THE KING’S DAUGHTER. Uhtred hasn't always had luck finding the right women and Gisela may have been the best of them all. Log in sign up. The transmission of folkland was governed by customary law, and another portion was reserved for the holder of the office of king. As senior ætheling (prince of the royal dynasty eligible for kingship), Æthelwold had a strong claim to the throne. Of course, her death was toughest on Uhtred and played a part in setting the tone for the entire third season. Had it not been for Skade, or maybe just unfortunate circumstance, Gisela would have survived, saving Uhtred from further heartbreak and headaches in the show. Il est élevé comme un danois. [32], After Alfred's death in 899, Æthelwold made a bid for the throne. A tremendously easy character to hate, the nephew of Alfred is a master manipulator. In the eighth century, Mercia was the most powerful kingdom in southern England, but in the early ninth Wessex became dominant. Even in her final moments as her house began to burn around her, it felt like someone had to save her. He placed his faith in the witch, Skade, who he believes to be his lover, as well. Tandis qu'Alfred le Grand défend son royaume contre l'envahisseur viking, Uhtred, né saxon, mais élevé en Viking, cherche à récupérer le rang qui lui revient de droit. Even as Uhtred's fighting skills advanced, he was pretty nervous fighting Ubba. The Danes were victorious but suffered heavy losses, including the death of Æthelwold, which ended the challenge to Edward's rule. This is in fact exactly what happened, and Æthelred's sons were not pleased at the outcome. Her death also happens minutes after another major one in the final episode of Season 1, leaving everyone wondering "what the heck does Uhtred have to live for anymore?". Her identity is not known,[h] but it must have been intended to strengthen his claim, and in the view of the historian Pauline Stafford, the Chronicle's account is biased in favour of Edward and might have been intended to delegitimise a politically important marriage. When Vikings attack, Lord … Genres. His rule was confined to the western half, as eastern Mercia was then part of the Viking-ruled Danelaw.Æthelred's ancestry is unknown. In 1987, Smyth suggested that Adalbrigt could have been Æthelwold,[44] but in 1995 Smyth put forward the alternative idea that the Northumbrian Danes accepted Æthelwold's claim to be king of the West Saxons rather than taking him as their own king. Aethelwold (Æthelwold) at the beginning of this story he very much was a privileged, immature, irresponsible boy, showing no real promise as a future leader of Wessex. User account menu • Æthelwold and Cnut [Show Spoilers] Close • Posted by 3 minutes ago. The historians Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge suggest that Æthelwulf's other surviving son,[f] Æthelberht, was excluded from the arrangement because he was provided for separately in the eastern kingdom (the recently conquered south-east England), where he acted as king in 855 and 856; it was probably intended that he should establish a separate dynasty there. [17] Patrick Wormald views the will as "one of the seminal documents of pre-Conquest history, and like many such not easily understood. Outside of maybe Uhtred Ragnarsson or Uhtred of Bebbanburg, or whatever he's going by these days, no one has been safe throughout the show. In case it wasn't clear enough already, Æthelwold is a rat. Netflix's The Last Kingdom is a show filled with Vikings, medieval battles, political backstabbing and death, lots of death. At least, that's what we're led to think if we're to believe what takes place in The Last Kingdom is at all accurate. Warning: Spoilers ahead. This plan was abandoned when Æthelbald died in 860 and the kingdom was reunited under Æthelberht, and Æthelred's confirmation of the arrangement when he acceded in 865 recognised Alfred as heir apparent. Close • Posted by 2 minutes ago. Æthelwold and his brother Æthelhelm were still infants when their father the king died while fighting a Danish Viking invasion. Prior to her death, it had become clear no one was safe from death on this show. Notes. Uhtred wird als Kind von Wikingern entführt und wächst als einer der ihren auf. Æthelwold was the last of the nephews of Rædwald to rule East Anglia. Guthrum or Guthrum the Unlucky (later known as Æthelstan of East Anglia) was a main character and former antagonist in both The Saxon Stories novel series, and The Last Kingdom television series. Alfred the Great’s death in October 899 could hardly have come as a surprise. Æthelred, Lord of the Mercians (or Ealdorman Æthelred of Mercia; died 911) became ruler of English Mercia shortly after the death of its last king, Ceolwulf II in 879. When he's not covering the Boston Celtics or Red Sox, Nick devotes every ounce of his spare time to comics, shows and movies—the amazing characters from comic books being what drives his passion in it all. [51], The achievement of the Kentish contingent put Edward's failure to engage the Danes with his whole army in a poor light. Only thing is, she doesn't want him back. After the Saxon rebellion in the city of Eoferwic, he was captured and used in a show by Frisians. Eardwulf is the leading contender for the Lordship. The following year Æthelwold persuaded the East Anglian Danes to attack Edward's territory in Wessex and Mercia. 'A' says that he took possession of Wimborne and Twinham without the permission of the king and his councillors, 'B' against their will. The Last Kingdom. In der zweiten Hälfte des 9. His mother had witnessed a charter as regina, whereas Alfred followed West Saxon tradition in refusing to have his wife consecrated as queen, and Æthelwold's status as the son of a queen may have given him an advantage over Edward. [16][g], Alfred also assisted his own son by promoting men who could be relied on to support him, and by giving him opportunities for command in battle once he was old enough. He attempted to raise an army to support his claim, but was unable to get sufficient support to meet Edward in battle and fled to Viking-controlled Northumbria, where he was accepted as king. Guthrum was a Danish earl and one of the paramount leaders of … The show is an adaption of Bernard Cornwell’s best-selling series of historical novels known as "The Saxon Stories." There wasn't some educated pattern to her guesses. 646. Not glorious sword fight or barrage of arrows. In Episode 10 of THE LAST KINGDOM Æthelwold’s argument against the naming of the ætheling Edward as the successor to King Alfred is that Edward is too young and inexperienced to rule, especially given that there is a viking army threatening Wessex. Æthelwolds Revolte wird in Romanreihe und Fernsehserie in den wesentlichen Punkten wie in den Quellen dargestellt, aber Details sind rein fiktiv, so die Darstellung von Æthelwold als trunksüchtig und streitlustig. The first series of eight episodes premiered on 10 October 2015 on BBC America, and on BBC Two in the UK on 22 October 2015. Æthelred was born in about 848[b] and died in 871, so his sons must have been young children when he died. [9] Æthelwold and his older brother Æthelhelm are first recorded in King Alfred's will in the 880s. Its location is unknown but may be Holme in Cambridgeshire. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Opponents of Eadwig included his grandmother, Eadgifu, and Eadwig confiscated her property. [31] However, Yorke also argues that Æthelwold's position was not fatally undermined by Alfred's will. Within five years they had conquered Northumbria and East Anglia, and forced Mercia to buy them off. Ealdwulf (Old English: Aldwulf) was king of East Anglia from c. 664 to 713. A lire sur AlloCiné : "The Last Kingdom" revient sur Netflix ce dimanche 26 avril pour une saison 4 très attendue par les fans. "Æthelwald 35 (Male) Ætheling, cousin of Edward 2, d.902", "Royal Succession and the Growth of Political Stability in Ninth-Century Wessex", "Northumbrian Coins in the Name of Alwaldus", British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography, "Ecgberht [Egbert] (d. 839), king of the West Saxons", "Æthelnoth (d. 1038), Archbishop of Canterbury", "Æthelred I [Ethelred I] (d. 871), King of the West Saxons", "Edward (called Edward the Elder) (870s?–924), King of the Anglo-Saxons", "Æthelwulf (d. 858), King of the West Saxons", "Some Notes and Considerations on Problems Connected with the English Royal Succession 860–1066",Æthelwold_ætheling&oldid=994977531, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 15:15. Æthelwold- Harry McEntire does a great job portraying his character [Show Spoilers] Close. User account menu. [42][k] Norse sagas record traditions of a Danish king Knútr, who briefly ruled Northumbria around 900. Æthelwold (/ˈæθəlwoʊld/) or Æthelwald (died 902 or 903)[a] was the younger of two known sons of Æthelred I, King of Wessex from 865 to 871. And, as for you, I hope that you can find some comfort. 25.1k members in the TheLastKingdom community. D. P. Kirby argues that it cannot be assumed that the disputed lands represented the greater part of the royal estates; he believes that Æthelwulf did intend to divide his kingdom, but also that it is unlikely he intended the surviving son to inherit the kingship: "Such an arrangement would have led to fratricidal strife. User account menu. This great, magnificent warrior is cut down in his bed but the most annoying character on the show Æthelwold. The throne passed to the king's younger brother (Æthelwold's uncle) Alfred the Great, who carried on the war against the Vikings and won a crucial victory at the Battle of Edington in 878. In his own will, Alfred left the bulk of his property to Edward, while Æthelhelm was left eight estates, and Æthelwold only three (at Godalming and Guildford in Surrey, and Steyning in Sussex), all in the less important eastern part of the kingdom. 'B' describes Æthelwold as an ætheling, indicating the legitimacy of his claim for the kingship, a description omitted in 'A'. 'B' says that Æthelwold "rode away by night" from Wimborne; 'A' reads "stole away". Æthelred has been wounded at the Battle of Tettenhall, and is now dying. The Viking invasion of Wessex, and the need to provide for their children, led to a revision of the terms. (We do not know when Æthelwold was born, only that he was older than Edward—probably by … Had Ubba won, the Danes would have gained complete control of England. [39], However, when Edward's army approached and camped at Badbury Rings, an Iron Age hill fort four miles west of Wimborne, Æthelwold was unable to gain sufficient support to meet them in battle. Like several of the characters on this list, he deserved so much better and served as a reminder of just how brutal this show can be. She was a kind person under constant, unwarranted persecution. Under an agreement in late 870 or early 871, the survivor was still to keep the property bequeathed jointly to the three brothers, but he would give his brother's children any lands which he had received separately from his father, and any he had acquired later.[19]. Pretty much, if you're living in England in the 9th Century and you've met Uhtred, you're not living long. He may have died in battle, but Leofric's death wasn't exactly that of a warrior. In the third season, Aethelwold’s character took a dark turn when he plotted to take the throne for himself after Alfred died. Which is why he fights Haesten to earn her back. Æthelweard 's Chronicon dates it 8 December. [54] In the view of Scott Thompson Smith, the dispute was over property as well as kingship, and the Chronicle presents Edward as the successful protector of family property against outside interests. Keynes and Lapidge argue that Æthelwulf clearly intended that his personal property should be preserved intact, and it seems to have been considered desirable that this should be held by the reigning king, so it is likely that he intended the kingship of western Wessex to be inherited by the survivor of the three brothers. Gisela's death was certainly a surprise, but Iseult's death in Season 1 was jaw-dropping. [35][36] Æthelwold took her to the royal manors of Twynham (now Christchurch) and then Wimborne Minster,[i] symbolically important as his father's burial place, and declared that "he would live or die there". Wimborne may have been suppressed as a result of its association with Æthelwold's lineage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. log in sign up. [21], Ann Williams comments: "Æthelred virtually disinherits his children in favour of Alfred's in the event of his own previous death, at least in respect of the lion's share of the inheritance and therefore the kingship. A visual that'll send a shiver down your spine. but this brought things to an entirely different level. A lieu alors une bataille où le roi de Bebbanburg est tué et son fils est kidnappé pour servir d'esclave dans le clan de Ragnar. Not only that, he wasn't able to reach Valhalla initially, because, again, Æthelwold sucks. Their music was limited, half of them couldn't even read and their food was so-so, leaving them one thing to do. [62] Æthelweard's grandson, Æthelnoth, was an eleventh-century Archbishop of Canterbury.[63]. Last Kingdom: How old is Aelswith actress Eliza Butterworth? he was too worried about his own skin. Why? Content from both the books and the TV series are welcome! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Æthelhelm is not heard of again, and he probably died soon afterwards. In his view Æthelwold was aiming to secure recognition in part of the kingdom of Wessex in order to strengthen his claim to the throne, and he succeeded in gaining the submission of the English rulers of Essex. There's some level of impact on the show, as well. To protect a sudden elevation. "[26] Smyth argues that the meeting of the king's council, the witan, was bound to support him: In Abels' view, Æthelred's sons attempted to shame Alfred into handing over the lands they claimed so as to strengthen their position in the inevitable battle that would break out over the succession when Alfred died, and the Langandene assembly was Alfred's riposte. 21. User account menu • In Defence of Æthelwold (spoilers) [All Spoilers] spoiler. Le roi de Bebbanburg décide de rennomer son plus jeune fils Uhtred, nom de son fils ainé. When Æthelred inherited the throne in 865, Alfred asked for the property to be divided between them. However, Bloodhair needs her like he needs air and will stop at nothing to keep her for himself. [52], The various texts of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle give different versions of the revolt. 155. [46] However, David Dumville points out that in the next year Æthelwold persuaded the Danes in East Anglia to wage war against Edward, and Dumville argues that it is unlikely that there was an unknown separate Viking army in Essex. Hands down. Edward was later to marry Sigehelm's daughter, Eadgifu, and Hart thinks that this may have been designed to placate his Kentish subjects. [25] Keynes and Lapidge comment: "If only to judge from the relatively small number of estates he received, Æthelwold in particular would have had cause to be aggrieved by this allocation of property, and his resentment is shown by his rebellion against Edward soon after Alfred's death. Actually, the build-up to his death has the biggest impact of all. Log in sign up. The Last Kingdom est une série TV de Stephen Butchard avec Alexander Dreymon (Uhtred), Alexander Dreymon (Uhtred de Bebbanburg). In the early 890s, Alfred’s biographer, Asser, wrote of the agonising illness, thought to be Crohn’s disease, that afflicted the king during his final years. But as he always does, Uhtred took down the Dane leader, sending a ripple across the Dane invasion that has allowed countless, inferior fighters and leaders to take their shot at Uhtred. That entire scene had me all misty-eyed. The marriage between Eadwig and Ælfgifu was dissolved on the grounds of consanguinity, and Edgar succeeded to the throne when Eadwig died without leaving children. The Danes caught up with the men of Kent to fight the Battle of the Holme. At the Witan, it is decided that Eardwulf will marry Æthelred's daughter, and inherit the Lordship of Mercia. According to 'B', the Northumbrian Danes accepted Æthelwold as their king, and gave allegiance to him, but this is omitted in 'A'. His own father considered him an unsuitable heir because of his debauchery and youthful lack of concern for the kingdom's business. Some hit the trifecta. Once he realizes this, he attacks her, only to die viciously by her hand, sending a shock through the entire Dane camp. It's one of the few times you see Uhtred rattled with a sword in his hand. [45], Æthelwold's reign in Northumbria was short, in David Rollason's view because Æthelwold saw it only as a base for gaining power in Wessex. [61] Æthelweard was Ealdorman of the Western Provinces in the late tenth century, showing that Æthelred's descendants held on to land and power in the century after his death. His reign saw the beginning of Viking attacks, but Egbert and his son Æthelwulf, who succeeded in 839, were able to resist them. [10][c] The only other record of Æthelwold before Alfred's death is as a witness to a charter that probably dates to the 890s. Æthelred's wife was probably the Wulfthryth who witnessed a charter in 868. [8], Very little is known of Æthelwold's immediate family. Æthelred refused, offering instead to leave it to Alfred on his death, together with any further property he acquired, and Alfred agreed. In a way, Skade is the exact opposite of Thyra. Æthelwold was among the leaders on the Danish side who were killed, together with Eohric, the Viking King of East Anglia,[48] two holds (Danish noblemen), Ysopa and Oscetel,[49] and Beorhtsige, son of the ætheling Beornoth, who was probably a kinsman of the former king of Mercia, Burgred. [59] Shashi Jayakumar suggests the rivalry between King Eadwig and his younger brother Edgar in the 950s dates back to the conflict which resulted in the Battle of the Holme. Join. The show is an adaption of Bernard … Press J to jump to the feed. Log in sign up. He was the son of Hereswitha, a Northumbrian princess, and of Æthilric (d. before c. 664), whose brothers all ruled East Anglia during the 7th century. The Last Kingdom is a British historical fiction television series based on Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories series of novels. It's left her traumatized, yet also led her into the arms of Beocca. r/TheLastKingdom: A subreddit for "The Last Kingdom," the BBC/Netflix television show set in medieval England. Despite the fact he is only expected to live for a few days (a fiction: Aethelred died in 911), Eardwulf kills him in his sickbed. In late 870 the Vikings invaded Wessex, and in early 871 they fought armies under Æthelred and Alfred in four battles in quick succession, the last two of which Wessex lost. Alfred had made an earlier will, and it is possible that the preamble was retained from the earlier one. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Æthelwold ist ebenso eine Figur in der TV-Adaption dieser Romanreihe, der Fernsehserie The Last Kingdom. Just before Iseult death, Uhtred's new best friend Leofric dies in battle. Where Iseult was beheaded mercilessly, Leofric suffered a wound in a terrible location. Which is why her death was one of the biggest on the show.