Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing. hiddenDateField.val(date); message_en: 'Please enter your last name.' }, The family business was founded in 1895 by the visionary founder Daniel Swarovski and can now look back on a long series of successful cooperations with tradesmen. message_en: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 40', Seine unendliche Leidenschaft für Innovation und Design macht Swarovski zu einer der führenden Marken. } }); validating: null }; Log in to leave a tip here. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. invalid: null, } ACC.tracking.pushFormSubmit(formId); trigger: 'blur', } validators: { var triggerFormValidation = function(fieldId, mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat) { Eenvoudig, persoonlijk en relevant. $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-validator", "callback"); $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-validator", "callback"); } } In de Swarovski SALE profiteer je van korting op Swarovski sieraden. }, Swarovski AG ( [svaˈʀɔfski] (info / uitleg)) is een Oostenrijks bedrijf dat voornamelijk luxegoederen produceert. var errorField = errorContent.find('small[data-field="' + data.field + '"][style="display: none;"]'); if (!$button.hasClass('disabled')) { max: 70 message: 'Bitte gib ein Land\/Region ein. Klik hier! } ) Swarovski bij Zalando | Groot aanbod + gratis verzending* & gratis service nummer onder 0800 797 34. trigger: 'change', var hiddenDateField = $('.js-' + fieldConfigCode + '_hidden'); Ontdek de magische wereld van Swarovski: verfijnde sieraden, elegante horloges en sprankelende kristallen creaties eren de traditie en het vakmanschap van het merk. } 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_contactOrderNo]': { $errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors'); } message_en: 'Please fill in your contact reason' if (!$button.hasClass('disabled')) { message: 'In diesem Feld darf die Anzahl der Zeichen nur zwischen 0 und 40 liegen', var removeDateMoleculeError = function(molecule) { $('.js-fieldCode').formValidation('revalidateField', 'values[fieldCode_'+ fieldId + ']'); max: 40 }, message: 'In diesem Feld darf die Anzahl der Zeichen nur zwischen 0 und 40 liegen', trigger: 'blur', $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-for", $(data.element[0]).attr("name") ); }, var isValidPrefix = prefixCountry !== undefined && prefixCountry !== 'Unknown'; }, } stringLength: { Welcome to the Swarovski B2B E-Commerce Platform Language: Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Português Thai Türkçe Việt Nam Čeština Ελληνικά Русский 中文 日本語 繁體中文 한국어 /* Loop over the messages */ 0577. $(newErrorContainer).hide(); message: 'Please enter your topic', Fax Email +41 62 3983234 . validators: { message: 'Bitte wähle dein Thema\/deine Fragestellung aus', message: 'Du hast mehr Zeichen eingegeben als die in diesem Feld erlaubte Anzahl von 40 Zeichen', SPEZIELLE GESCHENKE FÜR BESONDERE ANLÄSSE. min: 0 }, var newErrorContainer = document.createElement("small"); At SWAROVSKI OPTIK, we see hunting as a responsible pursuit in harmony with nature. In addition to spellbinding jewellery, there are fashionable and high-quality watches for women, bags, key rings and crystal figurines to buy at low prices in the SWAROVSKI outlet in the OUTLETCITY METZINGEN. molecule.removeClass('has-error'); message_en: 'Please enter your topic' ', } }) Whatever you may need to purchase Swarovski crystals wholesale for, our local offices offer a high level of professional service to businesses seeking to become a part of the Swarovski success story. messagesEN.push('Please enter a valid order number (15 digits)'); notEmpty: { min: 0 } validators: { } 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_lastName]': { Naast de meer bekende afdeling voor kristalbewerking, produceert het bedrijf ook verrekijkers, telescopen en geweerkijkers onder de naam Swarovski Optik, slijpmiddelen en boren onder de … /* Get the hidden error message of the field */ /* note: we need to check if there is an error in the form, as the plugin does a validation on field level. var messagesEN = []; 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_email]': { The correct aiming point is automatically displayed, taking into account distance, air pressure, temperature, and angle. } var month = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_month").val(); notEmpty: { Het meest diverse gebruikte aanbod van België. var errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors'); var regexList = []; $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-tracked", "true"); Swarovski Verzameling kopen of gratis verkopen? var errorField = errorContent.find('small[data-field="' + data.field + '"][style="display: none;"]'); }, validators: { /* Loop over the messages */ trigger: 'change', } notEmpty: { message: 'Bitte befülle das Feld Telefon', stringLength: { Vstupte do říše značky Swarovski: vybrané šperky, elegantní hodinky a třpytivé křišťálové kreace jsou oslavou tradice a dovednosti, s jakou Swarovski své skvosty tvoří. max: 11 trigger: 'change', validators: { They come in a huge assortment of different sizes and colors and can be glued into pre–cast cavities or used in metal settings. validators: { } icon: { valid: false, matchesRegex = matchesRegex && (value.match(regexList[i])[0] === value); var date = fieldConfigPattern.toUpperCase(); } is the ideal choice of rifle scope because it allows us to concentrate totally on the essentials. replaceDatePatternWithValue(mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat); } trigger: 'blur', Deze presse papier hoort bij het jaarstuk 2008 Panda's. Bitte aktiviere Cookies und lade die Website erneut, um weiter auf sie zugreifen zu können. max: 20 $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-for", $(data.element[0]).attr("name") ); Bist du Mitglied der Swarovski Crystal Society (SCS)? Gratis verzending* date = date.replace(/[D]+/, day); callback: function (value, validator, $field) { $(newErrorContainer).html(messages[i]); $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-field", data.field); } I tillegg er de sammen med oss best på service og oppfølging. Liechtenstein. formId = 'shortContactFormDefinition'; validators: { Sie können im Online Shopping Assistant oder bei den Online Shop FAQ nicht finden, was Sie suchen? for (var i = 0; i < regexList.length; i++) { Ook Swarovski kandelaar, jaarstukken Swarovski en Swarovski kristallen worden aangeboden en gezocht op Marktplaats. { } }, Swarovski is een waar begrip in de juwelenindustrie en niet meer weg te denken uit de modewereld. stringLength: { /* note: we need to check if there is an error in the form, as the plugin does a validation on field level. var messages = data.fv.getMessages(data.element); $(newErrorContainer).attr("class", "help-block"); Entdecken Sie die funkelnden Swarovski Produkte in einem unserer Stores! SWAROVSKI OPTIK SCHWEIZ Reparatur / Service-Auftrag . } } Presse papier walvis Paikea 2012 klein. } notEmpty: { 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_beSwaMember]': { var formId = 'shortContactForm'; }, Unser Kundendienst verzeichnet derzeit ein höheres Volumen an eingehenden Kontakten. } Bist du Mitglied des Swarovski Club Treueprogramms? , message_en: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 1000', trigger: 'change', return { Swarovski (Schweiz) AG is active. framework: 'bootstrap', Product & Technical Services, Tips & Care, Tutorials, Downloads. , Temporarily out of stock. }, trigger: 'blur', message: 'Bitte wähle eine Anrede. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. var newErrorContainer = document.createElement("small"); stringLength: { if (errorField[1] == undefined) { if (mandatory) { if (errorContent.text().includes(messages[i])) { if (!value.trim().match(new RegExp('^([a-zA-Z0-9]{15})$|^$', ''))) { }, }, Dezember wartet eine neue Überraschung auf Sie. Swarovski crystal makes for an exceptional gift. var year = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_year").val(); var triggerFormValidation = function(fieldId, mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat) { trigger: 'change', Tel. var replaceDatePatternWithValue = function(mandatory, fieldConfigCode, fieldConfigPattern) { }, 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_phone]': { } ', max: 40 Swarovski’s extraordinary crystals transform daily life into something magical, whether you plan to use them for extraordinary jewelry, inspirational interior decoration or fashion that shines. /* Get the error message content of the field */ }; var $form = $(this).closest('form'); return true; }, message: 'In diesem Feld darf die Anzahl der Zeichen nur zwischen 0 und 40 liegen', }; } , validators: { var formId = 'shortContactForm'; Swarovski Aktiengesellschaft. message: 'In diesem Feld darf die Anzahl der Zeichen nur zwischen 0 und 70 liegen', )+$/, Naturally brilliant, the fashionable silver-tone necklaces, bracelets and earrings have proven most successful. message: 'In diesem Feld darf die Anzahl der Zeichen nur zwischen 0 und 1000 liegen', errorContent.append(newErrorContainer); Alle Rechte vorbehalten. .on('success.field.fv', function(e, data) { } Sort: Popular; Recent; max: 40 }, message_en: 'Please enter your subject' The management of the company Swarovski (Schweiz) AG consists of 4 persons. 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_firstName]': { Making an accurate shot takes knowledge of external influencing factors such as wind, temperature, altitude, air pressure, humidity, downhill and uphill angles, plus many years of experience and practice. date = date.replace(/[Y]+/, year); message_en: 'Please select a title' validators: { message: 'In diesem Feld darf die Anzahl der Zeichen nur zwischen 0 und 40 liegen', $errorContent.find('small[data-fv-result="INVALID"]').removeAttr("style"); Swarovski Dames accessoires online shop | Deze details maken jouw outfit af! message_en: 'You have exceeded the maximum length of 11 characters for this field', if(molecule.hasClass('has-error')){ message_en: 'Please enter your first name.' That’s why expert hunters rely on high-precision optics from SWAROVSKI OPTIK. Visit our online shop! message: 'Du hast mehr Zeichen eingegeben als die in diesem Feld erlaubte Anzahl von 40 Zeichen', } Jetzt mitmachen und gewinnen! message_en: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 40', }, } $button.addClass('disabled'); date = date.replace(/[D]+/, day); 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_beSwaMemberNumber]': { Tritt der exklusiven Welt von Swarovski bei, und lebe deine Leidenschaft für Kristall voll aus! date = date.replace(/[M]+/, month); } notEmpty: { var year = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_year").val(); Shop de Swarovski collectie tijdens de SALE bij de Bijenkorf. } autoFocus: false, Bestel jouw Swarovski style item op een werkdag voor 23:30 uur, … callbackPhone: { trigger: 'change', Validating the whole form on blur of a field is no option, as the customer does not want to see error messages on all fields stringLength: { The high image quality and high-contrast reticle allow you to make out every detail, meaning that the X5i sets the benchmark in terms of optical quality. if ($form.find('.form-group.has-error').length > 0) { 3.8 out of 5 stars 7. , : date); var matchesRegex = true; Swarovski kopen of verkopen doe je via Marktplaats! } }, Find more Spectacular Mirror Installation World famous artist Yayoi Kusama created the Chamber of Wonder "Chandelier of Grief" - … Swarovski fra Østerrike har produsert optikk i aller ypperste verdensklasse i mange år - bedre finner du ikke! message_en: 'You have exceeded the maximum length of 40 characters for this field', if (!formId || formId === 'cfRequest' || formId === 'cfResponse') { molecule.find('.help-block').find('span').remove(); min: 0 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Naxos Scenic Musical Journeys Switzerland Die Schweiz, La Suisse, Svizzera, Sviara, Mountains. }, }) Op deze producten geldt OP=OP, dus wees er snel bij en bestel vandaag nog! var replaceDatePatternWithValue = function(mandatory, fieldConfigCode, fieldConfigPattern) { Deze presse papier hoort bij het jaarstuk 2012 Paikea, de walvis.... € 50,00. }, fields: { } Shop het aanbod online Gratis levering 100 dagen bedenktijd. message: 'Du hast mehr Zeichen eingegeben als die in diesem Feld erlaubte Anzahl von 11 Zeichen', message: 'Bitte wähle dein Thema\/deine Fragestellung aus', Maak je verzameling compleet, koop Swarovski op Marktplaats. $(newErrorContainer).hide(); Uw Swarovski verzameling verkopen? }, var month = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_month").val(); message_en: 'Please enter your email address.' var $button = $form.find('.js-button'); /* Get the messages of field */ Swarovski (Schweiz) AG. /* Get the hidden error message of the field */ }) 0578. $(newErrorContainer).attr("class", "help-block"); Customer Relations Switzerland & Liechtenstein. min: 0 max: 1000 }, }, 2 Tips and reviews. trigger: 'blur', Receive first-hand information and expert tips tailored to your specific interests. Presse papier Panda's 2008 klein. 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_contactTopicTxt]': { }, message: 'Du hast mehr Zeichen eingegeben als die in diesem Feld erlaubte Anzahl von 20 Zeichen', when entering one field. message_en: 'Please enter your email address.' Swarovski (Schweiz) AG with its legal headquarters in Männedorf is a Company limited by shares (AG) from the sector «Trading with various goods». .on('success.field.fv', function(e, data) { $errorContent.find('small[data-field="' + data.field + '"]').remove(); trigger: 'blur', var day = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_day").val(); } formId = 'shortContactFormDefinition'; replaceDatePatternWithValue(mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat); notEmpty: { ', validators: { message_en: 'You have exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters for this field', }, ', return true; var prefixCountry = $field.siblings('.flag-container').children('.selected-flag').attr('title'); Swarovski Lighting, Ltd. includes two distinct premium consumer lighting brands; Swarovski, with its contemporary aesthetic, and Schonbek, with its classic designs. validators: { $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-tracked", "true"); ACC.tracking.pushFormSubmit(formId); min: 0 }; Daniel Swarovskis meisterhafte Kunstfertigkeit beim Schleifen von Kristall prägt das Unternehmen seit 1895. if ($field.attr('regexCheckDisabled') === 'true') { Customer Relations Switzerland & Liechtenstein. In case of an error on at least one field we disable the submit button manually */ ', message_en: 'Please select your topic' } for (var i in messages) { notEmpty: { } else { .formValidation( } } regexp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])? Brandfield is officieel dealer van Swarovski style items, waaronder: Swarovski horloges, Swarovski sieraden en Swarovski zonnebrillen.Wij bieden uitstekende service op je aankoop in onze webshop. You also need 100% confidence in your equipment. if (!formId || formId === 'cfRequest' || formId === 'cfResponse') { Austrian manufacturer of premium quality rifle scopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, and tripods. "WE BELIEVE NATURE ALWAYS GIVES US EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED.". date = date.replace(/[Y]+/, year); } 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_country]': { var errorOccured = false; }) }, Its large field of view facilitates rapid target acquisition over long distances. message: 'Please enter your subject', stringLength: { var errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors'); 9495 Triesen. if (errorOccured) { SWAROVSKI sowie das SWAN-Logo sind eingetragene Handelsmarken der Swarovski AG. trigger: 'blur', } }, Besuchen Sie den Swarovski Kristallwelten Store in der Kärntner Straße 24, der alle Swarovski Produktwelten - vom Schmuck über Figurinen bis hin zu Swarovski Optik - vereint. var $button = $form.find('.js-button'); var messages = data.fv.getMessages(data.element); }; $(this).closest('#ch-shortContactFormConfigWrapper').find('.js-ch-shortContactFormConfig') Swarovski crystals — a success story. stringLength: { Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Geduld. if (errorField[1] == undefined) { /* Remove the field messages */ for (var i in messages) { errorOccured |= true; if (mandatory) { message_en: 'You have exceeded the maximum length of 40 characters for this field', Postfach 567. Wir werden alles daran setzen, diese Wartezeit zu verkürzen und uns so schnell wie möglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung zu setzen. if(data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').length){ trigger: 'blur', , .on('success.form.fv', function() { Dröschistrasse 15. } .on('success.field.fv', function() { message: 'Bitte gib deinen Familiennamen ein. Swarovski Repair Pick-up Service. Tel: +41 44 921 4040. Viele funkelnde Vorteile, darunter Geburtstagsüberraschungen und privilegierte Einladungen zu VIP-Events mit Exklusivangeboten. message_en: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 70', Swarovski has a global reach and showcases its sparkling crystal products via a network of own boutiques and retail partners, as well as the Swarovski website and Online Shops . stringLength: { the ds from swarovski optik is the ideal choice of rifle scope because it allows us to concentrate totally on the essentials. $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-result", "INVALID"); 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_scsMember]': { SWAROVSKI OPTIK Customer Service Daniel-Swarovski-Straße 70 A-6067 Absam / Tirol, AUSTRIA +41 62 3983233 Tel. $errorContent.find('small[data-fv-result="INVALID"]').removeAttr("style"); }) message_en: 'Please enter your telephone number', 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_message]': { At Swarovski Crystal Worlds, the Giant guards his treasures: Take a stroll through the Chambers of Wonder, created by international artists. max: 40 Post. $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-result", "INVALID"); : date); /* Get the error message content of the field */ For over 120 years, Swarovski Crystal has been cutting crystals with perfect precision. }, - 25. max: 40 trigger: 'blur', validators: { message: 'Bitte gib eine E-Mail-Adresse ein. } .on('success.field.fv', function() { Validating the whole form on blur of a field is no option, as the customer does not want to see error messages on all fields message: 'Please fill in your contact reason', } else { if (errorContent.text().includes(messages[i])) { var messages = []; if(molecule.hasClass('has-error')){ Bel ☎ 0906-8800 voor nummerinformatie over Swarovski klantenservice. message: 'Bitte gib eine E-Mail-Adresse ein. } } }, var date = fieldConfigPattern.toUpperCase(); stringLength: { valid: null, 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_contactRepairNo]': { 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_title]': { As a riflescope designed to meet the highest requirements, the X5i from SWAROVSKI OPTIK offers maximum optical performance across the whole magnification range. But it’s not just about trusting in your own skills and abilities.  (Optional), Reparaturnummer message: 'Bitte gib deinen Vornamen ein. DVD $9.95 $ 9. $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-field", data.field); 'values[shortContactFormDefinition_scsMemberNumber]': { $('.js-fieldCode').formValidation('revalidateField', 'values[fieldCode_'+ fieldId + ']'); Het bedrijf is al zeer oud. SWAROVSKI – sparkling and shining at brilliant prices! Step into the magical world of Swarovski: fine jewelry, elegant watches and sparkling crystal creations commemorate the brand's tradition and craftsmanship. .on('err.field.fv', function(e, data) { Doorschakelservice [90cpm ook na doorverbinden]. hiddenDateField.val(date == "" ? "" $(newErrorContainer).html(messages[i]); Dein Browser blockiert Cookies. validators: { }, Jeden Tag von 1. Fancy Stones are offered in numerous shapes ranging from classical gemstone–inspired cuts to progressive trend cuts. Infolgedessen kann unsere Reaktionszeit länger als üblich sein. SCHWEIZ Bernstrasse 281 4852 Rothrist . }; callback: { message: messages.join('
'), /* Remove the field messages */ Bestel jouw Swarovski sieraad op een werkdag voor 23:30 uur, dan wordt het de volgende dag al bezorgd. Bestellnummer return value === '' || (matchesRegex && isValidPrefix); validators: {