For example, if Apple is promoting an API, you could build a product that leverages this new API. Do your best here – this is where the editors get attentive and dive deeper into the topic. Getting featured in the Apple App Store is an achievement all app developers strive towards. If your app is related to the event, great — this is your chance. It may sound like a dream to get featured after these mind-blowing numbers, but it is not impossible when you seize the topics below. You can find out your app is the App of the Day, Game of the Day, Selected App, Editor’s Choice, or featured in a useful native article, or that your app made it into the chart leaders by one of the Games categories. Getting featured is no simple task. First, let’s remember that Apple is as much a design company as it is a tech company. The free App Radar ASO Tool allows you to add, manage, and optimize app localizations all in 1 interface. Mobile means limited space. But the problem was quickly resolved. Well, getting featured is even harder. It can take more than 10 hours to manage 10 localizations. Though, being chosen and applying doesn’t guarantee … You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Want to get more organic downloads? You can add up to 10 app screenshots. I recommend using up all that space. We’d also like you to make sure you don’t just copy and paste your app description in the fields like Describe Your App. I have asked this question in 2015 Spring and our app has been featured by App Store China in 2015 Fall. Be careful not to assume that just because 2 countries speak the same language that you can copy and paste. All keywords and the description should be translated into the native language of the localization. Getting featured is getting chosen by editors to be a part of a thematic collection in the App Store or on Google Play. Apple knows that a good UX/UI can make all the difference when it comes to mobile. Featured apps receive up to 1747% boost on their regular download rates. List all the features and benefits briefly and precisely. These cookies do not store any personal information. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Now where to share it? Remember that the iOS App Store is very crowded. It tells Android users that your app is trustworthy and high-quality. A lot of apps go out every single day. We’ve already told you about Apple Search Ads. An App Store feature is not only worth a lifetime of bragging rights but also a way to access crazy fast app growth. Don’t forget that Apple is also a design company, so they value products that present themselves in an aesthetically appealing way. Market Forces . 3. Know The Basics. Register, add your app and start driving high-quality users. You should always be developing your iOS apps using the latest version of Swift and integrating Apple APIs. But it’s good news for apps that get featured. 8. Pushing regular updates shows both Apple and your users that you care. Step 5: In 3–4 weeks you should hear back if they want to feature your app, it took me 3 weeks before I got a reply back the first time. You also may want to pay attention to events and showcases on Google since you can often get to know the editors there or be remembered for your good presentation, and then, accordingly, get featured. Mobile users are used to gorgeously designed apps. It’s where people are persuaded to learn more about and install your app. Each localization needs to be optimized. Getting featured in the Play Store is a great achievement for all app developers to strive towards. Standing out among so many apps is crucial. It may go up days after you submit your promotional assets or even months after. Keep improving your ASO. How to get an app featured on Google Play? In the marketing world, we would call this your unique selling point (USP). There’ve been cases when featured apps lost a lot of traffic from reviews for this very reason. This reduces the friction users feel when deciding to install your app. They want apps that will wow App Store visitors. They also enjoy showing off great products that were made using their technology. This is where App Store Optimization (ASO) really comes into play. To make sure you will successfully get featured it may be necessary to be reasonable when assessing your app quality, market demand, and availability. Then check ASO: is everything okay with text and graphic ASO? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Be prepared with some stunning renditions of your app that highlights its main features. How many competitors do you want to track? And because you meet special requirements and bring profit to the store too. Their App Store is one of the two most significant in the world. Additional general advice Photo by G. Crescoli on Unsplash The competition. The free ASO Tool also gives you data-driven and AI-powered recommendations on how to improve ASO for each localization. You can find out your app is the App of the Day, Game of the Day, Selected App, Editor’s Choice, or featured in a useful native article, or that your app made it into the chart leaders by one of the Games categories. This is where. Here we find sections for Editors’ Choice and Apps We Love Right Now. Promote your app on your website and other platforms. 1: Emailing the big boss. A feature by Apple may turn your start-up into a well-known and profitable company, so it is wise to at least try to get featured. You can also prompt them to voice their opinions, good and bad, out loud while they’re going through your app. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The app name holds a lot of weight when it comes to keywords. Even so, you still have to sell your app to Apple. Yes, we learn new things every day. Google is just as demanding as App Store, so most advice above will work. Consider this as a stepping stone. Take enough time at each stage of getting ready so as not to spoil your relationship with the store and use any opportunity to get featured. Common App Store Optimization (ASO) Myths, Challenged, Why ASO Becomes More Important every day for App Developers, iOS App Screenshot Sizes and Guidelines for the Apple App Store, App Icon: How to Create an Appealing iOS App Icon, iOS Keyword Field: How to Take Advantage of iOS Keywords. With more than 1 million apps out there, your app should really stand out. Getting featured in the US app store is very important and gets you a huge audience, but starring in one of the smaller app stores is also huge. According to research conducted by Apptopia, the resultant exposure has seen at least half of the featured apps make $10,000 or more revenue per day. They’re not going to push buggy apps that haven’t been updated for months. Special Events. It rates your ASO quality, gives you custom tips on how to improve it and provides everything to make it . [Featured Apps] offer customers valuable help through how-to-guides, beginner tips, and critical insights from our team of editors, and inspire our customers by highlighting the outstanding developers, users, communities, and trends that shape our world. Analyze average rating, monitor reviews, reply to reviews, and gain product insights from user feedback in one workspace. Google Play store features quite 3.3 million apps. Getting your app featured in the app stores always seems like something unreachable; yet at the same time, pretty much anyone can get it. Apple won’t feature your app if it’s only installable in a few countries. Seriously. In 2017, Apple became the 2nd biggest smartphone vendor with 15% of the global smartphone market share. It’s hard. You can add up to 3 30 second app previews. It’s not time to celebrate yet. She drives exciting in-house campaigns and collaborations to get the word out about app marketing and growth strategies. There is a 100 character limit, so choose wisely. Before moving on to the technical requirements each of the stores has, let’s look at the general unspoken rules: I have always had a positive featuring experience, except for the case when we didn’t increase the limits on our servers and people couldn’t download our fairy tales. Remember, Apple editors curate the App Store to offer App Store visitors the best of the best. If you want Apple to even consider featuring your app, you have to fill out the form. Apple wants its products available to everyone and I’m sure that you also strive to make your app accessible to everyone. We can all agree on that. It does not seem featured apps on Chrome Web Store have been updated for a while for Japan market. To learn more about iOS accessibility features, click here. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Getting this request from Apple does not guarantee that your app is receiving a featured spot in the App Store. It’s important to take into account that stores plan their publications. There are two ways to get featured by Apple on the App Store - applying or being chosen. Apple is one of the most prominent players in mobile. A feature says, Apple verifies this app as one of high-quality design and functionality. It’s a big win for an app developer. In the first quarter of 2020, the total number of installs in the App Store and on Google Play was approximately 33.6 billion. Your app might get featured right away, but it is much more likely that you will have to grind a little before … Get notified 24-48 hours before you're featured. The App Store Product Page: one of our favorite topics here at App Radar. Get a group of testers together who fit into your target audience and ask them to perform some tasks in your app. You can then look up these apps and meet the people or teams responsible for them. Further, you’ll want to update your app regularly. From the users’ perspective, it looks solid. On top of that, featured apps receive a mark of authentication. App Store. Apple Search Ads: will it work for your app? Apple has designed the Today tab to look more like a curated magazine than a storefront. Email they will email you back this template, you can always email them this info first to speed things up (just hand type it in) also tell them why your app should be featured. To be considered for promotion in App Store, provide as much information as possible and fill out all the app fields at least two weeks in advance. App Samurai is an AI-powered, secure mobile growth platform. This may help you reduce bad ratings. Here are 14 things you can work on to better your chances of becoming featured in the App Store: Error-Free Functionality and a high-quality build ; To be featured, be native; Incorporate the latest releases and announced at WWDC; No one likes outdated apps ; Be universal, be an Apple advocate; Create your own individual space in App Store That’s good news for you, iOS developers. How to successfully launch in app stores? Also, people often don’t know what to write in a form and how to grab the editor’s attention. So being featured is naturally a big deal. So, if we don’t want to wait for it, we can request Apple to get our app featured by filling in a special form (you will also need some luck!). Getting featured is always a bonus – free advertising from Apple or Google. The store now has its own app form. These are: Same with design, you don’t need to invent something new entirely. To get your app featured in Apple’s App Store, it has to have the following. Edit App Store Listings and Implement Keywords, Reply to user reviews and track app ratings, Make data-driven decisions for App Store ads, Gain valuable insights and continue to grow, Deliver the best results for your app clients, World of Warships Blitz Drives Up App Impressions by more than 35%, ProCamera - How we achieved +25% revenue increase for a paid camera app, How Kolibri Games Increased Installs While Saving Time On ASO Updates, Free app marketing & app growth resources, Mobile app marketing terms defined for you. For example, you could look at your local App Store and see who’s being featured. Focus on what makes your app different. Last but not least, fill out the form. Without notice. Encourage as many users as possible to go all the way through and install your app. For inspiration, look through the Today tab and see what other apps in your category have come up with. Stay tuned for Apple updates. However, when you sign up for an App Radar account, we'll notify you when your app is going to be featured. Optimizing many localizations is exceptionally time-consuming. Get real-time data, right insights and unbeatable hints for your individual growth. During special occasions it’s twice as hard, with Apple giving relevant apps priority. Get ready properly and double-check everything in the application form, from your server and the screenshot to the story about your product. So when you want to rank for a search term such as, “daily planner,” you have to include it in your app name. You’ve got your app story down. It may be almost impossible to get featured in your primary App Store, but another country may be much less competitive. That is, you need to go for a featuring with a good product. You can give information about the app itself, and also announce a new release. How many countries is your app available in? You can get creative and write a short essay about your product in the Your Story field. This is the first thing users see when they open a store homepage. But there are ways to increase your chances. If your app works well but looks like it was made in 2010 that’s not going to cut it. Once you get featured, consolidate your success with ads to smooth out the drop in installs. They don’t give away app design awards for no reason. Start small and build on your success. Besides in the Today tab, Apple features apps within the Apps tab. Visuals are everything. Users shouldn’t be confused when opening your app. With Checkaso and Comparative Analysis in particular, you can notice the gaps in an accessible way and fix them anytime to achieve the best results in promoting your app in both app stores. Pitching your app to these sites to cover and scoring media appearances is a proven way to improve your chances of getting featured on Google’s store. Another way to increase the chances of your app being featured is to make your app available not only for iPhone, but also for iPad, Apple Watch and other products featuring iOS, such as Apple Pay. Create visually appealing promotional art. your app will get more popular due to the increase in installs; the dynamics of installs has a good influence on search ranking; if your app was chosen as the app of the day, this is an excellent news opportunity to cover (site, press release and other activities). Make online and in-app ads. Best Ways To Get Featured In The Apple App Store. Learn how the App Store works To get your app on the App Store Editor’s choice list, you must understand how apps get selected as features. In this video I share my experiences about how and what I did to get featured in the Apple Store and Google Play with several of my games and apps. Close to 50% of all Americans own some version of an iPhone. But, it’s one that is worth your time and effort. You’ve gone through all of this and submitted the form. Before filling out a featuring form, you need to make sure that the app page and all the metrics are in order. Are you sure everything is fine now and you can make yourself visible to the world? It’s not very good news for top apps by keywords since they will now technically move lower. They’ve dominated the US market. See if your app or competitors are featured in App Store and Google Play. Then you’ll know exactly which points of your app’s flow are confusing and which are communicated well. To save time and dedicate your efforts to other app growth strategies, use an ASO tool like App Radar. Practice App Store Optimization. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Apple makes it simpler by defining 4 major disability domains. Simply turn on your App Radar App Store Feature Alert. To get featured, you need to follow the store rules and make editors like your app. The best way to figure out whether your app is intuitive for its users is to ask your users. 8 features of iOS 14 that will affect ASO and marketing. Apple provides you with the foundational framework. Universal apps. Dive Deeper:What is App Store Optimization?Common App Store Optimization (ASO) Myths, ChallengedWhy ASO Becomes More Important every day for App Developers. Is your app localized? We are happy to create an individual offer for you. That’s a massive piece of the pie. Apple simply wishes to provide its users with the best iPhone experience they can, and apps are a big part of that experience. Optimizing Google Play games. Without warning, Apple will feature your app in the app store. Plus, standing out can even help increase in-app revenue. You’d get an immense amount of impressions, click-throughs, and installs by a very relevant audience. By getting featured, you will land on a store homepage for free simply because you made a great app and deserve a promotion. Building your App with Apple’s product release in mind is … No surprise here. The story can differ depending on what aspects make your app shine. Hence, if you’re preparing a thematic update for some public holiday, then you need to send your app form two months in advance. The more, the better. This article points out what you can do to have a …. You need to make them like you and provide a good explanation of why you are special and helpful from the audience perspective. All you need to do is to fill in the special Apple request form and have a bit of luck. Note: use English only. How to get 30K App Store reviews every month; How to work with rating and reviews to increase your conversion rate. Effective Ways To Get Your App Featured On The App Store . Xcode comes with pre-built iOS buttons, such as the bottom navigation, back buttons, and more. Checkaso is a data-driven ASO platform made by ASO specialists. Optimally use Social Media. One app did not get featured. Best ASO practices. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. My app is the only accounting App in the market and surely adds value to Web Store if featured. There is no exact timeframe for response. Then it’s time to fill out an app form. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. She can predict the future of your app by auditing it. How many team members will be working with App Radar? We use cookies to provide you with the best user experience. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Apple will likely choose designs of a similar tone. The selection process for the featured app is not some advanced algorithm; they are actually hand-picked. Make sure your app is discovered by potential users. ASO Manager at Checkaso. If the are mistakes in the text, then the likelihood of getting featured is reduced. Think of iMessage, share & action extensions, and so on. App previews are videos that you can place within your app’s product page. All Featured apps for the iOS App Store and Google Play . Genie is the Marketing Manager at App Radar. If something goes wrong after you get featured with huge traffic volume, a part of your audience won’t overwhelm you with one-star ratings but send you messages through Support. Check it out if you haven’t used this advertising tool yet. How to get your app featured within the Apple App Store? The formula is: say that you are cool + show where and explain why + spice it up with interesting stories and events. So every aspect of your app design has to be purposeful and developed both beautifully and intuitively. Additionally, one feature may lead to more in the future. Dive Deeper:iOS App Screenshot Sizes and Guidelines for the Apple App StoreApp Icon: How to Create an Appealing iOS App IconiOS Keyword Field: How to Take Advantage of iOS Keywords. This is also why it may be worthwhile to set enough time. The new iOS 14 will be released in the fall of 2020. The first time was the summer after the iPad came out. That way you can be prepared to share the good news with the world! In the form, you have the option of submitting links to marketing materials, presentations, websites, etc. Avoid repeating your app name, using singulars and plurals of the same word, category names, and the word “app.”. 1. The other has been App of the Day. Getting an app featured in the App Store is difficult at the best of times. The guide covers all the best steps you should consider when releasing your app including using the latest Apple platform technologies, localising, planning around big events, and more. Getting featured is often associated with a boost in organic installs, but this is not always the case. 18 Analytics tools to consider for mobile apps…, As app marketers, we gather, measure and analyze various …, App store analysis of audio-only social app Clubhouse (Jan…, Clubhouse has been rallying the Apple App Store since April …. How many reviews you want to respond with our tool (monthly)? It’s a… Decide on keywords that are relevant to your app’s niche and functions. To get featured in the App Store, you’ll need to show Apple you’ve got a coherent strategy for monetisation. In order to get your mobile app chosen as an app store feature, you should also know about the process of how applications are actually chosen to get featured. For example, Threader has an action extension. The thing is that Google considers conversion rates per install, so a decrease in conversion after you get featured can turn into a disaster since the store will lower your search ranking greatly. Do ASO for my company (ASO Updates, Full Service ASO, CVR improvement & screenshot design), Run ASA campaigns for my company (Apple Search Ads, Google App Campaigns), I am interested in learning ASO/ASA (workshops, consulting). It looks like cheap advertising. The app store is less chicken and egg and more massive Apple-controlled poultry farm. Pick a name that clearly communicates what your app is about. Make sure you have a landing page, presentations or other visual filled destinations to link to. Criteria on Editors’ Choice in app stores. And today you receive an email from Apple asking for visuals to feature your app. Tip: add the Support button to your app to prevent users from telling you about their painful experiences through low ratings and reviews. Here you need to include all your writing talent and combine the wow effect with specifics. Keep it short because there’s a 30 character limit. Design eye-catching app screenshots that highlight the significant features of your app. A boost in organic installs and millions of page views – who doesn’t dream of it? For the App Store, a picture does equal a thousand words. How to get your app noticed? Over 1600 applications are submitted to the App Store each day. 7. Besides, if you want an update to get featured, then it must be really large-scale in terms of content. Here are 3 examples of how I was able to get featured with my algebra math app. In order to get featured on the App Store, you must view the App Store from the perspective of the Apple team themselves. Apple will most definitely like the extra attention you’re bringing to the App Store. Mobile users are used to gorgeously designed apps. Let’s talk about how to get featured and what subtleties should be taken so that the editors won’t miss your app. The most important stage is checking your app for compliance with the store. Of course, you can tell people what your app is all about in the description, but it’s even better to show them. The only thing is users who come from featured pay less willingly than ones from search. HOW APP STORE WORKS? Track Android and iOS Featured Apps in Slack and email. There are a few ways to be featured in the iOS App store: being featured on the homepage, hitting one of the top lists, or being chosen as an “Editors’ Choice”. Getting successfully submitted in the App Store is very often a tough task. We are going to talk briefly about what is required and how to go about both of these options, so you know what to expect. To get your app featured in these sections, you’ll need to develop an app that appeals to the Google Play team. When you’re trying to get featured in the App Store, you need to align your app’s goals with Apple’s objectives. However, in the US, it’s called an elevator. Your app’s product page is one of the most influential factors of app growth. All App Radar Features (see expert plan) are included in a custom plan - with individual limits. All publishers and developers strive for getting featured in the App Store or on Google Play. So I am here to provide some experience. An App Store feature isn’t only worth a lifetime of bragging rights but also a way to access crazy fast app growth. Apps in this tab are hand-selected by Apple for high app quality, beautiful design, and great storytelling. Apart from dozens of innovations, there will be feature cards. Be unique! Some developers only write about how cool they are, but they don’t explain what exactly is unique about them. Do not leave these entries blank. Find out when your and your competitors' apps get featured! But don’t go adding localizations willy nilly. This is where you want to be really visual. The local stores are always looking for best apps to feature and thus, with very little competition you can be on the top of the local store list. Apple’s not taking any wallflowers. To get an ASO health score and recommendations on how to improve your app’s ASO, check out our free ASO Tool. Apple likes it when you use their products. Check your competitors frequently, especially those who got featured too. Analyze what they have that you’re missing. 1. write an email to Apple. That’s not doing much for them considering they have a worldwide audience. One hack to get your app featured in the early weeks after going live is to optimize your launch timing. It gives hundreds of thousands of downloads, loads of press and recognition. Keep fixing the bugs and introducing new features. From there, featuring on the main app will not be difficult. It is very important to specify the exact release date since it can’t be shifted. Devise email marketing campaigns. As an app developer, you want to build a solid relationship with Apple. Experts and developers who have already gone this way advise to set a time of 6 to 8 weeks as the featured page might not be compiled fast. Functions need to feel natural and flow uninterrupted. And, my app has been within Top 10 for around 2 months already. Think gorgeous website landing page or mesmerizing trailer on Youtube. Featured apps in app stores are privileged, as they get more views and, consequently, more downloads. Create an effective Public relation … Design a Sleek User Interface (UI) and Intuitive User Experience (UX). The App store hosts half a billion visitors each week. Such events can impact you greatly, especially on Google Play where algorithms are very attentive to app conversion, which may affect rankings. By getting featured, you will Getting a badge such as “Editor’s Choice,” is hugely beneficial to your app growth. For iOS designers, you don’t have to come up with new designs. It’s a big win. It gives users an engaging look inside your app. Focus on what you do best: making apps & games. They love their sleekness and this love is transferred into their content curation. server load – check if you can handle large volumes of traffic; poor-quality installs – many will want to look at your app just to uninstall it later.