A reply will be sent within one working day. All information about reservations can be found on the media library page (currently only in german). Those entering the country are obliged to report their address of residence in Germany to the Health Office. This will be done as soon as possible. The leave of absence affects the receipt of educational assistance (BAföG). Students can obtain information from the, For foreign students there is support from the, An application for housing benefit is worthwhile if students are not entitled to BAföG (§ 20 Absatz 2 Wohngeldgesetz) (, Special fund and emergency aid for cultural workers from the Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung and VGH-Stiftung (, Hardship fund of the city of Braunschweig for cultural workers and small businesses (. (1.3) Note for contact persons We call on all relatives and guests of the HBK Braunschweig to be prudent. Am Zoo 35 (Eingang Leipziger Str. The teachers are still available to answer questions. Provided that all hygiene regulations are observed and appointments have been made, students who wish to complete their studies this summer semester in particular can use the workshops. At the following times the large pool room at ZKI can be used by students again: Please send reservation requests with desired date and alternative date by email to ZKI-Reservierung@hbk-bs.de (please use HBK account). Due to the corona pandemic, the service of HBK Braunschweig is only possible to a limited extent. 0531 470 - 7022 / -7222 (Mon-Fri 08:00 - 16:00) +49 (0)531 61 12 69 Explore our spectacular gardens and new playground, ride the miniature steam train and carousel, check out our special exhibitions, and visit our collection of fascinating animals. The e-mail should briefly describe the project and the time required. The management of the University of Fine Arts Braunschweig (HBK) assesses the current situation regarding the spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) on a daily basis and decides, after consultation with the crisis management team, how the HBK can best react to the situation. The necessary forms and all detailed information were sent to all diploma students, master students and graduates on 5 June 2020. the access data of the HBK account (user name, password), the access data for the Stud.IP of the HBK (Stud.IP is urgently necessary for the participation and administration of courses!). 2. wash hands on arrival and wash regularly afterwards or use the disinfectants provided in the public areas. 8.8 Do international students need a confirmation of attendance? In this case, attendance must be documented. ZOO BRAUNSCHWEIG “Arche Noah” Uwe Wilhelm GmbH Am Zoo 35 (Eingang Leipziger Str. The HBK library offers an ordering and collection service for media from its holdings. 6. The HBK-Mediothek will offer limited operation. Further information: https://www.stw-on.de/corona. It is also possible to book workplaces in the reading rooms of the library for limited periods of time. All information about the ordering service and to book workplaces can be found on the library's website (german). Zoo in Corona on YP.com. (8.1) Information on international travel In the HBK pandemic plan, three further stages for restricted operation are defined in addition to regular operation: Level 0 (normal operation) See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Zoos in Corona, SD. -Advice on pregnancy and childcare options. required materials were not available even after 20 April) and the teacher's approval by e-mail to the Matriculation and Examination Office. Visa issuance to individual countries remains difficult and air traffic is restricted. +49 (0)531 61 80 947, Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Webseite Cookies gemäà unserer. It is currently also possible to extend the residence permit from abroad. Possible quarantine periods are supported if an online language course or other preparatory measures for your studies are carried out during this time. From the third day of illness onwards, a medical certificate of incapacity to work in paper form must be submitted as usual as soon as possible following the notification. As in the summer semester 2020, the HBK card will be activated specifically for attendance events, for reserved dates in the workshops and pool rooms, and according to the weekly plans for the use of student workstations (studios, ateliers, drawing room). Business trips are possible in individual cases. 4.2 I could not validate my HBK-Card. The Studentenwerk's food truck will be parked in front of the cafeteria (Building 06, Mogi Entrance) from Monday, November 9, 2020, daily from 12:30 - 13:30. The HBK Braunschweig is temporarily suspending its Most authorities are currently closed to visitors. We ask the parents to supervise their children while staying at the playground or petting zoo. An insight into possible tools for digital teaching can be found on the homepage at: http://hbk-bs.de/studium/beratung-und-service/lernen-und-lehren/. Although the corona virus is more widespread in certain areas than elsewhere, this does not in any way justify the assumption that people from these areas necessarily carry and spread the corona virus. The 10-day quarantine can be ended at the earliest 5 days after entry if a negative test result is available. The first playground has got a carousel, bumper cars and a trampoline, the second a looped plait, a sandpit, a big wooden climbing giraffe, swings and recently a 12m high climbing tower with a giant slide. 8.5 Are international students supported during the quarantine period? You can apply for financial support for childcare even during the limited operation. With over 500 animals, Florida's top zoological experience is bound to entertain. After a stay in a risk area (no transit), persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany are obliged to immediately enter quarantine. Zoos in Corona on YP.com. 8.2 Are study visits to countries and regions supported by a travel warning? The pastoral advice service is available by telephone at (05 31) 08 00-1 11 01 11 or 08 00-1 11 02 22. ZOO BRAUNSCHWEIG “Arche Noah” Uwe Wilhelm GmbH Am Zoo 35 (Eingang Leipziger Str. The zoo is awaiting test results for two other snow leopards ― both male ― but all three cats are experiencing only mild symptoms so … From 14 December onwards, attendance events will therefore only be permitted in the above-mentioned exceptional cases and with the approval of the Presidential Board. 190) (1.3) Information for contact persons ZOO BRAUNSCHWEIG “Arche Noah” Uwe Wilhelm GmbH Am Zoo 35 (Eingang Leipziger Str. Applications for an extension of the processing time of written examinations must be made in individual cases. So please feed them wisely and notice the prohibition signs! 2.11.2020 Tests are carried out in accordance with the hygiene concept. - Assistance and information on financial security for your studies This also applies to citizen/foreigner affairs. Students who do not have to take any final exams this semester are not allowed to use the studios at this time. The general activation of the HBK card has been cancelled. Die Wilde aus Duisburg: Sibirischer Tiger Ahimsa und Jegor - Tierpark Hellabrunn - … Large hepatitis E outbreaks have been described in developing countries; however, the disease is also increasingly recognized in industrialized countries. History:The Queens Zoo in Flushing Meadows Corona Park opened October 26, 1968 on the grounds of the 196465 Worlds Fair. (2.1) Foodtruck, hours The San Francisco Zoo is the best in the Bay Area for low-cost family friendly fun every day of the year. 1. come to HBK only when absolutely necessary. Current information on the office hours of the Studentenwerk, such as those of the Social Counseling Service, the Psychological-Therapeutic Counseling Center, or information on BAföG, housing, and child care can be found at: The advisory services of the Studentenwerk can still be reached by telephone and e-mail. +49 (0)531 61 80 947 0:35. It is recommended that you take a close look at the situation in the destination country before each trip. gesundheitsschutz@braunschweig.de, FAQs on immigration by the Federal Police for German and international travellers. ZOO BRAUNSCHWEIG “Arche Noah” Uwe Wilhelm GmbH Am Zoo 35 (Eingang Leipziger Str. The zoo announced Friday that NeeCee, a 5-year-old female snow leopard, tested positive for the coronavirus, officially designated SARS-CoV-2. Leave of absence (8.3, 8.4) Information for international students, 9.11.2020 On our event pages, however, there is a digital event offer to which you are cordially invited. (8.4) Entry to Germany, 6.11.2020 "Arche Noah" Zoo BraunschweigDer Eingang liegt an der Leipziger Str. The Executive Board has decided to implement this political requirement at the HBK as well. Primeramente estableciera llazos cola corona inglesa en 1168, al traviés del so matrimoniu cola fía del rei Enrique II d'Inglaterra, ... Ölpersee, y zoolóxicu Arche Noah Zoo Braunschweig. But only if you have not been outside Germany for more than 6 months and the residence title has not yet started. The HBK Braunschweig is monitoring and evaluating the situation in the context of other universities, the assessments of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture and other authorities such as the Lower Saxony State Health Office. Since 1 December 2020, colleges and universities are to convert to digital teaching as a matter of principle - with the exception in particular of laboratory activities, internships, practical and artistic training sections and examinations. 190. In addition, the framework hygiene concept of the HBK Braunschweig must be observed. For further information, please use the website of the German Foreign Office. 190) 38124 Braunschweig Tel. The care of your child can, for example, be financially secured during participation in digital courses and the realisation of project work. Yes, there are a number of support opportunities for students, artists and cultural practitioners, some of which we present below: Students can obtain advice from the social counselling service of the Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen, especially on the following points; Excursions are possible under certain conditions. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Zoos in Corona, NY. Since 20.04.2020, HBK has returned from emergency operation (stage 2) to restricted operation (stage 1). Decisions on hardship cases can only be made on the basis of individual applications. (2.1) Access to the university, Current information about the Corona Virus, Directly to navigation - skip meta navigation, Hygiene concept of the HBK and the most important behaviors, the instructions of the city of Braunschweig, Social Psychiatric Service of the Health Office. It is possible to shorten the quarantine period with a test 5 days after entry. The university management, insofar as it has any influence on this, is committed to ensuring that students are not disadvantaged by the special situation of the 2020 summer semester. However, social benefits can be applied for. Best Buffet Restaurants in Braunschweig, Lower Saxony: Find Tripadvisor traveler reviews of THE BEST Braunschweig Buffet Restaurants and search by price, location, and more. The disease COVID-19, which is caused by the coronavirus, is one of the notifiable diseases according to the Infection Protection Act. We firmly reject any form of discrimination based on the corona virus. We are currently working intensively on possible support formats. All university catering facilities of the StudentenwerkOstniedersachsen are closed. Violations are considered an administrative offence and can be punished with up to 25.000,00 Euro. BS Living Ap am Zoo features garden views, free WiFi and free private parking, set in Braunschweig, 7 km from Staatstheater Braunschweig. Please contact us for this purpose: int.office.coronainfo@hbk-bs.de. The Foreigners' Affairs Department can only be contacted by e-mail. The HBK Braunschweig supports stays from the time you actually arrive in the host country. The test must have been carried out no more than 48 hours before entry, must be available in German, English or French and meet the requirements of the RKI. With regard to planned trips abroad, employees are asked to observe the circular PERS (6/2020) - Information on dealing with the corona virus under collective bargaining law or civil service law. This is a list of zoological gardens around the world.For aquaria, see List of aquaria.For dolphinariums, see List of dolphinariums.For an annotated list of defunct zoos and aquariums, see List of former zoos and aquariums.. Zoos are primarily dry facilities where animals are kept within enclosures and displayed to the public, and in which they may also be bred. Last amended by Communications and Media, Desiree Schober & Jesco Heyl on 11.12.2020. Since all German universities are planning a mixture of online and classroom-based courses in the winter semester, it is assumed that attendance is mandatory. Only students who have a reservation for equipment with a pick-up date or a return date have access to the media library. recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and the State University Conference. Call 112 if your condition worsens acutely, mention Covid19 disease. The quarantine period is 10 days. Further information on this can be obtained from the Health Office. Watch Queue Queue (4.1) Restriction of classroom teaching from 14.12. Statement of the Steering Committee on the non-counting of the 2020 summer semester towards the standard period of study. This is only to protect the animals from health damages! Palm Beach Zoo proudly introduces visitors to and educates visitors on animal habitats and conservation. The federal government and the federal states have extended and expanded the preventive measures to contain the Corona pandemic. If there is a travel warning for a country or region, the HBK Braunschweig does not support study visits.The deadline is the day of departure. 0531 470 7000 = Health Department of the City of Braunschweig, 0511 4505 555 = Citizens' telephone of the State Health Office, 0800 011 77 22 = Independent patient advice, 030 346 465 100 = Citizens' telephone of the Federal Ministry of Health. If you had or have contact to people with Corona, you are a so-called contact cases. All employees perform their contractual duties without restriction and, if necessary, make their work available in other, comparable contexts. 3.12.2020 Petting Zoos in Corona on YP.com. Corresponding business trip applications must be submitted as usual. Should typical symptoms of Covid disease appear despite a negative test result, the Health Office should be contacted. Level 1 (restricted operation) The doctor treating the patient must report the illness to the responsible health authority, which can order a ban on work or quarantine. quarantine, should be taken. Zoo Braunschweig bei den Esel / Pony Samstag den 24.3.2012 - Duration: 0:35. tantecurry / A.Wesener 602 views. When entering Germany, please present the notification of admission or, even better, a certificate of enrollment. Some animals, for example some of our monkeys, are dietary specialists. (2.1) Opening hours library, virtual consultation 72 200 200. For questions HBK-members please contact Ms. Matys. Tel. Hepatitis E is a human disease mainly characterized by acute liver illness, which is caused by infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV). So everybody can have more fun: you, the animals and we, the employees of the zoo. We’re promoting wellness at Zoo Atlanta. You are not ill and quarantine is ordered as a precaution: You will discuss possibilities of working from your home office with your supervisor or supervisors. This is subject to written confirmation that the rules of use have been noted and that the occupancy plans have been observed. Please send the application form with reasons (e.g. Per City of Atlanta ordinance, masks are required for ages 10 and up. 190) 38124 Braunschweig Tel. Further details can be found in the pandemic plan adopted by the Presiding Board on 10.03.2020 and supplemented on 17.03.2020. Ms. Matys will answer any questions regarding business trips. +49 (0)531 61 80 947 http://hbk-bs.de/studium/beratung-und-service/lernen-und-lehren/. Two playgrounds invite to play extensively, one on the west side between our snack bar and the petting zoo, the other in the southeast directly on the terrace at the entrance area. +49 (0)531 61 12 69 Fax. 4. keep at least 2 meters distance. 8.4 What do I need to consider when I enter Germany? However, it is bound by national regulations, e.g. The computer workstations can only be used after the reservation has been confirmed and hygiene regulations have been observed. If you have any questions, please contact the International Office: int.office@hbk-bs.de. +49 (0)531 61 80 947 However, the presence at the university is always necessary when it is necessary for the fulfillment of the tasks or when it proves useful for coordination purposes. The application for leave of absence can be made electronically by e-mail until 30 November 2020. Framework hygiene concept for protection against infection by SARS-CoV-2. 190) 38124 Braunschweig Tel. Studying in the pandemic: FAQs for students from the German Studentenwerk. We regularly inform students, lecturers and staff on this website and by e-mail about the measures that are being taken in response to the current situation. The site also gives good advice if you are not sure. Since some employees work in their home office and not on HBK premises, the best way to reach them is by e-mail. 8.3 Are stays abroad supported if the events only take place online? 4.6 Are there hardship regulations for students? Zoos in Corona De Tucson on YP.com. We also have a fund from which we can grant loans to individual students in cases of particular hardship". Further information may be available from the Social Psychiatric Service of the Health Office. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Zoos in Corona, CA. It is not allowed to bring your own food for the animals! As justification, it is sufficient to point out that the Corona pandemic has impaired teaching operations. The Studentenwerk or the AStA will decide on the reimbursement of further contributions. Teachers are asked to check the necessity of presence and a possible conversion to digital formats. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Petting Zoos in Corona, CA. Irrespective of whether work is done on the move or in presence, availability during normal office hours is guaranteed. Call the following number: 116 117, where you will be informed where you can be tested and what further measures, e.g. on the semester count or long-term study fees. Occupational safety standards of the BMAS, Employees please note that they are still obliged to report to the Human Resources Department by 9 a.m. in the event of illness, even independently of Covid-19, if possible exclusively by email and report the inability to work. - You can find much more information in the FAQ of the German Studentenwerk on studying and financing in the pandemic. To enable the validation of the HBK card, a validation station was set up in the post office. 4:19. Top Zoos & Aquariums in Braunschweig: See reviews and photos of zoos & aquariums in Braunschweig, Germany on Tripadvisor. For a rental fee of ⬠1,00 and a deposit fee of ⬠25,- you get a deposit chip at the entrance. 25,457 were here. ZOO BRAUNSCHWEIG Opsigelse kan ske på medlemsloginpå zoo.dk eller ved personlig henvendelse til ZOO via zoo@zoo.dk og tlf. Due to the corona pandemic, the service of HBK Braunschweig is only possible to a limited extent. 3. wear a mouth and nose protector in all public areas and common areas. 4.4 What possibilities do teachers have to set up online services and where do they receive support? As far as possible and reasonable, the performance of tasks can also be carried out in mobile form. Members of the university have access to the university buildings for official purposes. In all countries new measures to combat the pandemic can be ordered at short notice, such as quarantine, exit restrictions or a complete lockdown. Use is permitted after consultation with the supervisor or, for students, after registration and appointment. +49 (0)531 61 80 947 Here two situations must be distinguished: In both cases, you must inform your employer about the quarantine ordered by the health office. 9.12.2020 An overview is available on the homepage at https://www.hbk-bs.de/studium/beratung-und-service/lernen-und-lehren/angebote-fuer-lehrende/. If they are held in attendance, the hygiene and distance regulations specified in the general hygiene plan must be observed. Yes, the International Office of the HBK Braunschweig will try to support international freshmen and exchange students during a quarantine measure. The times of use specified in the plans will be determined by the professors and communicated to the students. Although the Corona pandemic has upset the usual schedules and procedures this year, every employee can, may and should take vacation in consultation with his or her supervisor(s). Wherever possible, committee meetings and working meetings should preferably be held via video conference. From Monday, November 9, 2020, the opening hours of the library will be reduced: Monday to Thursday 10-12 and 14-16; Friday 10-13. “Arche Noah” Uwe Wilhelm GmbH The signature of a teacher is not required. In the VirtuaLounge in Braunschweig the group experience is always in the foreground!
Together, you dive into virtual worlds. The cards will be activated as in the summer semester 2020. You can obtain more detailed information on funding conditions and application documents on the website of the equal opportunities commissioner and from Ulrike Kaschner. 3.6 Vacation In case of a leave of absence, BAföG for the semester may have to be refunded retroactively! The San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park are now open, with limited shopping, dining, and other experiences available at both parks. In order to be able to trace possible infection paths, it is also the responsibility of the users to document their presence. Wear a mouth-and-nose protection and observe the hygiene measures. The upper occupancy limit specified may not be exceeded at any time. In order to minimize the risk of the corona virus spreading during the restricted period of university operation, a comprehensive framework hygiene concept has been developed, which specifies temporary measures for infection protection against SARS-CoV-2. Keep yourself regularly informed about the situation in your travel country, the situation is dynamic, and the RKI's website regarding risk areas. Through the opened window the validation is possible at the following times: Charging is possible at the food truck (2.1) as well as at the charging station in front of the cafeteria (building 6) or during opening hours at the post office. We would ask you to read the information which is relevant to you carefully: Changes in the assessment of the situation will be announced here by the HBK Braunschweig. Bernd Breitfeld 2,427 views. Whether grandma or grandchild - here is the right thing for everyone: diving, flying, archery, traveling, dancing and much more.
Especially with or against each other makes it the most fun!
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A … Some of our animals (goats, ponies, raccoons, porcupines) may be fed by our visitors, but only with the special food available at the entrance. The existing offers will be expanded by a virtual consultation service. The administrative contribution and, if applicable, the long-term study fees will be reimbursed. In any case, the first step is to contact the workshop manager by e-mail. Fax. Yes, but please note the travel warnings issued by the Federal Foreign Office due to the epidemiological situation. For further information please contact the International Office: int.office@hbk-bs.de or erasmus@hbk-bs.de. You are sick and in quarantine: You will receive a sick note. https://www.hbk-bs.de/studium/beratung-und-service/lernen-und-lehren/angebote-fuer-lehrende/. To prevent problems they are professionally fed only by our keepers, but not by visitors. Du kan kun bruge din fortrydelsesret, hvis du endnu ikke har taget dit medlemskab i brug. Scholarships due to the Corona crisis for HBK students who are also matriculated at the TU (, the circle of sponsors of the HBK Braunschweig has provided an emergency fund from private means, which can be applied for through the, The Catholic or Protestant student communities also offer financial help in emergency situations and do so regardless of their own denomination. Please inform yourself on the website of the city of Braunschweig which documents you have to submit and use the forms which are available for download. For this purpose, an entry registration form is to be used at Proof of this must be carried with you on entry. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Zoos in Corona De Tucson, AZ. Note: The library will be closed over the holidays from 19 December 2020 to 3 January 2021! 5. ventilate rooms generously more often. 38124 Braunschweig Our animals should not be lifted up and the sand should not be spread around. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides bridging assistance for students who urgently need financial support due to the corona pandemic through no fault of their own. The exceptions include artistic and design plenums as well as practical courses in the workshops or PC pools. Feeding wrong, spoiled or to much food will cause diseases or even lead to death. It is possible to renew your residence permit by e-mail. The management of the University of Fine Arts Braunschweig (HBK) assesses the current situation regarding the spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) on a daily basis and decides, after consultation with the crisis management team, how the HBK can best react to the situation. +49 (0)531 61 12 69 Fax. Find the best Zoos on Yelp: search reviews of 11 Corona businesses by price, type, or location. 190) 38124 Braunschweig Tel. Please note that business travel permits already granted may be revoked at short notice due to the very dynamic situation. public exhibition and event operations. They should register attendance events planned for the period from 14 to 18 December via the email address h.corona@hbk-bs.de and give reasons for the necessity. Therefore, please understand if you don`t get a food bag at the entrance on certain days. - Advice on housing, authorities and insurance issues Du har ret til at fortryde dit køb af medlemskab i ZOO i 14 dage. "In our social counselling sessions, we discuss further financing options with the students, such as scholarships and student loans, as well as liquidity assistance such as the suspension of rent payments or deferral of payments from health insurance companies. Provided that the rules of use for the studio rooms and the general hygiene concept are observed, diploma students, master students and graduates can use the studios of the HBK Braunschweig again from 10 June 2020.