Should our distribution partner charge additional fees in its own name (Clause 2.2), their reimbursement shall be governed by the general terms and conditions of said distribution partner. You can apply for the user data under or by phone. 13.1. They govern the relationship in place between MCT and the purchaser of tickets (referred to hereinbelow as “you” or the “customer”). The data will not be used for any other purposes than to establish that the name set out on the Online Ticket is identical to that on the identification document. L'Ascenseur Végétal, 20 rue Bouquière à … TRANSFER AND RE-PERSONALIZATION OF PERSONALIZED TICKETS
As a result of the contract you have concluded with us, third parties for whom you have acquired a personalized Ticket are, in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, likewise entitled to attend the event. By exercising the option to return on-site the Ticket Holder requests that we accept that the Ticket be returned. Minors aged 16 or more may attend concerts (dancing events) until midnight without being accompanied by an adult. One thing is for certain it won’t be boring with them – and that will not change when they come back to Germany next summer for two shows. For the event that one and the same name is provided in purchasing several Tickets, in contravention of the above provision, we reserve the right, for the above reasons, to immediately rescind the agreement without this requiring any deadline to be set (Section 323 paragraph 2 no. The official online ticket pre-sale is handled exclusively by Should CTS charge additional fees in its own name (Clause 2.3.
You enter into obligation to acquire the Tickets exclusively for your private use and to use them exclusively on a private basis. All other ticket providers offering tickets for sale are NON AUTHORIZED sellers. is a seething mass of beats with heartwarming vocals that caught this years mood perfectly while simultaneously makes our body move. In all other regards, the parties shall determine an effective provision to take the place of that provision that is null and void or ineffective, which new provision is to approach as closely as possible the previous provision’s economic intent, unless an amending interpretation of the contract takes precedence or is possible. The reviews for this "unplugged" orchestra show were downright hymn-like. With tens of millions of streams to his name, fans everywhere will be thrilled today to learn of the news that neo-soul sensation Aaron Taylor will be hitting the road in 2021 in support of debut album ‘Icarus’ (out ... 15.1. On request, Tickets that become available may be received for one or more third parties for a maximum of 48 hours.
Postponed from 10.06.2020 | All tickets will remain valid, Moved from Velodrom, Mi 30.Jun '21 Düsseldorf, Mitsubishi Electric Halle Admission: 18:00 Starts: 20:00 49,80 € The Dutch-Iranian artist is far more than one could fit into the word “musician”. Since 1984, we have been organising gigs and tours of any size in Germany. MCT will be free from its performance obligations vis-à-vis its contractual partner if another person has obtained access to the event by presenting a Ticket. 9.1. Right to data portability (Art. 1. Clause 8 applies in the event of a violation of Clause 5.1. Even Kelly Lee Owen's self-titled debut in 2017 was a great success, which found friends in the pop as well as in the club culture. 7.5. Moreo-ver, you will be asked to confirm that you are entitled to personalize the ticket(s) in the name of the third person(s). In the same article she was described very aptly as "a one-woman Berghain with synths and guitar". Accordingly, you cannot revoke your declaration of intention regarding the order of tickets for recreational events.
Bliv medlem af Facebook, og få kontakt med Maria Hartmann og andre, du måske kender. Once the Ticket has been re-personalized, the Ticket originally issued will be disabled. 6.2. The powerful, dark and clever tracks of Massive Attack are just as devastating as ... By now she sold over 1,2 million records amongst those was the brilliant „En cas de tempête, ce jardin sera fermé“ from 2018 and over the last few years she became a leading voice oft he LGBTQ community.
Should you acquire the Ticket(s) online, you will confirm this by clicking on the button “Ich bestätige außerdem, dass ich die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen habe und stimme ihnen zu” (“I furthermore confirm that I have read the General Terms and Conditions of the event organizer and accept them”). Should the Tickets have been lost, it will not be possible to reimburse the Ticket Purchase Price or to provide you with replacement tickets. 11. Stefan Hartmann (*1990) ist ein deutscher Schauspieler. she was originally "Team Indie", but that she got her start in techno through her collaboration with Daniel Avery on his "Drone Logic" album. This shall not affect the possibility of returning the Ticket if the event is postponed or cancelled pursuant to 4. 8.1.3. Offizielle Seite von Julia Hartmann The stipulations of the law shall replace those of the General Terms and Conditions that are not incorporated or ineffective (Section 306 paragraph 2 of the Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB, German Civil Code)). The reason is that should you rescind the said agreement, you will be under ob-ligation to compensate us for the value of the brokerage services that you have enjoyed by purchasing your Ticket from us via our distribution partner CTS. H Daryl Hall - Yasmine Hamdan - Lisa Hannigan - Ed Harcourt - Hard-Fi - Happy Mondays - Ben Harper - Debbie Harry - PJ Harvey - The Juliana Hatfield Three - Sophie B. Hawkins - The Heads - Marek Hemmann - Nona Hendryx - Her - John Hiatt - Hipsway - Hjaltalín - John Lee Hooker - The Housemartins - Hue & Cry - Karl Hyde
first performance in the city since 1992!
Moreover, the general terms and conditions of said distribution partners may stipulate fur-ther reasons based on which tickets may be disabled.
In addition, every song is available in both English and French versions. Musikexpress presents is a seething mass of beats with heartwarming vocals that caught this years mood perfectly while simultaneously makes our body move. 14. Any transfer of the Tickets is prohibited. 2.
The progression of this ‘young Brit with the smooth voice’ is in fact exciting.
The band and everyone involved are very disappointed about this.
Sold Out | rescheduled from 04.07.2020 & 05.06.2021, So 05.Jun '22 Berlin, Olympiastadion Admission: 15:30 Starts: 19:00 73,00 - 116,00 € 10. Until payment of the Ticket Purchase Price is made in full, the Tickets shall remain the sole property of MCT and shall not entitle their bearer to access the event booked. Returns at the event location
These terms are included herein by reference. In the event of a pandemic situation we reserve the right to impose special access restrictions to the concert in the interest of the health of our concert visitors. Songs like „Teardrop“, „Unfinished Sympathy“, „Karmacoma“ or the relatively new „The Spoils“ are all timeless classics. CTS will provide you with a link in this respect which you may forward to one or more third parties. Specifically this includes selling the Tickets to third parties, or offering the Tickets for sale in the context of internet auctions or not au-thorized ticket exchanges. 8.4. Special limitation: max. Where CTS’ terms deviate from the MCT General Terms and Conditions, the latter shall govern. Should the option be available to purchase several personalized Tickets, you will be asked, when you make the purchase, to provide the first name(s) and last name(s) of the other person(s) to whom the personalized Ticket(s) is / are to be issued. Username. We think that gigs have to remain affordable. RESTRICTIONS ON ACQUIRING AND FORWARDING TICKETS
7.3 Where the stipulations of Clause 6.1. f) have been violated, the agreement as to the attendance of the event will not be concluded, since any representation is ruled out in this case. U Underworld - The Untouchables - Urban Dance Squad
D The Damned - Danzig - Charlotte Day Wilson - Deee-Lite - Deftones - Defunkt - Del Amitri - De La Soul - Des’ree - DEVO - Die Antwoord - Digable Planets - Dillon - Céline Dion - The Dissociatives - DNCE - Dogstar - Andrew Dorff - Dream Warriors - Duffy
Oklou has explained that “Galore” is not an album, but rather a mixtape, although it has everything a big debut album needs: an adventurous, but coherent sound with deep, poetic lyrics and outstanding vocal performances. d) Forwarding and/or selling the Tickets for advertisement or marketing purposes, as a bonus, as a promotional gift or as part of any hospitality or travel package not authorized by MCT;
As a general rule, the amount of the contractual penalty shall be based on the current offer price or price for the onward sale; as a minimum, however, it shall be based on the Ticket Purchase Price of the tickets offered for sale or forwarded in violation of Clause 6.1. hereof. The same shall apply where liability is mandated by the law, in par-ticular liability pursuant to the Produkthaftungsgesetz (ProdHaftG, German Product Lia-bility Act), and in the event of guarantees. 2.2. 7. 5.3. Only one person is authorized to attend the event per Ticket. Password. The distribution partner may also disable tickets on behalf of MCT. Facebook giver folk mulighed for … Any contractual penalty paid shall be set off against a claim to compensation of damages. After Björk's most elaborate stage performance to date, "Cornucopia", she will embark on a new Tour in 2022 "Björk Orchestral". The contract as to the attendance of concert events is a contract concerning recreational events, regarding which the customer is not entitled to any right of revocation. INXS - Chris Isaak - It’s Immaterial
For these concerts, you may acquire only this number of Tickets; this applies regardless of the number of purchases you initiate. They will be returned to the owner provided that the latter has consented to the recordings being deleted from such material. 12. Return of Tickets purchased on the ticket platform "Fansale" operated by CTS
A Facebookhoz csatlakozva tarthatod a kapcsolatot Mária Hartmann nevű ismerősöddel és másokkal, akiket már ismersz. Back then her sound was rougher but her dreamy pianoplay and her deep and mostly french lyrics were already there to be seen. For these events, you may acquire only the number of tickets that is indicated as a maximum number; this applies regardless of the number of purchases you may initiate. It will no longer enable its holder to access the venue. In this case the Ticket(s) that become available will only be offered for sale to such third party/parties during the aforementioned reservation period. 11. No hazardous objects such as gas containers, pyrotechnical articles (such as flares, firecrackers or sparklers), laser pointers, weapons of any kind or objects that may be used as a projectile – in particular bottles and cans – may be taken to any event. 5.1. We look forward to seeing you in 2022! Clause 7 of the General Terms and Conditions of smart It is not permissible to transfer the Tickets to or through third parties (Clause 6.5). 7.5. I I Blame Coco - Icicle Works - Immaculate Fools - Imperiet - Indigo Girls - In Tua Nua -
In purchasing Tickets, an agreement as to the attendance of the concert event is concluded by you as the customer and MCT as the event organizer. 10. Kelly Lee Owens will present the new songs and, of course, parts of her other oeuvre on March 29th at an exclusive Germany show in Berlin's Gretchen. Her visuals are timeless, blurring the lines between digital art and a classic video. For the event that one and the same name is provided in purchasing several Tickets, in contravention of the above provision, MCT reserves the right, for the above reasons, to immediately rescind the agreement without this requiring any deadline to be set (Section 323 paragraph 2 no. As a matter of principle, you as a customer will have a claim to returning the Ticket and to being reimbursed fort he Ticket Purchase Price only if events are cancelled and/or postponed. Virtual indeed, but the Gorrillaz are still a very real collective of artists who, under the guidance of Damon Albarn, repeatedly ... The original Ticket Holder is free to have a maximum amount equal to Ticket Purchase Price (Clause 2.2) plus the system fee, or a lower price, reimbursed by the purchaser. 7. Marylou Mayniel is not only a wonderful singer, but also a great producer.