Personal tools. Deutsch; Faculties and Institutions. Contact — Faculty 10 - Veterinary Medicine. Um Kinder und Jugendliche für das Thema Quantenphysik zu begeistern, entwickelt das Würzburg-Dresdner Exzellenzcluster ct.qmat ein Mobile Game. Vor dem Studium; Im Studium; Nach dem Studium; Weitere Studiengänge mit Beteiligung der Fakultät; Zu Beginn des Studiums. Academic Director and Dean of the Medical Faculty. Henry Ellis Warren (1894) Professor Post-Tenure . Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Energy, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Microbial Systems, Omics, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Gynepathology Research [CGR], The Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics, Biological Imaging, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Drug Delivery, Energy, Nanoscale Engineering, Neurobiological, The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], Biomaterials, Biomolecular Engineering, Energy, Nanoscale Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Infectious Disease, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], Biological Imaging, Biophysics, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Microbial Pathogenesis, Microbial Systems, Nanoscale Engineering, Omics, The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], Biological Imaging, Biomolecular Engineering, Computational Modeling, Drug Delivery, Nanoscale Engineering, Neurobiological, Synthetic Biology, Tissue Engineering, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], Omics, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems [EBICS], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], Computational Modeling, Infectious Disease, Microbial Pathogenesis, Microbial Systems, Omics, Systems Biology, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], The MIT Center for Gynepathology Research [CGR], The Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics, The MIT Synthetic Biology Center [SBC], Carcinogenesis, Drug Metabolism, Infectious Disease, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Microbial Systems, Omics, Pharmacology, Systems Biology, Toxicology, Biological Imaging, Carcinogenesis, Computational Modeling, Omics, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering, Transport Phenomena, Biological Imaging, Carcinogenesis, Toxicology, Carcinogenesis, Drug Delivery, Drug Metabolism, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Infectious Disease, Microbial Pathogenesis, The Division of Comparative Medicine [DCM], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], Biomolecular Engineering, Computational Modeling, Drug Delivery, Omics, Pharmacology, Systems Biology, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], Computational Modeling, Neurobiological, Omics, Systems Biology, Biomaterials, Drug Metabolism, Infectious Disease, Omics, Tissue Engineering, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems [EBICS], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Gynepathology Research [CGR], Biomechanics, Biophysics, Drug Delivery, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Tissue Engineering, Transport Phenomena, The MIT Center for Biomedical Engineering [CBE], Biomechanics, Nanoscale Engineering, Omics, Systems Biology, Transport Phenomena, The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], SMART Biosystems & Micromechanics [BioSyM], Biological Imaging, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Nanoscale Engineering, Neurobiological, Omics, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Biomaterials, Biophysics, Infectious Disease, Nanoscale Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Biological Imaging, Biomaterials, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Neurobiological, Synthetic Biology, The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], Biological Imaging, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Drug Metabolism, Pharmacology, Biomechanics, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Tissue Engineering, Transport Phenomena, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems [EBICS], The MIT Center for Gynepathology Research [CGR], The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], SMART Biosystems & Micromechanics [BioSyM], Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Nanoscale Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Biomolecular Engineering, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Delivery, Omics, Pharmacology, Systems Biology, The MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine [CPCM], Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Delivery, Neurobiological, Pharmacology, Tissue Engineering, Transport Phenomena, Biomolecular Engineering, Computational Modeling, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Omics, Pharmacology, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], The MIT Center for Biomedical Engineering [CBE], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Gynepathology Research [CGR], The Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics, Biomechanics, Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Delivery, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Microbial Pathogenesis, Microbial Systems, Nanoscale Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering, Biological Imaging, Biomechanics, Biophysics, Nanoscale Engineering, Omics, Systems Biology, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine [CPCM], The Division of Comparative Medicine [DCM], Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Microbial Pathogenesis, Microbial Systems, Omics, Synthetic Biology, The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Synthetic Biology Center [SBC], Biomaterials, Biophysics, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Microbial Pathogenesis, Microbial Systems, Transport Phenomena, Carcinogenesis, Drug Delivery, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Omics, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering, Toxicology, Biomolecular Engineering, Computational Modeling, Drug Delivery, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Omics, Pharmacology, Tissue Engineering, Biological Imaging, Biomechanics, Biophysics, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Carcinogenesis, Drug Delivery, Drug Metabolism, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Omics, Systems Biology, Carcinogenesis, Computational Modeling, Systems Biology, Toxicology, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Drug Delivery, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Omics, Pharmacology, Systems Biology, The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], SMART Biosystems & Micromechanics [BioSyM], Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], SMART Biosystems & Micromechanics [BioSyM], Energy, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Microbial Systems, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Biological Imaging, Biomechanics, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Nanoscale Engineering, Neurobiological, Biophysics, Computational Modeling, Microbial Systems, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering, Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems [M-CELS], Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems [EBICS], The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], The MIT Synthetic Biology Center [SBC], The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences [CEHS], The MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine [CPCM], Biomolecular Engineering, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Macromolecular Biochemistry, Omics, Pharmacology, Biological Imaging, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Neurobiological, Omics, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering, The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], The MIT Synthetic Biology Center [SBC], Courses Offered - Remote Learning Details, Major Exploration: BE Info Sessions (Spring 2020). Members of our intramural faculty have laboratories in the Koch Institute building. Peter. Apply to Medical School. Professor of Physics. 1990-1992 post-doctoral fellow lab Prof. Phillip Sharp (Nobel laureate Medicine 1993), MIT, Cambridge, USA; 1992-1996 Assistant professor, Medical faculty, Utrecht University, The Netherlands; 1996-2000 Associate professor, Medical faculty, Utrecht University, The Netherlands; 2001-2017 Full Professor of Epigenetics and Gene Regulation Utrecht University, the Netherlands Lynn. Control and optimization Applied game theory Networks Infrastructure Resilience. Biological Imaging, Biomolecular Engineering, Biophysics, Drug Delivery, Infectious Disease, Neurobiological, Omics, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Tissue Engineering. Our group, centered in the MIT McGovern Institute and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and jointly affiliated with the MIT Department of Biological Engineering and the MIT Department of Media Arts and Sciences, works on inventing and applying new tools for the analysis and engineering of brain circuits. You’ll find an education at the MIT School of Science is marked by rigorous academics and … Log in to HealthELife Search Search. Faculty and Staff, October 2019 Category Number; Faculty: 1,067: Other academic staff: 4,486: Research staff: 1,766: Administrative staff: 2,921: Support staff: 1,621: Service staff: 841: Clinical/Medical staff: 150: Total: 12,852 Robin Courchesne-Sato (617) 253-2481. rsato [at] The Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital are closely linked with one another. Search form. MIT Medical 617-253-4481 Building E23 In addition to conducting research in the institution’s 300 laboratories, these individuals serve as mentors and teachers to the medical school’s 724 M.D. Associate Professor. Jump to navigation. Fikile R. Brushett. Centers: The MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering [CNBE], The MIT Synthetic Biology Center [SBC] Faculty … faculty: Fakultät {f} faculty: geistige Fähigkeit {f} faculty: Können {n} acad. Promotionsausschuss PhD & MD/PhD Satzungskommission Studienkommission Dekanatskommissionen Bibliothekskommission BONFOR-Forschungskommission Evaluationsprojektgruppe (für die Lehre) Finanzkommission Generally one needs a moderate to large teaching hospital at which the students do clinical rotations. Administrative Assistant. If it’s a breakthrough in technology and science, our faculty are probably involved. Arup K. Chakraborty, PhD. Promotionsausschuss Dr. med. Browser, Land, oder die Dauer, wie lange ein Benutzer auf unserer Seite verweilt, zu messen. CV. Daniel Anderson . In einem der größten Krankenhäuser der Welt behandeln rund 1.500 MedizinerInnen der MedUni Wien jährlich mehrere hunderttausend PatientInnen (über 100.000 stationär, rund 540.000 ambulant) und betreiben gleichzeitig medizinische Forschung und Lehre auf Top-Niveau. Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology . RWTH. design; building technology; housing + real estate. Dort leben etwa 325.000 Einwohner in kontinentalem Klima. Economics (617) 253-1927. HST students work with eminent faculty from throughout the Harvard and MIT communities; and are trained to have a deep understanding of engineering, physical sciences and the biological sciences, complemented with hands-on experience in the clinic or industry. Member, Health Sciences and Technology Faculty. medical faculty Ärzteschaft {f}med. Neben dem Logo kann sich rechts daneben das Bannerbild anschließen. Speichern Sie diese Anzeige mit Ihrem LinkedIn Profil oder legen Sie ein neues Profil an. More than 3,600 students at the Faculty of Medicine are trained in a practice-oriented manner in the environment of the University Hospital of Cologne, closely interlinking teaching, health care and research. … Professor of Chemistry . By now, you should have met with a prehealth advisor and know you are ready to apply to medical school or another type of health profession school. 1996-2000 Associate professor, Medical faculty, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. PhD Habilitation Antrittsvorlesungen apl-Professuren Berufungsverfahren Antrag an die SPK Ausschreibungen Probevorträge Erstsemester-Infos FAQs Digitaler Start Anästhesie-Museum Forschung. & Dr. med. Core Faculty (617) 258-6843 The Ragon Institute, together with IMES at MIT, in Cambridge, MA is seeking outstanding scientists for tenured faculty positions to start on July 1, 2021 or on a mutually agreed date thereafter. Contact. Filter by Research Area. Their interests reach into nearly every domain of design activity, including: The Built Environment. Amin. Dept & Faculty at MIT Manipal - Manipal Academy of Higher Education Prof. Dr. med. 24 hour numbers; Urgent Care 617-253-1311; Urgent Mental Health Concerns 617-253-2916; Violence Prevention & Response 617-253-2300; All contact numbers; Close 24-hour Numbers. Robert T. Haslam (1911) Professor in Chemical Engineering . Acemoglu. Jelena Notaros joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in June 2020 as an Assistant Professor, a Principal Investigator in the Research Laboratory of Electronics, and a Core Faculty Member of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories. CV. Cancer Biology. Research flourishes in our 30 departments across five schools and one college, as well as in dozens of centers, labs, and programs that convene experts across disciplines to explore new intellectual frontiers and attack important societal problems. Faculty … Einstein is home to more than 2,000 faculty members, who promote research and academic excellence at the College of Medicine. The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century. The Department of Biotechnology at MIT Manipal has core competencies in Bioreaction and Bioprocess Engineering, Transport Phenomena, Downstream Processing, Modelling and Simulation and Bioreactor Design. Child. 1992-1996 Assistant professor, Medical faculty, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 37-207 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-7759. lry [at] Das Studium der Humanmedizin an der MSH entspricht den Vorgaben der Ärztlichen Approbationsordnung. Human Disease. Show: News Articles. Our Faculty brings together research expertise in medicine, biosciences and technology and is committed to generating new knowledge and solutions that promote health and wellbeing and benefit both individuals and the broader society. educ. MIT Faculty Guide. Research Interests: Faculty & Non-Faculty Supervisors; Who's Teaching What; Program Objectives; People. educ. medizinische Fakultät {f} Das Department Humanmedizin bietet den Studiengang Humanmedizin an. Die Stadt Cluj-Napoca oder Klausenburg, wie sie in Deutschland genannt wird, ist die viertgrößte Stadt in Rumänien. Medical Process Management, M.Sc. Faculty and Staff, October 2019 Category Number; Faculty: 1,067: Other academic staff: 4,486: Research staff: 1,766: Administrative staff: 2,921: Support staff: 1,621: Service staff: 841: Clinical/Medical staff: 150: Total: 12,852 Genetics. Dr. med. faculty: Ausbildungsrichtung {f} acad. Displaying 1 - 15 of 551 news articles related to this topic. University of Basel, Medical Faculty Basel, Basel, Schweiz Vor 3 Wochen Gehören Sie zu den ersten 25 Bewerbern. Download RSS feed: News Articles / In the Media. Affiliated Artist, Music. Job speichern. Daron. Sehen Sie, wen University of Basel, Medical Faculty für diese Position eingestellt hat. MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science – Athinoula A. Martinos Professor Search Open Position: IMES at MIT, in Cambridge, MA invites applicants to apply for a tenured or tenure track faculty position in the area of biomedical imaging to begin July 1, 2021 or thereafter. Subjects. In the Media. Institute for Medical Engineering & Science. Modern medicine is taught on the foundations of the current state of the art in research at the Faculty of Medicine together with the University Hospital and academic teaching hospitals for the benefit and in the interests of our patients. Cell Biology. Be A Strong Applicant. Kwanghun Chung. law med. Es ist das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Zentrum Transsilvaniens. Willkommen bei der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU München. Graduate Education in Medical Sciences (GEMS) Certificate Program; HST-Wellman Summer Institute for Biomedical Optics; Registration; Financial Support; Forms and Useful Links; Courses; Faculty & Research. I have never heard of MIT wanting a medical school. Die University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca befindet sich im Stadtzentrum von Cluj-Napoca. Members of our extramural faculty come from departments and centers across the MIT campus to share in the vision of the Koch Institute. Saurabh . 1-241. website. Medical University Varna – Varna; Medical University Pleven – Pleven; Medizinstudium in Rumänien. Degrees at the Faculty of Medicine (University) Die Fakultät Medizin der MSH umfasst das Department Humanmedizin. Financial Officer . Edwin R. Gilliland Professor, Faculty Research Officer. 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. Die Medizinische Fakultät an der Universität Bielefeld bietet ab dem Wintersemester 2021/ 2022 Möglichkeiten des Studiums und der Forschung. Faculty. With a total of up to 60,000 euros, the Medical Faculty supports research project proposals, selected in a competitive, expert-based procedure. Louis D. Braida, PhD. Die Medizinische Fakultät an der Universität Bielefeld bietet ab dem Wintersemester 2021/ 2022 Möglichkeiten des Studiums und der Forschung. Our more than 60 world-renowned faculty include 3 Nobel laureates; 33 members of the National Academy of Sciences; 16 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigators; and 4 recipients of the National Medal of Science. 24-210. Cecil and Ida Green Career Development Chair, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering. The 378 faculty members in the MIT School of Engineering have won almost every major research and teaching award you can think of, they have a strong tradition of national service, and they are prolific inventors and originators of commercial enterprises. Core Faculty, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science. Arup K. Chakraborty . Such medical degrees include the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS, MBChB, MBBCh, BMBS), Master of Medicine (MM, MMed), Doctor of Medicine (M.D), Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O), or Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D.P.M). dent. The Faculty awarded McGill's first degree, and Canada's first medical degree to William Leslie Logie in 1833. medical power of attorney medizinische Vorsorgeverfügung {f} medical and non-medical findings: medizinische und nichtmedizinische Erkenntnisse {pl} educ. 15 current faculty members have been elected to the National Academy of Medicine; 9 current faculty members are Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators. Elfar Adalsteinsson . Professor Post-Tenure of Electrical Engineering. Ceramics; Computational Materials Science; Electrochemistry; Corrosion and Environmental Effects; Materials Chemistry; Nanotechnology; Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films; Transport Phenomena. The school employs a faculty of over 130 people, with a faculty-to-student ratio of roughly one-to-seven. MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science – Athinoula A. Martinos Professor Search Open Position: 57. Ihre IP-Adresse wird anonymisiert übertragen, die Verbindung zu Google ist verschlüsselt. University of Pécs – Pécs; Semmelweis University – Budapest; Medizinstudium in Bulgarien. students, 248 Ph.D. students, 117 M.D.-Ph.D. students and 368 postdoctoral research fellows. Research; Initiatives. Search . Addressing fundamental questions and society's great challenges. Anderson Lab. Thomas Weischer Stellvertretender Direktor IMC Kliniken Essen-Mitte, Evang. phone: +49 3641 9-391101. fax: +49 3641 9-391102. The Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts invites applicants to apply for a tenured or tenure track faculty position in the area of biomedical imaging to begin July 1, … See more of Mansoura University - Faculty of Medicine | 2014 Graduates on Facebook Faculty/Staff. MIT Medical serves the healthcare needs of the MIT community. Students become conversant with the underlying quantitative and molecular aspects of medicine and biomedical science. 1990-1992 post-doctoral fellow lab Prof. Phillip Sharp (Nobel laureate Medicine 1993), MIT, Cambridge, USA. We fill prescriptions from MIT Medical providers and offer discounted over-the-counter medications and health-related products. Computational Biology. Faculty; Finding a Lab; Entrepreneurial Opportunities; Information for UROP Supervisors; Students. Zen Chu serves as Faculty Director of MIT's Hacking Medicine Initiative, and is a Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Innovation for both the MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard-MIT Health Sciences & Technology program.. Email: Um fortfahren zu können, müssen Sie eine Cookie-Auswahl treffen. If a student isn’t feeling well and needs care right away, call MIT Medical’s 24-hour help line at 617-253-4481 and speak with a triage nurse. dent. You Are Here: Faculty 10. Political economy Development economics Applied game theory Search theory Networks. University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca – Cluj-Napoca; Medizinstudium in Polen Scientists explore problems of great societal relevance in three research focus areas: "Tumor biology, infection and immunity", "Homeostatic principles in metabolism and tissue regeneration" and … Department of Biotechnology. Ihre IP-Adresse wird anonymisiert übertragen, die Verbindung zu Google ist verschlüsselt. Cookies zulassen: Wir setzen das Analysetool Google Analytics ein, um Besucher-Informationen wie z.B. / Dr. med. Wenzhou Medical University; Medizinstudium in Ungarn. Browser, Land, oder die Dauer, wie lange ein Benutzer auf unserer Seite verweilt, zu messen. or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, and Asian. The MIT Pharmacy serves the entire Institute community—on campus and at Lincoln Laboratory. Faculty, Resources and Sustainability, Structures and Design Professor of Mechanical Engineering Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research Interests: solid mechanics; soft materials; bioelectronics, bioadhesives, medical robots Research website: The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century. website. Die Fakultät, bestehend aus dem Klinikum der Universität mit den Standorten Großhadern und Innenstadt, den vorklinischen und wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen sowie den klinisch-theoretischen Einrichtungen, ist die größte medizinische Ausbildungseinrichtung in Süddeutschland. Chang. Before starting the medical school application process, make sure that you have explored the field and prepared academically and personally. Medical Engineering and Science IMES; Nuclear Science and Engineering 22; School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. HST; HST Courses; Faculty. So MIT would have to either use someone else's hospital or build one of their own. Medicine. MedUni Wien und AKH Wien sind eng miteinander verbunden. faculty: Lehrkörper {m} Faculty 04 - History and Cultural Studies; Faculty 05 - Language, Literature, Culture; Faculty 06 - Psychology and Sports Science; Faculty 07 - Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Geography; Faculty 08 - Biology and Chemistry; Faculty 09 - Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Environmental Management; Faculty 10 - Veterinary Medicine Faculty Position. MEDRC; MIT linQ; MIT MGH Partnership; Microbiome Center; Clinical Research Center; Academics. Präzisionsmedizin: Intervention und Prävention Ihre Gesundheit ist unser Ziel Stellenangebote: Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams Unverified faculty: Fachbereich {m} {n} faculty: Fähigkeit {f} acad. One of the original six courses offered when MIT was founded in 1865, MechE's faculty and students conduct research that pushes boundaries and provides creative solutions for the world's problems.