Master's, Diploma and State Examination degrees each represent the same level of qualification. The circulating air coolers in the PC pools must be switched off or deactivated to prevent the spread of viruses. Information regarding BAföG-aid can be found in the FAQ-box "Information by the federal gouvernment", The Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden e.V. Regardless of the place of work, the activities are generally covered by insurance provided by the Saxon Accident Insurance Fund (German: Unfallkasse Sachsen). The decision is taken by the respective supervisors of the structural unit according to the urgency of the tasks to be performed. Consideration may need to be given to the fact that more time than usual will be required to complete a work task if opportunities for concentrated work are limited or more frequent work interruptions are required during the day. In your own interest, in order to record which places and persons (primarily contacts outside the family and the usual professional environment) you have visited/seen and when; keep your list for at least 14 days. The Master's programme enables a further deepening or specialisation in the same or similar subject area or an interdisciplinary extension of existing qualifications. The Diplom programme, which is mainly offered for engineering sciences, is divided into a basic course of study (usually two years) and a subsequent main course of study. The extent to which private health insurance will cover the resulting loss of earnings or has extended this possibility due to the coronavirus pandemic must be clarified by the employees themselves. this constitutes a reasonable care option. at least once a week, to their residence (in the risk area in the neighboring state) can continue to do so without quarantine. for which time period pandemic-related restrictions existed. Im Netto Online-Shop hochwertige Sportgeräte für Kraftsport & Ausdauer entdecken - Jetzt zum günstigen Preis bestellen & liefern lassen! Reiner Pommerin: 175 Jahre TU Dresden. However, due to the long closing times of the childcare facilities, this double burden does not remain without an impact on the work output that is feasible simultaneously in the long run. Herzlich willkommen an der Universität Paderborn! What are the recommendations for business trips? 2 sentence 1 SächsBG) in an acute care situation or to ensure care is provided during this time. newseum - since 2012. in unserem neuen newseum online-shop findest du eine einzigartige mischung innovativer streetwear labels wie atf, norseprojects oder stÜssy und high end brands wie a.p.c., aime leon dore & stone island. Finden Sie jetzt die Top-Jobangebote in Ihrer Stadt auf! Information and regulations in different languages, Hinweise für Bedienstete der Landesverwaltung_Stand 14.7.20.pdf. lab internships) are permitted on-site in small groups. On 8th April, The Federal Cabinet adopted an additional legislative package to mitigate the effects of the corona pandemic on science and to create incentives for BAföG recipients to become involved in system-relevant areas during the COVID 19 outbreak: (article in german), (Information in english). Master's programmes require a completed degree course. At the end of the programme, a bachelor thesis has to be written. In coordination with the Staff Council, supervisors and staff can reach highly flexible agreements regarding the working hours and whether work tasks are done on-site or remotely (mobile work) These regulations are to apply throughout the university to both academic and non-academic staff, initially on a temporary basis until 31st March 2021: In addition, the following measures may be agreed by mutual consent between managers and staff to supplement the existing working time regulation. 1a IfSG, FAQ - Compensation for parents who have to care for their children themselves dues to school and daycare center closures, as well as for parents of children with disabilities due to the closure of facilities for persons with disabilities, After the (up to) 20 work days (for employees) or 10 work days (for civil servants), managers should preferentially offer remote work to this group. Information for travellers returning to Germany / Corona Quarantine Ordinance of the Free State of Saxony. Should PC pools be indispensable for events during the restricted operations mode, the recommendations for the use of TUD PC Pools during the Coronacirus Pandemic are to be adhered to. Which symptoms idicate a COVID-19-infection? This is done by the Technical Control Centre of TU Dresden (extension: 34614). If the requirements are met, TU Dresden as the employer will apply for the compensation for a loss of earnings via the State Office for Taxes and Finances at the Saxon State Directorate. As a result, supervisors cannot expect the same level of task completion as in regular on-site operations. We would like to show you a description here but the site wonât allow us. All academic degrees offered are adaptable to the European Higher Education Area and meet the requirements of the Bologna Declaration. Beachten Sie bitte die Bedingungen der einzelnen Shops unter âmehr Details". This is usually a Bachelor's degree. Risk assessment in the Corona Warning App, Psychosocial counselling for TUD employees and students, Is there a higher risk using local public transport? TU Dresden Verlag, Dresden 1996, ISBN 3-86005-172-5. If you enter a building of TU Dresden, register at., Fritz- Thyssen-Stiftung At TU Dresden, you can earn the following academic degrees. The form must include the signature of your supervisor and be forwarded to Directorate Personnel, Unit 2.2 ( ). Ganz egal, für welche Gartenmöbel du dich entscheidest, in ⦠The Bachelor's degree is the first university degree that qualifies students for a profession. If this is not possible for a specific internship, FFP2 masks must be provided to the participants by the respective faculty (in consultation with the occupational safety department, protective clothing may be required). They should be able to pursue their scientific qualification, for example a doctorate or habilitation, and their professional development despite the pandemic-related restrictions.Â,  Videos, podcasts, FAQs and much more: Please describe your situation briefly. Dorit Petschel: 175 Jahre TU Dresden. Blue Engineering wurde im Wintersemester 2008/2009 als Idee für ein Referat in einem Seminar an der TU Berlin erarbeitet und vorgestellt. doctors' offices) and for gatherings in churches and when practicing religion. additional measures for research and teaching. Appointments can be made by e-mail: Number and age of the children to be cared for, Amount of time / "degree of difficulty" of the care (e.g. You can find more information about the current rules and regulations for emergency operation here and at the central Corona-Website of TU Dresden. The module grades of the basic course of studies are not or only partially included in the final grade. Weitere Informationen hält der Datenschutzbeauftragte Jens Syckor bereit. This also applies to family caregivers. Die Allgemeinverfügungen der kreisfreien Städte und Landkreise Sachsens regeln, dass ab einer fünf Tage andauernden Ãberschreitung der 7-Tage-Inzidenz von 200 das Verlassen des häuslichen Umfeldes eines triftigen Grundes bedarf. There are also postgraduate courses that award the student a Master's degree. Directorate Personnel will make contact, offer individual advice if necessary, and request any additional information or evidence needed. The main course of study serves to deepen the skills acquired so far and to specialise scientifically. Im Netto Online-Shop hochwertige Sportgeräte für Kraftsport & Ausdauer entdecken - Jetzt zum günstigen Preis bestellen & liefern lassen! Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH). Welcher Studiengang der TU Dresden mit welchem Abschluss beendet wird, steht im Studieninformationssystem. Under the following links, you will find statements of selected funding bodies on how they are dealing with Covid-19 or the current situation and resulting accessibility (as of 27th October 2020). The members of TU Dresden are to be provided with medical face masks, FFP2 masks or comparable respirators by the respective head of the organizational unit, if in the case of simultaneous use of rooms, the minimum area of 10 square meters for each person in the room is not reached, the minimum distance of 1.5 m cannot be maintained, increased aerosol emission is to be expected during activities. Employments for qualification purposes that exist(ed) between 1st March 2020 and 30th September 2020 may be extended for an additional period of up to six months. In order to extend the maximum length of time of fixed-term contracts, it is not required that the employment relationship exists (or existed) for the entire period from March to September., Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) The structural units or the supervisors are responsible for organising the work. EMnify [Newsroom] Berlin (ots/PRNewswire) - - Der IoT Communication Platform Anbieter für IoT mit Sitz in Berlin stellt für ein Forschungsprojekt der TU Dresden EMnify-SIM-Karten zur Verfügung. Childcare (if there is no eligibility for emergency care), "Current operations", section "Staff and working time models", Entitlement period and possibility of child sick days extended, Unpaid exemption from work / Compensation for loss of earnings according to § 56 para. Please report any failures or restrictions of services creating a ticket. More information, Students can apply for an interest-free loan from KfW from the beginning of May. Die Unterschiede sind nicht von der Hand zu weisen: Pflege, Witterungsbeständigkeit, Aussehen und nicht zuletzt die Kosten hängen stark von der Wahl des Grundstoffs des Mobiliars ab. Current information from the Federal Foreign Office: What do I do in case of infection or contact to infected persons? If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have had contact with infected individuals, please refer to the following table for the necessary measures and possible isolation duration. Band 1: Geschichte der TU Dresden 1828â2003. 264.045 unabhängige Bewertungen & Erfahrungsberichte von Studenten führen Dich zu Deinem Traum-Studium! is a collection of all common advises on hygiene. In Ihrem Internet-Browser sind Cookies nicht aktiviert. In addition, the aim is to use rooms with separate entrances and exits wherever possible and to ensure hygienic condition (washing facilities in the sanitary facilities). If your child is ill, please notify the supervisor immediately. The flexible childcare also can be used by TU Dresden employees with teaching commitments. Deine berufliche Perspektive ist dabei so vielfältig und abwechslungsreich wie die Arbeit mit den Menschen selbst. Protection of the health of lecturers and students has the highest priority. Returnees who travelled to a high-risk area (as defined by the RKI) 10 days prior to entry. in homeschooling), Special care and support needs, e.g. There is also an entitlement if employees could technically work from home, but are practically unable to do so due to childcare at home. 1, letter e of the TV-L, salaried employees who have private health insurance for themselves or their child(ren) are entitled to up to four days of paid exemption from work per calendar year due to the illness of a child under the age of 12, and one additional day due to the illness of a relative living in the same household. Pursuant to § 12 para. Hrsg. Among others, the following stores and markets for fast-moving consumer goods and basic supply are permitted to open: Grocery stores, pet supplies, beverage stores, pick-up and delivery services, pharmacies, drugstores, medical supply stores, opticians, hearing aid specialists, savings banks and banks, post offices, dry cleaners, hairdressers, laundromats and stores selling newspapers, sales of Christmas trees, gas stations, recycling centers, car and bicycle repair stores and relevant spare parts sales outlets, as well as self-producing and marketing nurseries, horticultural businesses and florists. Das bedeutet, Sie können alle Einrichtungen und jede Ansprechperson in kurzer Zeit und mit kurzen Wegen erreichen. Protokollieren Sie in Ihrem eigenen Interesse (möglichst elektronisch, z. These must be reported to the Dean's Office of the relevant faculty (or the Central Academic Units) before they are held. Prof. Dr. Werner Sarges ist durch seine Arbeit an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg bekannt. The Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL) supports examiners in the technical and content-related preparation as well as the implementation of examinations. Shoppen bei mediamarkt. Virtual (online) events can be applied for using the APPLICATION for the reimbursement of expenses for participation in a virtual event template. The risk assessment in the Corona Warning App provides three possibilities: Â. However, employees who perform indispensable activities on site in the office should be given priority access to emergency childcare. According to § 45 para. Humboldt Foundation For committee meetings, please do not use rooms that are urgently needed for limited on-site teaching or exams (e.g. The prerequisite for this is that they get tested regularly, at least twice a week., Joachim Herz Stiftung At TU Dresden, the academic degrees "Master of Science" and "Master of Arts" are awarded. for children with disabilities, Own disability / health conditions of the employees. For office work or comparable activities, employees shall be offered the opportunity to perform these activities from their homes if there are no compelling operational reasons to the contrary., Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) recommendations for the use of TUD PC Pools during the Coronacirus Pandemic. Any accrued holiday entitlement from 2020 must be claimed before claiming compensation for loss of earnings. Employees, who have statutory health insurance for themselves and their child(ren) are entitled to time off from work if they have to care for their child themselves due to illness or the loss of care options as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. On January 22, 2021, the Free State of Saxony, as the employer, decided that the regulation described above only applies to exemption requirements in the period up to January 31, 2021. lack of access to research facilities, laboratories, libraries and archives; additional burden due to the introduction of digital teaching). During TU Dresden's approaching annual closure period, we will continue to stay united as a TUD community. Please contact your examination office/the office administering the examination to sign the form. Endorsements must be obtained on page 1 (bullet point A.) Anyone displaying symptoms typically associated with COVID-19 must stay at home and consult a doctor. Despite childcare at home, many employees are currently very committed to fulfilling their professional obligations and are working from home on a mobile basis, in consultation with their supervisors, if applicable. However, in the interest of protecting legitimate expectations, TU Dresden will consider applications already approved or received by the Directorate Personnel by January 25, 2021, that relate to an exemption from work during the period until February 14, 2021, and grant paid exemption from work as requested. employees belong to the so-called "operationally necessary personnel in facilities of the Free State of Saxony", a claim for emergency childcare can be asserted in the case of the above-mentioned need. The pre-filled form (usually its pages 1 and 3) is to be sent by mail to via the supervisor (i.e. implementation of the necessary delivery service. Damit Sie sich in Ihre persönliche Servicewelt anmelden können, müssen in Ihrem Internet-Browser Cookies aktiviert sein. Restrictions on leaving your home still apply. Rund um die Uhr in den beliebtesten Shops einkaufen und einen Teil des Einkaufspreises zurück erhalten. If there is no entitlement to emergency childcare and, due to the need for childcare at home, it is not possible to work either remotely or at the workplace, employees so far had the option of taking a maximum of 10 days (based on a five-day working week) of paid time off to care for children under the age of 12, in addition to the days granted by the collective bargaining agreement, following the SMI/SMF decree from March 30, 2020. B. mit Excel), welche Orte (Gebäude, Räume, Mensen, Bibliotheken, usw.) The teaching formats will also be adapted to the current conditions. The following social and work-related aspects should be taken into account by supervisors when assessing the work output to be provided: If a reasonable part of the work can still be accomplished and a possible full-day work exemption can be avoided (see following keywords), it is possible to waive the recording of minus hours on the time recording document (see FAQ "Current operations", section "Staff and working time models"). The existing exceptions for children up to the age of 6, staff without contact to the public or where other protective measures have been taken, for people with disabilities and those with health conditions, remain valid. If it is unavoidable to conduct an examination on-site, examiners are obliged to create a corresponding hygiene concept and to ensure that the hygiene concept is implemented during the examination. Band 3: Die Professoren der TU Dresden 1828â2003. Sie haben sich für eine Campusuniversität entschieden. According to the restrictions on behalf of the ministery conference on October 28, all on-site sport courses of DHSZ going to be cancelled on November 1, or will be transformed into an online offer. Work-related matters must not conflict with the time off. Die 36. Subsequently, students can start professional activity or continue with a Masterâs degree programme. The limit on the length of fixed-term contracts does not apply to so-called third-party funding limits in accordance with § 2 paragraph 2 WissZeitVG. Please find information regarding the pc-pools at the FAQ-Box "Teaching". Das ist Ihr Cashback-Shop. Online courses, that have already started, persist. take-home exams, open-book exams, multiple-choice exams). The respective lecturer is responsible for cleaning (disinfecting wipes) the surfaces used by several people in the respective pool. Noch mehr Lieblingsstücke finden in eBay Shops! »Vamos Cuba« DVD/Blu-ray. Junior Agency mit digitaler Eventkonzeption von Studierenden der HS PF 19 Feb 2021 | 09:00 Uhr Soziale und weitere Schlüsselkompetenzen ergänzen das Studium. Das heißt auch, dass sich ein Großteil des studentischen Lebens auf dem Campus abspielen wird: Sie werden rasch neue Prof. Dr. Werner Sarges ist durch seine Arbeit an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg bekannt. In general, the study programme includes an industrial placement semester so that students can gain experience in industry or research institutions - both at home and abroad - during their studies. It is sufficient if the contract exists or has existed at any time during this period. NC-Werte-Verzeichnis Wir stellen hier die Ergebnisse von Zulassungsverfahren bis zum Sommersemester 2020 aufbereitet zur Verfügung. This should be done (preferably) online in advance, or on site via the QR code notice displayed at the entrances to the buildings, which have been put up by those responsible for the respective location. Das Vorgehen ist mit dem Datenschutzbeauftragten der TU Dresden abgestimmt. These require professional experience. You can find more information on the website: The corona-website of the State Capital of Dresden offers information on quarantine behaviour, general behaviour in case of illness, advisory and other guidelines. Should the lawmakers develop stricter standards, information will be provided accordingly. Accordingly, in the current year, each parent will be granted 20 days per child (maximum 45 days in the case of several children), and single parents 40 days per child (maximum 90 days in the case of several children). There is an obligation to wear a medical mouth and nose cover when using public transportation, in front of the entrance area of and inside wholesale and retail stores, as well as in health care facilities (e.g. Do the work tasks require a particularly high level of concentration and thinking skills, or are they predominantly lighter routine tasks? If you have or suspect to have COVID-19, please use the, in der Corona-Abmulanz des Universitätsklinikums Dresden, freiwillige, selbst zu zahlende Tests bei zertifizierten Laboren (beispielsweise. - Ein Forschungsprojekt der Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften der TU ... Lesen Sie hier weiter...Original-Content von: EMnify, übermittelt durch news aktuell In this case, page 2 (bullet point B.), Interreg Polen/Sachsen If you are already in Dresden, please contact your supervisor at TU Dresden. In so-called postgraduate courses, the Diplom can be acquired following a previously completed Bachelor's degree. Auf 10.000 km lernt der Motorradreisende Erik Peters Land und Leute kennen. checklist, additional measures for research and teaching, Amendments to the Law on Fix-Term Contracts in Academia, Information from national and European funding agencies,,,,,,,,,;type=1;categories=;programme=H2020;actions=;keyword=COVID-19%20outbreak,,,,,, persons who reside in risk areas of neighboring states and enter Saxony from there to work, to pursue training or studies and commute regularly, i.e. 2a SGB V). Beachten Sie bitte ⦠Outdoor sports and exercise within a 15-kilometer radius of the residential area, as well as visiting private or leased allotment gardens or properties in compliance with the contact restrictions. The health insurance companies have provided forms to be used for this purpose on their websites for download (each health insurance company has its own form). How do risk groups or employees who live together with people from risk groups act? For this purpose, courses of study or focal points have to be chosen according to one's own interests and future plans. Compensation can only be granted if another reasonable care option cannot be claimed. Noch mehr Lieblingsstücke finden in eBay Shops! Flexible working hours from Monday to Friday 6am - 9pm Â, Taking into account the personal circumstances of the employees (e.g. In: Aktuelle Daten und Informationen zu Infektionskrankheiten und public health, 24, 38, pp. depending on the concrete restriction period and the time still required to achieve the qualification goal).Â, The purpose of this regulation is the compensation for disadvantages that resulted from pandemic-related restrictions of all scientists employed on a temporary basis in accordance with § 2 paragraph 1 WissZeitVG. The entitlement applies if childcare at home becomes necessary because the childcare facility (school, after-school care center, daycare center) or the facility for the care of persons with disabilities is closed, a ban has been imposed on the class/group or individual children due to the pandemic, compulsory attendance in class is suspended, or access to the above-mentioned childcare is restricted (e.g., PT Jülich We would like to show you a description here but the site wonât allow us. As a preventive measure and to facilitate the tracing of infection chains, please use the following documents: Possible symptoms are explained here: If you would like to use child sick days to care for your (healthy) children at home, please indicate the need for time off to your supervisor using the form provided. In the Bachelor's programme, students acquire academic fundamentals, application-oriented basic knowledge and occupational qualifications. There is an obligation to wear FFP2 masks or masks meeting the comparable KN95/N95 standard for employees of outpatient care services when providing care, for visiting daycare facilities, and for staff and visitors of care facilities. Only courses in which the acquisition of competences is impossible without the direct physical interaction of the students (e.g. Prof. Dr. Werner Sarges hat die Studie im Social Listening wissenschaftlich begleitet. You can find information and contact persons on the central information sites on teaching and learning during the coronavirus pandemic. You can find the forms and detailed information on maternity leave for employees and students at, Employees who belong to a risk group or live with them should inform their supervisor immediately in order to jointly find individual solutions.Â, Work Safety, Radiation Protection and Environment, behaviour in case of illness or contact to infected persons, Consulting services regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2), Last modified: We would like to show you a description here but the site wonât allow us. The study programmes Food Chemistry, Medicine and Dentistry as well as the Teacher Training Programmes are completed with a state examination. According to the Federal Joint Committee (german only), as of 19th October anyone who requires a doctorâs note because of a cold can call the doctor by telephone to receive a sick leave for seven days, which may be extended for another seven days.