You can leave 2nd and 3rd subject empty if they do not apply to you. Only then will your application be complete. Under Status, fill out the section Final examination. Sie haben alles vorbereitet? Nutzen Sie daher für die Erstellung Ihrer Onlinebewerbung keine Smartphones oder Tablets. Anleitungen zur Onlinebewerbung. If you apply for more than one degree program, please submit a separate application for each program.. All documents required for admission have to be uploaded in PDF format to the online application form. Please do not send any hard-copies via post. Mehr Informationen und die Möglichkeit zum Widerruf finden Sie unter, Coronavirus/COVID-19: Bis 10.1. Please note that you will have to supply proof of any extracurricular activities. Nachdem Sie eine Zulassung erhalten haben, ist der zweite Schritt die Immatrikulation (Einschreibung). At this point the Google Custom Search Engine is integrated. This takes place every Tuesday and Thursday from 09:00 am to 11:00 am. If you cannot fill in all fields, e.g. Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Studium: Hier geht's zu den FAQ. Das Anlegen weiterer Konten führt dazu, dass Sie keine Bewerbung abschicken können. International Master’s Program at Technische Universität München Institut für Informatik, Boltzmannstr. Submitting an application consists of completing an online application form AND mailing in paper copies of the application materials by post (transcripts, degree certificates, etc. Ab einer Bewerbung für das Sommersemester 2020 oder später müssen Sie für diesen Schritt keine Papierunterlagen mehr einreichen. Please read our tips on how to successfully complete the online application process. The program is designed to meet you at your current academic stage. Between 16.12.2020 and 23.12.2020 and from 04.01.2021 the respective contact persons can be reached by e-mail. That means, you have to complete an undergraduate degree to qualify, for example a bachelor’s degree program.. Questions on examinations in Master degree courses (Master Examination Board) Please send your questions by e-mail to This is a specific certificate verifying your training for a specific job. Attention: JavaScript deactivated Bitte aktivieren Sie JavaScript um alle Funktionen der Website (u.a. To top -Student counselling Tobias Förtsch Uni-Assist will make a preliminary evaluation whether you meet the entry requirements for the Master program at TUM. Contact Application administration + An dieser Stelle ist die Google Custom Search Engine eingebunden. The address does not have to be in Germany. We ask that you refrain from inquiries about the status of individual documents, as this delays the processing of applications. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION A. Under Semester, enter the dates in which you completed this degree program, i.e. Sie haben sich bei der Onlinebewerbung vertippt? The first step is the application via our portal TUMonline.Our application wizard will guide you step by step through the online application procedure. It is therefore not possible to upload the application for admission at this point. Usually, Entrance Semester is 1 if you wish to start a new degree program. If you are currently enrolled in or have already completed several programs, please enter the information separately for each program. Sie sehen den Status Ihrer Bewerbung in Ihrem TUMonline-Account. Master’s degree programs are graduate studies. Please note that we select our students carefully and that this process will take some time. You may leave the option Intermediate Exam empty if it does not apply to you. Opting for the Master's program in Mechanical Engineering means you are free to choose among all mechanical engineering subjects plus a multitude of subjects offered by other TUM departments (e.g. You can access the site, Online Application at TUM, via the link below: TUM Online Application All relevant updates are sent by email, so be sure to check your inbox and your spam folder regularly. Master student in Management at TUM Campus Heilbronn I have always been passionate about finance and business management because it essentially governs everything that we all do on a daily basis. Please note that the verification of individual documents and the status update in TUMonline can take considerable time. Please note that you can only choose degree courses which allow an application for the semester you have chosen. When displaying, data may be transferred to third parties or cookies may be stored, therefore your consent is required. Zwischen 16.12.2020 und 23.12.2020 sowie ab 04.01.2021 sind die jeweiligen Ansprechpersonen per E-Mail erreichbar. You can only download it then. You do not have to submit hardcopies of your documents until you receive an offer of admission. This is only a preview of your application. We will verify and fill in this information based on the certificates you submit, as soon as all documents are available. 21, Room 144 Please note that the Service Desk is closed at the moment. Hier sehen Sie auch, ob wir von Ihnen noch weitere Unterlagen benötigen – prüfen Sie den Account, Ihre E-Mails und auch Ihren Spam-Ordner daher regelmäßig! A completed or current bachelor’s program is usually a first degree. The Master program Quantum Science & Technology starts in WS 2020/1 jointly at the two Physics departments of Technical University Munich (TUM) and Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (LMU).Students learn to directly translate current results from research and development in science (e. Bitte legen Sie nur ein Konto an – Sie können sich mit Ihrem Konto auch für mehrere Studiengänge bewerben. Responsibility is a vital issue for contemporary highly technologized societies. Give us a call: +49 89 289 22245 Monday to Thursday: 9 am – 3 pm Friday: 9 am – 12 pm. Außerhalb dieser Zeiträume ist eine Onlinebewerbung nicht möglich. You can update your correspondence address in your account at any time by clicking on the Study/home address link in your TUMonline business card. You cannot edit personal data after creating a TUMonline account. Depending on the program, TUM awards the following master’s degrees: Master of Science (M.Sc. Your application has to be fully completed online at this date. RESET) in October 2017. screenshot master entrance qualification finished, screenshot master entrance qualification unfinished. Regardless of whether you already have an interdisciplinary background gained through a degree combining management and technology or if you are rooted in pure management studies – you will be equally prepared to reach the same goal: Become a skilled business leader with a profound understanding of technical knowledge. Leare more about modifying data in the online application. Once the documents have been sent, however, they may no longer be exchanged. Die Allgemeine Studienberatung hilft Ihnen gerne weiter. from your Abitur certificate) here. Please fill in the fields based on the official document relating to your entrance qualification – e.g. You have questions about application, admission or administrative matters? The application for admission will be generated as a PDF document in your applicant account once the online application has been submitted electronically. Please select the semester you would like to apply for. In the section Evidence of German / English language skills you need to submit proof of sufficient proficiency in the language specified for your degree program. Between 16.12.2020 and 10.01.2021 the university facilities are closed. Der Upload von Dokumenten ist in der Regel nur im PDF-Format möglich. Sie haben Fragen zur Bewerbung, Zulassung oder Verwaltungsabläufen im Studium? Uni-Assist will make a preliminary evaluation on whether you meet the entry requirements for the Master program at TUM. If your course or program is not listed, select one that is similar. Die Bewerbung für einen Studiengang an der Technischen Universität München erfolgt über das Portal TUMonline. You can view the status of your application at any time in your TUMonline applicant account. To apply at TUM, you must open a TUMonline account. All other degree programs award the bachelor or master “of Science” or “of Arts”. The Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) launched its new Master’s program “Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology” (M.A. The menu item select degree programs will only display those programs for which you may apply in the selected semester. In the menu form of studies, select First degree for bachelor’s programs and Consecutive master program for master’s programs if you apply for your first undergraduate or graduate degree. Bitte Informieren Sie sich vorab bei Ihrem Studiengang über die Dokumente, die Sie für eine Bewerbung benötigen. Please specify your entrance qualification for a master’s degree program, that is, an academic degree qualifying you to study at the master’s level, generally, a bachelor's degree. The admission process for bachelor’s and master’s programs is based on two steps: submitting an application and taking part in an interview. Please have your applicant or application number ready. Bitte stellen Sie vor der Bewerbung sicher, dass Ihre Dokumente im richtigen Format vorliegen. After sending the online application, please print out and sign the application for admission and upload it to your TUMonline applicant account. Welche Unterlagen wir benötigen, sehen Sie in Ihrem TUMonline Account, sobald Sie eine Zulassung erhalten und Ihren Studienplatz angenommen haben. Only complete applications can be processed. Average score of the best 140 credits within the bachelor's program (Attention: bachelor's thesis is not taken into account here) 2. Die Onlinebewerbung ist der erste Schritt bei einer Bewerbung für einen Studiengang an der TUM. Select the type of studies and the intended degree you wish to apply for. Applicants scoring lower than 88 points are invited to a personal interview. An application is complete when all documents have been uploaded on time. Weitere Informationen zu Account und Anmeldung in TUMonline finden Sie auf der Wiki-Seite des IT-Support. Sie können sich für alle Studiengänge innerhalb der jeweiligen Bewerbungsfrist bewerben. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany Online Application You have to submit all documents in digital form via TUMonline1. If you have not yet completed the academic degree, e.g. Short summary of the bachelor's thesis (here the evaluation focuses on scientific criteria and not on experimental or theoretical character) (max. ). This form is optional. The application has not yet been electronically submitted. Please wait until your application has been processed before contacting us. the semester/year in which you began under from and the semester/year in which you completed your studies under to. Once you upload all documents, the data you entered will be saved. Wir haben Ihnen alle Informationen zusammengestellt, die Sie für eine erfolgreiche Onlinebewerbung benötigen. Bonus for the best 10 or 20% 3. 2The academic title may also be used with the name of the university “(TUM)”. the bachelor’s, that will qualify you for master’s studies, please indicate the expected date on which the degree will be awarded, the number of ECTS credits you have earned to date, and, if known, the provisional overall grade for the degree program. For our Master's program Research on Teaching and Learning, please find more information on the link below: Application and Admission, Master Research on Teaching and Learning. Your correspondence address is the address to which we send important information about your application and your studies. Informieren Sie sich über die Voraussetzungen für ein Studium und die Auswahlverfahren Bei der Onlinebewerbung müssen Sie alle Dokumente für die Zulassung hochladen. Sending the online application is the first step towards starting a degree program at TUM. Please review the data you entered and ensure that you have uploaded the correct documents. You can still exchange uploaded documents before sending! Usually, Entrance Semester is 1 if you wish to start a new degree program. Once you submit your online application, uploaded documents may no longer be exchanged. Master Examination Board Office Since personal consultation hours are not possible at the moment, an online consultation hour was set up. Diskussion 'TUM BWL Master (Master in Management & Technology) ' [Seite 4] – Studis Online-Forum You can find more information and the possibility to revoke your consent at, Coronavirus/COVID-19: Minimum operation at all TUM locations until 10 Jan +++ University Library closed from 19 Dec +++, Office of the Senior Executive Vice President, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Getting Organized Before Your Studies Begin, general information on the online application. Once you have sent your online application and uploaded all documents, your application will be reviewed. (3) The Master’s program in Informatics and both part-time Master’s programs in Informatics are related programs. Under Date, enter the date of issue of your transcript or degree. Der Bewerbungsassistent führt Sie dann Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess. Application Deadline for TUM The application period for the winter term 2021/22 will start on 1 January 2021, and the deadline will be 31 May 2020. To be Completed by the Applicant Please fill in your name, sign the form, and give this form to a professor or other person who is well acquainted with your academic work. If your application has been processed and your personal data is still incorrect, please contact our Hotline. If the selected degree program uses an aptitude assessment, the corresponding notice will apply next to the semester. German higher education entrance qualification, international higher education entrance qualification, Service Desk and the TUM Student Information. 90 80333 Munich Germany Phone + Fax + info(at) A-Levels, High School Diploma, Abitur etc. Für manche Studiengänge müssen Sie zum Beispiel einen Essay oder andere Dokumente vorbereiten. Here, select passed on the whole. Besuchen Sie uns: Service Desk Campus München Arcisstr. Any mistakes or typos will be corrected upon review of the submitted documents. Uni-Assist will make a preliminary evaluation on whether you meet the entry requirements for the Master program at TUM. Once you are certain everything is correct, click the SEND button to submit your application electronically, after you have ticked the appropriate box (at the bottom of this page). your secondary school certificate. because you do not have the grades yet, skip this step. Suche) im vollen Umfang You can view the status of your application in your TUMonline account. can be found here: Here you will be asked to enter your correspondence address. Als Browser empfehlen wir Mozilla Firefox oder Google Chrome. Click on the individual documents to display the respective upload deadlines. Everything you need to know about documents required for application. Aptitude assessment allows the TUM school or department to which you are applying the opportunity to evaluate your individual talents and motivation for study. Über mobile Browser ist die Nutzung von TUMonline nur eingeschränkt möglich. Especially do not send original documents, since we will not return them to you. nutzen zu können! a bachelor’s) and the successful completion of the aptitude assessment procedure. Here, you can also download and print your Application for Admission. Telefonzeiten: Montag – Donnerstag: 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr Freitag: 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr. Learn more about application to TUM. If you are applying for your first undergraduate program, you can skip this step. After verification of the information and documents you provide, we will contact you by email. Zwischen 16.12.2020 und 10.01.2021 sind die Einrichtungen der Universität geschlossen. Dann nutzen Sie den Link „Bewerbungen – neue Bewerbung erfassen“ bei Ihrer Visitenkarte. As soon as your application has been processed, you will either receive an offer of admission, an invitation to the aptitude assessment or a letter of rejection. Degree program lets you choose the specific program you wish to apply for. Sie sind sich noch nicht sicher, welcher Studiengang der TUM der richtige für Sie ist? Please note that I belong to the group of master craftspersons or qualified professionals (vocational degree) does not refer to work experience or employment. Enter the grades (or points) from your higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Ab einer Bewerbung für das Sommersemester 2020 oder später müssen Sie für diesen Schritt keine Papierunterlagen mehr einreichen. Passwort vergessen? Akademie der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsmanagement, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung: Bewerbung für Bachelor- oder Masterstudiengänge, Übersicht in TUMonline: Meine Bewerbungen, Status Bewerbung in TUMonline: Informationen zu einer Bewerbung im Detail, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung: Bewerbung für das Studienkolleg, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung: Bewerbung für Medizin (klinisch) oder Praktisches Jahr (PJ), Bewerbung für ein Double Degree Programm (PDF, 1.3MB, Englisch), Bewerbung für eine Promotion: TUM Graduate School, Weitere Informationen zur Bewerbung an der TUM, Weitere Informationen zur Bewerbungübersicht in TUMonline bis Wintersemester 2019/20 (PDF, 0.2MB), Alle Termine und Fristen im Semesterüberblick. Keine Panik: Bitte warten Sie auf jeden Fall die Bearbeitung Ihrer Bewerbungsdokumente ab.