It is not possible to serve ready-made food, including by way of catering, during authorized on-campus meetings in line with section II. If you have exceptionally high costs for return travel (due to cancellation or early return from studying abroad), please contact us directly. As a support measure, the University of Konstanz has set up a fund to subsidize costs for private childcare as childcare facilities are closed due to the corona pandemic. Supervisors are welcome to refer to these instructions when issuing guidance to their own staff members. Contact: You must either request paid leave or expect a discontinuation of your wages for this period of time. Dezember 2020 direkt an das Ministerium für Soziales und Integration unter der folgenden E-Mail-Adresse:, Aktuelle Regelungen während des Präsenzbetriebes unter Auflagen, Forschungsförderung und wissenschaftsunterstützende Angebote, Advanced Data and Information Literacy Track, Themen-Schwerpunkte (Jauß, Jubiläum, Bibliothekssanierung ...), Die Universität Konstanz als Arbeitgeberin, Stellenangebote von Partnerorganisationen der Universität Konstanz, Verordnungen, Maßnahmen und Stellungnahmen zum Coronavirus, Beschäftigung schwangerer Frauen im Hinblick auf eine Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Impressum, Kontakt und Haftungsausschluss, Auch Bestellungen von nicht in Konstanz vorhandenen Büchern über den. Please either forward your request, including the necessary documentation, to, or to your usual contact person from the purchasing team. Staff and students at the University of Konstanz who are exempted from the quarantine requirement as per the aforementioned criteria may enter the University of Konstanz campus (see FAQ 1.4 paragraph 1). and any hygiene measures that were taken (e.g. The booking form, instructions as well as additional information (in German) about the KIM.MediaBOX are available on the KIM website:2. Job interviews should continue to be conducted online in the first round. Many of our partner universities also contact students nominated for an exchange directly. Beachten Sie bitte, dass dies auch für andere Symptome gilt, die gemäß den Hinweisen des Robert Koch-Instituts auf der Website auf COVID-19 hindeuten könnten und die bei Ihnen neu auftreten und für Sie nicht erklärbar sind, namentlich Kurzatmigkeit, Schnupfen, Halsschmerzen, Kopf- und Gliederschmerzen und allgemeine Schwäche.Hygieneordnung der Universität Konstanz Vgl. Please note: In this case, the quarantine period will not be counted towards your regular working hours. „Meine Universität“ ist Ihr persönlicher, geschützter Bereich auf der Website. On-campus teaching will only be possible in urgently necessary and epidemiologically acceptable instances to ensure that studies can continue in the winter term. Bitte beachten Sie dort vor allem auch die jeweiligen thematischen und zielgruppenorientierten Kacheln, über die Sie Detailinformationen für Sie gebündelt abrufen können. Das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst (MWK) Baden-Württemberg bittet deshalb erneut um Unterstützung seitens des Hochschulen. during experiments). Im Landkreis Konstanz werden zur Unterstützung des Gesundheitsamtes im Umfang von zwei Vollzeitäquivalenten gesucht. laying of the foundation stone, 21 June 1966. If you are the affected person, please request the test result from your family doctor yourself in order to minimize time delays. Face masks are also required in outdoor areas within 50 metres of entrances and at all bus stops. Please note that you will need to have sufficient health insurance on your own for your study abroad stay. A cancellation of the housing contract is possible until two weeks before the semester starts. Next year, as always, the host university will need to first accept your nomination, which is something we cannot influence. From the start, students can benefit from e-learning options ((OLS) online language courses/language training that is not offered via OLS/hands-on intercultural learning). Generally speaking, travellers from Switzerland are required to register themselves and self-quarantine upon arrival in Germany as per § 3 of the Corona Ordinance on entry quarantine and testing “Corona-Verordnung Einreise-Quarantäne und Testung” (CoronaVO EQT). The University of Konstanz's general hygiene regulations have been updated again as of 20 November 2020. More information. Until further notice, due to the new regulations you are no longer required to check in when entering K building. Here is information about protecting yourself from cybercriminals (in German). This means: Yes, you can still apply for an exchange during the academic year 2021/2022 by the usual deadlines: To find out about our information events during the autumn/winter of 2020, please check the University of Konstanz’s event newsletter AUS|BLICK. Please inform the corresponding programme coordinator in the International Office of your decision. Das hat der Regierungsrat des Kantons Bern auf Grund der epidemiologischen Entwicklung und der nach wie vor hohen Fallzahlen beschlossen. During conditional on-site operations and until further notice you must enter and leave university buildings (on campus) via the i-Punkt and the entrance next to number 9 bus stop only. Detailed information (in German): Beschäftigung schwangerer Frauen im Hinblick auf eine Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Contact:Wolfgang Hellstern, Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection. Avoid using public transportation. research group leaders) register the person concerned in time (by 13:00 on the current work day for the following day, and by 13:00 on Friday for the following Monday) by sending an email to (see special edition of EIN|BLICK from 28 April 2020). To be able to trace potential chains of infection, we ask all persons who are on the university campus or in university buildings during conditional on-site operations to regularly write down who they worked with in the office/lab or talked to in the hallway etc. Alle aktuellen Ordnungen des Landes können Sie jederzeit herunterladen unter "Verordnungen, Maßnahmen und Stellungnahmen zum Coronavirus". The key management team currently offers its services during the following opening hours: Mondays: 9:00 to 12:00 Wednesday: 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:30 - 15:30. The Hygiene Regulations are available at the university's statutes, regulations and guidelines website (in German, please refer to the "Universität allgemein" section). KIM also provides access to the campus network from outside the university via VPN connections (Virtual Private Network) for university staff members. Dezember 2020 ist eine neue Fassung der allgemeinen Corona-Verordnung (CoronaVO) des Landes Baden-Württemberg in Kraft getreten. The electronic registration data will be stored for four weeks and then deleted as per the Corona Ordinance (CoronaVO). Lawyers, witness counsels and other participants in formal administrative procedures that must be carried out on campus.Anyone else must please obtain permission from the Rectorate before entering university premises. Please consider your decision carefully and stay informed about the relevant travel restrictions, the situation in your host country and the recommendations of your host university. Cleaning surfaces with soap solution can therefore be a good way of preventing infections caused by contaminated surfaces. Further information (in German): Sozialministeriums Baden-Württemberg, Information of the Outgoing Centre concerning COVID-19 travel advisories and safety information. (update on 2.10.2020). It is, however, key that you agree with your department on these courses early on. Information about the Erasmus Programme that applies specifically to Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic is available (in German) on the German Academic Exchange Service’s (DAAD) website. We do, however, have great confidence that this will be the case. Das bedeutet konkret: Für den Besuch von Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen, -prüfungen und Terminen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung gelten tagsüber (in der Zeit zwischen 5 und 20 Uhr) keine Ausgangssperren. die Kachel „Studium und Lehre im Wintersemester 2020/2021“ auf zuständige Fachabteilung:Nikolaus Zahnen, Abteilung Studium und Lehre. As previously announced, the university recommends that you keep business travel to an absolute minimum and use technical alternatives such as telephone or video conferencing instead (see special issue of EIN|BLICK from 15 July 2020, item 8).Business travel to risk areas, to countries that are subject to travel warnings or to regions within Germany with more than 50 new cases per 100,000 residents in the past seven days continue to be prohibited on principle. Contact:Tilo Prautzsch, Facility Management. Ministry of Science, Research and Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg, court of auditors, Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg (LfDI, state representative for data protection and freedom of information), Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg, Landratsamt Konstanz (district office), etc. Afterwards the lecture hall (or office) – especially surfaces that might have been touched – should be thoroughly cleaned by instructed personnel and ventilated. (These areas will be marked accordingly within the next few days). The hazardous waste team kindly asks all university members to observe these regulations. If you have questions please contact the universityʼs occupational safety/occupational health team within the staff unit Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection. Februar 2021 verlängert – vorausgesetzt, dass die Corona-Verordnungen des Landes Baden-Württemberg oder eine Verfügung der unteren Infektionsschutzbehörden dies weiterhin so zulassen. on your mobile phone, in the university cloud or as a draft email in your inbox) in case the health authorities require you to provide such a list in case of infection. All persons entering the university have to register as described under item 1.3.1 and 1.3.2. It has been successful in all funding lines of both the German Excellence Initiative and the Excellence Strategy since 2007. 03/123456) und Ihrem Bibliotheks-Passwort an, um ein Subito-Ticket zu … Editable request form as PDF-file Signatures are not required on this document. Melden Sie sich an, um auf „Meine Universität“ und passwortgeschützte Bereiche zugreifen zu können. A view of the Island of Mainau . Regardless of whether the health authorities initiate contact tracing, please contact the experts so that together you can identify potential category 1 and/or 2 contacts based on the current criteria. For science it means interesting research. Please request such an exemption from the persons/units relevant for you (see above). We are collecting this data for access control purposes only. If you have questions about doing an internship, please contact Verena Ladegast via email während an der Universität Konstanz aufgrund des Corona-Virus Einschränkungen bezüglich des Regelbetriebs gelten, steht Ihnen die Schreibberatung des Fachbereichs Linguistik auf Anfrage per E-Mail zur Verfügung. You can access this website by clicking on the corresponding tile on the website. Please sign in using the paper lists provided. 1. Please only make an appointment to meet on campus if this absolutely necessary. Erasmus Programme within Europe: In order to reschedule to the next academic year, you will need to submit a new application for the programme, be nominated for the programme and then register anew with the partner university: The academic year 2021/2022 is the first year in a new generation of the Erasmus programme which means that some changes apply. during university committees Instructions on how to hold votes – including anonymous votes – during virtual committee meetings are available under "Anleitung zur digitalen Abstimmung" (instructions on digital voting) on the webpage FAQs about ILIAS (in German). Since 8 November 2020, new regulations apply in Germany to persons travelling from risk areas. Staff members of regulatory authorities (e.g. Please remember to plan your holidays as you normally would, even though travel restrictions remain in place. Dezember 2020 ist eine neue Fassung der allgemeinen Corona-Verordnung (CoronaVO) des Landes Baden-Württemberg in Kraft getreten. Should this be the case, all supervisors (also in the departments) will be asked to provide a list with all purchases made for the home offices. Das Land Baden-Württemberg hat auf Basis der Beschlüsse von Bund und Ländern (vom 28. Anyone entering W building (university members and external contractors) must sign in when entering the building and sign out when exiting. Thank you very much! November 2020, beginnen und am Samstag, 13. Business travel requests for trips to risk areas must be submitted to the vice rectors ahead of time for approval. 17.04.2020: Satzung der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität zum Umgang mit den Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie im Bereich Studium und Lehre (Corona-Satzung) veröffentlicht. However, there is no obligation to consult with the in-house physician.If you are a supervisor and require advice on how to set up a workplace for staff members belonging to a risk group or if you are unsure about the safety measures you have taken, please feel free to contact the in-house physician. The coronavirus pandemic is very dynamic and this means that changes, travel restrictions, etc. The Bite online application portal now offers the option of conducting interviews via video conference. The video conferences work well with the Google Chrome browser. Das Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM) ist der zentrale Dienstleister der Universität für IT- und Bibliotheksdienste. Until it is clarified whether the person has been infected with COVID-19 or not, others who had contact (e.g. If a COVID-19 infection is confirmed, the following applies: Persons who tested positive for COVID-19 are not permitted to enter the University of Konstanz for at least 10 days and until they have fully recovered from the disease. In keeping with the rules defined below, doctoral researchers can be given access to the university, regardless of whether they have an employment contract. Inanspruchnahme von Urlaub oder Resturlaub 3. The same safety rules apply wherever you work, e.g. The KIM.MediaBOX is kept inside a mobile case, which means that you can take it anywhere for your recording. If this is the case, please make sure to cover your nose and mouth (e.g. Wir haben uns dazu entschieden, unsere neuen Erstsemester-Studierenden der Bachelorstudiengänge nicht nach Konstanz zu holen, sondern das gesamte 1. The bridge between buildings M and ML can be used again from Mondays to Fridays between 06:30 and 20:30. The business travel request must be approved by your supervisor, by the responsible department/faculty (as the case may be) and, conclusively, by Human Resources based on the RKI list of risk areas. stairways, halls, foyers, etc.) longer chat in the corridor, in the office, in a public area etc.) The class can be conducted on the next possible date. This means that you will also need to check in at the building entrance if you have booked a space in the library, i.e. Januar dauern. At the same time, scientists from various fields have carried out research on corona and its effects. In Anlehnung an die geänderte allgemeine Corona-Verordnung des Landes Baden-Württemberg wird die Dauer des Betretungsverbotes zur Universität Konstanz für Kontaktpersonen Kategorie 1 sowie für Personen mit einer roten Meldung der Corona-Warn-App von 14 auf zehn Tage verkürzt. You may also book rooms as well as an initial training session. Schule in Anspruch nehmen möchten, können – sofern notwendig – von ihrer oder ihrem jeweils Vorgesetzten eine Arbeitgeberbescheinigung erhalten, in der die Unabkömmlichkeit bestätigt wird. Persons who have entered a building before 21:00 do not have to leave at 21:00. Winter semester 2020/21. detergent) before each person leaves for the workday. ... Sie erreichen uns über unser Kontaktformular oder direkt via As per § 14 in connection with § 6 of the Corona Regulations, the University of Konstanz is required to collect and store data from visitors, users and/or participants for reasons of contact tracing. You can apply at any time for Erasmus funding for internships lasting between 2 and 12 months. Januar 2021 hat das Rektorat folgende Maßnahmen getroffen:1. Individuals with an active visiting researcher agreement; 2. Die schnelle Diagnostik ist zentral in der Strategie zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus in Deutschland. If you find that the terminals are out of service or if you forgot to bring your ID card, please manually enter your details into the lists provided at the entrances. As long as they stay in Germany less than 24 hours, persons whose place of residence is in the Swiss cantons of Appenzell (Innerrhoden, Ausserrhoden), Aargau, Basel, Basel-Landschaft, Jura, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thurgau and Zurich, are also exceptions as per § 3 4 para. Dezember schließen. Access to the University of Konstanz is granted after the research team leaders or supervisors have submitted the risk assessment to the deans. Please note that these are two different processes and that the reimbursements cannot be combined. This offer is also for staff members sharing a household with someone who belongs to a risk group. Surfaces that are sensitive to water should be wiped down with a cloth soaked in soap solution and dried afterwards using, for instance, a disposable towel. In light of current events Seezeit student services would like to draw your attention to the correct way of disposing of to-go containers: both the containers and the spoons – although biodegradable – should be placed in the residual waste basket ("Restmüll"). It will only be used for potential contact tracing as may be requested by the health authorities in case of a COVID-19 infection on campus. Please protect those around you by making sure to wear your face covering in the correct manner. Behave farsighted and considerate and avoid group formation. We are, however, optimistic and will continue to promote international mobility activities. The regulations laid out in this general ruling are in effect as of now. You can contact the in-house physician, Heike Strauß, for advice – especially on the particular risks you face as a result of a pre-existing condition or an individual predisposition. The electronic registration data will be stored for four weeks and then deleted as per the Corona Ordinance (CoronaVO). Supported by a grant from the University of Konstanz International Office. Erasmus Programme within Europe: The Erasmus Programme funds stays abroad in a host country – independent of whether teaching is offered face-to-face or online. You should book, collect and return the KIM.MediaBOX at the KIM Library and IT Support desk in the libraryʼs Information Centre. However, this might lead to delays during the limited on-site operations.Important: Please do not send your request via both channels. Accordingly, university members are not permitted to bring family members to campus or into the university buildings. If staff members are ill due to a coronoavirus infection, they will receive continued remuneration as per § 3 EntgFZG for up to six weeks. Please continue to follow the current distancing and hygiene regulations, i.e. Contact Website Write an e-mail Responsibilities. You may enter the following buildings directly: - Q1 - Q2 - S - U - W - X5. Die Universität Konstanz hat eine repräsentative Studie unter der Leitung von Prof. Steffen Eckhard veröffentlicht. Juli 2020 ist die Arbeit des Krisenstabs der Universität Konstanz in Bezug auf die Corona-Krise beendet worden.Nachfolgend wurde ein Arbeitskreis Organisation und Sicherheit im Coronabetrieb eingerichtet. Then forward your supervisorʼs approval to the person responsible for processing your holiday requests and include an informal holiday request with your email. It is not yet clear if the state of Baden-Württemberg will provide compensation for the current situation. März 2021). The amount depends on the length of your individual stay abroad and your host country. KIM Library and IT Support will be happy to answer your questions until 23 December 2020 and from 9:00 on 4 January 2021: phone: +49 7531 88 2871, email:, Contact: Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM), ZEuS ist das Zentrale Einschreibe- und Studierendenportal der Universität Konstanz. You may not enter the university campus (access restrictions as per § 7 para. if several staff members share an office and cannot work there at the same time), you have to inform your supervisors. Master of Science Master's Degree (M. If you are considering rescheduling your exchange, then you would probably also like to know whether the scholarship would apply to the new dates.