Last edited by AlexMBrennan; Nov 26, 2016 @ 1:54pm #9. If your accumulators are fully charged by the end of the day then you probably produce more power than you need, and the excess is simply lost (because you don't have accumulator capacity to store it). 1. More accumulators will mean that the batteries won't fully charge by night.That's wrong. You can store that energy as heat on 104 heat pipes (i think a litle more due heat transfer dynamic) or transform to electricity and store it using 10.400 accumulators. x=Current Accumulator Capacity y=Accumulator capacity five seconds ago //This is not one second because it would cause the time remaining to fluctuate massively as the power needs fluctuates...the five seconds helps to smooth out the fluctuations. This circuit balances production of solar panels and accumulators to a desired ratio in my case 24:20. Akumulator magazynuje pewną ilość energii elektrycznej gdy jej produkcja przekracza bieżące zapotrzebowanie oraz oddaje zmagazynowaną energię gdy występuje deficyt. As long as you're building a constant surplus and you don't go into negative consumption, you're fine. You could argue accumulators are much worse than current technology. The second arithmetic combinator takes the output of the first combinator and divides it by 20. All Discussions ... Because the quantities it is impossible to make any statements about the how many solar panels you need based on accumulator capacity any more than you can answer "How fast do I have to drive if the distance is 100km?" Factorio. Production is the total production capacity of all power generators on the Grid. Akumulator ma pojemność 5MJ, zaś jego moc ładowania i rozładowania wynosi 300 kW. I have 80 steam engines, 624 solar panels and 664 accumulators. Monitor your enegery during a full day, and then track how much surplus you build over several days. This mod adds a structure to the game, which is coincidentally named as the same as the mod itself. I calculated it in two ways: Way 1: Take the current ratio of 0.84, … That doesn't seem to be the case. Then build accumulators until you reach a desired max capacity, such as 700 MJ. Each Accum = 300kw of Production capacity, Solar Panels 60kw, Steam engines 900kw, and Turbines 5.82Mw, all of which get totalled into that number. Near as I can tell, a Factorio … During the day, my steam power shuts off since my solar panels turn on. If you attach an accumulator at night, it won't have any power but it is supposed to be discharging, so you get the red symbol. Accumulators hold 5 MJ of power and charge at 300KW/s, causing them to each recharge in a little under 17 seconds. A solar panel produces 60kw maximum, you want about 20 accumulators for every 24 solar panels, and at this ratio you get 42kw per solar panel over 24 hours. Each reactor can store 5GJ and each heat exchanger store 0.5GJ (same capacity of heat pipes), so you need to pull out of the system 96 - 20 - 22 = 52GJ. This is a mod for a game called Factorio. However, at night, my steam engines keep producing power while my accumulators just remain at full capacity. Production gets really weird, because Accumulators straddle BOTH those bars under different conditions. It's compatible with Factorio v0.15. K2 changed the power output of panels and capacity of accumulators: Solar panel max output: 100kW (from 60) Accumulator capacity: 10 MJ (from 5) As far as I know, the length of the day hasn't changed. Heat Accumulator -- A Mod for Factorio v0.15. I know that steam power also fills up accumulators, but is there a way to make accumulators produce power over steam engines? Podłączenie akumulatora do sieci sterowniczej generuje sygnał o wartości od 0 do 100, zależnie od stopnia naładowania. Balanced Solar panel / Accumulator Production. The Heat Accumulators store heat. The first arithmetic combinator takes the number of accumulators in the chest and multiplies it by 24. Of course an accumulator can provide 300kW of power compared to 5kW but if you stack 60 powerwalls, that would probably still fit inside the volume an accumulator takes up and have 600 times the capacity.