[56] On 15 April, she confirmed that Matura will most likely be held in June. Der Eigentümer muss die Sonnenliegen mehrmals täglich desinfizieren und immer dann, wenn ein bestimmter Gast die Sonnenliegen nicht mehr benutzt. Croatian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zdravko Marić was asked to comment on to what extent the virus has affected the national economy, and if it could trigger an economic crisis. Mar [113] Korean Air also announced that it would be cancelling flights on the Seoul-Zagreb line (which had been due to begin on 31 March) until 23 April. Nov KOŠARKAŠKI SAVEZ DONIO KONAČNU ODLUKU - NEĆE BITI PRVAKA Prekidaju se sva natjecanja za ovu sezonu! Ach die Medien....Corona kan überal sein auch in Deutschland. [122], On 22 March, all public transport services were suspended in Croatia for the next 30 days. [12] Plenković said that the Crisis Headquarters will meet on a daily basis and that the Government will take any measure necessary to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.[13]. On 23 June, it surpassed 100 again. [85] On 13 March, HNS agreed with the national team manager Zlatko Dalić not to play any matches during the March international break. [124], On 15 February, during a Croatian Table Tennis Superleague match which was played in Dubrovnik between the local team Libertas Marinkolora and guest team STK Starr from Varaždin, a number of insulting comments were posted on the official Libertas Marinkolora Facebook page towards a Croatian player of Chinese origin, Tan Ruiwu of STK Starr which referenced the coronavirus. The Ministry of Health warned those travelling to China to avoid sick people, animals, and markets, not to eat any raw or semi-cooked animals, and to wash their hands often and to notify their doctor of their plans to travel to China. [75], On 19 March, Croatian Bishops' Conference announced that, as of the next day, all Masses would be closed for the public. HIGHLIGHTS. On 21 December, it surpassed 3,200. Zadar, the European top destination 2016, is reachable in 15 minutes by car. Seværdigheder i Zadar, Zadar County: Se Tripadvisor-rejsendes anmeldelser og billeder af seværdigheder og ting du kan lave i Zadar, Zadar County. Zadar ist die Stadt der Romantik und Liebe, ein Ort der Leidenschaft und des Geistes! On 22 October, it surpassed 400. Coronavirus-Aktuell: Die Zahl der Neu-Infizierten steigt weiter an! The comments were subsequently deleted. Apr The impact was visible from the contrast to January, which recorded 10% growth compared to the same period the previous year. The COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The first case in the Republic of Croatia was reported in Zagreb on 25 February, when a patient who had come from Italy was tested positive. [46] In the week from 16 to 22 March, hotels and restaurants in the country recorded 78% decline in revenue compared to the previous week. Sonnenliegen müssen getrennt werden, um einen Abstand zu gewährleisten. The voter turnout of 46.85% was the lowest recorded in the history of Croatian democracy. Was wir in den letzten Tagen gelernt haben, ist, dass der Coronavirus immer noch da ist, aber das Leben muss weitergehen. Tipp: Abonniere unsere Web-Benachrichtigungen um über die aktuelle Situation informiert zu bleiben. Se hjemmeside Book nu. On 10 September, the number of recorded cases surpassed 12,800. On 26 May, it dropped below 100. Primarily because no one knows how long the coronavirus crisis will last."[28]. Dec [40] However, the former predicted a 6.2% increase in GDP in 2021, while the latter predicted a 4.6% increase. He had no symptoms, but was placed in a 14-day quarantine as a precautionary measure. [73], Archbishop of Zagreb Josip Bozanić supported the removal of holy water from church entrances and handshakes from the Mass, and recommended believers to receive the communion bread from priests into their own hands instead of directly into their mouth. [17] On 3 April the Croatian Institute of Public Health implemented a Facebook chatbot named Nada,[18] and on the 14 April, the Government presented a WhatsApp chatbot nicknamed Andrija, after Andrija Štampar, whose purposes are to give personalized advice to citizens who suspect they are infected. 2.9.2020 - 20:29, BLZ/dpa On 21 March, it surpassed 200. The region of Zadar is surrounded by numerous marinas and it is considered to be the nautical centre of Dalmatia. [61], Postponed or cancelled concerts include Croatian jazz musician Vesna Pisarović's concert in Dom Sportova and pop singer Nina Badrić's concerts in Novi Sad, Čačak, Kruševac and Maribor. Sie können unter den gleichen Bedingungen wie vor dem Ausbruch von COVID-19 in das Land einreisen, jedoch unter epidemiologischer Kontrolle und gemäß den allgemeinen und besonderen Empfehlungen des kroatischen Instituts für öffentliche Gesundheit. [47], On 16 April, Jutarnji list reported about the Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agents of the Czech Republic (ACCKA)'s letter to the Czech Government about allowing Czech citizens who are confirmed to be negative for the virus to travel to Croatia and Slovenia, among other countries, during the summer via special corridors. There have been 618 new recorded COVID-19 cases in Croatia in the last 24 hours, so 10.033 cases of COVID-19 remain active. Furthermore, passengers who had visited the following countries in the previous 14 days would be obliged to spend 14 days in self-isolation: France, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Germany (apart from the aforementioned German area), Austria, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, China (apart from the aforementioned Chinese area), Korea (apart from the aforementioned Korean area), Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Bahrain and Slovenia (White Carniola). The suspension refers to public passenger transport by road within the country (except for taxi services), international public passenger transport by road, passenger transport by rail, tram and other city public transportation, as well as all other types of public transportation (such as funicular railway). 95 neue Coronavirus-Fälle wurden in den letzten 24 Stunden in Kroatien verzeichnet, davon 38 in der slawonischen Stadt Đakovo und 25 in der kroatischen Hauptstadt Zagreb. [63], On 18 March, Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was cancelled due to the virus pandemic in Europe. Sie erreichen uns per E-Mail unter info@falkensteiner.com oder telefonisch unter +43 509 9118 000.. Für alle Neubuchungen ist eine kostenfreie Stornierung des Aufenthalts bis 7 Tage vor Anreise möglich. After being explained by the station doctor that they would be obliged to spend 14 days in quarantine financed by themselves, they gave up on entering the country. Foto: dpa/Pixsell Berlin Die bei Touristen beliebten Regionen Sibenik-Knin sowie Split-Dalmatien gelten … The 2021 European Figure Skating Championships, set to be held in Zagreb were cancelled on December 10. Das Tragen einer Maske ist in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (Busse, Boote, Züge) obligatorisch. 23000 Zadar, Tel: 00385 23 271 405 Find what to do today, this weekend, or in January. [22], The same day, the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb decided, in collaboration with the daily newspaper 24sata, to allow citizens access quality cultural content through a YouTube channel,[23] which will feature daily performances from the branches of opera, ballet and drama, and the viewers will be able to watch some of the most popular performances of the Theater, such as One Song a Day Takes Mischief Away, Swan Lake and Ero the Joker. [76], On 9 April, on Maundy Thursday, Civil Protection Directorate allowed the inhabitants of the island of Hvar, which had no active cases, to hold five centuries old night procession Za križen under the condition that only fifteen people take part in it. On 28 April, the number of active cases dropped below 800. Kroatien mit seinen rund 4,2 Millionen Einwohnern war zu Beginn vergleichsweise wenig von der Corona-Pandemie betroffen. Trotz Corona drängen sich auch diesen Sommer wieder viele Touristen in der Altstadt der kroatischen Stadt Zadar ... Kroatien im Durchschnitt, fügte er hinzu. Sanitäranlagen werden häufiger gereinigt und desinfiziert. On 21 April, it surpassed 800. The first case in the Republic of Croatia was reported in Zagreb on 25 February, when a patient who had come from Italywas tested positive. Passagiere aus anderen Ländern müssen sich derzeit nicht selbst isolieren. Die Strecke Warschau-Zadar beginnt am 4. On 27 December, the number of recorded cases surpassed 204,800. The situation is very serious, so I have to choose my words carefully. Das einzige, was Sie beachten müssen, ist, den Empfehlungen und Anweisungen des kroatischen Instituts für öffentliche Gesundheit zu folgen. HIGHLIGHTS. Croatian representative Damir Kedžo, set to perform his song "Divlji vjetre" (Wild Wind), was expected to perform at the next edition of the contest,[64][65][66] but on 23 June Croatian Radiotelevision decided that a new representative would be elected in February 2021. [114], On 11 March, after a ferry from Ancona sailed into the Port of Split, the Ancona-Split ferry line was cancelled. Juni begann, fliegt einmal pro Woche. Iflg. On 12 March, the first recovery was reported, and on 18 March, the first death from the virus was confirmed. On 13 April, it surpassed 400. In den letzten 24 Stunden wurden in Zadar 2 neue … A growth factor above 1 indicates an increase in the number of cases, potentially exponential, whereas a growth factor between 0 and 1 means that the number of cases is declining and could eventually become 0.[128]. Do. [88] The same day Šuker revealed that he would support UEFA Euro 2020's postponement at a videoconference in Nyon on 17 March. Osječki stožer traži ograničenje kupovine", "Raste broj zaraženih: Danas već potvrđeno 40 novoboljelih, ukupno ih je 168", "All public transport services suspended in Croatia", "Who issues passes to move between cities in Croatia? [21], On 13 March, Serbian popstar Jelena Karleuša postponed her performance in Zagreb nightclub H2O, set to be held the same night, due to "her fans' safety and her own responsibility". Zu den Fakten: wir waren bis vorgestern in Kroatien, um unsere Oliven- und Zitronenernte einzubringen. Læs anmeldelser af hotellerne som er skrevet af hotellets tidligere gæster, og … Zadar Lufthavn ligger kun 8 km fra Zadars smukke bymidte, og med lufthavnsbussen kan du komme til Zadars gamle bydel på 15-20 minutter for 25 kn. [3], After relieving Milan Kujundžić from the position of Health Minister, on 31 January, Vili Beroš was confirmed as the new Health Minister by the Croatian Parliament. Store rabatter på hoteller i Zadar, Kroatien online. In the light of the recent situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, by decree of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, all lectures will be suspended for two weeks, starting from Monday, 16th of March 2020, until 30th of March 2020. Februar 2020) wurden in Kroatien insgesamt 2.725 Fälle bestätigt. On 9 November, it surpassed 51,200. Zadar Tourism: Tripadvisor has 77,200 reviews of Zadar Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Zadar resource. Companies that were out of work or were seriously hampered by the pandemic were partially or entirely exempt from tax payments on profit and income, and from contributions. Minister Marić added that it was far too early to make any predictions regarding the national economy in 2020 and budgetary revenues: "Right now I don't want to speculate on what its effects will be. In Kroatien ist am Dienstag ein erster Coronavirus-Fall bestätigt worden. [94] On 16 April, Bjelica was sacked as well. HRTurizam writes that this festival is a great time for hotels and other accommodation providers to get involved. Poljana pape Aleksandra III br. [11] A Croatian citizen who spent time on the Diamond Princess cruise ship was quarantined in that unit on the following day. Zabilježeno je sedam novih slučajeva", "Ne isplati se ići šopingirati u BiH, na povratku u Hrvatsku morat ćete u samoizolaciju", "Dubrovnik zbog zaražene zatvara aerodrom. [43], The City of Zagreb reported 6% fewer arrivals in February than in the same period the previous year. Apr Luxair hat kürzlich Linienflüge wieder aufgenommen, und die Strecke Luxemburg-Zadar, die am 20. Für einen schnellen Überblick zu COVID-19 Kennzahlen greifen wir auf Werte der JHU und des ECDC zurück (siehe Datenquellen für weitere Informationen, alle Angaben ohne Gewähr).. Aktuelle Infektionswerte für Kroatien Reisebüro Dec We have reviews of the best places to see in Zadar. Here is a small one Impression of Zadar … On 30 November, it surpassed 102,400. Uanset om du flyver fra København eller Billund skal du regne med en mellemlanding, og de hurtigste flyselskaber som fx Croatia Airlines og SAS flyver på ca. On 22 September, it surpassed 12,800. Aktualisierung 17.April 18:20 Uhr: In den letzten 24 Stunden hat es in Kroatien nur 23 Neuinfizierte gegeben. [116], On 14 March, Croatia closed all borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The airport has taken several measures that address passengers and employees. Growth factor is defined as today's new cases/new cases on the previous day. ", "Uz posebne uvjete: Kandidati iz BiH koji polažu državnu maturu u RH mogu prijeći granicu", "Klasična glazba trpi zbog panike i sanitarnog rasizma, otkazan i prvi koncert u Zagrebu", "Popis se nastavlja: Nina Badrić otkazala nadolazeće koncerte", "Karleuša je otkazala nastup u Zagrebu: Zbog vaše sigurnosti", "Zbog koronavirusa odgođen i Eurosong, naš predstavnik Kedžo nastupit će sljedeće godine", "Kedžo: 'Jedva čekam zapjevati dogodine. B. an Bushaltestellen). Beroš: Pažljivo balansiramo", "Zašto Hrvatskoj ide tako dobro u borbi s koronavirusom? ", "ZA NAŠE NAJVJERNIJE GOSTE NAPRAVIO BI SE SPECIJALNI ZRAČNI KORIDOR: Avionom iz Praga slijetali bi turisti s potvrdom da nisu zaraženi koronavirusom", "INICIJATIVA IZ PRAGA PALA NA PLODNO TLO Plenković već odradio razgovor s češkim kolegom, premijeri zadali zadatak ministrima turizma", "HTZ objavio podatke za travanj: 99 posto manje turista nego lani", "Having Saved Summer, Croatian COVID-19 Rates Raise Fears for Autumn", "Zbog koronavirusa zatvaraju se škole u Istri, najmlađi učenici će nastavu pratiti preko HRT-a: Vlada priprema i mjere za pomoć poduzetnicima", "Plenković: Od ponedjeljka se obustavlja nastava u Hrvatskoj. There have been 618 new recorded COVID-19 cases in Croatia in the last 24 hours, so 10.033 cases of COVID-19 remain active. SVIBNJA", "Grigor Dimitrov 'so sorry' after testing positive for coronavirus", "Tennis event organized by Novak Djokovic under fire as players test positive for coronavirus", "Novak Djokovic tests positive for Covid-19 amid Adria Tour fallout", "Viktor Troicki and his pregnant wife have both been diagnosed with COVID-19", "Novak Djokovic's coach Goran Ivanisevic tests positive for coronavirus", "Conclusions of the ABA League j.t.d. Diejenigen, die mit dem Spieler länger als 10 Minuten Kontakt hatten, mussten sich beim diensthabenden Epidemiologen melden und sich 14 Tage lang isolieren, während andere, die den begründeten Verdacht hatten, mit Coronavirus infiziert zu sein, getestet wurden und auf Empfehlung des Epidemiologen handelten. On 12 December, the number of active cases reached the new peak of 25,270. [92], On 26 March, GNK Dinamo Zagreb fired coach Nenad Bjelica's assistants because they, alongside Bjelica and the players, refused to accept pay cuts. [118] However, later the same day, it was confirmed by Police Department of Brod-Posavina Chief Antun Valić that since the previous night passengers entering the country from Bosnia and Herzegovina were obliged to stay in 14-day self-isolation. [109][110] The same day, another participant of the tournament tested positive, Serbian player Viktor Troicki, as well as his pregnant wife Aleksandra. Juni: 19 (detaillierte und aktualisierte Informationen finden Sie auf der offiziellen, Es wird empfohlen, eine Gesichtsmaske zu tragen und Nase und Mund zu bedecken, Den Abstand zu anderen Personen halten (min. [62], On 11 March, the annual music award ceremony Porin, set to be held on 27 March in Centar Zamet in Rijeka, was postponed until further notice. Die COVID-19-Pandemie tritt in Kroatien als Teil der weltweiten COVID-19-Pandemie auf. In March 2020, a cluster of cases were reported in numerous Croatian cities. The same day, it was announced that Atlético Madrid and Croatia player Šime Vrsaljko donated 62,500€ to General Hospital in his hometown Zadar for purchase of two respirators. The measure applied to all competitions under HNS, as well as all UEFA qualifying matches hosted by Croatia. Sehen Sie sich die Zahlen an und geben Sie Ihre Meinung ab. On 25 June, it surpassed 200 again. "[28], The city of Dubrovnik began to brace for the economic impact that the coronavirus could cause in Croatia. On 12 March, the first recovery was report… Alle Bars, Cafés und Restaurants sind geöffnet. [77][78] On 1 July, brotherhood of Jelsa that organizes the procession presented the Prime Minister Plenković with a thank you note for allowing them to preserve the annual tradition. Zbog Singapuraca, hrvatska policija vratila autobus prema Beču: 'To je rasizam, "Coronavirus Cases: Statistics and Charts - Worldometer", "Iz Kine stiglo prvih 60 tona zaštitne opreme: Sva roba je certificirana", "Muftija Hasanović otkrio tko je šeik koji je dao vrijednu donaciju Hrvatskoj", "Svjetska muslimanska liga donirala Hrvatskoj pomoć protiv koronavirusa", "Stigla donacija 11,5 tona medicinske opreme od Vlade UAE", "Iz Kopenhagen stigle četiri tone medicinskih maski, rukavica, odijela...", Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing, Sancaktepe Prof. Dr. Feriha Öz Emergency Hospital, Yeşilköy Prof. Dr. Murat Dilmener Emergency Hospital, NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber, Kandakadu Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force, Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases, National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board (Turkey), Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Tests, cases, tests per capita, cases per capita by country, Tests, cases, tests per capita, cases per capita by country subdivision, World map by countries: confirmed per capita, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=COVID-19_pandemic_in_Croatia&oldid=997059362, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 20:32. [99][100] The same day, UEFA decided to postpone all international matches scheduled for June until further notice, therefore postponing Croatia national team's friendly games with Turkey and France, scheduled to be played in Osijek and Nice respectively. [67], Celine Dion was set to perform on 5 June in Arena Zagreb as part of her Courage World Tour; however, the concert was postponed on 24 April. Neće raditi ni vrtići ni fakulteti", "Hakeri napali online nastavu u Hrvatskoj! Visit top-rated & must-see attractions. Europska komisija predviđa još veći pad hrvatskog gospodarstva! Mit Corona-in-Zahlen.de haben Sie die wichtigsten Fakten auf einen Blick. [41], On 19 April, the Institute of Economics stated that Croatian public debt would increase to 90% of GDP in the "most favorable" case, but only if the crisis ended in the next three months. [42], On 6 May, European Commission predicted 9.1% decrease in Croatian GDP by the end of the year and then 7.5% increase a year after. Last 15 days Da det er 3 gang vi skal dertil har vi selvfølgelig set en del bl.a Krka, Plivitci,Zadar by og Sebenik i Kroatien endvidere har vi også været i Mostar i Bosnien. [117], On 15 March, Croatian Institute for Public Healthcare director Krunoslav Capak confirmed citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia would not be obliged to stay in self-isolation. [104], After HNS had previously decided on 20 April that Prva HNL season would not be continued before 16 May,[105] on 6 May they decided the season would restart on 30 May. Für Reisende hat das nun Konsequenzen: Sie müssen nach der Rückkehr in Deutschland innerhalb von 72 Stunden einen Corona-Test machen – und bis zum negativen Ergebnis zu Hause in Quarantäne bleiben. Corona in Kroatien: erstmals über 100 Neuinfektionen Vilijam Zufic am 10.07.20 - Zuletzt aktualisiert am 10.07.2020 um 16:58 Uhr Kroatien erlebt heute den bisherigen Höhepunkt der … [86], On 13 March, the Wings for Life World Run, set to be held in Zadar, was cancelled. On 7 September, it surpassed 200. Because this is great quality content for guests, be sure to inform them about the Zadar Street Food Festival, tell them the story of Zadar and the gastro scene, about Zadar Maraschino, and offer transport to the festival if possible. In den letzten 24 Stunden am 30. Austria downgrades travel warning for croatia: security level 4 instead of 6 for istria, sibenik, zadar 16.10.2020. On 28 June, it surpassed 400 again. Trotz zahlreicher Schlagzeilen im Internet gibt es in Zadar weniger Infektionsfälle als in anderen Städten Kroatiens. Jul Corona in Kroatien – die aktuellen Zahlen machen nicht wirklich Mut. Fax: 00385 23 271 405 On 5 September, the number of active cases reached the new peak of 2,771. [103], On 21 April, Croatian Handball Federation (HRS) voided all competitions. The COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Sep Oct In general, the country was mostly reopened during the 2020 summer tourist season. Concerns were raised about the increased probability of the virus entering Croatia because of the number of Chinese workers working on Pelješac Bridge. May 5, 2020 — Zadar waits. Familien Segeltörn in der Traumdestination Kroatien! [59], On 25 June, as Croatia imposed obligatory self-isolation for all passengers entering the country from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia and Kosovo; this, however, was not obligatory for students entering the country to take Matura exams.