Prosa aus der Berner Zeit. Robert Walser (1878-1956), through his novels, short dramas, and poems, and above all through his feuilleton-like short prose, is regarded as one of the most important authors of twentieth-century German-language literature. 0 Reviews. Bern Edition., Robert Walser as a letter-writer is yet to be discovered. »The new collected works edition published by Suhrkamp begins with 765 of Robert Walser’s letters. They provide insight to the existential conditions of Walser’s »life as a poet« between Zurich, Berlin, Biel, Bern and Herisau. Borrow it Toggle Dropdown Albert D. Cohen Management Library; Architecture/Fine Arts Library; Archives and Special Collections; Bibliothèque Alfred-Monnin (Université de Saint-Boniface) Letters 1-3: Works. Robert Otto Walser war das zweitjüngste von acht Kindern des gelernten Buchbinders und Werkstattinhabers für Papeteriewaren und Bilderrahmen Adolf (sen.) Walser (18331914) und seiner Frau Elisabeth (Elisa) Walser (18391894). Sämtliche Werke in 20 Bänden. Sämtliche Werke in 20 Bänden. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. [Walser, Robert, Greven, Jochen, Vallotton, Felix] on Walser, Robert: Dielo. Diese Rezeptions-Situati­on im ersten Drittel des 20. In these letters, we get to know Walser through the various branches of his network, which range from his closest siblings to Hesse and Hofmannsthal. Sämtliche Werke in Einzelausgaben, Volume 19. Ships with Tracking Number! They prance and chat, digress and pose.« Marc Reichwein, Die Literarische Welt *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Robert Walser was born in 1878 in the canton of Bern, the seventh of eight children. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. In them, the author presents himself in many forms: suggestive and aggressive, desperate and as a great chess player.« Martin Ebel, Basler Zeitung, English world rights (New Directions), Spanish World Rights (Siruela), Italy (Adelphi), Bulgaria (Funtasy), Domestic rights sales: German Audiobook (Diogenes), English world rights (University of Nebraska Press), Spanish world rights (Siruela), France (Gallimard), Italy (Adelphi), Netherlands (Koppernik), Sweden (Faethon), Poland (PIW), Czech Republic (Opus), Latvia (Orbita), Turkey (Can), Ukraine (Zhupansky), Azerbaijan (Alatoran); previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Portuguese rights (Relogio d'Agua), Denmark (Basilisk), Norway (Bokvennen), Slovenia (Nova Revija), English rights (USA: New Directions, UK: Serpent’s Tail), Spanish world rights (Siruela), Catalan rights (El Flâneur), Russia (pre-publication serial rights: Inostrannaja Literatura; volume rights: Ad Marginem), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Editora 34), France (Gallimard), Italy (Adelphi), Netherlands (Lebowski/Dutch Media Group), Denmark (Batzer), Finnland (Teos), Czech Republic (Opus), Slovakia (Premedia), Bulgaria (Critique & Humanism), Greece (Gavrilidis), Kosovo / Albanian rights (Pa), Ukraine (Meridian Czernowitz Literature Foundation), Belorussia (Logvinau), Georgia (Ibis), Armenia (Antares), Iran (Dastan); previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai Translation), Norway (Bokvennen), Hungary (Magvetö), Romania (Univers), Estonia (Tänapäev), Domestic Rights Sales: Audiobook rights (Universal Music / Deutsche Grammophon), English world rights (Serpent’s Tail / NYRB), Spanish world rights (Siruela), Catalan rights (Quaderns Crema), Basque rights (Erein), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Companhia das Letras), Portuguese rights (Relogio d’Agua), France (Gallimard), Italy (Adelphi), Netherlands (Lebowski), Sweden (Faethon), Norway (Bokvennen), Iceland (Translation Centre at the University of Iceland), Japan (Choeisha), Thailand (Lighthouse Publishing), Poland (PIW), Czech Republic (Opus), Hungary (Scolar), Bulgaria (Narodna Kultura), Estonia (Tänapäev), Latvia (Mansards), Lithuania (Vaga), Croatia (Naprijed), Serbia (, Slovenia (Beletrina), Bosnia (Gong), Turkey (Dogan), Greece (Printa), Macedonia (Templum), Georgia (Ibis); previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Denmark (Centrum), Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (DAV), English world rights (New Directions), Spanish world rights (Siruela, Paperback Sublicense: Debolsillo, Latin American Sublicense: El Hilo de Ariadna), Catalan world rights (Ed. Robert Walser was born in Biel/Bienne in Switzerland in 1878 and died on a solitary walk in the snow on Christmas Day, 1956, near the Herisau sanitarium. Bernhard Echte: Robert Walser. Lucas Marco Gisi: Príručka o Robertovi Walserovi. Ich schreibe hier einen Aufsatz 116 . Leben – Werk – Wirkung), J. It is charged with compassion: awareness of the creatureliness of life, of the fellowship of sadness« Susan Sontag, »Was Walser a great writer? [Robert Walser; Peter Stocker; Bernhard Echte; Peter Utz; Thomas Binder] Obwohl er mit seinen Romanen »Geschwister Tanner«, »Der Gehülfe« und »Jakob von Gunten« in Literatenkreisen früh eine gewisse Bekanntheit erwarb, bewegte sich Walser Zeit seines Lebens an den Rändern der Gesellschaft und gelangte erst postum zu internationalem Ruhm. »Time and again the mysterious Rober Walser has to be discovered anew.« Roman Bucheli, Neue Zürcher Zeitung At the age of fourteen Robert was taken out of school and apprenticed to a bank, where he performed his clerical functions in exemplary fashion. Walser, Robert: Kritické vydání všech tisků a rukopisů z díla Roberta Walsera (Kritische Robert Walser-Ausgabe. ISBN: 9783518376201. To add more books, Speaking to the Rose: Writings, 1912-1932, Spaziergang, Prosastücke und kleine Prosa, Oppressive Light: Selected Poems by Robert Walser, De vrouw op het balkon en andere prozastukjes, A Little Ramble: In the Spirit of Robert Walser, Robert Walser Rediscovered: Stories, Fairy-Tale Plays, and Critical Responses--Including the Anti-Fairy Tales Cinderella and Snowwhite. Therefore, the Bern Edition of Walser’s Works opens with a new, comprehensive edition of his letters. Walser, Robert: Dílo, Bernské vydání (Werke. May 15, 2012 - Explore Joseph Pole's board "Robert Walser" on Pinterest. The Robert Walser Archive’s database lists primary as well as secondary literature about Robert Walser; it serves as both the Robert Walser’s bibliography and the Center’s main library catalogue. From inside the book . Walser was born in Wasserburg am Bodensee, on Lake Constance.His parents were coal merchants, and they also kept an inn next to the train station in Wasserburg. Nejnižší ceny 450 výdejních míst 99% spokojených zákazníků His father, trained as a bookbinder, ran a store selling stationery and notions. Lucas Marco Gisi, Reto Sorg, Peter Stocker u. Peter Utz, Suhrkamp, Berlin, vychází od roku 2018 (=BA). B. Metzler, Stuttgart 2015. 1-mag-2020 - Esplora la bacheca "Robert Walser" di garadinervi, seguita da 681 persone su Pinterest. * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. by Robert Walser Book condition: Good Book Description. Robert Walser (15 April 1878 – 25 December 1956) was a German-speaking Swiss writer.. Walser is understood to be the missing link between Kleist and Kafka. " He described the environment in which he grew up in his novel Ein springender Brunnen (English: A Gushing Fountain). Sämtliche Werke in 20 Bänden. ( Sämtliche Werke in Einzelausgaben, 4). Jelentőségét csak halála után, a huszadik század második felében ismerte fel az irodalomkritika, a kiadói világ és az olvasóközönség. Robert Walser Sämtliche Werke in zwanzig Bänden: Zwanzigster Band: Für die Katz. INTERNATIONAL WORLDWIDE Shipping available. Robert Walser. “Robert,” W.G. Kleine Dichtungen. Robert Walser gilt heute als einer der wichtigsten Prosa-Autoren des 20. Showing 1 - 16 results of 16 for search '"Werke / Robert Walser ; Band 6"', query time: 0.79s Narrow search Results per page 10 20 50 Sort Relevance Date Descending Date Ascending Werke - Berner Ausgabe Berner Ausgabe Band 2 Briefe 1921-1956 / herausgegeben von Peter Stocker und Bernhard Echte ; unter Mitarbeit von Peter Utz und Thomas Binder. Error rating book. What people are saying - Write a review. [1] Sein Bruder Karl Walser war ein Bühnenbildner und Maler. Good. Since 1978, his work has been published by Suhrkamp Verlag. Život - dielo - vplyv (Robert Walser Handbuch. His letters are not merely the private backboard to his work, but an integral part of it. Walser wuchs in Biel an der deutsch-französischen Sprachgrenze zweisprachig auf. Robert Walser gilt heute als einer der wichtigsten Prosa-Autoren des 20. In Walser’s fictions one is always inside a head, but this universe – and this despar – is anything but solipsistic. The Bern Edition, published in association with the Robert Walser Foundation in Bern, provides a new way into Walser’s work, with meticulously edited texts, afterwords and notes. ( Sämtliche Werke in Einzelausgaben, 4). Robert Walser-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung (German Edition) (9783476024183): Gisi, Lucas Marco: Books He had just returned to Switzerland from Berlin, where he basically spent ten years drinking and partying his way from literary hopeful to persona non grata. 1998-01-05. 1984), Brazilian Portuguese (Siciliano de Livros), Portugal (Relogio d’Agua), France (Gallimard), Italy (Einaudi), Netherlands (Koppernik), Sweden (Modernista), Norway (Bokvennen), Finland (Teos), Japan (Choeisha), Poland (PIW), Czech Republic (Opus), Hungary (Scolar), Bulgaria (G. Danov), Estonia (Perioodika), Lithuania (Pradai), Slovenia (Mihelač), Turkey (Can), Albania (Asdreni), Georgia (Ibis), English world rights (New Directions), Spanish world rights (Siruela, Paperback Sublicense: Debolsillo), Catalan world rights (Proa), Russia (Text), Brazilian Portuguese (Companhia das Letras), Portugal (Relogio d’Agua), France (Gallimard), Italy (Adelphi), Netherlands (Koppernik), Norway (Bokvennen), Japan (Choeisha), Poland (Poznańskie), Czech Republic (Opus), Slovakia (Smena), Hungary (Scolar), Bulgaria (Colibri), Estonia (Loomingu Raamatukogu), Slovenia (Pan), Bosnia (Connectum), Turkey (Can), Greece (Printa), Georgia (Ibis), India (Hindi), Israel (Am Oved), With many illustrations: letters, postcards and photographs, »I owe you a letter in which the little word ‘dear’ appears about a hundred times, in a multitude of guises, so that you will not find yourself bored. Contents. His letters are not merely the private backboard to his work, but an integral part of it. 27: Jeho život v obrazoch a textoch (Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten), Suhrkamp, Frankfurt nad M. 2008. Robert Walser war ein deutschsprachiger Schweizer Schriftsteller. Robert Walser (15 d'abril de 1878 a Biel/Bienne, Suïssa - 25 de desembre de 1956 a Herisau, Suïssa), fou un escriptor suís en llengua alemanya. Berner Ausgabe), edit. Die Gedichte : Sämtliche Werke in zwanzig Bänden - Band 13 von Robert Walser und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf Be Robert Walser!« Thomas Hirschhorn. Berner Ausgabe Band 12: Prosastücke by Robert Walser 9783518428993 (Paperback, 2019) Delivery US shipping is usually within 11 to 15 working days. Sämtliche Werke in Einzelausgaben, Volume 14 Robert Walser Snippet view - 1985. The commentary volume also contains third person letters, illustrations, a rich table of personages and a chronology. Robert Walser has 165 books on Goodreads with 42560 ratings. Welcome back. Unpublished documents held in the Robert Walser Archive and newspaper articles about Robert Walser have yet to be included in the database. Jahrhunderts. These include, as compared to earlier editions, 336 additional letters by Walser, as well as all the letters received in return. If one is reluctant to call him great, said Canetti, that is only because nothing could be more alien to him than greatness.« J. M. Coetzee, »Robert Walser moves me more and more […] He is truthful without making a frontal attack on the truth, he becomes truth by walking around it.« Elias Canetti, »Be an Outsider! The edition opens with three volumes of letters. 19 Für die Katz. Robert Walser (1878-1956), a szerencsétlen sorsú nagy svájci prózaíró pályája elején, 1909-ben egy karcsú kis verseskötetet is közzétett.... 5% 1 490 Ft 1 416 Ft In the fight for fees per line and in a critical commentary of his present-day, we hear the highly alert, urbane Walser. book. But I think that little word will always be dear to you. Sämtliche Werke in Einzelausgaben, Volume 6 Robert Walser Snippet view - 1986. We bear witness to how elegantly and resolutely he stands up for his literary survival when facing his publishers and editors. »A collection for fans on the one hand, but also for newcomers on the other, because Walser’s letters resemble his texts for the feuilleton. Refresh and try again. Visualizza altre idee su Parola del giorno, Gruppi di lettura, Storia della letteratura. Product Information. Background Checks Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Robert Walser war ein deutschsprachiger Schweizer Schriftsteller. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. Berner Ausgabe v internetovém knihkupectví See more ideas about Robert, Writer, Writers and poets. From 1938 to 1943 he was a pupil at the secondary school in Lindau and served in an anti-aircraft unit. Der Spaziergang (German) Robert Walser 131 downloads Kleine Dichtungen (German) Robert Walser 91 downloads Geschwister Tanner (German) Robert Walser 87 downloads Aufsätze (German) Robert Walser 82 downloads Jakob von Gunten: Ein Tagebuch (German) Robert Walser 80 downloads Prosastücke (German) Robert Walser 51 downloads Der Gehülfe (German) Robert Walser 28 … By contrast, his private letters have the voice of the playful, witty Walser. Robert Walser as a letter-writer is yet to be discovered. Robert Walser (Bern kanton, Biel, 1878. április 15.– Appenzell Ausserrhoden kanton, Herisau közelében, 1956. december 25.) Suhrkamp Verlag, 1985. Obwohl er mit seinen Romanen »Geschwister Tanner«, »Der Gehülfe« und »Jakob von Gunten« in Literatenkreisen früh eine gewisse Bekanntheit erwarb, bewegte sich Walser Zeit seines Lebens an den Rändern der Gesellschaft und gelangte erst postum zu internationalem Ruhm. Therefore, the Bern Edition of Walser’s Works opens with a new, comprehe Frieda Mermet was a working-class (laundress) divorcée who was friends with Robert Walser’s sister Lisa, a teacher. Jahrhunderts. Robert Walser’s most popular book is Jakob von Gunten. Objednávejte knihu Werke. 1928–1933 : Sämtliche Werke in zwanzig Bänden, Band 20 [nach diesem Titel suchen] Suhrkamp Verlag, 1986. Robert Walser und sein Werk Der zeitgenössische Schriftsteller und Essayist Walter Benjamin schrieb1929 : „Man kann von Robert Walser viel lesen, über ihn aber nichts.” Benjamin bezog sich dabei weniger auf die legendäre und spärliche Biographie des Autors der „kleinen Form” als auf die ausbleibende Rezeption seiner Werke. View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for Robert Walser., »A Paul Klee in prose, a good-humored, sweet Beckett, Walser is a truly wonderful, heartbreaking writer. Werke. There it is again and perhaps in our exchange of letters it will yet often be pronounced.« Robert Walser to Frieda Mermet, 17, Eine Ohrfeige und sonstiges/A Slap in the Face and Other Matters (2019). »Never before has this exceptional writer been editted so opulently.« Klaus Bellin, neues deutschland Er besuchte dort die Primarschule und d… In particular, the letters to his long-time friend, Frieda Mermet, document a long-distance love of the most delicate sort. He wrote her the letters excerpted below between the fall of 1914 and the spring of 1916. Get this from a library! Es war einmal: Prosa aus der Berner Zeit, 1927-1928 (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch) (German Edition) by Robert Walser — not in English Common Knowledge Bd. svájci-német író, a huszadik századi német nyelvű svájci irodalom kiemelkedő alkotója volt. Be a Hero!