April 2021, Weser-Ems-Halle Oldenburg, 15.04.2021 What does this mean? Computer science is the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers. Jade University of Applied Sciences is located in a small town of Elsfleth in Germany. The perfect name was not difficult to find, as the Jade river winds through the three campus locations of Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg and Elsfleth. Applications for Bachelor's programs are open until March 15. That means you will find the very latest learning and teaching concepts here, in addition to the solid experience and expertise of educational establishments dating back to 1832. Latest information on handling with Covid-19 at Jade University JOIN the campus 20. Technology Transfer Office Jade University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Hochschulwesen. Human values, future orientation, good research conditions, and teaching quality are the cornerstones of Jade University with its three locations in the north-west of Germany. Jade University of Applied Sciences is a young university, but it draws on a long educational tradition. 4 Jahre, Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2018. It is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its … The Core values of Jade University of Applied Sciences commits the university … Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven / Oldenburg / Elsfleth Controlling und Finanzmanagement sowie Rechnungslegung und Unternehmensrecht 1 Jahr und 7 Monate, Aug. 2013 … Überzeugen Sie sich vom umfangreichen Studienangebot der Studienorte Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg und Elsfleth. After its founding in 2009, the new university needed a new, catchy name. Universities of applied sciences that do not award doctorates, Winter Semester from 1st of September to 29th of February Summer Semester from 1st of March to 31th of August. The composition of the university. Julia Harz | Oldenburg (Oldb. Erstellt von Melanie Fasche, 15. bis 16. Degree programmes such as "Audio Technology and Audiology" and "Assistive Technologies" are unique to Jade University of Applied Sciences. It meanders through the District of Oldenburg in the Weser Marsh, and finally reaches the sea in Jade Bay, east of Varel. Zum Vernetzen anmelden Rheinmetall Group. In addition to the generally applicable admission requirements according to Section 18 of the Lower Saxony University Act (NHG), a completed vocational training in Speech Therapy is required. Dieses Profil melden ... Jade University of Applied Sciences Bachelor … The summer school covers ”Biomedical Signal and … Kübra Tokuc | Oldenburg und Umgebung, Deutschland | SAP Developer bei ZEIT GmbH | 45 Kontakte | Vollständiges Profil von Kübra auf LinkedIn anzeigen und vernetzen ... Jade University of Applied Sciences. +++ Application start +++ From today on you can apply for the summer semester 2021 at ecampus.jade-hs.de. Aus ihr gingen am 1. The Core values of Jade University of Applied Sciences commits the university … Veranstaltungen, Hochschulalltag mobil organisieren mit UniNow, Informationen des AStA zum Semesterticket, Abgesagt! In dieser E-Mail befindet sich ein Aktivierungs-Link, mit dem Sie Ihre Anmeldung bestätigen können. Situated in the region of Oldenburg between the Northern Jadebusen, the rivers Hunte and Weser, the Jade University of Applied Sciences has emerged from the former Oldenburg / East Frisia / … JOIN the campus: Jade Online Informations Nachmittage. January 2021. … Jade University of Applied Sciences. Human values, future orientation, good research conditions, and teaching quality are the cornerstones of Jade University with its three locations in the north-west of Germany. The Department of Engineering Sciences and the International Office of Jade University offer a three-week summer school in Biomedical Engineering. Jade University of Applied Sciences. Dieses Profil melden ... Jade University of Applied Sciences Master of Science … If you want to study, research and lay the foundations of your career in an open, modern university embedded in the region, then Jade University of Applied Sciences … Please click 'Allow … This website uses cookies for analysis, settings and user logins. What's more, although around 8,000 students are currently enrolled, they quickly adjust to the family-like atmosphere and enjoy lots of support throughout their time at university. 35. Oldenburg und Umgebung, Deutschland 21 Kontakte. Zum Vernetzen anmelden Nanu-Nana. November, Oldenburg… Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum, Bauwesen Geoinformation Gesundheitstechnologie, Management, Information, Technologie (MIT), Infos des International Office zur Corona-Pandemie, Prof. Dr. Tanja Grewe an die Jade Hochschule berufen, Neues Buch zeigt: Soziale Kompetenz immer bedeutender. The Core values of Jade University of Applied Sciences commits the university … The "Night of the Profs" is great fun, and students get to know their "profs" from a completely different angle. Founded in 2009, Jade Hochschule (Jade University of Applied Sciences) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the small city of Wilhelmshaven (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Lower Saxony. Once a year in November, some 30 professors from Jade University of Applied Sciences and University of Oldenburg take over the turntables in popular Oldenburg clubs. Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven / Oldenburg / Elsfleth 11 Monate, Aug. 2018 - Juni 2019 Occupational qualification for international business activities The Core values of Jade University of Applied Sciences commits the university … Jade Welt - Our magazine. September 2009 die Jade Hochschule, bestehend aus den ehemaligen Einrichtungen in Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg und … Human values, future orientation, good research conditions, and teaching quality are the cornerstones of Jade University with its three locations in the north-west of Germany. ), Niedersachsen, Deutschland | Student(in), Jade University of Applied Sciences | 0 Kontakt | Vollständiges Profil von Julia auf LinkedIn anzeigen und vernetzen Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland ... Jade University of Applied Sciences Master … 20. Bauingenieurwesen. The university has campuses in Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg and Elsfleth and around 6,700 students. The Department of Maritime Studies at Jade University was established in 1832 as Oldenburg Regional Nautical College and later became part of the University of Applied Science in Oldenburg. Aktuelle Informationen zum Umgang mit dem Coronavirus an der Jade Hochschule, Schwerpunkt: Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit logopädischer Maßnahmen, Große Nachfrage führt zu zweiter überarbeiteter Auflage- neues Kapitel und exklusive Interviews mit Prominenten, Bauinformationstechnologie Hebammenwissenschaft Logopädie, 13.01.2021 Es wurde soeben eine E-Mail an die von Ihnen angegebene Adresse versandt. 116 Kontakte. One well-known graduate of Jade University of Applied Sciences … Was sind wissenschaftliche Weiterbildungen? The Core values of Jade University of Applied Sciences commits the university … Oldenburg … One well-known graduate of Jade University of Applied Sciences is Olaf Lies, the current Minister for Economics of Lower Saxony. Studieren Sie an der Jade Hochschule! The Core values of Jade University of Applied Sciences commits the university … Human values, future orientation, good research conditions, and teaching quality are the cornerstones of Jade University with its three locations in the north-west of Germany. The university is at the forefront of research and development and facilitates contacts with potential employers throughout Germany. Courses such as Auditory Technology or Assistive Technologies are unique to Jade University of Applied Sciences. It meanders through the District of Oldenburg in the Weser Marsh, and finally reaches the sea in Jade Bay, east of Varel. Studentin, Jade Hochschule Oldenburg und Umgebung, Deutschland 116 Kontakte. Human values, future orientation, good research conditions, and teaching quality are the cornerstones of Jade University with its three locations in the north-west of Germany. The … December 2020 ... Bouldern in Oldenburg. 18. That is why Jade University is offering the successful “Seaside Summer Classes in German” for the 25th consecutive year at the campus in Wilhelmshaven. Veranstaltungen 2009 wurde die Fachhochschule bereits wieder defusioniert. The Jade University of Applied Sciences (German: Jade Hochschule) is a university in Lower Saxony, Germany. You can apply for online degree … It was founded in 2009 as a successor to the Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven. Jade University of Applied Sciences … www.jade-hs.de. The Jade is a river in Lower Saxony about 22 km long, with its source near Oldenburg. Jade University of Applied Sciences … Jade University of Applied Sciences brings innovation to the region through teaching and research centred on the real world and by training highly qualified graduates. Karsten PLOTZ, Professor of Jade University of Applied Sciences, Wilhelmshaven | Read 22 publications | Contact Karsten PLOTZ The Jade University of Applied Sciences (Jade-Hochschule) The former Fachhochschule Oldenburg (until 1999) was founded in 1971, a merger of the previous engineering academy with the nautical college in Elsfleth. The Jade is a river in Lower Saxony about 22 km long, with its source near Oldenburg. Jade University of Applied Sciences … Human values, future orientation, good research conditions, and teaching quality are the cornerstones of Jade University with its three locations in the north-west of Germany. This institution also has branch campuses in the following locations: Oldenburg… Welcome to Jade University of Applied Sciences! Human values, future orientation, good research conditions, and teaching quality are the cornerstones of Jade University with its three locations in the north-west of Germany. With our 50 degree programmes ranging from Architecture, Construction, Geoinformation and Engineering Sciences, to Medical Technology, Business Administration, Nautical Science and Logistics, to Management/Information/Technology, we can offer innovative variety to suit all strengths and interests. Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven / Oldenburg / Elsfleth. Jade University of Applied Sciences (Campus Oldenburg) Ofener Straße 16/19 26121 Oldenburg. Participants live in Wilhelmshaven for a four-week … Jade University of Applied Sciences. Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven / Oldenburg / Elsfleth. The university's largest charity event draws more than 2,000 party guests each year. Bitte füllen Sie alle Pflichtfelder korrekt aus! The Core values of Jade University of Applied Sciences commits the university … Vielen Dank für Ihre Newsletter-Anmeldung! Jade University of Applied Sciences was officially founded in 2009. It was founded in 2009, the result of a merger of two universities of applied sciences. Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland Assistent Filialleitung Netto Marken-Discount Sept. 2014 – Aug. 2015 1 Jahr.