This is what I learned. I love it with skinny jeans. And in my third post, I’ll share my fall capsule. These don’t: shoes, accessories, work out clothes, underwear, etc. I have a capsule wardrobe. I hope this post inspires some of you to create your own capsule in some form or another. Tops. Step 3 to organising a capsule wardrobe: Mix and Match. Basically getting dress outside of summer is a pain. Especially if you donate after or sell to someone else. Send me feedback on the shopping plan and capsule. See more ideas about capsule wardrobe, wardrobe, wardrobe planning. It’s not fully winter yet and it’s not going to be (at least not here in Tennessee) for a while. I loveeee my white t-shirt but I … Here are some roundups of some of my favorite items in stores this season to shop, divided by category. I’m just about to start switching over to fall/winter clothes and thinking about what holes there are in my closet. The destiny of the first pile, the clothes that you love: YOUR … Choose 10 items in each of the following categories: formal wear (smart pants, skirts, … Looking forward to see and to read more! Capsule wardrobes operate on the idea of less is more, so the idea is to buy fewer, higher quality items. I have a more tailored one that I love with dresses. If you need a multi-functional wardrobe, with both casual and dressy outfits, this one is perfect for you! In my How to Create a Minimalist Wardrobe guide I go over step by step how to minimize and make a capsule wardrobe. This denim jacket is a bit oversized and so cozy. Clothes that don’t fit need to be tailored, donated or sold. My goals. I’ve been doing the whole capsule wardrobe thing for at least two years now, but I’m finding it’s not really sparking joy for me lately. You will have a classic capsule wardrobe.. And finally, having a … Excellent! There are many different motivations for creating a capsule! Wow- thanks amazing Leah. If you missed Part 1 you can find it here. Thanks for the sheet too. I have saved so much time getting ready in the morning. other thank this im in jeans. Today I am starting a three part series about planning my capsule wardrobe! Now I want to try. I'm Stacy, a lifestyle blogger living in Portland, Oregon. Building a “Capsule Wardrobe” In writing this post, I came across a fashion trend called a “ capsule wardrobe “. Outerwear. I have wanted to make a capsule wardrobe for a long time, and Corina has made it possible. If I had to only wear one item forever, it would definitely either be a dress or a jumpsuit. How I’m using My Body Model to help me plan. Thanks for helping lighten up both mentally and in my closet. Finding jeans that fit just right, skirts that are the right cut and length, the perfect cozy overalls and a few pairs of pants that are a little more dressy is all I really need. In this first post, I’ll share our free download that you can use to plan your capsule and TONS of links to items in the different categories. I could either continue my shopping addiction and wind up in loads of debt. My rules are simple! What do you store your off season clothes in? By buying clothes less often, while also shopping consciously, you’re freeing up your closet while also being more eco-friendly. Capsule wardrobes not only allow you to free up some space in your crowded closest, they also allow you to focus on the basics so you can easily switch up accessories for new looks. I finally settled on the idea of a year round capsule wardrobe, on my terms. Second, does your original time frame still feel like a good fit? Capsule Wardrobe Plan. Dresses and Jumpsuits. Our motto is stay home and make something and we hope our site will inspire you to do just that. Looking forward to more. The piles a month old at least. I tried the whole “I only own 40 pieces of clothing for the rest of my life” schtick too. Inside the free capsule wardrobe planner book, you will see how I made all of these outfit formulas pictured here, with just these few items. This spring/summer was the first time I put away my seasonal clothes (and the clothes that don’t fit me) and it really changed up how I got dressed. I think it’s very important to have clothes that fit right now. If you’re going to keep “goal clothes” put them in storage (not in your closet) so you don’t have to look at them every day. I love the way you do your capsule wardrobe! But I can never find work pants that look good and professional on me. I’ve seen you in your brown polka dot jumpsuit before and I just love love love it! But I have never done this on purpose or on a strict plan – it’s just what happened naturally for me. I took an hour to write out a capsule wardrobe plan, another hour to clean out my closet, and that’s it. I’d love to chat in the comments if you have any questions or thoughts about planning an autumn capsule! 6. On the left, you can see I labelled it Collection A #001, and below that I created a space for my fabric swatches. I always struggle to find enough tops and I tend to do the most returning in this category—maybe it is just me! My other dilemma is the stuff i buy right now according to my current size will go to waste once im back to my pre pregnancy weight in the coming few months. To plan a capsule wardrobe, you have to look at your pieces and honestly ask: Do I like this enough to wear this month? I am SO passionate about these posts and hope you enjoy them! I’ll share more soon … I am still finishing my returns and finalizing the capsule. Taking the time to look up inspiration (I love Pinterest for this), evaluate your lifestyle and how you spend your time, plan a handful of outfits, assess gaps and put together a shopping list will give you a guide that will walk you through … Information on capsule wardrobes as well as travel packing lists. Loved reading your post. It has a lot of homework that helped me to figure out my closet “issues.” I highly recommend it! I hope the roller skates make an appearance as part of your capsule wardrobe this season , Haha! As a reformed shopaholic, I’m now on a mission to help you break through your limiting money beliefs so you can live an authentic and abundant life. And your tips are great by the way (will definitely try to use them). You need to know what pieces you require in the final wardrobe and how to minimize your current wardrobe. This is just not me, although I get the eminently sensible idea … Add to cart Quick Checkout1. I am SO passionate about these posts and hope you enjoy them! When your closet only has clothing that fits and that you like to wear, getting dressed is quicker and more fun. Everyday essentials; Trousers; T-shirts; Tops; Dresses; Party wear clothes; Back To TOC. Creating a timeless capsule wardrobe means you won’t spend as much money on clothes since what you have doesn’t quickly go out of style. Category: Uncategorized. The little numbers below each swatch corresponds to the number I gave them in my swatch book. Can you tell me the brand? Next, decide what you’ll count as a ‘piece’… This is what I do- choose what works for you! Shoes. I believe that to get the most out of your experience, you need to tailor your rules to your lifestyle and goals! This capsule wardrobe has not only saved me money on clothes. To create a capsule wardrobe, you have to plan your wardrobe in advance. I have been trying to branch out and try new styles of shoes these past few seasons. Follow this super simple capsule wardrobe guide and you’ll be amazed how easy it really is! I have a few bags to donate to people who can use them, one bag to throw out, and a wardrobe that I’m very happy with. The Capsule Plan. I have swatches of all my fabrics with details in that binder. Follow the three-month rule and upgrade it at the end of it, just like you would! Step 2: Establish your go-to outfit categories. Does it go with the other items in my closet? * 30% of our fee has to be paid in advance. Go read the perks in case you need […]Continue Reading This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I don’t know about you, but the idea of only 30-40 items for an entire year makes me start sweating. Sentimental items (wedding shoes, funny clothes from high school and a dress from our first date) cannot stay in the closet unless I plan to wear them this season. But for me, it did the exact opposite. This free time is valuable and it feels so good to reclaim it! If you fill this in, you will be marked as a … Otherwise, it just does not make sense. The other book I would recommend if you just need help cleaning out your closet is The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up. I got it from Asos (the brand is Mango) xx! The Capsule Plan Learn how to build a Capsule Wardrobe that is your style and perfectly suits your needs. Plus, there are Regular, Plus and Petite … This dress is just too perfect for words. xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena I too have so many clothes and wouldn’t want to limit the number but yes to clothes that I will wear/fit/love. Related products. It’s a huge waste of time! My vision is to live a simpler life, and I want to share that journey with you. My capsule wardrobes have been used by thousands of moms ahead of you who have loved the instant refresh to their style! Be Patient. It’s my new favorite. printable | MY CAPSULE WARDROBE PLAN quantity. Genesis Framework. Removing clothes from your closet is hard at first but hang in there – the after effects feel super rewarding. When I get all my shopping done for the season it is so nice to free up all that time and use it for more important goals and passion projects in my life, like working on my children’s book, sewing for fun or writing for my family blog. This is my key motivation. This site uses affiliate links. Learn how your comment data is processed. A place where getting dressed every morning is simple because you LOVE everything you own. Capsule plan (7) Capsule Wardrobe (15) Changing Body (11) Events (3) Maternity wear (5) Okategoriserade (1) organization (2) Pattern Hack (6) Pattern Review (10) Patterns (8) Sewing mistakes (5) Sewing plans (18) Sewing Room (3) Sewing tools (1) Shopping (1) Tutorial (3) Vintage Fashion (3) Vintage pattern (4) Meta. **word association: minimalism, streamlining, organization, resourcefulness, mindfulness, simplifying, and my personal favorite – easy** Once you have a capsule wardrobe, GETTING DRESSED BECOMES SO EASY. Maybe when she gets a little older…. In my second post, I’ll share the best tip that changed the way I shop forever. How I define a “capsule wardrobe”: I define a capsule wardrobe simply as preparing your closet for the coming season and then wearing those items for the full season. I am currently reading it for the second time. To me, this step should be done before you even think about going ahead and decluttering. How? Step 3: Build your capsule wardrobe Getting rid of things that you just keep because of guilt! Go ahead and rid yourself of anything you haven’t worn in … I like to have a few options for denim and a bunch of cozy sweaters to layer. Resist the temptation to make another impulse purchase. I regret not thinking of it when I was pregnant specially because it’s also my mother’s surname but on the other hand our daughter Stella carries her name beautifully and I wouldn’t imagine her any different Thank you and sorry for the long post! It helped me a lot to figure out how to buy clothing that is functional for my day to day activities, even if it’s not just one type of outfit. I bought no new clothing for a year. Yes I love it. It’s helped me declutter and organize my messy closet! So for me I love to do this because I spend a lot of time on it for a few weeks and then I don’t really have to think about clothing for a full season. August 22, 2014 at … My problem (and it’s really more of an excuse, I’m realising that now) is the difference in style I can have from what I like to wear casually, and what I should be wearing for work. I really want to get into that. I’m excited to share with you all the latest Capsule Wardrobe e-Book! Create a closet for the coming season with ONLY items that fit me that I will wear, and that make me feel happy or confident (preferably both, lol) when I am wearing them. This is fine, but when your closet is FULL of clothes like this it makes getting dressed each day super annoying and discouraging. They give me such good inspiration! Thank you! Logga in; Flöde för inlägg; Flöde för kommentarer;; … Done! I used to be a hoarder of jeans and felt too guilty to narrow down my collection, but it’s so great to walk into a closet where everything fits perfectly. By all means, pamper you kids, but plan it in a way that accommodates space and budget too. You have some great rules! Click here to download our capsule planning sheet. Capsule wardrobe is just a trendy-cool name for a small collection of useful clothing that you love that changes with each season. ladt but not least, I love your blog/posts/style but above all Nova. It was at the right time because I was just about to start shopping for fall. I’d love to read more about your journey! Everything fits you well and you feel good about your clothing. A Beautiful Mess is a lifestyle blog founded by sisters Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman. Another benefit is becoming a more conscious consumer. It’s a never ending list, but it’s all about simple, smart and sustainable clothing. I totally relate. An issue I’m dealing with right now is I have a very minimal wardrobe since I donate stuff time to time. Hi there! You’ll be able to free up your time spent hunting for clothes, and trying to match items. I do relate to the feeling of not wanting to buy clothes because I was working on losing weight (I did that for years- honestly) but I think that making your closet work for your life in this current season is the most important thing. It’s time to choose a capsule! These heels are so cute and flattering that I bought them in white and then went back for the black pair. Here are a few of the outfits made of pieces from my fall capsule (all these items are linked above except the exact Madewell overalls, which are sold out now). I care about quality, fit and style for my clients - not trends, flash sales and fashion fads. Why is a capsule valuable? Not having to sift through off season clothes made it much easier to see what my options were and it helped me see what sort of colors and styles I gravitate towards for warm weather. 17 Lessons | 3+ Hours Of Content | 30+ … It’s easy enough in the summer (dresses, skirts, cute sandals) but when comes our ugly, snow ridden, cold as the arctic winters, I don’t want to be wearing dresses or have my legs exposed in anyway to the elements. I’ll never go back! So my mission this season has been to only purchase dresses and jumpsuits that I can see myself wearing over and over again. The reason is that your plan will provide the guidelines for what you should keep versus … Receive final version of the capsule and shopping plan. Thanks for the sheet too. xx – Elsie. Wow, being an upholder it never occurred to me that I could change the capsule wardrobe rules to suit me. Hi Elsie, xx. Midi Skirt. I’m always reading capsule wardrobe posts but I can’t seem to attempt it myself, haha. My issue with the fit rule is that I often go up and down 3 or 4 times per season depending on a number of factors, but I should probably get a better handle on that. Here are my favorite places to buy classic, high-quality clothing for my capsule: Pixie Market; Revolve; … That’s my two cents. I find this appealing, but too limiting, so I don’t limit the number of pieces. This is where sustainable fashion comes in. It makes me so sad that I held onto them for years and they were nothing but a source of negativity to me and in the end I sold or donate most of them. I couldn’t imagine pairing down to 10 or so items, so I never tried. How To Plan a Capsule Wardrobe It’s one of the best kept secrets of fashion bloggers. If you are new in this field, you have come to the right place. The “ideal” capsule wardrobe looks something like these, according to the oracle that is The Internet: That is, a palette of grey (definitely) white and black; or grey, nude and white; or grey, peach and white… you get the idea. I did realize this season that I had too many that I was only wearing a handful of times. Great post! This post is at exactly the right time for me. How to budget when you live paycheck to paycheck. The high-level steps are pretty straight forward, check out the article for details: 1: Think Like a Minimalist … And although there are different variations and some additional tenets it can follow, interestingly it includes the same basic premises of minimizing your number of clothes by choosing a base color and maximizing the number of outfits by using interchangeable items. Wake up in the morning feeling excited to get dressed. . Thank you very much for this handy and lovely topic. It makes a somewhat see-through blouse… Use this sheet to figure out what you already have to wear this season and what you would like to purchase. … I mainly dress casual since I work from home as free lance graphic designer and I have a 5 year old daughter. It’s not a lot, once you start thinking about it. In this first post I'll share our free download that you can use to plan your capsule and TONS of links to items in the different categories. Description Description. Small Capsule: 8-16ish Pieces Can create 30+ looks; perfect for travel! Nov 7, 2019 - A quest for a stylish, flexible wardrobe. Love this post. My other goal is to save time. I have so many clothes already, I think it’s best I start with that and then figure out if I’m missing anything.