He was orphaned when his father was killed in training at U.S. Army Camp Lehigh in Virginia just before the United States' entry into World War II. Sometime during his childhood, he met Steve Rogers when bullies were trying to steal his money. There are nightmares and bad days. She isn't an OC. Stay tuned. In the comic books, Bucky has a sister named Rebecca, but the two of them were separated at a young age following the deaths of their parents in two unrelated accidents. Requested by @fuckkoffcourtney. The first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier sees its title characters step into leading roles for the first time and with that comes an influx of new information about their personal lives. [3], Rikki, unaware of the portion of Onslaught that she carried inside her, attempted several times to contact Captain America, who, unbeknownst to her, was Bucky Barnes, an alternate counterpart to her own grandfather. Immediate Media Company Limited (publishers of radiotimes.com) would love to send you our daily TV and entertainment newsletters. Nicknamed "Bucky", he takes to wearing a uniform and becoming savvy with the ins and outs of military life, even though he is a teenager. Franklin's new Earth included recreations of many of the heroes' old allies and foes. [2], Their partnership was short lived and soon after Captain America ended his association with the U.S. Government and went on the road to discover who he really was. He’s still finding his way back from Hydra. [30], Bucky is a trained dancer, she has great acrobatic skill,[7] and it is possible that she has been given fighting training by either Captain America or S.H.I.E.L.D. [30], Franklin had retained a copy of the Heroes Reborn universe that he had created so that he had somewhere to escape to. [6] Whatever their involvement in Captain America's wartime adventures, Rebecca was seemingly unaware of them. Rebecca "Rikki" Barnes was the granddaughter of this reality's Richard and Peggy Barnes. I also like hats. Cap and the elderly Rebecca connected over Christmas and ended up sharing a … [17] Bucky worked with the Falcon to rampant preventing looting. He had a sister, Rebecca, but they were separated as she was sent to boarding school while Bucky stayed at Camp Lehigh as a ward of the state. James Buchanan \"Bucky\" Barnes was born in 1925. Did that mean she just met her great-great uncle, Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier? Barnes grew up as an Army brat. She’s smart, maybe smarter than James, but uses it for SHIELD’s benefit. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. During their teens, Bucky became aware that they didn't feel 100% male, but lacked the termino… Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update. Use the calculator to find out how much you could release. Instead, he possessed Rikki, wiping her memory of the time after she was transported to the Negative Zone and sent her through the hole in the Negative Zone to Philadelphia on Earth, planning to use her as a tether to eventually return to his home reality. [9], While tied to the missile she attempted to convince her brother to give up his extremist ideals; however, this failed to win him over. She briefly partnered with Captain America and aided him, and the dimensionally displaced Cable, in preventing A.I.M., led by M.O.D.O.K. James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He’d kill for the people he loves without hesitation. Rebecca " Rikki " Barnes is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Rebecca was determined to become a popular dancer, and worked hard to get a scholarship to get to Julliard in New York City; however, despite the fact that she was awarded the scholarship, she was inexplicably denied enrollment. In 1935, he tragically lost both of his parents early in his life; his mother, Winnifred Barnes had died when he was a child and his father, George Barnes had died in an accident while in basic training at Camp Lehigh. He sacrificed himself to destroy the Devourer with the "Ultimate Nullifier" that had been built by the planet's heroes. He was ruthless, brutal, and under the complete control of HYDRA. Relearning to hesitate is the harder task. Sign in to/ register for a RadioTimes.com account to manage your email preferences. Of course, we mustn’t get too tied up in fan theories and suspected cameos – we all remember what happened with WandaVision, after all – but this certainly seems like a plausible direction for the story to go in. Doom ruled it with an iron fist, and was only opposed by the Young Allies. As a result, he is unofficially adopted by the camp as a mascot. [10], Returning with Captain America to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Once there, Onslaught revealed himself, possessing Rikki's body and attempting to use the energy he had stored in her as an anchor to pull himself from the Negative Zone back to the Earth. When trying to convince him that the World Party was a Nazi front, he confessed that he knew that already and that he would shoot her if he had to. [13], When Captain America was called to New York to help combat Galactus, Rikki was forced to return to Philadelphia much to her chagrin; however, she was soon dragged into the battle against Galactus as well. With their combined efforts, they were able to defeat and capture the Bastards. She helped the heroes of this world; however, during the fight with Onslaught, both Rikki and Onslaught were trapped in the Negative Zone, with Rikki assuming she was going to die. Rikki followed and sat on the sidelines while the other gathered heroes prepared to strike against the Devourer of Worlds. Despite being underage, Bucky was able to secure a place in the military, while Rebecca was sent to boarding school and the two seemingly never saw each other again. [citation needed], Vibranium-powered triangular Energy Shield, and Vibranium-soled boots. Other young heroes rescued the girls, including Gravity, Firestar, and El Toro. Best friends since childhood, they went through many trials and tribulations together. Bionic Arm:Bucky's left arm was completely destroyed when he tried to escape the explosion that put both him and Captain America in a coma, so his organic arm was instead replaced with a bionic one. Using her grandparents home as a base, the Young Allies also recruited Kid Colt, a Kymellian-Human Hybrid, from S.H.I.E.L.D. Though not confirmed, it can be assumed that Rikki was only able to reappear on Earth-616 due to Franklin Richards reviving the original Earth-616 Rikki when recreating that universe. Feedback is always appreciated. Additionally, Rebecca was co-created by Marvel comic book writer Len Kaminski, whose name is included on Bucky’s list of past associates at an earlier point in the episode – which also suggests a possible appearance later down the line. thefuzzyaya. Early LifeBorn in 1925, James Buchanan Barnes lost both his parents early in his life; his mother had died when he was a child and his father had died in an accident while in basic training at Camp Lehigh shortly before Christmas in 1937. Helicarrier. James Buchanan Barnes was born in Shelbyville, Indiana in 1925. They were plotting to launch nuclear missiles to ethnically cleanse the United States. The Red Skull escaped and Master Man was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. It hasn’t been a good few days. Feb 8, 2021 - This Pin was discovered by Tristansepticeye. The many catastrophes followed, including the World Party rising to dominance and taking over Germany. [6], Rikki encountered the Silver Surfer and tried to convince him to stand against his master and help the heroes save the planet, but the Surfer couldn't bring himself to strike at his master and fled. He was also highly prot… She sneaked into Wakanda and stole a pair of Vibranium boots and an Energy Shield. Saved from thefuzzyaya.tumblr.com. Although Bucky was heartbroken over losing her closest friends, she accepted this for the greater good of her world. Barnes next assassinated Jack Munroe (Nomad, the former 1950’s "Bucky") and framed him for the Skull's assassination. Having the mission to kill all the Avengers, she reunites with her brother, although not remembering him, emotions and memories were wiped off her head. We look forward to sending you our email updates. Bucky is loyal, brave, honest to a fault, headstrong, resilient, and has a strong sense of justice and honor; during the 1940s he was charming and a ladies man, in present times he tends to be more distant and self-contained.As the Winter Soldier, Bucky was an elusive, dangerous, and amnesiac assassin. Upon meeting and befriending the mainstream counterpart of her brother, Rikki discovered that she also had a counterpart who had been stillborn and unnamed. Action Marvel Trauma Lost And Found Bucky Barnes Sister... Once thought lost and dead, Jalyn was separated from her brother, Bucky Barnes and turned into another of HYDRA. Bucky was sent to an orphanage, and Rebecca to a boarding school. Rikki played an integral role in preventing the Red Skull from launching the nuclear missiles by catching the detonator before it could hit the ground. The Thunderbolts and Young Allies also battled Anomaly and stabilized Counter-Earth. Why isn’t EastEnders on tonight? [31], After defeating the Bastards, Nomad suggested that the heroes band together and form a new team; the others seemed reluctant, especially when Nomad suggested Young Allies as a name for the group. Two years later, their younger sisterRebeccaborn and Winifred died in childbirth. They joined the group as O and K to judge humanity. Rebecca “Becca” Barnes - Because I am Bucky’s only canon sister, I am close in age to him, two years off, in fact, and I was born in Shelbyville as Bucky was. The Winter Soldier makes reference to a relative in the first episode – but could she appear later in the series? Nomad also finally met with Steve Rogers, who had vague memories of his time in the original Heroes Reborn reality. Eventually Rikki came to the attention of Captain America's girlfriend, the Black Widow, who told Rikki to not contact him. Seeking to make the world a better place, Bucky formed the Young Allies, an online support group trying to network super-humans together. He then tried to convince her to go to a World Party rally with him that was happening that night. your own Pins on Pinterest Rebecca Barnes … The latter was a World Party experiment that gained power enough to take over his captors. [29], Rikki was eventually killed in action, only to be reborn alongside Onslaught, who planned to kill Franklin so that he could more easily take over reality, thereby anchoring the psychic entity to the physical world. Cap and Falcon quickly defeated the Skull and Master Man. Eventually the girls were captured by the Bastards, who planned to kill them and broadcast their executions over the internet and on television. The two crossed paths again several years later when Steve arranged a proper funeral for Bucky – who was still thought to be dead at this point – telling Rebecca how her brother nobly sacrificed his life during the Second World War. She overheard guards talking about how they had captured the newly reactivated Captain America and had him prisoner when she was discovered by her brother. Bucky was hospitalized immediately and eventually recover. [32], Soon after Benito moved in with her, Rikki began to have nightmares about a powerful entity attacking her in Colombia. The two became best friends and stuck together for many years, with Barnes often defending Rogers from bullies who would have attempted to ta… While she is unlikely to play a major role in the story, seeing Bucky reunited with his sister in her old age after 80 years apart has the potential to be a powerful and emotional moment that would add a new dimension to the character. Eventually, Rikki had Gravity seemingly kill her so that Onslaught could not return and destroy the planet. Get your gears turning with hundreds of puzzles, with new ones added each week - and enjoy a seven day free trial! At I.Q. A/N: Finally updated! The heroes' departure with the aid of the Celestial Ashema saw Franklin's pocket dimension spared from destruction.[19]. Thanks! The fate of her parents remains unknown; however, it's probable that they are both deceased. Comic book fans will be aware that Bucky has a sister in the source material, but many will have assumed that she had passed away in the many decades since he became the Winter Soldier. Sister to James Buchanan Barnes, aka Bucky of Captain America. I’ve seen this post about Bucky finally meeting his sister Rebecca after IW and here it is. Winter Soldier has definite ties to earthly politics. Read on for all your essential details on Bucky’s sister and whether she could appear in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. We know that Bucky will meet Sam’s sister, Sarah (played by Adepero Oduye), at some point in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and perhaps their strong bond will be what encourages him to seek out his own sibling. James Barnes was born on March 10, 1917 and was the eldest child of four. The threat ended when Proteus of Earth-58163 used his powers to kill them all. Get a Merlin 2-in-1 Vacuum Cleaner bundle for just £45! We moved to Brooklyn later. Rikki, while still using the identity of Bucky, ran into the Young Avengers member Patriot. Masterlist The plot featured Steve Rogers’ discovery that his old pal Bucky had a sister, Rebecca Barnes. During her adventures, she met the hero Araña, and the two became fast friends and crime-fighting partners, eventually revealing their civilian identities to each other. Any familial relation between Earth-616's John and Rikki to Bucky Barnes or Peggy Carter has yet to be established or confirmed. Barnes was separated from his younger sister, Rebecca Barnes, who was sent to boarding school while he persuaded officials into letting him remain at Camp Lehigh as … sent the Young Allies to stop him from using the energy further in experiments on Muir Island. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. When is the next episode on TV? [citation needed], http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rikki_Barnes, Adventurer; formerly student, dishwasher, dancer, soldier, leader, government agent. He soo… [20], Eventually Doctor Doom took over the planet and transported it out of Dimension F and into to Earth-616 proper, where it would be commonly referred to as Counter-Earth. Saved by Marvel Fans of Reddit. During the aforementioned date scene, Bucky implies she is still alive by referencing her in the present tense, which would be very possible assuming she was a young girl when they were separated in the 1930s. 1 Personality 2 Powers 3 Talents 4 Interests 5 History 5.1 Early History 5.2 The Blur In The Middle 5.3 May 2018 5.4 Current Events On good days, Bucky is blunt, sarcastic, and playful. He explained he was leaving to join the World Party and that he was going "save the country" from itself and departed, leaving the young Rebecca wondering who would save her brother from himself. In the comic books, Bucky has a sister named Rebecca, but the two of them were separated at a young age following the deaths of their parents in two unrelated accidents. News, photos, videos and full episode guide. He showed to be very compassionate, caring and selfless and would always put the needs of others before himself. That said, Rebecca clearly mourned the loss of her brother, once seen as an elderly woman in the present day attending a Christmas event for veterans – where she first met Captain America. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Who is Bucky’s sister? When the Fantastic Four and the Avengers sacrificed their lives to destroy Onslaught, Franklin Richards, the son of the Fantastic Four's Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman, subconsciously created a pocket universe to save their lives. For details on how we use your data, please see our privacy policy. and Baron Zemo, from storming the S.H.I.E.L.D. Mar 25, 2018 - I’ve seen this post about Bucky finally meeting his sister Rebecca after IW and here it is.. . Rikki secretly held some romantic feelings for Benito, due to a previous relationship with his counterpart in her universe. I like tap dancing and playing four-hand piano with my mother or sister. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), Young Allies (Modern) (Earth-616)/Members, Young Allies (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)/Members, Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)/Quotes, Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter, 70 Appearances of Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616), Minor Appearances of Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616), Media Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616) was Mentioned in, 51 Images featuring Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616), 6 Quotations by or about Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616), Character Gallery: Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616), Rebecca Barnes (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616), https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Rebecca_Barnes_(Heroes_Reborn)_(Earth-616)?oldid=6054739. After El Toro was kidnapped by El Dragon, Rikki along with the other Young Allies and the Secret Avengers investigated an abandoned Roxxon facility in the South American country. Since we … She fled her brother only to run into the Red Skull, who tied her to one of the nuclear missiles that he intended to launch on American soil. We may also send occasional updates from our editorial team. During the Vietnam War, he set up a profitable endeavor providing soldiers with various non-requisition supplies. Published: Friday, 19th March 2021 at 8:00 am. James Buchanan Barnes was born on August 19, 1952 in New York City, New York to George and Winifred C. Barnes. Get the free guide written by Paul Lewis. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier premieres on Disney Plus on Friday 19th March. She also formed an alliance with the drug-mutated power-house, Toro, and the powerful mutant, I.Q. custody. When she woke up, I had to ask and she told me everything, starting with Barnes being her maiden name. Bucky was born toGeorgeandWinifred Barnesin New York in 1917. Revealing to Rikki that she had been sent here solely to serve as his tether, she began to fight back. Knowing that nothing good could come out of her brother's involvement with this group, Rebecca tried to stop him, to no avail. Rebecca Marie Barnes, twenty-three years old, 5”6, SHIELD Agent, Black Widow and Carrier. That arm grants him the following ability: 1. Superhuman Strength:Has some degree of superhuman strengt… custody. [citation needed], Later, Black Widow gave Rikki a new version of the Nomad costume and she began to fight crime under that codename. files identified her as a chronal anomaly, but she was rescued by Captain America, who agreed to go to take Doom to New York to battle Galactus. I got the name Rebecca from a fan wiki page which states he did indeed have a sister called Rebecca. Despite being identical to his previous creation, nearly all the heroes were native to this new pocket Earth where Bucky now found herself. [11] After clashing with the racist group, Sons of the Serpent, Rikki told Cap that things aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Her near sacrifice ultimately convinced the Silver Surfer to betray his master and aid the heroes. [23][24][25][26][27][28], Rikki and the Young Allies were in constant conflict with the armies of Atlantis led by Dorma. Bucky and Natasha go visit Bucky’s sister Rebecca. 's suggestion they threatened Doom to reform or they would unleash a biochemical gas in Latveria. Sign up to be the first to know about breaking stories and new series! [21] Doom sent Bucky's old ally Captain America and the Redeemers of Earth-616 to stop them; however, when Cap learned that this was all a bluff and its true intended purpose was to end Doom's rule, he led Doom to believe that the threat was valid. With this vacuum and filter set, you’ll be able to tackle your spring cleaning like a pro. Rikki and the Young Allies next teamed up with the stranded Thunderbolts in stopping the World Party and helped establish a free floating colony on Attilan. You Have Family - Bucky Barnes x Relative!Reader. Following these iterations, Rikki was resurrected in an unidentified reality where she dated Toni Ho until both of them were killed by the Maker. When Captain America and his friend, Samuel "Falcon" Wilson, broke free and fought the Red Skull and Master Man, Cap freed Rikki in the struggle. Barnes grew up to be an overachiever, having been an excellent athlete who had also excelled inside the classroom. By entering your details, you are agreeing to Radio Times privacy policy. Thanks, you are now signed up to our daily TV and entertainment newsletters! Peggy Barnes (grandmother);unidentified parents (deceased);John Barnes (brother, deceased). Rikki gives off an energy signature identical to that of, When asked by Rikki why she is always female and never a younger counterpart of. Kick off time, live stream and latest team news. The process sent the Thunderbolts back home, though Jolt remained behind and joined the Young Allies. I would love to hear from the readers to know if they are enjoying this story or what they would like to see happen. Cap followed after her on his flying motorcycle and witnessed as Rikki was blasted by a jolt of Power Cosmic from Galactus. [33], Despite the fact that Rikki seemingly died, Steve Rogers began to have nightmares similar to the ones Rikki had before, suggesting that enough of Nomad and Onslaught's energies may have survived to escape death and seek a new way to return. Otherwise, there would be no body for her powers to insert her into. Bucky bravely jumped onto the back of his surfboard, refusing to let him go. "Rebecca was in one of her delusions, and she thought that I was a random woman who flirted with her brother, Jimmy, back in the late '30's. You're now subscribed to our newsletter. The neighborhood pretty boy came home with scars in places no one else could see. Check out the rest of our Sci-fi and Fantasy coverage or visit our TV Guide to see what’s on tonight. Around this time her brother, John, had become a devout follower of the World Party, a political movement with a thinly veiled racist message. He convinced O and K to help him destroy the entire world until Proteus was stopped by the Young Allies with the aid of the reality hopping Exiles. Once thought lost and dead, Jalyn was separated from her brother, Bucky Barnes and turned into another of HYDRA. So sorry is late or it isn’t too goodI have had a really hard time with people and bulling me. You can unsubscribe at any time. (Somewhere around the time Bucky is Captain America) (Captain America & Bucky, issue 624, written by Ed Brubaker, art by Chris Samnee) #Bucky Barnes #winter soldier #captain america #rebecca barnes #marvel #james bucky barnes #comics #bucky barnes meta #natasha romanoff #captain america v1 #but this was after v5 #first printing … [7], Unknown to most, the World Party's front man, Alexandre, was in reality the former Nazi super-soldier Master Man and his party was backed by the Red Skull. [citation needed], When Franklin Richards and Molecule Man recreated the Multiverse, Rikki found herself in an unidentified Old West reality with some recollection of both of her former lives, an unidentified WWII reality where she died at Omaha Beach, and the reality of Becky Barnes as well as a Zombie World. After some encouragement from a new friend, he goes on a date with an employee from a restaurant he frequents, where he lets slip an intriguing detail: his sister is still alive. and took on the identity of Bucky. Helicarrier, Rikki was provided a new costume by S.H.I.E.L.D. Bucky began snooping around and located one particular room that is cordoned off by armed guards. All about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Why The Falcon and the Winter Soldier's long coronavirus delay was a "blessing", The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode release schedule – what time to expect new episodes, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier review: Marvel’s latest is a strong blend of action and personal drama. [12] Breaking into the room she found Nick Fury imprisoned inside and helped him save Captain America and the Falcon from the Son of the Serpents led by an LMD of Fury who was planted by subversive elements within the U.S. Rebecca Barnes, who shows up in the Marvel holiday special from 1991, was separated from her brother in the comics and sent off to boarding school. Rebecca and her older her brother, John, lived with their grandparents in Philadelphia. Read our The Falcon and the Winter Soldier review, plus learn more about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier cast including John Walker and never miss an episode with our The Falcon and the Winter Soldier release schedule. [30], Finally reawakening in the Prime Marvel Universe, Rikki found herself a prisoner of L'ar Gath Five and the subject of a rescue operation by Franklin Richards' friends, the Future Foundation, who were on a mission to reassemble the scattered pieces of the Molecule Man. [citation needed], During one adventure, Nomad and Araña battled the Bastards of Evil, a group of young super villains claiming to be the illegitimate children of the world's most dangerous criminals. You can unsubscribe at any time. [18] Ultimately, in order to save Rikki's world, the heroes transported there from Earth had to return to their native dimension, forcing Captain America and Falcon to leave Bucky to carry on alone. He was a soldier … Government. Already have an account with us? Rebecca is the eldest daughter of the Barnes children, she lives up to her mother’s legacy and is deadly as a spider. Unable to convince her brother to turn over a new leaf, she was forced to knock him and his friend out with a single kick. When John learned of his sister's rejection from Julliard, he suggested that she wasn't accepted into the prestigious school because she was white, a notion that she found ridiculous. At age 16, James enlisted in the U.S. Military, lying about his age in order to be accepted. Following the heroes' exile from this world, the Dreaming Celestial created global chaos across the planet. "You knew, and you didn't tell me?" He was a very good, supportive friend to Steve Rogers during their youth. There the Young Allies attempted to stop Walker; however, he was killed by the sentient energy source which manifested into two beings: Order and Kaos. Sign in to manage your newsletter preferences. Discover (and save!) Rebecca’s appearances in the pages of Marvel Comics have been few and far between, but there is a possibility that we could meet her at some point in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In 1925, when Bucky was eight and Rebecca was six, their father was killed in a military training accident. It isn't until his sister Becca introduces him to one of her friends that he starts realizing life moves on after the war, despite all of his efforts to prove otherwise. He Didn’t Only Fight On Earth. This story is a love letter between Bucky and his sister Rebecca, the world, and eventually his childhood best friend, Steve Rogers, the boy he once loved. [14][15][16] Doom demanded to know why her S.H.I.E.L.D. [34], Reincarnation: Due to the fact that seemingly every version of her across the Multiverse was created by Franklin Richards, Rikki awakens in a new reality upon death, possessing the body of her counterparts, and retaining her memories from previous lifetimes. [22], Doom ultimately abandoned Counter-Earth and the World Party took control in his absence. [7] The following day after the rally, Rebecca caught her brother, now with a shaved head and wearing a World Party jacket, rummaging through her belongings. [8], Rikki put on a makeshift costume and a pair of aviator goggles and broke into the World Party headquarters in an attempt to get her brother out of trouble. Thanks for all of the support in the reviews and for following or favoriting this story. Still, the five became friends, and El Toro even became Rikki's roommate, with Rikki attempting to teach Benito English and Benito teaching her Spanish. You can sign up to Disney Plus for £7.99 a month or £79.90 a year now. [6], Bucky returned to costumed heroics right around the time that the Celestials delivered an ultimatum to Franklin Richards: he would have to choose between the two Earths as they decreed only one could be allowed to continue to exist. At age 13, Bucky met and befriendedSteve Rogers aftersaving him from a group of bullies. Upon arriving home she was attacked by Doctor Doom who had traveled back in time after multiple failed attempts to stop Galactus. It was at Lehigh that he meets and befriends Private Steven Rogers… Orion Rebecca Barnes’s favorite thing in the whole world (besides her daddy of course) is spending hours after school in the bookstore by her house and the owner GIVES her any book she wants; she’s the coolest girl Orion has ever met. To manage your email preferences, click here. In the comics, Bucky actually had a little sister named Rebecca. Fittingly for his ... Bucky mentions having a sister. Helicarrier had gotten strange and Cap asked her to keep an eye out. In Marvel’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) has a similar notebook of his own. He helped him whenever he got into fights and tried to cheer him up and look after him when Rogers' mother died. When British North Sea Oil and Energy Cartel's CEO, Leland Walker, began experimenting with the mysterious RIP energy leading to the destruction of Paris, I.Q. Bucky aided him in erasing all memory the German government had of his existence and he acted as the Young Allies information source and technical aide. There, they spent an entire year reliving living new lives "reborn" into a reality where they had recently gained their abilities that vaguely mirror how they gained their powers originally. Bucky Barnes. We are reintroduced to Bucky Barnes as a private citizen following his official pardon by the US government, but see him struggle to find a place in a world that is completely unfamiliar to him. [3], The pair survived until Onslaught became aware of a small tear in reality that led back to the universe's primary dimension, but didn't have enough power to transport all of his energy there.