Reply. Wir können natürlich auch das Wissen der anderen Forum Teilnehmer beiziehen, um dir zu helfen. ORCA Dive Clubs. 7,449 Reviews . Reise beginnt am 5. Marketing Office, El Gouna El Gouna, Downtown, Tamr Henna, H9 Building. El Gouna Hospital: Proudly introduce El Gouna Hospital. At all OHM Hotels we take hygiene and cleaning standards very seriously and thus, have rigorous hygiene and cleaning protocols in place. You’re able to explore Egypt’s historic wonders and archaeological treasures with the ancient temples of Luxor and … Related: What are the most popular tours in Hurghada? Jungle Aqua Park. Consulate of Switzerland in El Gouna Print page . Importantly, COVID-19 entry requirements may change at short notice. No wonder people are not getting tested and so many are going under the official radar! Re: El Gouna Hospital Hosts COVID-19 Laboratory Testing . Very helpful. 28 reviews. Entradas para PCR Test Bochum Tickets . *Movenpick and TTC Hotels are not managed by OHM, [2] Minor variance may apply in respect to different Governmental mandates - Due to governmental regulations in regards to COVID-19 services may vary without any prior notice, Enable push notifications to be updated with latest offers and updates, Sign up for updates on our exclusive promotions and latest news, Sign up now for our free newsletter and stay tuned to our exclusive offers and updates, © 2021 El Gouna • All Rights Reserved • Powered by OHM, You are offline. Diese Tests werden von der deutschen Bundesregierung akzeptiert. im Hotelzimmer). Can somebody tell me, if a test is possible in Hurghada and where I can go for a test. “Two of these [were confirmed] at Hurghada airport, where testing took place.” “We only tested international guests,” explained Timini. Orascom Hotels Management hat den gesamten Hotelbetrieb für mehr als sieben Wochen (19. View Hotel. Furthermore, the PCR test at Hurghada Airport costs $30. PCR-Tests sind im El Gouna Hospital von einem zertifizierten Labor erhältlich. Sanitation of all surfaces after each use. PCR-Testmöglichkeiten Alle untenstehenden Angaben sind unter Vorbehalt und ohne Gewähr. Hat das Hotel dann geöffnet bzw, wird im Hotel ein Corona-Test durchgeführt ? In addition, you must submit your contact details electronically in advance when you enter Switzerland. Vlada Republike Egipat je odlučila da je putnicima svih nacionalnosti koji putuju u Egipat (odluka se odnosi na celu teritoriju Republike Egipat) počevši od 01.09.2020. potreban negativan PCR test za ulazak u zemlju. The nice of this company is that you can quickly book via whatsapp and price is according to the meter. “If […] El Gouna, Hurghada . Additionally, 123 Taxi Hurghada understands that children under the age of 6 are exempt from providing negative PCR test certificates. El Gouna, Hurghada . MOVENPICK RESORT SPA EL GOUNA EGIPAT HURGADA ... PCR test. Vlada Republike Egipat je odlučila da je putnicima svih nacionalnosti koji putuju u Egipat (odluka se odnosi na celu teritoriju Republike Egipat) počevši od 01.09.2020. potreban negativan PCR test za ulazak u zemlju. Februar 2021; die Lüge von El Gouna 16. Report inappropriate content . You will need also need your PCR certificate if you are travelling to Hurghada by road. Through the town’s medical facility, Hotels secure the needed support in the most convenient manner whenever an emergency could arise. Orascom Hotels Management, the management company of El Gouna Hotels has recently unveiled its “Together we Can!” initiative, which features enhanced sanitation and hygiene protocols addressing the COVID-19. Report inappropriate content . I can just recommend them. Please contact Hotel Front Office. The club will therefore postpone their training sessions and are expected to conduct a third PCR test before returning to the field. Egal, ob ihr gerne Sport treibt, es euch beim Wellness gut gehen lassen wollt, Wert auf gutes Essen legt oder einfach nur am Strand entspannen möchtet, all das ist in diesem Hotel und sowieso in El Gouna bestens möglich. Thank,s ! Egal, ob ihr gerne Sport treibt, es euch beim Wellness gut gehen lassen wollt, Wert auf gutes Essen legt oder einfach nur am Strand entspannen möchtet, all das ist in diesem Hotel und sowieso in El Gouna bestens möglich. Importantly, you should ensure that your test certificate meets entry requirements. Upon departure, a final PCR test was conducted as part of the protocol for foreign guests. I'm talking about the Procedure for PCR test on Arrival at Hurghada Airport not the departure from UK, ... El Gouna, Hurghada . 3,760 Reviews . T +20 65 3549 702 F +20 65 3549 065. With the lockdowns being lifted and the world gradually opening for travel, we are glad that we have used the last few months to design and put into effect strict hygiene protocol and enhanced workplace practices that allow a joyful tourism experience with safe distancing at every step of the journey. Â El Gouna offers the chance to go on a super safari trip across Western Sahara. - 12.5.21 in Verbindung mit einer Nilkreuzfahrt. Für direkt nach Hurghada, Sharm el Scheikh, Marsa Alam und Marsa Matrouh einreisende Touristen besteht die Möglichkeit, den erforderlichen PCR-Test kostenpflichtig bei Einreise an den jeweiligen Flughäfen vornehmen zu lassen. 3,759 Reviews . After 24 hours, no text message means that you are able to leave your room. Nice reliable clean and tidy. Level Contributor . Drivers don’t get close to anyone nor open the door for any customer. Cars are being sanitized in the garage end of each day. (Airport from and to, city center, covid test center etc..). Reply. März 2021 eine Frühbucheraktion für das Urlaubsziel sowie kostengünstige PCR-Tests vor der Heimreise. Menschen verpflichtet. For more information about Orascom Hotels Management, please visit us at Desert Rose Resort. In Testzentren in El Gouna 35,- EUR. . Barcelona, Spain. On top, being a part of a centrally managed community, we are working closely with the different outlets in our towns to re-instate safety measures. Johny - No you don't have to present a negative PCR-test result to EasyJet prior to boarding. 10 Days Cairo Aswan Luxor Hurghada Egypt Tour Package. The Egyptian Tourist Authority have confirmed that passengers flying into Hurghada Airport can now have a PCR test at Hurghada Airport. Any changes to existing bookings are subject to availability and any rate differences. Not surprisingly, El Gouna is known for its lagoons, coral reefs and sandy beaches. View Hotel. PCR test available at El Gouna Hospital by a certified Lab, results within 24 hours. Daily contactless temperature checks for all hotel staff and guests, Extra disinfection of public areas and the most frequently touched surfaces and points, Public seating setup was reviewed to allow a 2.0m distance, Sanitizer Dispensers are made available at key points around the hotel, Contactless payment, check-in and check-out at several properties, Maximum occupancy authorized per room is 2 adults + 2 child (or less according to the room capacity), Thoroughly cleaned as per industry leading sanitizing protocol, All room amenities are sanitized, and seal packed, All reusable collateral was removed from all rooms, Rooms are cleaned only upon guest request, Distance between tables is 2m and between chairs is 1m, Digital menu is available for contactless menus, All tables and chairs are sanitized after each use, All placemats are replaced after each use, Special buffet setup at some hotels for selected meals, otherwise set menus are applied, Cutlery and glassware washed and sanitized at 70˚C. Hurghada, Red Sea and Sinai . A few details about the COVID-19 PCR test need to be added. A PCR test on aarival in HRG won't help him. Specifially, passengers arriving at Hurghada, Sharm el Sheikh, Marsa Alam and Taba airports can have a PCR test on arrival at these airports. View Hotel. View Hotel. The PCR test can be done in El Gouna Hospital just 10 Min from the hotel and the results can be available on time Hilfreich Nicht hilfreich Sie fanden diese Antwort hilfreich Sie fanden diese Antwort nicht hilfreich Haben Sie einen beheizten Pool ? Dine around program in El Gouna is currently suspended. Related: What are the most popular tours in Hurghada? View Hotel. Consequently, if you want a PCR test after you land this is a great option. Escape the Ordinary – Discover El Gouna New Work City! Lisa U. Jürgen. Keep your PCR certificate if you want to visit Luxor or Cairo during your holiday. This unique piece of art which gathers. 30 €). There have been rumors of up to 40 positive tests, but this is not confirmed. sein darf. ... El Gouna, Hurghada . The city of El Gouna is one of the finest resorts in all of Egypt as its part of the Red Sea Riviera just 20 km (12 mi) north of Hurghada.And four hours flight from Europe. Hurghada, Red Sea and Sinai . Regular temperature measurements for our drives, Regular trainings for all the drivers of how they should deal with customers preventing any physical contacts, Regular inspections from the operations on the cars and the drivers with measurements reports. View Hotel. I highly recommend 123 Taxi Hurghada. El Gouna day tours are a dream in the shape of an incredible holiday between the heavenly shores of the red sea that will offer the most incredible sensation of tranquility and excitement. Thanks for your great service. An den Flughäfen von Sharm El-Sheikh und Hurghada sind Covid-19-Testzentren eingerichtet worden, die PCR-Tests für Touristen durchführen, die ohne negatives PCR-Testzertifikat der letzten 72 Stunden ins Land einreisen. Februar 2021; Flughafen Hurghada 01. I can always recommend the service of Taxi 123 Hurghada♥️, highly recommended they are so professional excellent drivers in time, Very nice service! “Salah is currently in El-Gouna to complete his quarantine and he will conduct another PCR test on Thursday, and I expect that his result will be negative because until now, the player hasn’t shown any symptoms,” Hossam Hosny said. Passengers can now have a PCR test at Hurghada Airport. How to get your PCR test while in Hurghada . Der PCR-Test für den Rückflug wird im El Gouna Hospital durchgeführt, egal in welchem Hotel du untergebracht bist. Overall rating: FIVE STARS! Kriterijumi su sledeći: - PCR test ne sme biti stariji od 72 sata od trenutka uzimanja uzorka pre planiranog leta. Serenity Makadi Beach. 3,932 Reviews . The price does not include: ☑️ visa for Egypt 90,00 KM (agency outcomes) ☑️ negative PCR test no more than 72 hours in English - intervenes agency 1 days before departure / 85,00 KM ☑️ college trips in Hurghada ☑️⛲ faculty trips in Istanbul-30 KM per person per trip Info ☎️033 741 017/ 033 741 018 3,931 Reviews . The Oberoi Beach Resort Sahl Hasheesh. Nils. Für die Wartezeit bis zum Vorliegen eines negativen Testergebnisses gilt eine verpflichtende Quarantäne (z.B. ... Sharm-El Sheik, Marsa Alam oder El Gouna durchführen und auswerten zu lassen“, erklärt Elia Gad, FTI Group Head of Destination Egypt. Three Corners Ocean View Hotel . It’s understood that the festival has taken care of medical and hotel costs for those who had to stay in El Gouna after contracting the virus. 10 Days Cairo Aswan Luxor Hurghada Egypt Tour Package. Next … you are free to enjoy everything that your resort and Hurghada has to offer. Whilst I was aware that pcr tests for the virus were not free in Egypt I hadn’t realised they were as expensive as quoted in this report! Makadi Bay, Hurghada . Please check terms and conditions of your hotel of stay for details! Kairo/El Gouna, 5. Thanks. If you fly into Cairo International Airport you must have a PCR test before you fly. Serenity Makadi Beach. I am absolutely delighted. * Dialog easily and friendly via, Whatsapp * reliable & on time * Kareem nice & helpful * Car nice & clean * Price-performance ratio is very good I would recommend the 123Taxi with 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐! Drivers aren’t allowed to shake hands with anyone. Desert Rose Resort. We see ourselves committed to positively contribute to the public wellbeing. Bitte wenden Sie sich an das Hotel Front Office. I used. März bis 15. Our measures have been developed and audited by high-level committees of health consultants, among them TÜV NORD that audited and confirmed that OHM’s operational practices in Egypt do conform to the international standards of sanitation and hygiene. Alternatively if you have booked your departure Airport Transfer with us we can collect the results for you. Februar 2021; Essen in Ägypten 14. This gorgeous town is home to over 22,000 residents and is spread across islands and around cool lagoons. ... El Gouna, Hurghada . Hilfreich 0. this service was one of the few prompt and proactive messaging transportation services. 5. Additionally, you will be required to isolate in your hotel room for 24 hours whilst waiting for your results. While the situation remains rather challenging, we are glad we were able to support efforts of the different government officials on such an unprecedent situation. Der Veranstalter unterstützt seine deutschen Gäste in Hurghada, Sharm-el Sheik, Marsa Alam oder El Gouna vor Ort mit der Organisation von PCR-Tests maximal 48 Stunden vor dem Rückflug. It is important to make the difference between a PCR test and an antigen or antibody test. Easy to communicate via WhatsApp, on time and good prices. Specifially, passengers arriving at Hurghada, Sharm el Sheikh, Marsa Alam and Taba airports can have a PCR test on arrival at these airports. El-Gendy noted that the cost of the PCR test is EGP 1,000 for Egyptians, and $70 for non-Egyptians, adding that everyone has to present the passport and travel ticket to undergo the test. [1] Policy applies to solely to OHM Managed Hotels only. You can get Covid-19 test and certificate from EL Gouna hospital for 2500Le or Al Mokhtabar Charge 2000Le (For Stamped Certificate) ... OP is asking for a PCR test option because he has to transit through Turkey on his way from HRG. Corona Test vor der Abreise nach Deutschland 21. Sheraton Miramar Resort El Gouna. When you are coming to Hurghada, and you did not have the chance to do your PCR test before leaving your country, it is very easy to do it at Hurghada airport. Please contact Hotel Front Office. Wir sind euch gerne dabei behilflich und organisieren euch die notwendigen Transfers. Orascom Hotels Management has suspended all hotel operations for over seven weeks (March 19 – May 15, 2020) in efforts to support reduce the risks of infection and spreading of the virus. Taxi 123 Hurghada has a very good service. Hurghada Taxi | Hurghada Airport Transfers. Bitte wenden Sie sich an das Hotel Front Office. Can somebody tell me, if a test is possible in Hurghada and where I can go for a test. Very good one! El Gouna is a modern resort town on Egypt’s Red Sea coast, near Hurghada. Thank you, Mohamed Mostfa . from US$1,948.97* Private Tour:12 Days 11 Nights Pyramids/Nile Cruise & Hurghada by Air from Cairo. Answered: I hope to fligh to Hurghada at 3.10. but I will also need a PCR test by return to Austria. Hurghada. Am. After a PCR test at Hurghada Airport you will receive a text message with your results if you have tested positive. Communication via WhatsApp was fantastic—always available and helpful. PCR test available at El Gouna Hospital by a certified Lab, results within 24 hours. The Oberoi Beach Resort Sahl Hasheesh. der ERfahrung: wir können natürlich warten bis jemand, der genau in deiner Situation ist sich meldet. Many people will guide you and will facilitate the process for you. Importantly, COVID-19 entry requirements may change at short notice. Im Krankenhaus in El Gouna können alle Gäste, die in einem Hotel untergebracht sind einen PCR Test für € 40,- machen, ein Bestätigungsschreiben vom Hotel muss vorgelegt werden. Consequently you should check with your airline to confirm specific requirements for PCR tests well in advance of travel. There are rising concerns over a number of coronavirus cases believed to have originated at last week’s El Gouna Film Festival in Egypt. Reply. Jungle Aqua Park. Sharm El Sheikh. Orascom Hotels Management hat den gesamten Hotelbetrieb für mehr als sieben Wochen (19. Kitepower Die neue Station von Kitepower befindet sich ganz im Norden von El Gouna und ist schnell mit einem Tuk-Tuk oder dem stationseigenen Shuttleservice zu erreichen. See all. Die Ergebnisse liegen innerhalb von 24 Stunden vor. März 2020 (w&p) ... Hinweise zur Ein- und Ausreise: Für die Einreise ist ein negativer PCR-Test erforderlich, der nachweislich nicht älter als 72 Stunden sein darf, bei Einreise über den Flughafen Frankfurt nicht älter als 96 Stunden. … See all. A pre departure negative PCR Test is now required by many Countries. Feb rüberkommen. View Hotel. März 2021; Hurghada PCR Test Schweiz 11. Die Ergebnisse liegen innerhalb von 24 Stunden vor. People and sustainability have been the main driving forces for us since our Group’s inception. 3,875 Reviews . I always arrive on time at my destination. After a month in Egypt. If I decide to perform PCR test at Hurghada Airport, what is the procedure? LAND DETAILS KOSTEN in EUR, p.P. Above all, you should check the requirements with your airline as requirements can change. In addition, the British Foreign Office provides the latest advice for Brits. I'm talking about the Procedure for PCR test on Arrival at Hurghada Airport not the departure from UK, ... El Gouna, Hurghada . There are rising concerns over a number of coronavirus cases believed to have originated at last week’s El Gouna Film Festival in Egypt. Three Corners Ocean View Hotel . El Gouna Hospital: Proudly introduce El Gouna Hospital. All, cars are kept clean the drivers Omar, Omar Ali. 772 posts. We used this company for all our transport in Hurghada. Bei Direktflügen nach Hurghada, Sharm el Scheikh, Marsa Alam und Marsa Matrouh besteht die Möglichkeit, den erforderlichen PCR-Test kostenpflichtig bei Einreise an den jeweiligen Flughäfen vornehmen zu lassen (Kosten: ca. As the wellbeing of our guests and associates is of utmost importance to us, we continue to closely monitor the advices of the World Health Organization as well as all local authorities regarding the COVID 19 cases and its impact. Ich bin am 21.10.20 mit Tuerk Air von Hurghada über Istanbul nach Köln hätte auch diese Nachricht gelesen und mich mit der Airline in Verbindung gesetzt die mir dann mehrfach, trotz meines Hinweises das ich ja Transit fliege, bestätigten das ich einen PCR Test brauche. Utilizamos cookies para ofrecerle la mejor experiencia en el sitio web. El Gouna, Hurghada . Additionally, 123 Taxi Hurghada understands that children under the age of 6 are exempt from providing negative PCR test certificates. Certificate is written in Arabic or English. Es besteht die Möglichkeit sich in El Gouna als auch in Hurghada testen zu lassen. 3,756 Reviews . Allerdings ist das mit deinem Zeitplan nach der Tauchsafari extrem knapp und wahrscheinlich nicht darstellbar.. Bzgl. One of the most entertaining activities in El Gouna is the Silder Cable Park in El Gouna, swimming with the dolphins in the dolphin house, boarding a fishing boat, Submarine tour across the belly of the red sea. Mehr anzeigen. "I'm seeing a growing number of people who attended the Gouna Film Festival are learning they got COVID-19,” warns a Facebook post circulating among those who attended the Oct. 23-31 event. Einreise. View Hotel. “There was one member of staff who contracted coronavirus, and five international guests who had positive tests in El Gouna,” he said. There are rising concerns over a number of coronavirus cases believed to have originated at last week’s El Gouna Film Festival in Egypt. Booking from Egypt around the world Short Number: 16444 You can find the corresponding form here. “I’m seeing a growing number of people who atten… Der Transfer vom Hotel zum Krankenhaus ist … View Hotel. Messe Düsseldorf sagt boot 2021 wegen anhaltender Pandemie ab Wir sehen uns 2022! 25. Johny - No you don't have to present a negative PCR-test result to EasyJet prior to boarding. It was created in 1989 to become one of the Red Sea magical resorts designed by European and American architects to showcase the essence of traditional Egyptian architecture. Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt ... All persons arriving by air from Egypt must be able to show a negative PCR test result before boarding the plane. View Hotel. Answer 1 of 15: Does anyone know if we decide to have the PCR test doe at the airport in Sharm, what happens next? Furthermore, All Hotel staff received adequate training, in line with the directions of the WHO, to handle any situation related to the virus. The RT-PCR COVID-19 Test has been released under FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for COVID-19 infection), and can be used in applications that require molecular/ RT-PCR testing. FTI organisiert PCR-Test für Ägypten-Reisende. The hotels are also equipped with a clinic and a 24/7 resident doctor. Highly recommend booking 123 Taxi for an affordable, reliable and valuable transfer or ride! Entradas para PCR Test Krefeld Tickets . PCR test at Hurghada Airport – all passengers flying into Egypt must have a PCR testing for Covid-19. Even though the latter two can be bought from pharmacies, a PCR test can be made only in a medical specialized center. Januar um 03:32 . Makadi Bay, Hurghada . März 2021; Transfer Hurghada nach Kairo 22. Januar 2021. melden. Makadi Bay, Hurghada . 1 … Ägypten In Testzentren in Hurghada 25,- EUR. their transfer services (vans and cars) several times for our guests and everything was always perfect. Orascom Hotels Management would like to thank you for your support and loyalty. El tiempo de los resultados varían según el tipo de muestra y el pueso: el RT PCR tiene un costo de $6000 y arroja una respuesta a las dos horas; mientras que el test PCR Antígeno vale $4000 y tiene un tiempo de espera de 15 minutos. Bevor ihr nach Deutschland einreist ist wiederum ein negativer PCR Test notwendig der nicht älter als 48 Std. Some content may not be available. Really good service! Die Kosten betragen 30 US-Dollar oder das Äquivalent in anderen Währungen, also rund 25 Euro. Einen Test kannst du im Krankenhaus in El Gouna machen. Above policies apply to guests who booked OHM Hotels directly, either through the website or the Call Center. Hurghada, Red Sea and Sinai . 2,036 Reviews . We closely monitor the guidelines of both, the World Health Organization and local governments to ensure all our Hotels apply best practices, allowing uninterrupted holiday experiences for our customers and a safe work environment for our associates. Reply. 2,033 Reviews . Mo Salah is currently quarantining in El-Gouna and Hosny reveals that he will get another PCR test this Thursday, which, if negative, will allow Salah to leave Egypt back to the UK. When do we get the results, do we have to quarantine until we get the result? Die Kosten für den Test liegen zwischen 30 und 40 Euro, inklusive Transfer. Einreise. Among the operational practices outlined as part of the initiative are: Throughout the operational process, Hotel team members are provided with personal protective equipment and enhanced training to protect their well-being. El Gouna, Hurghada . Bei Ausreise können Gäste der Hotels in El Gouna 24 Stunden vor Abreise im El Gouna Hospital einen PCR-Test zum Preis von 40 US-Dollar durchführen lassen. Ich will bei der 12. Cars are being sanitized after each ride. There's also dahar Lab which charges 480Le for the certificate Edited: 14 January 2021, 01:44 Februar 2021; Zahlungen 26. … Grateful for any clarity and detail. Answered: I hope to fligh to Hurghada at 3.10. but I will also need a PCR test by return to Austria. First of all, check with your airline for the latest information on PCR testing requirements. El-Gouna on the other hand have revealed that one confirmed case has been found after undergoing two swab tests among their players, coaching staff and workers. Quarantäne- oder Testpflicht bei Einreise: negativer PCR-Test, nicht älter als 72 Stunden und in Englisch vorzulegen bei der Einreise. Ebenso können FTI-Urlauber sich für 50 Euro direkt im Hotel testen lassen. Report inappropriate content . View Hotel. 21. This unique piece of art which gathers. Orascom Hotels Management has suspended all hotel operations for over seven weeks (March 19 – May 15, 2020) in efforts to support reduce the risks of infection and spreading of the virus. Sharm Vs Hurghada Vs El Gouna 09 March 2021; Hotel 08 March 2021; Baron area in May - winds 07 March 2021; PCR Test at the airport 06 March 2021; Some questions about budget long-staying in Sharm and Dhab 04 March 2021; Visa 03 March 2021; hurghada ferry 25 February 2021; Sharm airport questions 19 February 2021 View Hotel. We provide transfers to and from your Hotel to the PCR Test laboratory (endorsed by the Egyptian Ministry of Health in Hurghada), and a return transfer the following day to collect your results. We are prepared with both preventative and protective measures. Committed to People. I hope to fligh to Hurghada at 3.10. but I will also need a PCR test by return to Austria. Die Kosten für den Test belaufen sich je nach medizinischer Einrichtung zwischen 30 und 40 Euro. We are implementing a flexible change and cancellation of bookings policy. In contrast, you won’t need to isolate if you receive a negative PCR test before you fly. Mohamed. PCR test. I will continue to use 123 Taxi Hurghada with confidence for all our future transfer needs. Disposable tableware available upon request. PCR tests at Hurghada Airport cost $30. Sheraton Miramar Resort El Gouna. Ihr benötigt einen PCR-Test in Englischer oder Arabischer Sprache. When heading back to your country, you will be required to do the test again while in Hurghada. Gäste, die in einem Apartment untergebracht werden, bekommen zwischen € 100,- und € 150, - in Rechnung gestellt, da sie nicht als Tourist, sondern als Resident gelten. When heading back to your country, you will be required to do the test again while in Hurghada. On top, being a part of a centrally managed community, we are working closely with the different outlets in our towns to re-instate safety measures. März bis 15. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Serenity Makadi Beach. Payments: Cash payments aren’t accepted only cashless to avoid transmission through money.