Update your graphics driver automatically – If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update your graphics driver manually, you can, instead, do it automatically with Driver Easy. According to NVIDIA, in order to play PUBG at 240 FPS we will need a high-performance, PC based graphics card GeForce RTX 2070 or higher with a very high processor like that Core i9-9900K (We repeat, that this is according to NVIDIA). 1.Start by right clicking on your desktop and opening NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL. It’ll make getting the latest drivers much easier! It’s pretty easy! Justin is a technical writer and a tech enthusiast. Here’s a complete walkthrough for those of you wanting to boost your performance in PUBG with an NVIDIA GPU. SHROUD NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL SETTINGS . Just right click on Desktop, Open Nvidia Control Panel. ปรับ Performance ลงมาต่ำสุด และกลับมาติ๊กที่ Use the advanced 3D image setting > คลิ๊กไปที่ Take me there. If you re a mac user, then nvidia geforce now is the best option for you to enjoy pubg mobile on your pc. Essentially, a lot of this comes down to muscle memory. You’ll become more sensitive to frame rate drops, micro-stutters and tiny performance dips, to the point where it can really start affecting your game. # Step 1 – Open Nvidia Control Panel. Comments on this article are now closed. Do note that adjusting the graphics system requires a restart of the game so that the settings are correctly applied. ! 17-04-2018 pubg, best nvidia settings here s a complete walkthrough for those of you wanting to boost your performance in pubg with an nvidia gpu. Set “Monitor Technology” to “G-Sync” if applicable. An outdated or corrupted graphics driver may be the root of your low FPS. Copyright © 2009-2020 Easeware Technology Limited. Best Nvidia Graphics Settings for PUBG. – If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update your graphics driver manually, you can, instead, do it automatically with. There are two ways to update your graphics card driver: You can update your graphics driver manually by going to the manufacturer’s website, and searching for the latest driver for your graphics card. Nvidia driver 388.71 --> 2017 December. Click the arrow in the bottom right of your desktop tray to bring up the icon menu. Play any competitive game - like PUBG - for long enough and you’ll begin to notice the tiniest details. Want to get a higher FPS when playing PUBG with your NVIDIA graphics card? Open NVIDIA Control Panel; Click on Manage 3D Settings Click on Program Settings Find TlsGame on the drop-down menu and add it. Sensitivity Settings Display settings. Manually update your graphics driver – You can update your graphics driver manually by going to the manufacturer’s website, and searching for the latest driver for your graphics card. ... การ Setting NVIDIA Control Panel . Or click, to automatically download and install the correct version of, the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system (This requires the, – you’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click. If it’s not there, click on “Add” and find TlsGame. This list was created by our own team of PUBG fanatics as a great resource if you want to know which sensitivity, resolution, DPI , scoping sensitivity, or other PUBG settings your favorite pro is on right now. Gameplay UI Settings in PUBG. Let’s take a look at his settings: shroud PUBG Settings shroud Graphics Settings. Click Manage 3D settings on the left panel. This is how your body learns to enact movements out of habit, which speeds up your reaction times. And then, follow the rest: Prefer Maximum Performance, G-Sync, Highest Available (on refresh rate), Threaded Optimisation On and Use the 3D Application Setting on V-Sync. Holding Q/E while shooting and moving can be difficult. 3.New window will popup. 17/04/2018. If you’re on team red, then it’s best to get hold of AMD’s Adrenalin software. Ed will not rest until a new Wario Land is announced. 2. There select program settings click add button and select PUBG(TslGame) as a program. Mouse DPI Settings for PUBG Lite. Nvidia Graphics Card Settings For PlayerUnknown’s Battleground. Messing around with your sensitivities is a problem for building muscle memory. Anti-aliasing - FXAA. Updates on Shroud’s PUBG Settings. To help strip away any confusion, we’ve put together an easy to follow guide that’ll make sure you’re running the best NVIDIA settings for PUBG. next to your graphics card to automatically download the correct version of its driver, then you can install it manually. After reading this article, you should be able to enjoy a smoother gaming experience when playing PUBG! Click on ok to implement changes, here you go the game is ready to play on superior FPS without any lag or stuttering. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 2.In NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL at the left panel select manage 3d settings. You’ve come to the right place! It goes without saying that this guide applies to those who have an NVIDIA graphics card installed in their system. You don’t need to know exactly what system your computer is running, you don’t need to risk downloading and installing the wrong driver, and you don’t need to worry about making a mistake when installing. Thanks for taking part! You should personally choose the setting but we suggest you shouldn’t go higher than 1600 DPI. Get the best performance from your NVIDIA GPU. If you want to try G-Syncs learn more about G-Sync here. Gameplay guides Driver Easy handles it all. Optimizing PUBG’s Settings For 240 FPS. All you have to do is right click anywhere on your Windows desktop and select the “NVIDIA Control Panel”. Nvidia 940mx is a highly capable Graphic Card but usually appears in mid range laptops with not so high end processor. It’s easy to completely ignore these factors or shy away from delving into options menus if you’re unfamiliar with tweaking graphics settings. PUBG has also entered the competitive esports scene a while ago so we just had to research the best PUBG settings for you. Here’s how to do it: Right-click an empty area of the desktop, then select NVIDIA Control Panel to open it. Before we hop into Nvidia Global Settings. Now open the Graphics tab. Users settle the DPI between 400-800. Hearthstone: Descent of Dragons guide. The laptop can handle multiple requests at a time. The third feature you want to consider is the Anti-aliasing – FXAA when setting … For the different sub-settings, select Desktop Color Depth to Highest (32-bit), Output color format as RGB, and Output dynamic range as Full. Next, set your Render Scale to 90, and use the in-game graphics settings below: 3. All rights reserved. On the right, navigate to the Program Settings. These are my personal settings and you do not have to use them! Here are the best PUBG settings on PC to give you the sharpest edge on the field. NVIDIA PUBG optimization. For NVIDIA users, we’d heartily recommend downloading NVIDIA's Geforce Experience. You can follow the instructions below to modify your NVIDIA graphics settings to gain a higher FPS. After exiting the game, you’ll want to … Select Use NVIDIA settings tab; Press Apply; Set Digital vibrance to 80% (Personal Preference – Optional) *Digital vibrance helps in some games to see more clearly. Select the “Manage 3D Settings” option and find “PUBG” or “TslGame” in the drop down menu. I would say keep the settings to highest ,MSAA 4x , Render Quality high , prefer quality over performance. In the left frame, click “Adjust image settings with preview” then click “Use the advanced 3D image settings” then “Take me there.” to set the best Control Panel Settings for gaming, the first thing you need to change the image settings preview, which is meant to give a simplistic means to balance visual quality with a single slider labeled ‘ Use my preference emphasizing ’. Set “Power management mode” to “Prefer maximum performance”. Click the arrow in the bottom right of your desktop tray to bring up the icon menu. The Best PUBG Control Settings. In this section, we will show you how to prepare your NVidia graphics card for PUBG. by Ed Thorn, Launch PUBG PC and open the settings by clicking on the options icon on the top right (Looks like a gear). Set the number to 1 in Maximum Pre-rendered Frames. The process will be different for NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards. However there are some specific drivers made for PUBG. Don’t worry if you’ve got an AMD graphics card as we’ve put together a separate general settings guide which will definitely help you out. If you don’t know, how to access it. Open the NVidia Control Panel. He loves exploring new technologies and writing technical how-to tips to help people fix their computer / driver issues. Set your resolution to 1920x1080 and make sure your display is running at the maximum refresh rate. Otherwise leave it be. Home Knowledge Base Technical Tips PUBG NVIDIA Settings. Set Peek to either Toggle or DoubleTap. Breaking news: It’s super easy to turn on Digital Vibrance in the NVIDIA Control Panel. Digital vibrance: 66%; Hue: 0° And yes, Shroud does not use G-Sync. This site © 2020 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Adjust Your NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings. Before messing with any other settings, it’s worth checking to see if your GPU drivers are bang up to date. Set “Preferred refresh rate” to “Highest Available”. To open the Nvidia control panel right click your desktop and select the “Nvidia Control Panel.” # Step 2 – Time to Adjust the Desktop Color Settings. We are going to skip all of the rest options and go down to Video tab from the left-hand side and select the option to Adjust video color settings. button. This can be accomplished by right-clicking on an empty space on your desktop and then selecting ‘NVidia Control Panel’ from the context menu. For AMD GPUs. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. If you’re using NVIDIA for your graphics, you can also tweak settings there to help boost your FPS. Gameplay Key Input Settings in PUBG. Set “Vertical Sync” to “Use the 3D application setting”. I will explain and show you how to set every setting in PUBG PC. It’s essentially the same as NVIDIA’s Geforce experience and makes updating drivers a breeze. 82% of professional gamers use a DPI (dots per inch) when it comes to mouse sensitivity. The best PUBG settings for control are a little more complicated than other areas. Scroll down below and select Use NVIDIA Color Settings. Nvidia driver 391.01 --> 2018 Februar No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. If it’s not on the list there either, open up PUBG and close it again, then open this window again. There are two ways to update your graphics card driver: manually and automatically. When you’re in the Nvidia menu, click Manage 3D Settings, and then Program Settings. Best NVIDIA FreeStyle Settings for PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) Written by Erwin Bantilan Improving the clarity of colors and sharpness in playing PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is one of the key advantage of winning a match, as you can … When there, under “Adjust desktop color settings” … Firstly, open the Nvidia Control Panel. Right click the … PUBG Mobile: Royale Pass guide - Season 5, Rewards, Missions and Ranks, PUBG: The best weapons in the game (PC, Xbox One), PUBG: Best FPS settings to boost performance, PUBG: Best mouse DPI and sensitivity settings. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers. Then select PUBG from the... Set Maximum pre-rendered frames to … To uninstall prevoius display drivers i recommend using DDU. Okay, so you’ve sorted out the in-game … For newer GPUs (especially 1080ti/2080) recommended drivers might reduce stuttering. Settings are based on low-spec computers and mid-spec computers. While the best NVIDIA settings can vary depending on the capacity of your gaming rig and your NVIDIA version, you can use the below as a guide only. Click on Apply to save the settings. As PUBG’s optimisation progresses with each major patch, we expect the game to run a bit smoother each time. NVIDIA Settings - Our guide to making your NVIDIA-based gaming PC sing - PUBG: Best NVIDIA settings guide PUBG PC System Requirements It's also worth knowing if your rig is capable of keeping up with PUBG's recommended and minimum specs as this'll determine whether you can crank some settings up, or leave them nice and low. Try updating your graphics driver to see if you can get a higher FPS. This data is noisy because framerates depend on several factors but the averages can be used as a reasonable guide. We've tested performance in PUBG on dozens of GPUs, CPUs, and gaming notebooks to show how it runs at various settings, and which ones have the biggest impact on framerates. Set Inventory screen character render to Off. Make sure, that, “use the advanced 3D Image Setting” is enabled in the Adjust Image Settings with Preview. Resolution: 1920 X 1080; FpsCameraFov: 102; Brightness: 74; Anti-Aliasing: HIGH; Post-Processing: VERY LOW; Shadows: VERY LOW; Textures: HIGH; Effects: VERY LOW; Foliage: VERY LOW; View Distance: VERY LOW; Colorblind Type: TRITANOPIA; Crosshair Color: CYAN Nvidia/AMD drivers: Always update to the latest nvidea driver! If not, try the next tip below to update your graphics driver to the latest version. Hello, I've copied nVidia's settings here: (1920x1080, specific combination of very low, low, and medium) and am still maxing out at 130-140hz and … Press J to jump to the feed. Choose Game Settings How well can you run PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on a GTX 1050 @ 720p, 1080p or 1440p on low, medium, high or max settings? Our Fortnite Battle Royale NVIDIA Settings guide contains a list of all the best NVIDIA graphics options to increase FPS and boost performance in game. Choose PUBG from the list. Obtaining a silky smooth frame rate and increasing your performance requires that you do so, however. Right click the NVIDIA logo (it’s green and black themed) and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”. วิธี Setting ในเกม PUBG และ Nvidia ช่วยเพิ่ม FPS. So I hope these settings on Tencent Emulator for PUBG will assist you guys in acquiring decent gameplay without any problem. Shroud has stopped playing PUBG from 20th April 2019. Below that enable Anti-Aliasing and disable auto adjust graphics setting. In his spare time, he often reads books and listens to music. All Rights Reserved. You won’t see any advantage if you select DPI over 1600. How to Use Nvidia’s Digital Vibrance with PUBG. 1. Here’s how to do it: Run PUBG to see if the FPS improves in the game. Here are the steps: After heading to the Nvidia Control panel, at the right side there sprawls some settings option. We’ll be sure to update this guide for those of you who want to squeeze the very best performance out of PUBG! If you can’t find either of these options, click “Add” and you should find them here. Changing this to Toggle or DoubleTap lets you focus more on moving and aiming down your target, making these settings more desirable.