I have a carrier loaded with goods (21,000 T) and I'm about to park up near a station where those goods are in demand. and I got my eyes set on one of the new fleet carriers that is gonna arrive tuesday. It's very slow, but dependable. Ever since Fleet Carriers were first teased at Frontier Expo 2017, people have been speculating as to how they will work. I feel they should have nerfed the fleet carrier cost along with the mining values, that way other cash farming methods are still viable but a fleet carrier is more within reach of someone willing to grind. Sorry to hear that, looks like they really screwed you over with that update. Seul les fleet carrier sont cross plateform pour le moment, peut être le reste du jeu un jour mais c'est clairement pas dans les priorités de frontier. Elite Dangerous . Home; Guides. Accueil; Bienvenue; Actu. Started by Fleet Carriers are mobile bases, intended as an end-game purchase for experienced players. After 1000 hours playtime and average of about 266 million credits per year. Buy customisations for your commander, ships, SRVs and fighters. So they I imagine Fleet Carriers working is that they are divided into four divisions; Combat, Trade, Engineering, and Exploration. That's a … I know in the past, it was easy to make a billion credits an hour through mining, but it has been substantially nerfed since then and I'm currently looking at about 50 million credits an hour AKA 100 hours of pure mining to afford this ship just for the trophy. I found the type 9 a terrible ship for mining... very slow and huge overheating. I'm looking forward to the release of the Fleet Carriers. Couldn't care less at this point as its been pushed back too many times for my taste and years without any real meaty new content. If i had to also stop and check planets it would have probably taken about 50h, someone on TA mentioned an amount of credits of like 20m and I think that is with a quick FSS scanning. How much does a Fleet Carrier cost? Solarus755 47 Premium Member; Premium Member; 47 75 posts; Location: Halifax, Canada; Posted December 19, 2020. CMDRs ToolBox All your Elite Dangerous Tools and guides in one place. If nobody buys at a good price then sell to nearby carriers for 715k. September Update . I recommend making it into a daily grind, because it's very tedious, I do 100M per day myself. Not the greatest but was more guaranteed than mining for me (post nerfs). Suivez-nous : Suivre @JeuxOnLine. Open Elite Dangerous in your library. Followers 1. Please note that CMDRs with sufficient funds or who already own a fleet carrier will not qualify for the prize. une traduction possible :-- NAVIGATION --Accueil; Forum. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Elite: Dangerous - Fleet Carriers Beta 1 | Carrier Hyperspace Jump view on-board - Duration: 2:23. Check http://edtools.ddns.net/miner or EDDB to see where to sell. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. (Copy pasta of forum post, including official Q&A responses) Greetings Commanders, You can now find our Fleet Carrier Content Reveal Video over on our YouTube channel here, where we gave you an insight into the long-awaited Fleet Carriers!. the best method for trading cash to someone is to simply buy a bunch of expensive commodities and jettison them into space for the other player to pick up and sell. Fleet Carriers are now available on the Beta servers. Players have been hoping for Fleet Carriers for Elite Dangerous for some time. Prices start at about 5 billion, although overall upkeep costs can spiral to 25 million a week once everything's upgraded. And you will get a lot more if you use FSS or even map the right planets. I've seen people complaining about the cost, but I figured it'll probably pay for itself sooner than people think provided that the on-board market functions like I think it will. This Fleet Carriers Content Reveal Recap has all you need to know about what this adds to the space combat game. After this time period, the carrier will jump to its new location. For those of you who have been stranded out in the black and somehow missed it, here's also a super-duper QUICK recap of the September Update. I don't expect to get a free hand out for the full amount (I'm closing in on 600M so far), but any assistance would be beneficial, as this is the kind of grind that can be reduced substantially with the help of others. Maybe they will rebalance things again once Odyssey drops. Any purchased items will be available to apply to your Carrier. They are also a cross-platform feature. Just spec a passenger build for the python and you’re good to go. The giant player-owned ships are scheduled to appear in the main game sometime in June. Fleet Carrier Layouts; Fleet Carrier Paint Jobs; Fleet Carrier Detailing; Fleet Carrier ATC; Buy; Log in; Community See you in the black, Commander. The community takes Elite Dangerous to greater heights. Solarus755 47 Premium Member; Premium Member; 47 75 posts; Location: Halifax, Canada; Posted December 19, 2020. jeuxvideo.com / Elite : Dangerous / Tous les forums / Forum Elite : Dangerous / Topic Elite Dangerous Fleet Carriers [beta] / Topic Elite Dangerous Fleet Carriers [beta] - Page 3 Supprimer Restaurer The owne… I've decided that I play the game wrong. Speaking of which, anyone knows a quick way to get back to the bubble from Sagittarius? 19 posts in this topic. I was already bored from grinding the rank to visit Sol, so there was no way I'd do that again for the ship, not worth the time in my opinion. Like the Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser and Majestic-Class Interdictor, the Drake-Class Carrier is equipped with a Capital Ship-class Frame Shift Drive, allowing it to jump between star systems.It has a maximum jump range of 500 ly, can travel anywhere in the galaxy with the exception of permit-locked systems, and the owner can schedule a jump for any time that they wish. I’ve been dual farming both painite and platinum out of an overlap hotspot of the 2 in hyades for efficiency, but the numbers are still a fraction of what they used to be. The build for this is in the description of the video if you need it. © Valve Corporation. To apply select 'Livery' from the 'Carrier Management' view. Took me about 3 weeks active play to hit 5b. I'm not arguing for any Fleet Carrier Price. du 27-06-2020 17:49:54 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com Menu Mon compte 19 posts in this topic. Fleet Carrier Update in Elite: Dangerous achievements found Posted on 04 June 20 at 12:02 The new DLC pack Fleet Carrier Update for Elite: Dangerous has 4 Achievements worth 100 Gamerscore ANNOUNCEMENT Gamescom Reveals - Fleet Carrier ... We'll be delving deeper into Fleet Carriers and all they can do in upcoming livestreams and forum posts later this year! I’ve found the fastest method to just dual farm platinum and painite and race for speed, but even then you’re looking at a LONG climb to 5 billion credits. Seeing the video in both the leak and the official announcement confirming the leak, it appears that the fleet carrier in the video arrived in much the same way that a capital ship arrives. Did you honk in every system you went through? Rendez-vous le 7 avril pour l’arrivée de la première bêta des Fleet Carriers sur Elite Dangerous. A paint scheme for the doers. I don't know the details of that method though. I found the type 9 a terrible ship for mining... very slow and huge overheating. Mine Painite in Hyades Sector DB-X d1-112 in an overlapping hotspot. Sighman. Par Agahnon 27/3/2020 à 00:37 4. A full 200 ton load of painite will sell for about 50M. There are A LOT of undiscovered systems on your way there. If they made it 1 billion credits it would still take a long time, but wouldn’t seem out of reach without binging the game for weeks. Price I still irritating because of the mining nerf but still manageable. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Le 07 avril 2020 à 21:25:52 KinkOver a écrit : htt - page 5 - Topic Elite Dangerous Fleet Carriers [beta] du 07-04-2020 08:08:15 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com Greetings I've been playing this game a lot lately and have been quite enjoying it. The Mike Tyson episodes where hilarious, wouldn't have listened to them if not for the painite grind. Fleet Carriers have a max jump range of 500LY at one time, with the ability to jump whenever the owner wants, however, they will have a build up and cool down period between jumps. Fleet Carriers have arrived, and they bring with them all kinds of exciting possibilities. du Jeu; La vie en Jeu And so far it's been par for the course by fdev. I haven't traveled back yet but I've heard it will get you at least a billion. Avec des ARX, achetez des articles cosmétiques et personnalisez votre commandant, vos vaisseaux, vos VRS et vos chasseurs. They seem like a good addition. Any purchased items will be available to apply to your Carrier. Maybe anyone knows someone who is planning to go there and back? Forgot to mention, getting to Sag. Select Elite Dangerous on the Steam Launcher. Fly to the nearest station (I can't remember what it's called), then store your ship and buy a Sidewinder. Pilots are restricted to owning only one Fleet Carrier each, and instead of piloting it directly as with conventional ships, they can command it to jump between different locations. Since you will need to do it for the trophy anyway you might as well do it for the money. Whilst Elite Dangerous’ top traders might want to turn their Fleet Carrier into a trading post that turns a profit, we expect most Fleet Carriers to be fitted in ways that help players do what they enjoy in the game. Definitely not worth the time unless you love the game and the exploration part. Forums; Images; Vidéos; Les Fleet Carriers en approche sur Elite Dangerous . Not to mention that the small part of galaxy where Sol is located is where all CGs happen and where you have everything you need for each trophy so you definitely want to go back there after Sag A. I traded Agronomic Treatments, if you get a buy and sell systems close to each other at the right price you can make +27500 each. Started by Solarus755, December 19, 2020. ! To apply select 'Livery' from the 'Carrier Management' view. Elite Dangerous Fleet Carrier: Credit price. I doubt any trophy hunter has a rich amount of commodities to just unload for you. However I don't really know how to make money very well. Par Agahnon. Those on the fringes of society may favour a more intimidating look rather than the sleek lines and fresh paint one might find in more 'civilised' areas of space. If eligible, all you need to do is read the Terms & Conditions in our #carrier-giveaway-rules channel, then leave your details in #apply-here. Mining is still the fastest way to make money, it’s just not busted anymore. Pas de chargement déterminé mais des services optionnels qui s’adaptent au style de jeu. To apply select 'Livery' from the 'Carrier Management' view. I can not wait! Elite Dangerous. Drake-Class Carriers are a model of Capital Ship designed to serve as Carriers for fleets of smaller ships. Followers 1. Le 26/3/2020 à 23:41 (m.à.j. I suggest you work on all other trophies and leave the carrier for later. Toutes les images de Elite Dangerous. T9 with +700 cargo with a modified FSD for range got me about 80m per/hr. Of course, I don't want to trouble people who don't have outrageous amounts of money lying around, but for those that do, the help would be appreciated! Game Forums . Forums; Images; Vidéos; Fleet Carrier - Elite Dangerous. Note moyenne : (84 évaluations | 0 critique) 7,8 / 10 - Très bien . Elite Dangerous Paint Jobs. Le Fleet Carrier est donc unique, un seul par propriétaire, et il possède 16 aires d’atterrissage, 8 grandes, 4 moyennes et 4 petites. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 19.12.2020 at 6:59 PM, Solarus755 said. Often regarded as the "voice" of a Carrier or Station, your choice of ATC is a personality felt by all who visit the Carrier. La première bêta préparant l'arrivée d'une nouvelle catégorie de vaisseaux dans Elite Dangerous est prévue pour le 7 avril. I've been ruminating on it for a while now, and much as I like the idea, the reality so far has been distinctly underwhelming. A lire sur jeuxvideo.com : Dévoilés en 2017, les mégavaisseaux Fleet Carriers prennent enfin rendez-vous avec les joueurs d'Elite Dangerous. Fleet Carrier Layouts; Fleet Carrier Paint Jobs; Fleet Carrier Detailing; Fleet Carrier ATC; Buy; Log in; Community See you in the black, Commander. Thanks a lot in advance! Taylor your ship to the task at hand with this colour option. Also, not sure if OP knows but you can filter out materials you don't need and only auto pick painite. I believe the transfer cost to ship your ship back to the bubble is really really high, but it can be done. I purchase a fleet carrier and check out all its services, features and costs. Fleet Carrier rear view. EDSM Elite Dangerous Star Map. 1.6 mil credits per hour. Just planning the route straight to the Sag A and going there asap took me like 15h. When the Elite Dangerous launcher is loaded, log in to your account if you aren't already logged in. Obviously there are other options but I went for that ship because I liked the design. I'm really dreading that trip home. On a different note, they recently fixed deep core mining so if he finds surface mining boring he could try that out. This Painite nerf must have been really recent, seems like I dodged a bullet. It's easy! The numbers proposed above are old numbers before a recent update heavily nerfed resale value of low temperature diamonds and painite. EDSM Elite Dangerous Star Map. If you are sure about the nerfs and that there won't be good stations anymore, then the best way, if it hasn't been nerfed as well, is definitely to do passengers missions. Mar 3 @ 11:39pm Fleet carrier trading Is there anywhere/any way to announce a temporary trading opportunity? They look like cool endgame content. Start small, then work yourself towards a ship with 512 tons cargo. Hiermit eröffne ich also die große Tour de Carrier Da… Actually I flew in a cheap DBX so it's not much of a loss anyway. Il s'agira de permettre aux joueurs de naviguer d'une autre manière à travers l'espace. So for quite a while I've been saying/thinking that my faith in the paid update will be set on how the fleet carriers turn out. On the launcher window you will notice several options; Elite Dangerous: Horizons, Elite Dangerous: Fleet Carriers Update Beta (Horizons), Elite Dangerous etc. Command the largest vessels in Elite Dangerous history and extend your reach across the galaxy. I just killed myself when I reached Sag A to spawn back in the last station I was at. And it took me almost a billion to equip it so I definitely went overboard with it. This forum hosts discussion of the beta including Patch Notes.If you're interested but don't want to play in the beta, this post … You can also sell your carrier and get 4,8 billion of your money back, if that's any consolation. The main feature of the vessels is their Landing Pads, which can provide many of the same services as conventional Stations, including Refuel, Repair, Rearm, and more depending on what the vessel's owner has funded. Elite Dangerous Fleet Carrier Detailing. The next best thing I’d say is to do passenger missions from Robigo Mines to Sirius Atmospherics as they gave me easily between 80-100m an hour. Create your own faction and spread their influence throughout the Milky Way. I did some calculations as well as on how much a fully upgraded fleet carrier will cost and how much it'll cost to pay for the maintenance. Sign up for a new account in our community. For those who value getting the job done over looking pristine. Take part in Community Goals and earn both glory and rewards. Going to Sag A and back should give about 20m which is NOT worth at all, since you need a lot of hours for 1 travel. Any purchased items will be available to apply to your Carrier. I've been doing Robigo passenger missions for a while now. So idk, is there a way to find a carrier flying home? I do agree with the hyades hotspot, is the only one that was very good for me (anywhere else was terrible), but instead of a type 9 I used the Python. 65 aiment, 17 pas. Any tips on increasing my hourly return would be helpful as well. The Air Traffic Controller (ATC) directs traffic in and out of the Carrier and provides an advisory role in locally controlled space. Que pensez-vous de Elite Dangerous? Expeditions ; Galactic Mapping . It's easy and quick if you do data delivery in the Ngalinn system. All rights reserved. There’s tools online that show price points of everything at all the stations. E . LTD currently sells around 500K a ton and painite anywhere between 2-300K, substantially neutering per hour numbers. It's not that hard once you get the proper setup. Sure, with the mining build I had only like 192 cargo, but the ship works very well better and the whole mining is way faster. I don't think it's possible to trade money or commodities so I'm afraid you are on your own there. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Mobile bases from which to launch military strikes in support of the BGS, or mine a pristine ring together making mad profit, maybe explore and map a new area of the Galaxy, with all the tags in the region being from our squadron! Taylor your ship to the task at hand with this colour option. I’m currently using a python equipped for mining. Prices have definitely tanked considerably. My rule was to sell only when over 900k stations were available (and not further than 200Ly), otherwise I'd just focus on other trophies or just get a mining cargo then land on any station and close the game, until a a station I was alright to sell at was available. There are a host of new changes that the developers have made to the Fleet Carriers since they were first properly announced. Partager Gazouiller. Solarus755, December 19, 2020. I follow the subreddit for elite dangerous mining and people are split between volume mining platinum/painite and asteroid cracking for musgravite as the most efficient farming method. Fleet Carrier Sign in to follow this . In 50h, before the painite nerf I could get my 5b credits through mining so of course I had no intention to bother with selling the planets' data. I prefer to do more runs but way faster rather than one single huge cargo after a lot of time. Don't change a thing about the Carriers. If you want to purchase the Fleet Carrier, you will need an insane five billion credits! The community takes Elite Dangerous to greater heights. Engineering-Unlock; Mining; Exploration; Guardian modules; Empire Rank; Fed Rank; Shield Mechanics; Ship Builds. This implies that they will be able to move on some timetable other than the weekly tick. Hiermit eröffne ich also die große Tour de Carrier Da… Game Forums . Once the order is issued there will be a charge-up time (15 minutes) before the drive is ready. Expeditions ; Galactic Mapping . Seulement voilà, déjà de un, je ne vois pas comment transférer ma cargaison de - Topic Stockage plein fleet carrier ? E . Fleet Carrier . they really just needed to reduce the carrier cost when they nerfed the farming efficiency of mining. Da ich ja als einziger keinen eigenen Träger besitze , aber doch schon auf der immensen Zahl von 2 (zwei) Trägern gelandet bin, werde ich in Zukunft alle meine Begegnungen hier dokumentieren. thanks for the replies. Get ready for your next reclaimation expedition with this Salvage paint job. Any purchased items will be available to apply to your Carrier. Create your own faction and spread their influence throughout the Milky Way. This costs 5 million credits and must be paid weekly. Haha that's cute, the expansion is coming in a couple of months so you won't be sitting at 100% for long. TLDR: Fleet carriers are shit, alot of elite is shit, because of this I think the DLC will be shit, I'm grumpy and also probably shit. Da ich ja als einziger keinen eigenen Träger besitze , aber doch schon auf der immensen Zahl von 2 (zwei) Trägern gelandet bin, werde ich in Zukunft alle meine Begegnungen hier dokumentieren. This just creates a big wealth gap in the game since you can get astronomically rich once you have a fleet carrier by buying farmed mats and reselling them later. When the carrier has arrived, a cool-down period is required (5 minutes). Yes. Fleet Carrier . Elite Dangerous Fleet Carrier: New changes. The Elite: Dangerous community is ready to launch more than 100 player-led expeditions to help tame the least-accessible areas of the game’s galaxy. Either way though, 5B is still an insane number compared to 6 months ago. I'm looking forward to the release of the Fleet Carriers. Well my player faction is hotly anticipating the release of fleet carriers. Go suicide, and when given the option, choose the free sidewinder as your ship and you will spawn back in the bubble. Yeah painite is terrible atm. Taylor your ship to the task at hand with this colour option. Maybe some hitchhiking service by bored players like the fuelrats? If i'm not wrong the imperialc cutter requires the second highest rank for a specific faction. For the Elite Dangerous enthusiasts with boatloads of cash from the good old days, could I bother you to drop me expensive commodities to sell to buy this thing? Fleet Carrier owners must pay towards the upkeep of the carrier. J'aime. These monolithic mega ships are a mobile base of operations for you and anyone you want to welcome aboard. There is a quick way to get back, but you essentially have to abandon your ship. You can also set the price for buying things at a fleet carrier and just make the prices high to transfer funds. Fleet Carriers feels like a very neutral addition to the game right now. Full cargo hold should be possible to mine in 2.5-3 hours or so. Fleet Carriers have a weekly upkeep cost that can turn a lovely Elite Dangerous session into a desperate battle as you struggle to pay the loansharks for your ship. Earn your stripes with this rough and ready Squadron paint job. They look like cool endgame content. At this rate I'll die before I ever get a carrier. The Frontier Forums announce that beta testing of the promised Fleet Carrier update for Elite Dangerous begins today, and should now be underway. A and back will get you a lot of money. Elite Dangerous. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. Elite Dangerous . 2:23. Started by Solarus755, December 19, 2020. Buy customisations for your commander, ships, SRVs and fighters. Currently at 3.4B credits. Easy to use calculator to find out if you can afford a fleet carrier in Elite Dangerous. Didn't know that, thanks! The cut-off for entries … To apply select 'Livery' from the 'Carrier Management' view. This is my opinion about the Fleet Carriers from where I sit and what's been shared about them so far. Elite Dangerous finished a second beta test for its new fleet carriers this week. Again, I've been enjoying this game, but spending that long farming when it can be avoided and without intending to play past getting 100% (And the fleet carrier will almost certainly be the last trophy) just seems tedious at best. News & Bulletins . Got my 5 billion saved already! To apply select 'Livery' from the 'Carrier Management' view. Fleet Carrier Sign in to follow this . Before you could get 250M+ an hour mining and now you’re stuck with about 50M an hour. Commander Fox 2,739 views. Pour rester fidèles à eux-mêmes, Frontier vient d'annoncer le report du Fleet Carrier au 2ème trimestre 2020 et du coup... Portail Francophone des communautés Elite-Dangerous - Report du Fleet carrier !!! Since our first reveal of Fleet Carriers, we've examined the predefined loadout system and felt that we could take this even further. le 26/3/2020 à 23:41) Partager Gazouiller. Listen to some braindead podcast, Joe Rogan worked for me. You can manage your carrier's finances by setting tariffs and adjusting the buying and … A trick when mining is to use the refinery slots to minimise wastes of cargo, the refinery has 6 slots which can be used as extra cargo, so I used to abandon a few collectors only when the 6th slot of the refinery was almost full. Which requires some extra steps but that's a different matter. This year's … The base price of a Fleet Carrier is 5 Billion Credits. I want people to discuss how they hope Fleet Carriers will work, in addition to throwing my own two cents into the mix. I want to get back for the expansion but flying back takes forever and I was too lazy to engineer my FSD. I'm enjoying this game so far, but the prospect of saving up 5 billion credits to buy a fleet carrier for one of the DLC trophies is demoralizing at best. So a carrier can jump up-to 500ly every 20 minutes, if the fuel demand is met. Platinum is the new meta (sells about 300K a ton and needs fewer fragments than painite). Alternatively you could just sell your ship instead of store it and then rebuild it back in the bubble. Whilst Elite Dangerous' top traders might want to turn their Fleet Carrier into a trading post that turns a profit, we expect most Fleet Carriers to be fitted in ways that help players do what they enjoy in the game. Take part in Community Goals and earn both glory and rewards. Otherwise, it’s a 100 hour haul to save up enough money for a base model carrier. It is terrible, that's why I used a cutter.