Courses are offereed in healthcare, human resources, industry and logistics, marketing, real estate, tax and auditing and tourism. 2.9. 6. Start your online application easily using the Apply Now button. The details for the processing of personal data and the rights of the student related to this are explained in the information notice for data privacy, which can be obtained by the student via the website of IUBH distance learning. Studying at the IUBH supports and challenges you. Based on cases in the study script, online lectures, and tutorials, students will be enabled to understand the strategies and operational patterns necessary to persist in international markets. The student also agrees that his/her data may be forwarded to the authorities in cases regulated by law. Mass Communication. The student can ensure the revocation period by sending the notification of his/her choice to exercise his/her right of revocation before the revocation period expires. The leave of absence can take place at the beginning of the second semester at the earliest, that is six months after the study start. Get qualified for positions in senior management with our international and practice-oriented postgraduate courses and master study prgrammes in Germany. 2.5. Prerequisites for admission to the Artificial Intelligence Master programme: [*] Minimum grade point average equivalent of 3.0 according to the German grading system. We are particularly looking for professionals and otherwise busy individuals who would like to grow on a personal and professional level whilst still continuing their core duties. Application Deadlines . ", *Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm gmt +1, Saturday 8 am to 4 pm gmt +1, *Scholarships are not available to students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Study Program International Management ️ at IUBH University of Applied Sciences All info for international students (undefined/undefined) IUBH Dual Studies allow students to complete a practice-oriented dual study programme. The in section 3 and 4 of this contract defined duties of the student do also apply for conditionally-enrolled students. A change in the duration of the contract requires the consent of both parties. Not specified. IUBH gives you an opportunity to apply for one of our many scholarships, however our scholarships are only available to Non-EU students at this time. ... IUBH Student advisory. If the student does not take the examinations or even attempt them for the first time within the 24 months after the allocation of the CARE courses, all assessments taken up until then are void and have to be taken again within 12 months. Should one or more provisions of this contract be or become invalid, the remaining provisions remain unaffected. Bachelor Study programmes International ManagementAviation ManagementComputer ScienceHospitality Management Preparatory Programmes Bachelor Preparatory Programmes More information Admission Admission More information Career … The student also agrees that his/her data may be forwarded to the authorities in cases regulated by law. 1.2. If the student changes his/her legal domicile or habitual residence to a location outside of Germany after the conclusion of the contract or his domicile or habitual residence is unknown at the time of a filing of a lawsuit, the parties agree to the following: for any dispute arising out of this contract or in connection with this contract, the court with jurisdiction for the IUBH (Amtsgericht Siegburg, Landgericht Bonn) will have jurisdiction. Do you still have questions? IUBH will inform the student about the available online payment systems. The IUBH offers individual counseling and … 5. The student will be notified of the effects on his/her studies and the corresponding contract. How you can study with us, what the prerequisites are and whether it’s right for you. 1.1. The IUBH’s study contents offer a high practical orientation. 7. Admission Requirements: The minimum requirements for admission in M.A. If the student fails to submit the university entrance qualification or other documents, which are necessary for the enrolment, correctly until exmatriculation, the obligation to pay the tuition fees of the first three months exists. To exercise the right of revocation, the student must inform IUBH in a clear declaration (e.g. The School of Business and Management offers bachelor's, master's, and MBAs in international management, marketing management, hospitality management, event management, aviation management, transport and logistics, and international business. Home to over 20,000 students, admissions at IUBH University of Applied Sciences are invited for Winter and Summer sessions.It is a private university with over 80 bachelors’, masters and MBA courses varying from 5 different study models. Some of the popular key programs offered by the university include Business and Management, Hospitality, Tourism and Event, Marketing and … You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management and leadership through academic and practice-oriented modules. 1. A change in the study programme, relocation, failed exams, financial or family reasons are not justified causes for immediate termination. Management in International Marketing at IUBH University of Applied Sciences-online for all applicants (Domestic or International) are: The course begins with defining key terms and concepts associated with the field of marketing management and then extrapolates these to the international context. The IUBH may reject the application for a contract extension in justified cases. The graduation fee must be transferred by the student until the date of the final exam. The IUBH School of Business and Management aims to create the best possible start for your professional career. The fee shall be payable exclusively in Euro, regardless of whether or not the students place of residence is located within the Euro currency area. You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management and leadership through academic and practice-oriented modules. With IUBH you can discover completely new career potentials. All and any charges due to fee payments abroad shall be exclusively paid by the student. 2.1. The conditionally-enrolled student is not allowed to take any exams or attend courses with any type of examination other than exam. If you have less than 240 ECTS on your university degree, begin your studies after having passed our admission test TASC; ... IUBH will inform the student about the available online payment systems. The IUBH School of Business and Management, located in Bad Honnef, Bad Reichenhall and Berlin, is the centre of competence for Business Administration and Service Management.It stands for well-founded, sound scientific study and focuses particularly on promoting the work ethic and service mentality of … The IUBH Master’s in International Marketing Management can help you do just that and give you firm skills in leadership and communication. With respect to these exceptions, the liability is limited to the compensation for predictable damages. Business Manager Aptitude Test Description. The payment for the first month must have been received by IUBH before the start of the study programme. Students benefit from high-quality and multimedia teaching materials. The huge corporate demand for globally-oriented executives and IUBH’s excellent reputation in academia and industry gives IUBH graduates huge leverage for a successful career. The total costs for the chosen study programme are stated on page 1 of the study contract. Marketing Management Online Test Questions Part 2 - Brands have to keep updating their .... overtime vis a vis newer and stronger competitors, What can a firm do to expand the market? Jurisdiction and final provision This applies in particular to making these available via the internet, duplication and disclosure to third parties. STEP 3: Get studying 6. The total costs of the chosen programme are dependent on the chosen model of study. (Master of Arts) Subjects: Business and Economics . Conduct of the study programme Booking this content is subject to additional costs. The contract has a defined duration, which is stated on page 1. Talk to our study advisors to find out more. The booking of courses and additional offerings is binding, any cancellation at a later stage causes cancellation costs amounting to 35,00 Euro each. 3.3. To exercise the right of revocation, the student must inform IUBH in a clear declaration (e.g. If the student continues his/her studies and does not use his/her right of revocation, this month is taken into account for the regular study duration and charges apply. The in section 3 and 4 of this contract defined duties of the student do also apply for conditionally-enrolled students. The total costs for the chosen study programme are stated on page 1 of the study contract. We pride ourselves in offering our students well-organised study programmes with first-class curricula. The Orientation Programme is especially designed for students who want to study a course of their choice – without having to sign up for a full degree. 1.1. Start your online programme in marketing management now. If admission to the study programme expires, is revoked or cancelled after the conclusion of the contract, the student can terminate without observing the two weeks' notice period. Right of revocation References to Other Programs: • Master General Management (GM-120) • Master of Business Administration in Clinical Trial Management (CTM-90) • Master Marketing Management (MMM-60/120) • Master Personal Management (MPM-60/120) Are you interested in studying B.A. in International Marketing Management, you will learn to manage international marketing and advertising campaigns. Start your online programme in marketing management now. The IUBH’s study contents offer a high practical orientation. Examinations A change to the “on campus” study is only possible under the condition that the corresponding study program is offered in the presence study of the IUBH at the desired location at the time of the change of the student and requires the consent of the IUBH. The contract is binding once the electronic confirmation of acceptance of the IUBH is sent. In the event of a postponement of the start of studies, the student has a right of withdrawal, which (s)he can exercise within four weeks after a declaration by IUBH to this effect, also using the text form. The content of the offered courses and the respective time period correspond to the module handbook and curriculum, which is made available to students digitally in the online system Care. Important, justified causes for the student to qualify for immediate termination particularly include proven, unexpected unemployment, life-threatening illnesses as well as the death of a student. In case of a cancellation of a language course, cancellation costs amount to 200,00 Euro each. The IUBH Master of Marketing Management degree sets you up for a great career that could take you into companies large or small, worldwide. Tuition fees The FAQ gives you relevant answers on your open questions about studying at IUBH. A change to another model of studies listed on our website is possible and will be conducted after a written request is submitted with a three months’ notice to the end of the full month with regard to the start of the contract. IUBH Distance Learning offers over 150 certificate programmes with flexible learning models. 5. This is more important than ever in current Corona crisis. Distance learning is highly flexible, both in terms of time and space. 6.3 Coordination of Intra-Organization Collaboration. Start your online programme in marketing management now. 2.2. You will expand your knowledge in marketing and sales-related issues with a focus on international business management. All services can continue to be used for this period and exams can still be taken without any additional costs, if at this point of time the payable monthly fees agreed upon on page 1 were paid in full already. Changes to the duration of the contract (change of model of studies) Our vision is to take our degrees to those who normally wouldn't have an opportunity to study a European degree. Tuition fees Any advance payments already made will be refunded in full. Tuition fees The student has the right to revoke this contract within one month without giving reasons. If the student fails to follow this obligation, (s)he will be exmatriculated three months after the contract start date. 2.4. Booking additional services Here is what you need to become part of our university. Students benefit from high-quality and multimedia teaching materials. Our worldwide business partners, patrons and sponsors open up optimal opportunities for your career. The IUBH’s virtual campus is password protected. 4.3. You will develop new skills in areas like international branding and customer relationship marketing and expand your knowledge to be optimally prepared for your future career. English only . The IUBH may reject the application for a contract extension in justified cases. Furthermore, the course will have to be taken again, which is subject to charges. Discover if you have the "right stuff" for a career in management! The Master’s degree program prepares you for different management roles with a focus on Marketing Management: You deepen your expertise in marketing and sales-related issues – with a focus on international corporate governance. Business 101 Course Code: DLBBAB01_E Course Type Online Lecture Study Format Fernstudium Study Level BA Admission Requirements 4.1. The student agrees to be bound by the valid General Examination Regulations as well as the IUBH’s study and examination regulations of the named study programme (page 1), the IUBH library user code (LIS Rules and Regulations) and the guidelines for online-examinations and online-presentations. 2.8. Modifications or amendments to this provision must also be made in text form. The student is obliged to take care of the timely payment of the tuition fees stated on page 1. Contract duration Rate your chances of admission in IUBH University of Applied Sciences B.A. The details for the processing of personal data and the rights of the student related to this are explained in the information notice for data privacy, which can be obtained by the student via the website of IUBH distance learning. The student will be notified of the effects on his/her studies and the corresponding contract. Otherwise the student can’t start his/her studies. The right to an immediate termination of the contract for a reasonable cause remains unaffected. After graduating from IUBH, you will not only be an expert in finance but you will also be able to apply your acquired skills in the field of management. Modifications or amendments to this contract must be made in text form. €6290 - €6900 / €7990 - €8715 . Furthermore, the course will have to be taken again, which is subject to charges. 4.6. in International Marketing and Management at IUBH. Depending on the admission requirements, passing an aptitude test (TASC) may be necessary. The fee shall be payable exclusively in Euro, regardless of whether or not the students place of residence is located within the Euro currency area. M.B.A. Master of Business Administration . The huge corporate demand for globally-oriented executives and IUBH’s excellent reputation in academia and industry gives IUBH graduates huge leverage for a successful career. The contract starts on the date stated on page 1, but on the earliest with the receipt of the access data to the Campus Management System and ends after the duration stated on page 1, without any notice of termination. 2. To extend the contract duration (subject to a charge) according to this section, course fees have to be paid in return for the further use of the equipment and offers from the IUBH. The contract starts on the date stated on page 1, but on the earliest with the receipt of the access data to the Campus Management System and ends after the duration stated on page 1, without any notice of termination. Sales and Marketing. The TASC examination is used to determine if you have the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully pursue the IUBH degree programme to which you are applying. 8. Copyright © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule - All rights reserved. The contract may be terminated with one month’ notice to the end of the full month with regard to the start of the study. 3.2. IUBH Scholarship Initiative for Applicants* : IUBH Scholarship Initiative for Applicants*, Completed undergraduate study from a public or officially recognised university/higher education institution (240 ECTS), If you have less than 240 ECTS on your university degree, begin your studies after having passed our admission test TASC, At least one year work experience before start of IUBH Master programme (achieved after previous studies), Final grade of at least "Satisfactory" or grade C (as commonly used in countries overseas excluding Europe)*, For 240 ECTS from first degree: direct access possible, For 210 ECTS from first degree: must take a qualification test (TASC), For 180 ECTS from first degree: must take a qualification test (TASC). About International Marketing Management at IUBH University of Applied Sciences. Additional tuition and related charges may apply in the event of students making any changes to their study programme. In his free time, he likes to cook and always tries out new and unusual recipes. 5.3 Instruments in International Human Resource Management. If a six months’ leave of absence is granted to the student, the monthly rates stated on page 1 of this contract must be paid beyond the agreed duration of the contract until the total amount of the monthly fees stated on page 1 are paid in full. 2, Issue 3 (August 2019) ISSN-Nummer: 2512-2800 The MBA with a specialism in Finance & Accounting will prepare you for a career in the field of global financial markets and related areas. There will be no refund of partially or fully paid fees. The IUBH is liable for damages resulting from a breach of obligations due to intentional or gross negligence on the part of its legal representatives or auxiliary persons.