If you arrive in Frankfurt am Main by plane and have to buy a ticket for the train to Stuttgart, purchase a ticket with the destination "Stuttgart Universität". Dezember 2020 entstanden. Upon arrival in Germany you have to apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis [de]) at your place of residence. You will also need some cash to buy food and drinks. About TU Darmstadt – The Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt is one of Germany’s leading technical universities. Please consider that you need to arrange an appointment beforehand. In the latter case you do not have to apply for exemption. Ins Leben gerufen wurde die StuFoKon von der Gemeinsamen Kommission Maschinenbau der Universität Stuttgart (GKM). The Graduate School Intelligent Methods for Test and Reliability (GS-IMTR) at the University of Stuttgart is funded by Advantest, one of the world leaders in Automated Test Equipment. Members of the Universität Stuttgart are automatically assigned their own e-mail address. program since 1983. At University of Stuttgart, a regular graduate student is one who is registered for a program of advanced study and research leading to a post-graduate degree. If you are staying in Germany for more than 90 days, you are required to register at the residents’ registrations office in your place of residence within 14 days upon arrival. Exceptions: students of the B.A. 17,782 were here. Rentals begin at the first of each month. University ranking. You do not have your accommodation in Stuttgart? Obtaining a student visa for Germany usually requires at least two months but often longer! If you have not found an accommodation in Stuttgart so far, we collected some tips and tricks for you: Information on how to find accomodation on the private housing market. The videos will help you settle quickly in Stuttgart when you arrive, clarify some formalities, and introduce some WAREM's lecturers and institutes. Non-EU citizens who do not require an entrance visa, Non-EU citizens who require an entrance visa, residents’ registration office in Vaihingen, residents’ registration office in Stuttgart West, Tenancy agreement which you have received by e-mail, Your residence permit (as soon as you have it), In all student dormitories you can only move into your room during the office hours of the respective Hausmeister. You can also visit one of many other residents’ registration offices in Stuttgart and surroundings [de] instead of the one in the city center. you will need about € 3 for the S-Bahn ticket from the airport to the Stuttgart-Vaihingen campus, station "Universität" (most ticket machines accept EUR 5, 10 and 20 notes). Research topics and projects. QS Unisolution is dedicated to developing technology solutions that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of international and recruitment functions within education, positively impacting the educational experience for the students, staff and partners they serve. The Institute for Theoretical Physics III (ITP3) combines two chairs in theoretical physics with focus on quantum many-body phenomena and strongly correlated systems. June 1 st officially marks my first day in Stuttgart — Home sweet home. This is the guideline for many research projects and courses. 110 EUR per month. The visa should be valid from August 31. Commuters will agree that it is a nightmare to drive to the city from outside Stuttgart. If you do not plan on participating in the Program, please let us know as soon as possible. Please inform us what date and time you intend to show up at WAREM: Water Resources Engineering and Management - WAREMCampus VaihingenPfaffenwaldring 7, upper ground floor, room 0.00770569 StuttgartPhone: 0711/685-66615/66616WAREM Office hours:Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 12:00 or with appointment. Thank you for your interest in applying for Master’s studies at the University of Stuttgart. The University of Stuttgart consists of ten different faculties. The University of Stuttgart is situated in the middle of a highly dynamic economic region with a worldwide reputation for excellence in the fields of mobile and information technology, production, process engineering as well as in life sciences. Welcome to the research group in theoretical physics of Prof. H.P. Master’s Program Infrastructure Planning, at the University of Stuttgart, offers an internationally acclaimed M.Sc. We strongly recommend that you apply for your eAT within the first two weeks ofyour arrival. You will have to transfer a Euro 400 refundable deposit and Euro 300 part of the first rent, before arrival in Germany. For this purpose, the institute operates various experimental test facilities and applies numerical simulation methods, some of which are developed in-house. The Office of Student Housing (Studierendenwerk) has set aside single rooms especially for new foreign students. 70569 Stuttgart Deutschland +49 (0)711 / 685-66055 +49 (0)711 / 685-66219 secretariat@iktd.uni-stuttgart.de. The International Office now offers online consultation hours for students (Mon + Wed from 10 a-m- to 12 p-m.). Exchange students from EU countries with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) are exempted from this requirement as long as they do not work in Germany. of the Institute of Telecommunications. The following regulations apply: http://www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/internat/studierende/services/buddyprogramm/index.en.html. The Subway (S-Bahn) in the Airport Stuttgart is on the underground level. In addition to the regular accounts, functional addresses can also be requested. The Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics focuses on questions relating to Technical Dynamics. Find your contact person in the alphabetical list: Elastic stress-strain relation in cylindrical corel/shell nanowires (nbO/2no, Tio2) Find the necessary steps for enrollment listed in our Welcome Guide. Temporary Accommodation Youth Hostels are an option if you arrive out of office hours, on a weekend, or at a time when you cannot move into your residence (see also 7. and 9.). Der Fokus der … You will have to bring the preliminary confirmation with you for the enrollment. Er sieht sich als Vermittler zwischen der Filmkultur und den Studenten. Members 12 - 15 EUR per night (incl. To open a bank account, you will need: Usually it is possible to hand in your residence permit and your enrollment certificate of the university at a later point. The Chair of Macromolecular Compounds and Fiber Chemistry (MSF) is part of the Institute of Polymer Chemistry (IPOC) and of the Faculty of Chemistry. The WAREM office is located on the upper ground floor of the building Pfaffenwaldring 7. In Stuttgart you can register at any Bürgerbüro throughout the city. Students FROM EU-COUNTRIES ONLY: You need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for the proof of your health insurance, available by health insurance companies of your home country. Prerequisite for the enrollment at the university is your residence permit (eAT). Tuesday 1st September 2020: Arrival of students and registration with IZWednesday 2nd September 2020: start of Orientation Week with Welcome by the international Office (mandatory) and German Language Test (mandatory).The German language class will start a couple of days after the test and run for about six weeks. Single furnished rooms in the student dormitories are provided with shared kitchen, bathroom, shower and washroom facilities. You may only move in on weekdays (Monday-Friday). The IKTD focuses mainly on the holistic product development of technical products. See our insurance page. Login The Stuttgart Way stands for the interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural, cultural and social sciences on a foundation of top-flight disciplinary research. It protects you against liability for causing injury to others or damaging their property, such as a rental apartment, a laboratory, or your university institute, to include even the loss of keys, for example. Please check on our corona website for potential changes and updates regarding the necessary first steps. Inspired by Shannon’s groundbreaking work on the fundamental limits of communications, we seek to solve the task of “reproducing at one poin t either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point”. by email. Institute. The program focuses on an integrated approach to planning and brings together students with an architecture/urban planning … 260-360 EUR/month ). Currently, you can NOT log in to vpn2.tik.uni-stuttgart.de if your personal password contains special characters in ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) format (e.g. Büchler. Students from non-EU countries: Travel health insurance if you arrive in September to cover the month of September. Toggle navigation. breakfast). Please reply if you intend to participate in the WAREM Program. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Upon arrival in Germany you have to apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis [de]) at your place of residence. With about 80 employees, the IAG deals with research on fluid mechanics mainly associated with air vehicles and wind turbines. Please ask at the German Embassy for detailed regulations. Sufficient amount of Euro in cash (at least EUR 150 for the first weeks here plus approx.EUR 190,00 for semester fee to be paid in order to register before the semester starts. The IPOC is composed of two chairs, please find our research activities on the individual team sites Master’s Program Infrastructure Planning, at the University of Stuttgart, offers an internationally acclaimed M.Sc. IHF - adaptive smart antennas,millimeter-wave circuits, simulation of electromagnetic fields as well as the english Information Technology (M.Sc.) combination programs and M.Ed. There are two additional offers for students: For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Institute for Computational Design and Construction University of Stuttgart, Keplerstraße 11, 70174 Stuttgart In order to make sure that your student ID card will be sent to your current address in Germany, please change your address in C@MPUS as soon as you have arrived in Germany. About MLR. Important:Your student ID card and the stamp validating your student ID will be sent to you by post to the address you entered in C@MPUS. Students with at least Level A 2.2 can apply for exemption from the German Language Classes and arrive in Stuttgart later (latest 1st week of October). Exchange students need a written confirmation issued by the IZ for a waiver, Proof of sufficient funds (at least EUR 853 per month) e.g. Subsidized student housing is available on campus (approx. Prof. Dr. Michael R. Buchmeiser. The Institute of Geodesy was founded 150 years ago, when the University of Stuttgart was still called Polytechnical School. Herzlich willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Universität Stuttgart! It is largely responsible for teaching related to space travel and, with its various courses in the form of lectures and internships, seminars and student theses, covers a … All in all, nearly 26,000 students are enrolled in around 150 institutes. These policies typically cost between EUR 30 to EUR 80 per year, depending on your family status. You can pick up the brochure at the International Office in the IZ or download it from this website. Before you can move in you must go to the caretaker (Hausmeister) to receive your room keys. You'll have to change the train at Stuttgart main station (Hauptbahnhof). 50 € for 5 pieces). Prof. Michael M. Resch who is also director of the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) Much to our regret, the pages of our web site are available in german language only. Please make sure that you arrive on Monday, September 2nd to be able to register for the German courses. Uni-Film Stuttgart e.V., Stuttgart, Germany. The Graduate Academy of the University of Stuttgart (GRADUS) is the central institution at the University of Stuttgart for the promotion of early career researchers and offers a wide range of qualifications, information, counseling and mentoring services. The reasearch portfolio at GIS over the past several decades covers a broad spectrum of research objectives in satellite geodesy and physical geodesy. You can print out the ECUS stamp from the C@MPUS portal. Overview …