Eine Gastrolle hatte er in Miami Vice. 98 talking about this. [42] The film was released in February 2010. It's much more challenging to have to do a film again and try to compete with myself, which is what I do in Die Hard. März 2009 auf den Caicos-Inseln statt. Retired tomcat adopted from the Animal Humane Society in Minnesota. 1988 synchronisierte er das erste Mal Bruce Willis als New Yorker Polizist John McClane in „Stirb Langsam“. [57][58], In January 2021, he was asked to leave a Los Angeles Rite Aid store for not wearing a mask to protect against COVID-19 during the pandemic in California. And that's what makes America cool, you know? Zusammen mit den drei jüngeren Geschwistern Florence, dem Produzenten David und Robert, der 2001 starb, wuchs er in New Jersey auf. 122.6k Followers, 85 Following, 267 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mister Willis the Cat (@mrwillisthecat) [4] Am 1. Literally! Filming took place in Rhode Island under the direction of Wes Anderson, in 2011. FILMSTARTS auf dem Handy. In 1985, he was the guest actor in the first episode of the 1980s revival of The Twilight Zone, "Shatterday". FIV+. Er verbrachte die ersten zwei Jahre mit den Eltern in Deutschland, ehe die Familie 1957 in die Vereinigten Staaten übersiedelte. Bruce Willis is starring in a movie currently filming in downtown Jackson. This marked Willis's second collaboration with director Robert Rodriguez, following Sin City. Bruce Willis is an American actor and film producer. [10] These first three installments in the Die Hard series grossed over US$700 million internationally and propelled Willis to the first rank of Hollywood action stars. März 2021 um 11:00 Uhr bearbeitet. After being discharged from the military in 1957, his father took the family back to his hometown of Carneys Point, New Jersey. "[87], In February 2006, Willis was in Manhattan to promote his film 16 Blocks with reporters. 62 talking about this. Die hard Bruce Willis in heater vent die hard is a Christmas movie ornament Christmas fun for all FancyNFunCreations. Als Therapie gegen sein Stottern kam er bereits während der Schulzeit zur Schauspielerei. It's like spitting on these young men and women who are over there fighting to help this country. With Bruce Willis, Vincent D'Onofrio, Elisabeth Shue, Camila Morrone. I choose not to believe that's the way. Willis's other credits include Hudson Hawk (1991), Pulp Fiction (1994), 12 Monkeys (1995), Last Man Standing (1996), The Fifth Element (1997), Mercury Rising (1998), The Sixth Sense (1999), Unbreakable (2000), Tears of the Sun (2003), Hostage (2005), Over the Hedge (2006), What Just Happened (2008), Moonrise Kingdom (2012), Glass and Motherless Brooklyn both in (2019). Willis has described his background as a "long line of blue collarpeople". - Free Online Library", "Bruce Willis Married to Super Model Emma heming", "Bruce Willis and Emma Heming welcome a Daughter", "Bruce Willis' Wife Emma Heming-Willis Gives Birth, Couple Welcomes Second Girl, Baby Evelyn Penn", "Playing the bad boy is a natural for Bruce Willis", "Bush and Cheney head toward Philadelphia as party vanguard makes preparations", "Bruce Willis blasts Colombian drug trade", "Nicole Kidman and 84 Others Stand United Against Terrorism. Chartboxen sind in ebendiesen zu finden. 68 talking about this. [5][11][12] He joined the drama club, found that acting on stage reduced his stutter, and was eventually elected student council president. 883 talking about this. Es folgten weitere Kinoproduktionen, aber seit 2008 spielt Willis vermehrt auch in Filmen mit, die nur eine eingeschränkte oder überhaupt keine Kinoauswertung erfahren. [25] The LP was promoted by a Spinal Tap–like rockumentary parody featuring scenes of Willis performing at famous events including Woodstock. I want them to stop shitting on my money and your money and tax dollars that we give 50 percent of every year. [64], In 2009, Willis signed a contract to become the international face of Belvedere SA's Sobieski Vodka in exchange for 3.3% ownership in the company. Emma Heming Willis is sharing some kind words with the love of her life. Epilog Personenlexikon (deutsch) Evene (French) Examiner.com - Bruce Willis honored at 'Die Hard' mural unveiling in Los Angeles (31 January 2013) Fanpop - Fan Club; Fansite - news, gallery, downloads etc. Chartplatzierungen erreichte er mit den Singleauskopplungen Respect Yourself, dem Cover eines Songs der Staple Singers, und Under the Boardwalk. Nun ist er seit über 20 Jahren als dessen deutsche Stimme bekannt und vertonte fast jeden seiner Filme wie „Pulp Fiction“, „The Sixth Sense“ oder „Alpha Dog“. However, by the end of the 1990s his career had fallen into another slump with critically panned films like The Jackal, Mercury Rising, and Breakfast of Champions, saved only by the success of the Michael Bay-directed Armageddon which was the highest-grossing film of 1998 worldwide. [5] Am 5. Alle Töchter standen schon selbst vor der Kamera, zunächst in Filmen, in denen auch ein Elternteil mitspielte. He gained more success with Striking Distance (1993) but flopped again with Color of Night (1994): another box office failure, it was savaged by critics but did well in the home video market and became one of the Top 20 most-rented films in the United States in 1995,[27] Maxim magazine also ranked his sex scene in the film as "the Best Sex Scene in film history". In 2020, Willis portrayed Doraemon for SoftBank 5G advertisements in Japan. [5], After graduating from high school in 1973, Willis worked as a security guard at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant[13][14] and transported crew members at the DuPont Chambers Works factory in Deepwater, New Jersey. Lange Beine, kurze Lügen und ein Fünkchen Wahrheit …, Fire with Fire – Rache folgt eigenen Regeln, Stirb langsam – Ein guter Tag zum Sterben, Officier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres, Komtur dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bruce_Willis&oldid=209677084, Träger des Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Komtur), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Willis, Walter Bruce (vollständiger Name), 2016: Marauders – Die Reichen werden bezahlen. Only 2 available and it's in 5 people's carts. ", "How Donald Trump will retrofit Midtown Manhattan as a presidential getaway", "Bruce Willis Pays $4.26 M. for Trump Enemy's Condo", "Bruce Willis Sees Spirits in Equity Deal With Belvedere", "Bruce Willis and Emma Heming Buy Brand New Brentwood Mansion", "Willis, Moore Welcome Daughter Tallulah Belle", "Demi and Bruce get a divorce in secret. [21] He has maintained a close friendship with both Moore and her subsequent husband, actor Ashton Kutcher, and attended their wedding. Aber wir leben in einer gewalttätigen Welt. [65], Willis's acting role models are Gary Cooper, Robert De Niro, Steve McQueen, and John Wayne. He later moved to California, and appeared in a 1984 episode of the TV series Miami Vice titled "No Exit". Following his success with Die Hard, he had a leading role in the drama In Country as Vietnam veteran Emmett Smith and also provided the voice for a talking baby in Look Who's Talking, as well as its sequel, Look Who's Talking Too. Ronald Nitschke lieh ihm in Das Model und der Schnüffler, Der Tod steht ihr gut, Blind Date und Four Rooms seine Stimme. Ihre Hochzeit fand am 21. [20] He married model Emma Heming in Turks and Caicos on March 21, 2009;[78] guests included his three daughters, as well as Moore and Kutcher. Willis was originally cast as Terry Benedict in Ocean's Eleven (2001) but dropped out to work on recording an album. Willis also worked with his eldest daughter, Rumer, in the 2005 film Hostage. Sie wollen Anrufbeantworter-Ansagen mit Charakter?Dann setzen Sie auf die deutsche Stimme des US-amerikanischen Schauspielers Bruce Willis, der für actionreiche Filme, Science-Fiction und Komödien bekannt ist.Er verkörpert seit den 1980er Jahren zahlreiche Charaktere wie John McClane in Stirb langsam, Korben Dallas in Das fünfte Element oder John Hartigan in Sin City. [10] Willis has described his background as a "long line of blue collar people". Willis teamed up with 50 Cent in a film directed by David Barrett called Fire with Fire, starring opposite Josh Duhamel and Rosario Dawson, about a fireman who must save the love of his life. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … 8 Bilder. [40] However, due to the 2007 Writers Guild of America strike, the film was cancelled. Abgesehen von Actionfilmen wie Stirb langsam 2 und Last Boy Scout – Das Ziel ist Überleben hatte Willis bis Mitte der 1990er Jahre kaum kommerziellen Erfolg, was unter anderem auch daran lag, dass er durch Rollen in Komödien wie Der Tod steht ihr gut versuchte, sein Action-Image zu relativieren. Willis is the eldest of four children. His mother … His career began on the off-Broadway stage in the 1970s. Willis has a younger sister named Florence and two younger brothers named Robert (deceased) and David. I hate the government, OK? The ceremony was not legally binding, so the couple wed again in a civil ceremony in Beverly Hills six days later. In a July 1998 interview with George magazine, he stated: "Organized religions in general, in my opinion, are dying forms. Mit Filmen wie The Sixth Sense oder Unbreakable – Unzerbrechlich widmete er sich anschließend verstärkt Dramen. In Stirb langsam: Jetzt erst recht bekam er ausnahmsweise die Stimme von Thomas Danneberg, da Lehmann zu diesem Zeitpunkt mit Dreharbeiten beschäftigt war. [39], Willis was slated to play U.S. Army general William R. Peers in director Oliver Stone's Pinkville, a drama about the investigation of the 1968 My Lai massacre. [14] After working as a private investigator (a role he would later play in the comedy-drama series Moonlighting and the action-comedy film The Last Boy Scout), he turned to acting. "[88], Willis's name was in an advertisement in the Los Angeles Times on August 17, 2006, that condemned Hamas and Hezbollah and supported Israel in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war. Die Rolle des Polizisten John McClane, der nur die eigenen Regeln befolgt und immer einen lockeren Spruch auf den Lippen hat, war Willis wie auf den Leib geschneidert und machte ihn zum Star des Actionfilms. Retired tomcat adopted from the Animal Humane Society in Minnesota. [34] In the sequel, Ocean's Twelve (2004), he makes a cameo appearance as himself. Directed by Eli Roth. Willis starred alongside Bill Murray, Edward Norton, and Frances McDormand in Moonrise Kingdom (2012). Walter Bruce Willis was born in the West German town of Idar-Oberstein on March 19, 1955. [71][72] Willis and Moore announced their separation on June 24, 1998. He also rents apartments at Trump Tower[61] and in Riverside South, Manhattan. I want them to be fiscally responsible and I want these goddamn lobbyists out of Washington. … Willis has a younger sister named Florence and two younger brothers named Robert (deceased) and David. [85] In several interviews Willis has said that he supports large salaries for teachers and police officers, and said he is disappointed in the United States foster care system as well as treatment of Native Americans. In spite of that, Willis chose not to renew his contract with the company when he decided to stop drinking alcohol in 1988. [48] Willis also joined Vince Vaughn and Catherine Zeta-Jones in Lay the Favorite, directed by Stephen Frears, about a Las Vegas cocktail waitress who becomes an elite professional gambler. Willis ist auch als Theaterschauspieler und Produzent tätig. 2 in the UK Top 40 but was less successful in the U.S. Willis returned to the recording studio several times afterward.[26]. Erste Erfahrungen als Schauspieler sammelte er an New Yorker Theatern und als Darsteller in Werbespots. Collectively, he has appeared in films that have grossed in excess of $2.5 billion USD, placing him in the top ten stars in terms of box office receipts. Four years later, he supported President George H. W. Bush for reelection and was an outspoken critic of Bill Clinton. [53], In 2018, it was announced that Willis would be the next to be roasted by Comedy Central.[54]. Subsequently, he appeared in the films What Just Happened and Surrogates, based on the comic book of the same name. [43] Also in 2010, he appeared in a cameo with former Planet Hollywood co-owners and '80s action stars Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film The Expendables. [30] The same year his voice and likeness were featured in the PlayStation video game Apocalypse. [93], In 1996, Roger Director, a writer and producer from Moonlighting, wrote a roman à clef on Willis titled A Place to Fall. He credited actor Will Smith for helping him cope with the situation. I'm apolitical. Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is an American actor and film producer. Ein duftes und… Mit der Schauspielerin Demi Moore, mit der er von 1987 bis 2000 verheiratet war, hat Bruce Willis drei Töchter: Rumer (* 1988), Scout LaRue (* 1991) und Tallulah Belle (* 1994). Willis purchased 12,000 boxes of cookies, and they were distributed to sailors aboard USS John F. Kennedy and other troops stationed throughout the Middle East at the time. Anmerkung: Auszeichnungen in Ländern aus den Charttabellen bzw. [6], In einem Interview Anfang 2006 dementierte Willis das Gerücht, er sei Anhänger der Regierung von George W. Bush. With Kim Basinger, Bruce Willis, John Larroquette, William Daniels. .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, I went to Iraq because what I saw when I was over there was soldiers—young kids for the most part—helping people in Iraq; helping getting the power turned back on, helping get hospitals open, helping get the water turned back on and you don't hear any of that on the news. Synchronrollen (Auswahl) Bruce Willis. [5] He attended Penns Grove High School, where he developed a stutter[10] and was nicknamed "Buck-Buck" by his schoolmates. In 2000, Willis won an Emmy[32] for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for his work on Friends (in which he played the father of Ross Geller's much-younger girlfriend). Bruce ist ein sehr netter Mensch und versteht es , die Leute zu unterhalten . 202 talking about this. In the late 1980s, Willis enjoyed moderate success as a recording artist, recording an album of pop-blues titled The Return of Bruno, which included the hit single "Respect Yourself" featuring The Pointer Sisters. Born in Germany to a German mother and American father, Willis moved to the U.S. with his family when he was two years old. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für Bruce Willis-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. "[60], Willis owns houses in Los Angeles and Penns Grove, New Jersey. [94] Cybill Shepherd wrote in her 2000 autobiography, Cybill Disobedience, that Willis became angry at Director when he read the book and discovered the character had been written as a "neurotic, petulant actor. FIV+. Unsere Partnerseiten im Ausland. Schau die 8 verknüpften Videos an. In the movie, he plays a drunken criminal named "Muddy Grimes", who mistakenly sends Judge's titular characters to kill his wife, Dallas (voiced by Moore). [9] After being discharged from the military in 1957, his father took the family back to his hometown of Carneys Point, New Jersey. He filled in for an ill David Letterman on his show February 26, 2003, when he was supposed to be a guest. Es folgten weitere Kassenschlager wie 12 Monkeys, Das fünfte Element oder Armageddon – Das jüngste Gericht. Zusammen mit den drei jüngeren Geschwistern Florence, dem Produzenten David und Robert, der 2001 starb, wuchs er in New Jersey auf. Willis appeared on the 2008 Blues Traveler album North Hollywood Shootout, giving a spoken word performance over an instrumental blues rock jam on the track "Free Willis (Ruminations from Behind Uncle Bob's Machine Shop)". This is the filmography of his work. The film was released on October 15, 2010.[45]. Also in 2000, Willis played Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski in The Whole Nine Yards alongside Matthew Perry.