marketing… In order to enable IUBH to verify his/her examination by plagiarism software, the student is obliged to provide an electronic copy of his/her examination. There are no subsidiary agreements to this contract. The IUBHâs continued interest in this contract is subject to the timely payment. With 'Attendee' status, IUBH Online gives you the opportunity to have exclusive early access to study programmes that are not yet publicly available. The graduation fee has to be paid within fourteen (14) days after registering for the final examination (colloquium). 4.6. If the student does not submit an application in time, (s)he will be exmatriculated. Important, justified causes for the student to qualify for immediate termination particularly include proven, unexpected unemployment, life-threatening illnesses as well as the death of a student. We pride ourselves in offering our students well-organised study programmes with first-class curricula. The student acknowledges that the IUBH and third parties, which are specially commissioned by IUBH, have the right to use his/her work for this purpose. The contract starts on the date stated on page 1, but on the earliest with the receipt of the access data to the Campus Management System and ends after the duration stated on page 1, without any notice of termination. Once we receive your application and information, weâll create a study agreement for you. The Orientation Programme is especially designed for students who want to study a course of their choice â without having to sign up for a full degree. This is more important than ever in current Corona crisis.
Looking to join us as an international online student? Managers in marketing and sales are faced with an increasingly complex and interactive range of tasks. Changes in the amount of tuition fees may result in case of discount campaigns. Start your online programme in marketing management now. 7.
All and any charges due to fee payments abroad shall be exclusively paid by the student. Tuition fees
Contract duration
Study Master Management in International Marketing online maximum flexibility excellent quality strong practical relevance. Email). During the revocation period, a change to another model of study is possible at any time and without adherence to the period after the submission of the request. The obligation to pay the total tuition fees in accordance to section 3.3. remains after the granting of the leave of absence to the student. The IUBH reserves the right to withdraw from the distance learning contract by declaration in text form no later than four weeks before the start of the study programme or to postpone the start of the study programme if the minimum number of 50 students for the study programme selected on the cover sheet has not been reached by this time. If the student fails to submit the university entrance qualification or other documents, which are necessary for the enrolment, correctly until exmatriculation, the obligation to pay the tuition fees of the first three months exists. And do I have everything I need to study at IUBH? Für die folgenden Studiengänge gilt ein Studienstart ab 16.08.2021: B.A. Dann ist der Master Studiengang Marketingmanagement an der IUBH genau der richtige Start für Dich. If the student fails to follow this obligation, (s)he will be exmatriculated three months after the contract start date. The student is obliged to send the documents via mail to IUBH within three months after the in section 2.1. defined start of the contract.
Saturday from 10am - 4pm, *Scholarships are not available to students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In this case the student will be exmatriculated. Modifications or amendments to this provision must also be made in text form. Modifications or amendments to this contract must be made in text form. The declaration must be addressed to info@iubh-online.org. Programme designation and degree
3.2. The student declares consent that the IUBH may store, collect and use the studentâs data which becomes known during the application process and during the contract period. The IUBH is liable for damages resulting from a breach of obligations due to intentional or gross negligence on the part of its legal representatives or auxiliary persons. The programme qualifies you in the areas of business administration, corporate management, marketing, finance and leadership for demanding activities in middle to upper management … You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management … 1.4. Our vision is to take our degrees to those who normally wouldn't have an opportunity to study a European degree. The actual document must be submitted as an electronic copy and in a readable format (e.g. Lerne Deine Zielgruppen zu verstehen und passende Strategien für nationale und internationale Absatzkampagnen zu entwickeln. 1. Upon successful completion of the distance learning programme, the student acquires the academic title dependent on the chosen study programme in line with the valid study and examination regulations. Jurisdiction and final provision
Take a look at the curriculum, learn about the areas you can specialise in and discover the opportunities for studying abroad. Booking this content is subject to additional costs. Virtual campus and digital learning materials
The IUBH Internationale Hochschule (hereafter: IUBH) is committed to implementing the distance learning programme, which is stated on page 1, in line with the valid study and examination regulations. The Master with a specialism in Engineering Management will prepare you for a career in the field of global financial markets and related areas. AR seal, ZFU (approval number 147111) content. In the age of … Otherwise the student canât start his/her studies. **All students have to send their original, notarised, supporting documents (such as degree certificates) by mail to our Berlin Campus. Debit/credit card payments, payments by cheques, bank draft or transfers will only be accepted via online payment systems. The FAQ gives you relevant answers on your open questions about studying at IUBH. A versatile career field awaits you in marketing!
The IUBH Master’s in International Marketing Management can help you do just that and give you firm skills in leadership and communication. Strategy and creativity: A versatile career field awaits you in marketing! A Master in Marketing will thoroughly prepare you for various management functions with an emphasis on Marketing Management. due to lack of funds in the account, changes to the bank), the IUBH is entitled to charge any applicable fees to the studentâs invoice and claim them. With IUBH, you can study on campus, online, or switch …
After these months, the student may request in writing that the contract is extended, subject to a charge. Bei der Planung von Social Media Marketing … The contract may be terminated with one monthâ notice to the end of the full month with regard to the start of the study. 2.3. 8. Contract extension for students lacking performance records
Possibility of change of study mode
Duties of the student
Changes to the duration of the contract (change of study programme)
Your door to the business world.
Beyond this, the liability for damages arising out of a breach of obligations due to negligence or slight negligence or due to an act committed with negligence or slight negligence on the part of its legal representatives or auxiliary persons is excluded, except for damages arising out of a breach of fundamental obligations whose compliance is necessary to achieve the goals of the contract or which arise out of the justified reliance upon the relationship set forth herein. Cost models per model of study
IUBH Shop Login Verification by plagiarism software
In some cases, the submission of academic achievements within certain modules or courses has to be undertaken via the usage of online tools, which need to process data also outside of the EU. The contract has a defined duration, which is stated on page 1. DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF) and must not contain any personal details (without a cover page, personal statements, dedications, signature, etc.). In case of a cancellation of a language course, cancellation costs amount to 200,00 Euro each. 3.3. When applying for a leave of absence, the âInformation for a leave of absenceâ and/or the "Information for a leave of absence due to maternity leave or parental leave" becomes an integral part of the distance learning contract. With respect to these exceptions, the liability is limited to the compensation for predictable damages. The IUBHâs virtual campus is password protected. Leave of absence
The booking of courses and additional offerings is binding, any cancellation at a later stage causes cancellation costs amounting to 35,00 Euro each. The student also agrees that his/her data may be forwarded to the authorities in cases regulated by law. The tasks include, for example, development of national or international brand and product strategies, and planning of target group-specific product and marketing … If you have been affected by Covid-19, contact us.
You manage international marketing and advertising campaigns, working with partners, colleagues and agencies around the world: With a Master’s degree in International Marketing you can take over marketing management … If admission to the study programme expires, is revoked or cancelled after the conclusion of the contract, the student can terminate without observing the two weeks' notice period. The termination must be in text form (e.g. specializations 60-ECTS variant: In the first and second semester you choose a specialization "(" compulsory specialization ") from marketing management … 3. Do you still have questions? The application for a leave of absence of six months can be carried out with two weeksâ notice before the intended start of the leave of absence and must be in text form. 2.6. 4.1. "A broad scope of duties awaits a future Marketing Manager. Scholarship support from IUBH during these difficult times.If you have been affected by Covid-19 in any way, please contact us. The IUBH may reject the application for a contract extension in justified cases. During your studies, you intensively study consumer behaviour in international markets and work on topics such as brand management, pricing and sales from a strategic and operational perspective. A change to the âon campusâ study is only possible under the condition that the corresponding study program is offered in the presence study of the IUBH at the desired location at the time of the change of the student and requires the consent of the IUBH.