Population and Housing Census data are important in the preparation of social and economic development policies, in monitoring improvement in the quality of life of the population and in establishment of the system of sustainable development. 4.015 million, compared with the census mainland urban population of 3.998 million, indicating about 17,000 of double-counting. UTC+03 ( Greenwich Mean Time) ⢠Summer ( DST) UTC+03. Tanzania Population and Housing Census 2002. Census Results in Brief Total Population, Tanzania 44,928,923 Male Population 21,869,990 Female Population 23,058,933 Total Population, Mainland 43,625,354 Male Population 21,239,313 Female Population 22,386,041 Total Population, Zanzibar 1,303,569 Male Population 630,677 Female Population 672,892 This was the fifth Census after the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964. Volume 4 of 2002 Population and Housing Census, Tanzania. The NBS which is the central depository for all official statistics produced in Tanzania, is responsible for the collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of ⦠Online Links: \\GIS-PC180\D$\WorkSpace\PovertyData\Poverty_Data\TanzaniaCensus2002.shp What geographic area does the data set cover? Time zone. 2738493 Population and Housing Census [hh/popcen]. Central Census Office: Contributors: Tanzania. The total budget and the work plan are being revised to reflect the new date for the census. The United Republic of Tanzania Population and Housing Census 2002 - IPUMS Subset Tanzania, 2002 (1988) Tanzania Population Census 1988 Regional Profiles (provided by Clive Thornton). 2002 Population and Housing Census: Analytical report Volume 10 of 2002 Population and Housing Census, Tanzania. of Tanzania Mainland population from the 2012 PHC and previous censuses. At the end of 2020, the countryâs population is estimated to be at 59.73 million and by the end of the century, the population will reach 282.67 million. According to the 2012 census, the total population was 44,928,923 compared to 12,313,469 in 1967,: page 1 resulting in an annual growth rate of 2.9 percent. The chapter reveals that Tanzania Mainland had a population of 43.6 million in 2012 with a sex ratio of 95. The next census scheduled for 2012 will be the fifth after independence in 1961 and is expected to cost about US$ 90 million. Edited by National Bureau of Statistics, Vol. (2002) (2012) National Bureau of Statistics Tanzania (web). Population Projections for the Period of 2013 to 2035 at National Level. This included a census of agriculture in the country providing important data about the economy. 2012 PHC: Literacy and Education Monograph. The Government recognizes the fact that Population and Housing Census is the single most important source of demographic and socio-economic data in the country. Ofisi ya Taifa ya Takwimu. 2012 PHC: Tanzania Regional profiles. Chamwino is an administrative ward in the Dodoma Urban district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania. Researchers should also acknowledge the statistical agency that originally produced the data: Tanzania, National Bureau of Statistics, The United Republic of Tanzania, 2002 Population and Housing Census The licensing agreement for use of IPUMS-International data requires that users supply IPUMS-International with the title and full citation for any publications, research reports, or educational ⦠In sheet 1, only towns with urban population over 9,000 in 2002 are used, the The 2012 Population and Housing Census (PHC) for United Republic of Tanzania was carried out on the 26 August, 2012. Tanzania Census 2002 - Georefenced Population and Housing Dataset How should this data set be cited? They often include other demographic, economic, and health-related topics as well. ⦠Country / Post Tanzania Date of Issue 13 August 2002 Primary theme Economy & Industry Subject National Population Census 2002 Width 39.0 mm Height 28.5 mm Denomination 250 TZS Number in set 5 (show set) Layout/Format sheet Perforations 13 by 13.1 Stamp issuing authority Tanzania ⦠The 2002 Tanzanian census was conducted in August 2002 by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of the Government of Tanzania. The population of the islands was almost 2.9% of the total Tanzania population in Table 2 .01 reveals tha t, during the 2007/08 census, about 44.0 percent of the population was below 15 years. Source: Chapter 4, 2002 Population and Housing Census, Analytical Report Introduction: There is a general agreement among the public that given opportunity people with disabilities can play a constructive role and make a significant contribution to the development process of our country. 2012 PHC: Gender Dimension Monograph. Ofisi ya Rais. Ofisi ya Taifa ya Takwimu. The United Republic of Tanzania, National Bureau of Statistics (2002) Population and Housing Census; General Report. This was the fifth Census after the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: National Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania). THE TANZANIA CENSUS GENERAL REPORT 2012 2012 Population and Housing Census. The 2012 Population and Housing Census (PHC) for United Republic of Tanzania was carried out on the 26th August, 2012. This edition was published in 2003 by United Republic of Tanzania, Central Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning and Privatization in Dar es Salaam . Ofisi ya Taifa ya Takwimu. if (year < 2000) The Tanzania 2002 Census was carried out on August 25, 2002 and covered both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. Census data based on the long questionnaire is subject to sampling errors. Topics covered include household and population characteristics, as well deaths in the household, survival of parents and summary birth histories. 2012 PHC: Shapefiles - level one and two. var year = time.getYear(); Censuses provide population numbers, household or family size and composition, and information on sex and age distribution. Ofisi ya Taifa ya Takwimu. This was the fifth Census after the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964. Other Censuses were carried out in 1967, 1978, 1988 and 2002. (1978) The United Republic of Tanzania, Bureau of Statistics: 1978 Population Census Volume VIII, 1983. DemographicsThe rural agricultural household population in the United Republic of Tanzania is dominated by a young population (Table 2.01). Ofisi ya Rais. 3 2.9 percent (981,754 people) are in Tanzania Zanzibar (2.9%). For the 2002 and 2012 population, urban wards were assembled to localities by »City Population«. The 2012 Population and Housing Census (PHC) for United Republic of Tanzania was carried out on the 26th August, 2012. Other Censuses were carried out in 1967, 1978, 1988 and 2002. Tanzania has since independence conducted four Population and Housing Censuses in 1967, 1977, 1988 and 2002. Planning and Privatization: Publisher: Central Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, 2003 : Export Citation: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan The under 15 age group represented 44.1 percent of the population, with 35.5 percent being in the 15â35 age group, 52.2 percent being in the 15â64 age group, and 3.8 percent being older than 64. var time = new Date(); Using this definition, the urban population of Tanzania has increased at about twice the rate of population growth of about 3% p.a., raising urbanization from about 6% in 1967 to nearly 30% in 2012. Central Census Office, Tanzania. Topics covered include household and population characteristics, as well deaths in the household, survival of parents and summary birth histories. Ministry of Planning,Econnomy and Empowerment. For the sake of simplicity, sampling errors were calculated by using a formula for linear estimates without taking into account the ratio estimation. According to the 2002 and 2012 census., the ward has a total population of 2,840. The census was postponed to August 2002 due to funding problems. The Tanzania 2002 Census was carried out on August 25, 2002 and covered both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. National Bureau of Statistics, Tanzania . The 34.4 million people living in Tanzania in 2002 occupied a total land area of 883,749 km2 and the almost a million people in Zanzibar occupied 2,460 km2 of land. Socio-Economic Atlas of Tanzania. 2002 population and housing census : general report Responsibility Central Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, President's Office, Planning and Privatization. There were two types of census questionnaires namely the long and the short questionnaire. 2012 PHC: Disability Monograph. Central Census Office: Contributors: Tanzania. Loading... Tanzania is growing at a very fast rate. 2002 population and housing census general report. Other Censuses were carried out in 1967, 1978, 1988 and 2002. 2012 PHC: Shapefiles - Level three. The incidence of disability in Tanzania stood at 2 percent. References The 2002 Population and Housing Census was the fourth census to be undertaken during the post-independence period. Population and Housing Census data will also provide a sampling frame for intercensal surveys which will be conducted in order to generate policies which will support the implementation process of the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 and the Zanzibar Development Vision 2020as well as social and economic reforms in a decentralized Government framework. The first eight questions, which appeared in both questionnaires, were name, relation to the head of the household, age, sex, marital status, disability and citizenship. Population of Tanzania Mainland is growing at a rate of 2.7 percent annually, representing an increase of 30 percent over a 10 year period since 2002. year = year + 1900 + ", "; Tanzania, National Bureau of Statistics, The United Republic of Tanzania, 2002 Population and Housing Census The licensing agreement for use of IPUMS-International data requires that users supply IPUMS-International with the title and full citation for any publications, research reports, or educational materials making use of the data or documentation. The paper presents the experience from the 2002 census in Tanzania including strong and weak points as well as plans for the 2012 census including problems anticipated. The census of 2002 shows an irregular spreading of the population around the 21 regions of the Tanzania mainland and the island of Zanzibar (Madulu 2002). They often include other demographic, economic, and health-related topics as well. Sampling errors of estimates for selected variables were estimated. Within the urban hierarchy, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 29, 2019, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Department for International Development (DFiD) (United Kingdom), Finnish International Development Agency (FINNIDA). Back to the main page School drop-out status of population above 5 yrs (#) Total. The detail for the sampling errors found from page 192 to 193 of the analytical report. Legg, Christopher, Unpublished Material, TanzaniaCensus2002. Tanzaniaâs population is currently growing at a rate of 2.98%. Given the Government goals of, one, reducing the proportion of Tanzanians living in absolute poverty by the year 2010, and two, of eradicating absolute poverty by the year 2025, the 2002 population and Housing Census has enabled the Government to get data which will be used to develop poverty status predictors. Japan International Cooperation Agency, National Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania), United States Census Bureau (USCB). Tanzania Mainland, 2012 Census -----41 Table 6.9: Population of Children Age below 18 Years of Age by Survival Status of Parents and Region; Tanzania Mainland Rural, 2012 Census------------------------------ ⦠II, Dar es Salaam. Country / Post Tanzania Date of Issue 13 August 2002 Primary theme Economy & Industry Subject National Population Census 2002 Width 28.5 mm Height 38.5 mm Denomination 200 TZS Number in set 5 (show set) Layout/Format sheet Perforations 13 by 13.1 Stamp issuing authority Tanzania ⦠of census enumeration areas as either Zurban or rural based on the judgement of local officials in consultation with NBS. IHSN Survey Catalog, All Rights Reserved. document.write(year); // End --> © Central Census Office, Tanzania. The 2002 Tanzania de facto census collected data through face-to-face interviews on the subjects of housing, household demographics, employment and education for those 5 and older, disability, household deaths, and fertility for women 12 and older.