Document Delivery (authorised users only);LL (limited);Course pack (printed & electronic) - limited;Virtual or managed learning environments (limited), GUID required (individual registration required on first use). The power of our research places us 12th overall in the UK and 2nd in Scotland. Your session will expire automatically in 0 seconds. Search term Search sort order. For example: shakespeare king lear; veterinary medicine; Search for. Welcome to the University of Glasgow's online accommodation site. Library. Glasgow University Library is a small research library located in the campus of the University of Glasgow at Hillhead St, Glasgow, UK. 5 of 5 stars. Login / Register Mary Queen of Scots Month News History Features Scottish history On this day in history ... ’ research is focused on recipes in medical manuscripts in the collection of William Hunter kept in the University of Glasgow Library. Please call the Library for more information 902-752-8233. African journal of international and comparative law [electronic resource] = Revue africaine de droit international et comparé. Download the app. Library search. Contact us; Legal. Glasgow University has a Westlaw student associate who can assist undergraduates with support and training for Westlaw. Type the keyword(s) you want to find. Administrative Court Digest [electronic resource]. Password. Find out when the library is open Opening hours. It is a legal database containing case law, legislation and journal articles: Scots, UK and EU case law and legislation, Case locators, which index cases and give you the history, case commentary etc., Legal Journals Index, which indexes over 800 law journals 36 full text UK journals providing access to thousands of legal articles, Special practice areas - you can confine your research to Scots Law, Scots Crime, Intellectual Property. Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases (1865-75) [electronic resource]. Lost your login details? Careers Service; The Internship Hub; The Network; Student Enterprise; Volunteering ; Student Alumni Network; Soundtracks Podcast: Careers Advice from UofG Grads; Be Inspired! 5.0. It is situated in a beautiful 11-storey building and has a collection of various items close to 1.3 million ones. Login; Register; Username. Aldridge leasehold law / Trevor M. Aldridge. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. Stay in touch. 43 likes. Get involved: Your Future. New Glasgow Library is also an @NS community technology access site. If you have an apostrophe in your email address, you will need to remove it.This is a University of Glasgow secure login page for Microsoft Office 365. 11K likes. Accessibility statement; Freedom of information; FOI publicat When to visit Glasgow; How to Reach Glasgow; Restaurants in Glasgow; Events & Festivals in Glasgow; Glasgow Map; Things To Do in Glasgow ; Glasgow Itineraries; Glasgow Tours; Glasgow Hotels; University Of Glasgow Library Ticket Price, Hours, Address and Reviews. Finds books, journals, audio-visual materials, databases, maps, music scores, rare books, sound recordings, and theses. Arbitration world. Accessibility statement; Freedom of information; FOI publicat Administrative Court Digest -- Westlaw UK. Solicitor. Library. Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Discover; Discover. If you have an apostrophe in your email address, you will need to remove it. Accessibility statement; Freedom of information; FOI publicat Sir Alex Ferguson Library Menu. Search for journal articles, books, ebooks and other library items. To find out if your web browser supports JavaScript or to enable JavaScript, see web browser help. Arts and Music Check out gigs, exhibitions and festivals around Glasgow. The library has reopened. View 8 reviews. Programming at the New Glasgow Library . If you are using the site for the first time, you must Register before you can Log in. Mobile app. Book your Covid tests - advice on how to book your covid tests at our Student Test Site if you're coming back to Glasgow after festive break. Get directions. Search. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. Aropä is used extensively at the University of Auckland, Glasgow University and Queen's University, Canada. Library. Annotated guide to the insolvency legislation / Len Sealy, David Milman, Peter Bailey. At the New Glasgow Library you can access a wireless hotspot to high speed Internet. Communities Find support, learning and events in your local community. Information to help you if you are new to the library New to the library. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. Contact us; Legal. Skip to content. Accessibility statement; Freedom of information; FOI public Hillhead Street, Glasgow, UK. 2015 : jurisdictional comparisons / general editor, Patrick Heneghan ; editor, Karyl Nairn. University of Glasgow Library. The power of our research places us 12th overall in the UK and 2nd in Scotland. By using this service you agree to abide by the Regulations for acceptable use of IT facilities. Appeal Cases (1875-90) [electronic resource]. Details. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. Libraries Discover a world of resources at your local library. Glasgow Libraries, Glasgow, United Kingdom. African journal of international and comparative law -- Westlaw UK. Adam's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) [electronic resource]. Advanced search | Specific search | Databases. Call +44 141 330 6704 . The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. Glasgow Caledonian University. M. (Attorney at Law, Arbitrator and Director of the International Law Reform Institute, Vienna (Austria)). Advanced search | Discover search guide. Westlaw is usually the best starting point for research into case law and for tracing journal articles. This web browser does not support JavaScript or JavaScript in this web browser is not enabled. MyGlasgow. Spotted: Glasgow Uni Library. Local contact Email us: Ratings Rating. The University of Glasgow Library in Scotland is one of the oldest and largest university libraries in Europe. Continue session End session now 45 likes. Contact us; Legal. Click here to book a study space or discover our click & collect service. Analytical commentary to the UNCITRAL arbitration rules / Peter Binder, LL. You can get to University of Glasgow,Wards Library by Bus or Train. Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Contact us; Legal. 9.9K likes. Book a study space; Click and collect; FAQs; Make an Archive Centre appointment; Using the library. Please sign in using your University email address and your GUID password. The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263. Accommodation Services. All library programs are offered free of charge. University of Glasgow Library. Safe return to campus – information on what students can expect their learning experience to look like this year at GCU. Sport Find local and major sport events, training and advice. Contact us; Legal. These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby - Bus: 17, 3, 77 Train: SCOTRAIL. Contact us. Enjoy books, internet access & events at Glasgow Libraries. Adam's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) -- Westlaw UK. Your session will expire automatically in. A-Z of civil litigation / by James Pyke, M.A., LL.M. Welcome to Glasgow Caledonian University: the University for the Common Good. Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases (1865-75) -- Westlaw UK. Accessibility statement; Freedom of information; FOI publicat These include major reference works, such as Renton & Brown and Archbold US material, including case law, legislation and a large number of law journals in full text Current awareness service. At the turn of the 21st century, the main library building itself held 1,347,000 catalogued print books, and 53,300 journals. Museums Explore our museums, exhibitions and online collections. Send Message. It is considered to be one of the oldest libraries in the country, established in the late 15th century. JavaScript is required. Please sign in using your University email address and your GUID password. Regulations for acceptable use of IT facilities. Home; Covid-19 services. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. The views expressed on this page do not reflect in any way the views of the University of Glasgow itself and is in no way affiliated with GU. Library. Glasgow University has a Westlaw student associate who can assist undergraduates with support and training for Westlaw. Library Account; Classic Search. Contact us; Legal. Login; Sign Up; Log In; Glasgow Tourism.