Brida routes for Bloodhair to kill Uhtred while Ragnar watches in silence, even as Bloodhairâs men cheat by depriving Uhtred a weapon. ("Episode 2.4"), They proceed to find Sigefrid and Erikâs camp, where Uhtred, Finan, and Steapa go in alone. Emily Cox (born February 23, 1985) is a British actress born in Austria who portrays Brida in The Last Kingdom. S2 Heâs taken his army to Aegelesburg, leaving Winchester undefended. ("Episode 4.7"), Brida is carried before Sigtryggr. He and Bloodhair will march. "Episode 3" is the third episode of the first season of The Last Kingdom. ("Episode 4.6"), King Hywel and the Welsh feast and celebrate. Uhtred claims it was revenge for Ragnar. Movies. They will ride into Mercia in a fury and will force Mercia to a battle place where they wonât have the advantage. But he can not conquer it without men. She tells him to prepare to be broken as he tried to do her. They form a shield wall and ram the front gates until they gain access. Status And he will be loyal to her like no man ever before. Ãthelwold watches silently as this unfolds. Brida notes that something isnât right and orders them to fallback, but Cnut leads his men forward, right into Uhtredâs trap; a large, camouflaged ditch. However, young Odda and Alfred suspect that it might be a trap. He wonders why she allows him to shame her. Alfred is Uhtredâs way back to Bebbanburg. Young Ragnar suggests that they go looking for Alfred, but Guthrum says that only a fool would march an army into swampland. Brida suspects that it was either Cnut or Bloodhair that killed him, but Cnut insists that Ragnar was killed by his whore. As Alfred the Great defends his kingdom from Norse invaders, Uhtred -- born a Saxon but raised by Vikings -- seeks to claim his ancestral birthright. ("Episode 3.2"), Jackdaw stands guard of Skadeâs cell. Alfred tells them how the Danes have also gathered an army. Brida is knocked off her horse, but she manages to take out two enemies in the same breath. Sigtryggr (stagione 4-in corso), interpretato da Eysteinn Sigurðarson. Rhodri has Brida bound by chains like an animal. ("Episode 3.7"), Hunstanton, East Anglia; Cnut tells Brida to join him, however, all she can think about is how he sent Ãthelwold to kill Uhtred. Brida and Uhtred realizes that heâs been framed for Ragnarâs death. If they manage to capture her, then they will have the upper hand. When they both have the opportunity to join Ragnar the Younger, Uhtred decides to return to Alfred to complete his oath-sworn service and Brida stays with the Danes, later becoming lovers with Ragnar. Sable (stagione 3-in corso), interpretata da Debbie Chazen. ("Episode 3.6"), Uhtred and Brida awaken the following morning and journey to Legaceaster to meet with the seer, Storri, in hopes of helping Ragnar escape Niflheim. However, Ãthelwold manages to escape on a horse as Uhtred is attacked by a Dane. ("Episode 1.3"), Alfred apologizes to Brida and Uhtred for locking them up as they were victorious in the battle against the Danes. However, they must fight their way out. The Last Kingdom è una serie televisiva britannica, basata sulla serie di romanzi Le storie dei re sassoni scritta da Bernard Cornwell.[1]. On the steps of the great hall of Eoferwic. ("Episode 4.8"), Winchester, Wessex; Brida, Sigtryggr, Eardwulf, and the Danes attack Winchester. And Ubba has sent men to Mercia asking of Uhtredâs whereabouts. Ragnar - Lover â Uhtred - Former LoverCnut - Lover â. ("Episode 4.6"), Rhodri demands to know why the Danes havenât been slaughtered. [7] Il 22 ottobre 2018 è stato annunciato che la terza stagione sarebbe stata pubblicata il 19 novembre 2018 su Netflix. ("Episode 1.2"), Brida and Uhtred return from Readingum to inform King Ãthlred that the Danes have come to attack Winchester, and theyâll be marching in no less than few more days. Most have settled but theyâre still his to call upon. They kill many men and take Ãthelhelm, Ãlflæd, and Ãlfweard captive. Brida tries to remind him of their actual goal, but Cnut is blinded with rage. Sigtryggr then makes a speech about how when they fight, they work as one to achieve a common goal. Unbeknownst to Cnut, Brida has overheard him admit to killing her former lover. Diversi uomini con questo nome sono esistiti e hanno governato Bebbanburg (castello di Bamburgh), ma poco si conosce delle loro vite effettive. Brida chuckles from within the pit. ("Episode 1.4"), With the arrival of Ubba, Guthrum orders his men to kill the hostages except for Uhtred, who fights his way out. ("Episode 2.4"), Brida and Cnut, spot a group of Saxons and Danes travelling. May 6, 2020 - Explore Elaine Dreger's board "TOBIAS SANTELMANN", followed by 601 people on Pinterest. ️⚔️ @alexander.dreymon @emilycoxofficial @thelastkingdom . The next day, they are taken to the battlefield and made to help recover the bodies of the fallen as well as their weapons. While playing, they are attacked by Sven. ("Episode 3.10"), East Anglia; Young Cnut and his younger brother Esgar run through the woods, taking cover behind trees. She finds Cnut in Ãthelredâs room. Uhtred will kill the curse and then go to Thyra for her blood. Ragnar tells Uhtred to take Skade and leave. Brida rushes to inform Ragnar but discovers him dead in his tent. ("Episode 3.2"), Brida informs Uhtred of Skadeâs power. Brida assures Sigtryggr that an attack on Winchester is worth the risk. Ragnar disarms Kjartan and pins his arm to the ground with his sword. He and two of his men then proceed to pee on Brida, forcing her to cower in the corner. Cnut says that he will have his revenge and he and his men ride out. Brida explains that the rumors are false and that Kjartan killed Ragnar. Hæsten then reveals that he knows Brida is pregnant with Cnutâs child. Uhtred then reveals that Mildrith carries his child and Alfred ordered his marriage to her. She even sarcastically remarks that Uhtred is a hero of Wessex. Uhtred reveals that Kjartan attacked. ("Episode 1.1"), Many years have passed, and Brida and Uhtred have remained under the custody of Earl Ragnar and Sigrid. The Last Kingdom 1: trama episodi puntate e recensioni della prima stagione della serie tv e dove vederla in streaming. ("Episode 3.10"), Brida, Cnut, Hæsten, and Ãthelwold lead their army into the woodlands, where they find their spies hanging from trees. They are intent on slaughter. When Sigtryggr asks where the women are, Brida claims they fought back. They spot Kjartan and Sven leading an army of Danes towards the village. He claims to have something of value to share with them, but before he can reveal what he has to say, he is knocked unconscious. Uhtred steals a horse and goes chasing after Ãthelwold. Unfortunately, Kjartan is now a Lord and has three times the men. The â means that the individual is dead. As the Danes try to recover, Uhtred and Ãthelflæd leas their army forward. He does so after some convincing, as does Sigtryggr. Afterward, theyâll be allowed to play. He does not want this news to reach his brother while heâs on pilgrimage. Thyra (ricorrente stagione 1, stagioni 2-3), interpretata da Julia Bache-Wiig, doppiata da Maria Giulia Ciucci. Expect teasers and trailers for the anticipated series alongside feature videos, behind the scenes interviews and more. Brida claims they had their own battles. Eadith (stagione 4-in corso), interpretata da. He wants Brida to prove who she is and kicks a sword towards her. Cause of Death 5 novels (see below) Uhtred proposes they hide out in Wessex. He drops his weapon before Young Ragnar and gives him the opportunity to take his revenge if he truly suspects Uhtred of being capable of such betrayal. Brida simply wants to be with Ragnar. When asked if she was any trouble, Jackdaw claims that Skade showed him her breast. Sigtryggr is familiar with the Dane Slayer and his reputation. Una seconda stagione è andata in onda su BBC Two nel Regno Unito nel marzo 2017, coprodotta da Netflix dopo l'abbandono di BBC America. They are led by Guthrum. He has taken his place and is a great lord. Cnut grabs Jackdawâs bludgeons Bjorgulf with it. Afterward, she watches as Hæsten and Bloodhair battle for Skade. He recalls Brida and her shoving a branch up his ass. The ° means the individual appears more then once in this list. Beocca informs them that Alfred was victorious in their battle against the Danes, and Beocca will see to it that they are released. Cnut swears. They are joined by Cnut, who tells Brida that the boys must like her. However, Brida sees this as a betrayal. Significant Other(s) He replies that Uhtred doesnât know whether to kill her or hump her. Cnut (stagioni 3-4), interpretato da Magnus Bruun. Brida explains that the Danes will think he is spineless. Many mourn the death of Alfred and the time for war is near. King Hywel approaches. Uhtred then enters Sigefridâs tent, cuts off Sigefrid's hand and forces the brothers to leave the land. ("Episode 1.2"), Brida and Uhtred meet with Alfred, who has heard of Ragnarâs fall at Uhtredâs hands. Brida explains that their men arenât willing to fight the brothers for someone like Guthred. IX secolo d.C., Regno di Northumbria. Hair ("Episode 1.3"), Brida worries that Uhtredâs year of servitude to the king will turn into much longer. Brida looks to Cnut and makes him swear to the gods that it was Ãthelwold who killed Ragnar. He finds Storri tied up, completely naked, and on a horse. They send Storri on his way and plan their next course of action. And so, Brida invites him into her tent. Family So, Brida leaves to enact her own revenge, taking five of Sigtryggrâs men with her. Children He gives his condolences to Brida. I nuovi episodi di «The Last Kingdom» Su Premium Action il 10 novembre alle 21.15 riprendono le avventure del nobile guerriero Uhtred di Bebbanburg ("Episode 1.4"), Uhtred celebrates with Brida and Young Ragnar. Steapa (stagioni 2-4), interpretato da Adrian Bouchet. He reveals that Edward couldnât choose between his sons, and he has given them Uhtred in his place. Notice Stiorra (stagione 4-in corso), interpretata da Ruby Hartley. Brida tells Cnut that his sons should be here to see this, but Hæsten will keep them safe. Just as Brida is about to tell him something, Bjorgulf returns, but without Ãthelflæd. He agrees to help them for the right price. And with that said, Hæsten plans to part ways. They reach the village in time to see Ragnar burn. She suspects that Alfred will betray Uhtred. Young Ragnar is convinced of Uhtredâs innocence and hugs him. Rather than the king, Beocca wants to introduce them to Alfred, the kingâs brother. ("Episode 1.3"), The Danes have overtaken Werham. Brida & Uhtred facing off in the shieldwall // 1x08. Ãthelhelm (stagione 3-in corso), interpretato da. Because sheâs poison. ("Episode 3.6"), Uhtred wonders why Brida didnât act sooner. They lose Uhtred, and he orders his men to find Uhtred and kill him. They will melt down all their silver and pay every craftsman in the country to finish the job that King Offa of Mercia started centuries ago. As of "The Burning Land", Brida hates Uhtred for abandoning the fight against Wessex with Ragnar. They must be hidden away while the men go to war. ("Episode 1.3"), Ragnar explains that Kjartanâs story is that the English rose against their father, encouraged by Uhtred. Brida of Dunholm is a main character in both The Saxon Stories novel series, and The Last Kingdom television series. Tidman, interpretato da Ciáran Owens, doppiato da Stefano Annunziato. La prima stagione composta da otto episodi è stata trasmessa dal 10 ottobre 2015 da BBC America, e da BBC Two dal 22 ottobre 2015. ("Episode 4.6"), Rhodri pulls Bridaâs chain and tells her to come over. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming … Sverri, interpretato da Jóhannes Haukur. ("Episode 4.6"), A man soaked in blood and with his ear nearly torn off enters the hall and reveals to Rhodri that he was attacked by Danes. Skade claims to be a seer, but Brida doesnât see any runes. There, Uhtred is reunited with Father Beocca. Hidden inside the shambled remains of their home, they recover Ragnarâs riches. ("Episode 2.4"), After gathering an army, they lead an army of men to Dunholm. Eardwulf informs Sigtryggr that they will have the town soon enough. Ãthelwold cannot fall to any sword. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 9 nov 2020 alle 14:16. S3 ("Episode 4.9"), Brida orders the Danes to dig up the bodies of dead Wessex men. Word is that a Saxon slave killed his master at a wedding party. ("Episode 3.4"), Ragnar leads Brida, Cnut, Bloodhair, Ãthelwold, and the great army to Wessex. She then puts the collar on Rhodriâs neck and throws him in the pit. ("Episode 1.2"), Brida and Uhtred arrive in Oxford, where Uhtred has a warriorâs sword crafted. ("Episode 4.4"), Brida finds herself surrounded by the Welsh as they take in Dane prisoners. She kisses him on the cheek and thanks him both for herself and Ragnar. ("Episode 1.2"), Brida and Uhtred sneak into Burv St Edmunds and kidnap Storri. Last Appearance [2] La seconda stagione copre la trama dei romanzi I re del nord e Il filo della spada. She reveals to Uhtred that the only way to break a curse is to kill the sorcerer without breaking the skin or shedding a drop of blood. Uhtred insists that they mean him no harm and will pay for information. She wants him to deliver Uhtred a message; Ãthelwold killed Ragnar. He doesnât feast in Valhalla. ("Episode 1.3"), Brida has retrieved Young Ragnarâs silver. ("Episode 4.2"), Brida instructs the men to send scouts and scavenge for food. She replies they made a bond in blood. They search for Ãthelred but he is nowhere to be found. Eadith (stagione 4-in corso), interpretata da Stefanie Martini. ("Episode 4.8"), Before leaving Wales, Brida drags Rhodri out the pit and walks him around, asking the other Danes if any of them would like her dog. ("Episode 2.2"), Ragnar kisses Brida goodbye as she leaves on a horseback to meet with the remaining of their Danish army. Female Brida and Uhtred race back to the village to alert Ragnar. However, he promises that he will avenge their father. Brida admits that heâs right that they canât go to young Ragnar. ("Episode 4.1"), Tetsworth, Mercia; Brida, Hæsten, and Cnut leade their army into Tetsworth; the Kingdom of Mercia. Uhtred comes towards her, and she raises her axe. However, Sigtryggr wonât allow for it. trackback. Sigtryggr then introduces himself to Brida as Cnutâs cousin. Spending the night with them; itâs the most fun heâs had in a long time. 1 Selected Filmography 2 Appearances 2.1 The Last Kingdom 3 External Links King Arthur: Legend of the Sword as Catia Pride and Prejudice and Zombies as … East Anglia (originally & formally)Northumbria (formerly) Brida Fratello Godwin, interpretato da Jon Furlong. ("Episode 1.8"), Alfred has Brida and Ragnar brought before him. He tells them to rest well because at day break, theyâll strike and Mercia will burn. He promises Brida that this is the last time, as he only wants one more son. Brida reveals that Cnut is the father. Sven (ricorrente stagione 1, stagione 2), interpretato da Ole Christoffer Ertvaag, doppiato da, Erik (stagione 2), interpretato da Christian Hillborg, doppiato da, Padre Pyrlig (stagione 2-in corso), interpretato da, Sihtric (stagione 2-in corso), interpretato da, Aldhelm (stagione 2-in corso), interpretato da. Alive Skade demands to see Uhtred or else she will curse Brida, who stakes a Nithstong in the ground to block Skadeâs power. Brida saw Ragnarâs ship. The Last Kingdom. She finds Cnut and asks if he's heard anything of the Saxon armies, but he hasn't. Uhtred replies that they will fight. Rhodri celebrates after a victory against the Danes. And so Cnut is willing to burn every village in Mercia until Edward has no choice but to fight. Afterward, Ragnar and Brida settle down in Dunholm. She then reveals that the greatest riches are in Wessex. Fratello Iestyn, interpretato da Nicholas Asbury. They remain hidden and watch as Storri performs a ritual and reveals to a man that while his wife will bear many children, none will be born living. Brida of Dunholm is a main character in both The Saxon Stories novel series, and The Last Kingdom television series.. Like Uhtred, she is Saxon in origin, and is adopted by the Danes after they see the ruins of her village, wiped out by a raiding party from a rival band of Vikings and experience Brida's feisty nature.. Alongside Uhtred, she comes to love the Danes for their free-spirited nature. When Bloodhair accuses Brida of killing Ragnar, she charges at him, but he knocks her to the ground. She claims that Ragnar calls to her in her dreams, from Niflheim. ("Episode 1.2"), Brida advises Uhtred to forget about Bebbanburg, but he insists that he will avenge Ragnarâs death. Brida will ask a seer more powerful than Skade on how to kill her. She reminds Cnut that they do this in Ragnarâs memory. Brida and Hæsten then enter the Reading Room with plans to kill Stiorra as Edward is threatening to burn the kingdom. Brida believes it to be a bridge for Ragnar to cross over into Valhalla. ("Episode 1.2"), Brida and Uhtred find a nearby village ransacked and destroyed. He can tell by her breasts. Watch all you want. However, Odda and his younger were under the impression that they were to attack in the spring. Gender "THE LAST KINGDOM" IN ANTEPRIMA ASSOLUTA SU PREMIUM ACTION DAL 28 OTTOBRE, âThe Last Kingdomâ Renewed For Season 5 By Netflix,, Serie televisive basate su opere letterarie, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e qualificatori sconosciuti, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Stephen Butchard, Nigel Marchant, Gareth Neame, Uhtred di Bebbanburg (stagione 1-in corso), interpretato da, Ragnar il giovane (stagioni 1-3), interpretato da, Brida (stagione 1-in corso), interpretata da, Leofric (stagione 1, guest stagione 3), interpretato da, Odda il vecchio (stagioni 1-2), interpretato da, Aethelwold (stagioni 1-3), interpretato da, Aelfric (stagioni 1-2, ricorrente 4), interpretato da, Odda il giovane (stagione 1), interpretato da, Regina Iseult (stagione 1), interpretata da, Padre Beocca (stagioni 1-4), interpretato da, Hild (ricorrente stagione 1, stagione 2-in corso), interpretata da, Halig (ricorrente stagione 1, stagione 2), interpretato da, Abate Eadred (stagione 2), interpretato da, Fratello Trew (stagione 2), interpretato da, Finan (stagione 2-in corso), interpretato da Mark Rowley, doppiato da, Kjartan (ricorrente stagione 1, stagione 2), interpretato da Alexandre Willaume, doppiato da. Ãlswith warns them that her son will burn them all to the ground before he concedes any of Wessex land. Le terre anglosassoni sono gradualmente attaccate, saccheggiate e effettivamente governate dai vichinghi in molte aree. Brida is overwhelmed with joy. Lastly, Uhtred asks how to kill a curse. Gelgill, interpretato da Ingar Helge Gimle. . La trama della prima stagione copre approssimativamente le storie dei romanzi L'ultimo re e Un cavaliere e il suo re, sebbene siano abbreviate al fine televisivo. Brida arrives as the two fight for control, though she doesnât intervene. Giovane Uhtred (stagione 4-in corso), interpretato da Finn Elliott, doppiato da Lorenzo Crisci. But could audiences see a major confrontation between Brida and Skade? Admittedly, Uhtred misses them both. ("Episode 4.4"), Jackdaw reports to Cnut and Brida that Uhtred is waiting at Tettenhall. She tells Uhtred to either kill her, or she wonât stop until sheâs his undoing. However, he still doesnât believe her. Cenric approaches the kingdom to send a message of intent. Brida eventually catches up to Uhtred just after he kills Ãthelwold. He remembers Brida from the battle of Tettenhall and how she was humiliated. She reveals that Ragnar is almost ready to travel north to kill Kjartan.