When do I have to apply? This can be especially advantageous when using video conference services. In order to save your time, money, and frustration, please take care of all the things listed in our Welcome Guide right after your arrival in Stuttgart. The Master's of Science degree program in Information Technology (MSc INFOTECH) of the University of Stuttgart is system accredited. Important news, links, documents, and tips for students of the University of Stuttgart: This page offers information on your studies. Currently, you can NOT log in to vpn2.tik.uni-stuttgart.de if your personal password contains special characters in ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) format (e.g. Dates matter, also when studying at the University of Stuttgart. In other words, we seek to reliably transmit a message from a source to a destination over a channel using a transmitter and a receiver. IKTD - Engineering and designing technology. The Faculty of Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering is one of the largest faculties at the University of Stuttgart. Then you’ve come to the right place! Institute. The concept of "sustainable action" is not only understood here as foresighted action, but also as guidance for overcoming crises. *** Subsite für englische Inhalte www.student.uni-stuttgart.de; Study abroad; Study abroad. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Search. Here are the, The Rectorate of the University of Stuttgart has decided on a, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, 3 good reasons for doing research at Stuttgart University, Graduate schools, graduate colleges & doctoral programs, International collaborations/research partnerships, Background information on internal and external network types, Collaborative research centers & research training groups, Diverse research on future-related topics, 3 good reasons for studying at Stuttgart University, Orientation programs for choosing a course of study, International applicants: earning your degree in Stuttgart (degree-seeking), International applicants: exchange and program students (non-degree), Registering, applying and enrolling for a doctoral degree, Contact form Admissions Office for Germans, Contact form Admissions Office for Foreign Nationals, Contact form Admissions Office: Semester/Tuition Fees, Restricted admission (NC) and entrance exams, Combination with arts/music (teacher training program), Admission prerequisites Bachelor, Master, Teaching program, General information on Master's admission, Exchange and program students (non-degree), International students: Financing your studies, Research centers, joint research projects and cooperations, Personnel development & further education, International strategies & collaborations, Offices of the Assistants to Rector, Chancellor and Rectorate, Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity, Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Research Group for Education and Social Inequality, Registration deadlines and examination dates, All Saints' Day: Sunday, November 01, 2020, All Saints' Day: Monday, November 01, 2021. In the Institute of Linguistics (IL) we conduct research on the structure and usage of human language. Our focus is mainly German, English, French and Italian, as well as other, also non-European languages. The University of Stuttgart is a well-established university in one of the most cutting-edge regions of Germany. Framework of conditions for teaching in the winter semester 2020/21. The videos will help you settle quickly in Stuttgart when you arrive, clarify some formalities, and introduce some WAREM's lecturers and institutes. The Rectorate of the University of Stuttgart has decided on a framework of conditions for teaching. The application is possible via the Mobility-Online portal. Faculty 10 seeks scientific progress in the area of economics and social sciences, measuring up to the increasing complexity of society. The Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik (Institute of Radio Frequency Technology) of University of Stuttgart investigates new concepts for electromagnetic circuits, fields and waves at very high frequencies, mostly in the gigahertz frequency range. Here you find the answers to all questions concerning your studies. Downloads. Here you find the answers to all questions concerning your studies. Framework of conditions for teaching in the winter semester 2020/21, Overview of all semester dates until winter semester 2024/25 (PDF) [de]. In addition to a huge array of low-cost sport and fitness offerings, from aikido to zumba, the AHS also holds a … Important downloads can be found here. We are teamed up with highly enthusiastic researchers and highly efficient administrative staff. Stuttgart Center for Manufacturing Technologies PZS The Institute for Machine Tools (IfW) at the University of Stuttgart has more than 30 research assistants, conducting research in the areas of production engineering as well as the design and the optimization of machine tools. 70569 Stuttgart Deutschland +49 (0)711 / 685-66055 +49 (0)711 / 685-66219 secretariat@iktd.uni-stuttgart.de. Admission regulation (Zulassungsordnung) [de] (August 7, 2008) An unofficial English translation will be published soon We are pleased that you are interested in studying here. The lecture period of winter semester 2020/21. The Graduate School Intelligent Methods for Test and Reliability (GS-IMTR) at the University of Stuttgart is funded by Advantest, one of the world leaders in Automated Test Equipment. ILIAS link to the videos The quality of WAREM is certified under the system - Accreditation of University of Stuttgart and German Accreditation Council. At University of Stuttgart, a regular graduate student is one who is registered for a program of advanced study and research leading to a post-graduate degree. The Business Administration Institute (BWI) of the University of Stuttgart covers the subjects of business administration relevant to the interface to technology with 10 chairs (departments). The Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies (FMQ) is home to five research groups that explore quantum effects in various environments with theoretical and experimental tools. Scientists and engineers have been constructing models of complex phenomena for centuries. Biomedical Engineering refers to the application of technical and technological knowledge, methods and instruments in the medicine with a focus on the interaction between the therapeutic or diagnostic system and the biological environment. Research at the IST is characterised by a theoretic and methodological approach to problems related to systems theory and automatic control. You are interested in spending time abroad during your studies? Computational simulation helps us understand important aspects of the systems described, predict system states under different conditions, and derive decisions for controlling them. Team. In addition to the regular accounts, functional addresses can also be requested. Due to the corona pandemic situation it will be a largely digital semester with some individual attendance courses and support programs for first semester bachelor's and master’s students. It is largely responsible for teaching related to space travel and, with its various courses in the form of lectures and internships, seminars and student theses, covers a … The SRCSB structures and coordinates pioneering interdisciplinary research and training in systems biology and synthetic biology at the University of Stuttgart. The chair IBK3 - Sustainability, Building Construction and Design aims at the establishment of an architectural culture of sustainability. To be admitted as a regular graduate student, an applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school of acceptable standing. University Sports (AHS) is a service provided for students and staff at the University of Stuttgart, as well as at the other universities and institutions taking part. §, µ, ä, ü, ö For more detailed information on the application deadlines please see the application deadlines web page. First steps in Stuttgart. Kornelia Kuhle Secretary of the Programming Languages and Compilers Group and of the Software Engineering Group (until January 2020) The IKTD focuses mainly on the holistic product development of technical products. The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. vpn2.tik.uni-stuttgart.de This system has a "stateful firewall" and allows UDP traffic to the Internet. See the Leave of Absence page for more on this. Members of the Universität Stuttgart are automatically assigned their own e-mail address. btn-mahlowat-show-start btn-mahlowat-show-qa. When do classes start, when does the semester end? The IRS is one of 13 institutes in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Stuttgart. The University of Stuttgart welcomes new students from all over the world. … The reasearch portfolio at GIS over the past several decades covers a broad spectrum of research objectives in satellite geodesy and physical geodesy. Research. Physikalisches Institut. The extact enrollment dates will be announced with the admission note. The SRCSB operates across the boundaries of traditionally separated disciplines and faculties, providing the framework for seamless integration of life sciences, systems sciences and engineering. title-results It intensifies its relationships with universities and non-university research facilities as well as with partners from regional businesses and society, both in our state and globally. The Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management belongs to the Faculty od Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering of the University of Stuttgart. Prof. Bauernhansl ist director of all three institutions. It is member of the Stuttgart Production Center (PZS) and it closely cooperates with Fraunhofer IPA. All Master's programs of the University of Stuttgart: Which study program suits me best? The International Office now offers online consultation hours for students (Mon + Wed from 10 a-m- to 12 p-m.). Online Consultation hours! For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Restricted search under infotech.uni-stuttgart.de? You will receive access to the portal by your advisor at the International Office at the University of Stuttgart as soon as you have been nominated for an exchange. Disclaimer +If you want to meet with us please write us an email to schedule a WebEx-Meeting+. Re-registration period for the following summer semester: Re-registration period for the following winter semester: As of the end of the winter semester: until March 15, As of the end of the summer semester: until September 15. The University of Stuttgart initiates and supports joint projects and inter-faculty research centers and creates the required infrastructure for cooperative research undertakings. General deadlines can be found on the enrollment web page. When do I have to apply? It bundles the wide competencies of different institutes at the University’s Faculty for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, and it is also open for other Faculties. The lecture period of the winter semester 2020/21 and summer semester 2021 has changed due to the corona pandemic. On this page we list all important dates and deadlines during the fall and spring semesters. An application for a leave of absence is normally due during the re-registration period. Inspired by Shannon’s groundbreaking work on the fundamental limits of communications, we seek to solve the task of “reproducing at one poin t either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point”. All Master's programs of the University of Stuttgart: Which study program suits me best? The Rectorate of the University of Stuttgart has decided on a framework of conditions for teaching. Here are the, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, 3 good reasons for doing research at Stuttgart University, Graduate schools, graduate colleges & doctoral programs, International collaborations/research partnerships, Background information on internal and external network types, Collaborative research centers & research training groups, Diverse research on future-related topics, 3 good reasons for studying at Stuttgart University, Orientation programs for choosing a course of study, International applicants: earning your degree in Stuttgart (degree-seeking), International applicants: exchange and program students (non-degree), Registering, applying and enrolling for a doctoral degree, Contact form Admissions Office for Germans, Contact form Admissions Office for Foreign Nationals, Contact form Admissions Office: Semester/Tuition Fees, Restricted admission (NC) and entrance exams, Combination with arts/music (teacher training program), Admission prerequisites Bachelor, Master, Teaching program, General information on Master's admission, Exchange and program students (non-degree), International students: Financing your studies, Research centers, joint research projects and cooperations, Personnel development & further education, International strategies & collaborations, Offices of the Assistants to Rector, Chancellor and Rectorate, Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity, Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Research Group for Education and Social Inequality. The Institute of Geodesy was founded 150 years ago, when the University of Stuttgart was still called Polytechnical School. Erasmus+ and overseas students sign up through the Incoming Section. Together with Faculty 4, we are one of the largest mechanical engineering faculties in Germany. Overview of all semester dates (PDF) [de]. 18.9k Followers, 879 Following, 1,387 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Universität Stuttgart (@unistuttgart) 3. The Graduate Academy of the University of Stuttgart (GRADUS) is the central institution at the University of Stuttgart for the promotion of early career researchers and offers a wide range of qualifications, information, counseling and mentoring services. btn-mahlowat-skip-remainng-theses. The main focus therein lies on the development of cutting edge methods concerning the characterization, analysis and control of complex systems of different kinds. We represent the field of Biomedical Engineering in Research and Teaching at the University of Stuttgart.