i enjoy good obedience skills in training. If you’re a regular reader you will know we love trying out new activities with Patch so we’ve been dying to have a go at Hoopers. The equipment is cheap, you can even make it yourself, and it really is a sport that relies on building and developing the bond between the owner and dog,” he said. The sport originated in America then spread to Europe and reached the UK in 2018. Hoopers utilises and smooth non-impact style of course which is gentle on the dog’s joints… Vale Dog Training teaches Hoopers, an all inclusive dog sport suitable for dogs of all breeds young and old, and people of all abilities. If you enjoyed this post and like finding out about fun things to do with your dog, you might like to read: Running with your dog – top tips from Lara at Dogfit UK, Your email address will not be published. © Copyright 2019 Dogs Today Magazine. All rights reserved. A one-on-one session for PetsHotel guests only. Canine Hoopers is a low impact, fun, engaging, adaptable dog training and activity sport. Where to begin? The easiest part of the Hoopers course to recreate in the garden are the barrels. */. Hoopers is a low-impact sport suitable for all age dogs, including puppies and older dogs. Hoop bases can be made from other materials providing they are safe and have no sharp areas where a dog could injure … Before Dogwood she spent ten years in rescue, most recently as Campaigns Officer at Dogs Trust Head Office and Darlington where she developed new campaigns for responsible dog ownership. FREE … Develop Flexibility. All instructors have … It’s not just ability dogs that this sport caters for: unlike agility, where you run the course with your dog, the long-term goal of Hoopers is to distance-handle everything. You could work on the hoops or barrels by themselves or even set up a small course in your garden. What I love about Hoopers is that it really is so accessible. There are also lots of benefits for us owners. I recommend Canine Hoopers World instructors as they have undergone thorough training with a Hoopers expert. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What equipment do you need for Canine Hoopers? 89. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Hooper Nicole Od locations in Houston, TX. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. All you need are hoops, barrels and a tunnel. This is a guest essay. I’d been aware of Hoopers for some time but didn’t really give it a lot of thought until Carrie-Anne Selwyn the founder of. Hoopers, the canine sport sweeping the nation, Cover Star Competition (Closes 14th Feb 2020), www.dogstodaymagazine.co.uk/essay-submission, Dogs rescued from illegal slaughterhouse in China, Saving dogs one surgery at a time with Dr Jeff, How one article helped save four disabled dogs. Educating students at the Klein Independent School District on dog safety, Skrehot often uses her two dogs, "Hooper" and "Pete" for demonstrations. Clubs, societies and individuals are able to host Canine Hoopers UK shows, competitions and training by Accredited Instructors. Canine Hoopers UK - The home of hoopers, training classes, competitions, awards and instructors courses in the United Kingdom. Its popularity spread to Europe (primarily Switzerland and Norway), and now has reached the UK. Retired ex-agility dogs can return to dog sports through Hoopers. Hoopers Online Course. It’s not just ability dogs … In Hoopers dogs are working away from us so it helps create confidence and independence. /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. www.caninehoopersworld.com/find-an-instructor. I honestly believe that most dogs could benefit from Hoopers. It has developed from foundation training exercises into a competitive event in its own right. ‘We want to do more Hoopers!’ is the general response I hear. Points are scored in competition by managing to direct the dog through the elements of the course from a ‘handling’ box, staying within zones or remaining in one dedicated spot whilst your dog completes the full course. And it helps reactive and anxious dogs too. I’d been aware of Hoopers for some time but didn’t really give it a lot of thought until Carrie-Anne Selwyn the founder of Canine Hoopers World mentioned how Hoopers helped her own anxious dog. Once you’ve learned the basics you can definitely do it at home. Believe in Dog Training is Houston’s most unique dog training and enrichment center. We went along to Dogwood Adventure Play in Stockton-On-Tees near our home in the North East and had a taster Hoopers class. All Rights Reserved. The equipment ensures dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds can participate without having to take sharp turns or bend down for tunnels or hoops. Hoopers is a low impact version of agility that has recently made it's way over from the USA and is now proving very popular. 3.5 out of 5 stars 3. We’ll take the hassle out of training… Start with one then add a second one. The equipment is cheap, you can even make it yourself, and it really is a sport that relies on building and developing the bond between the owner and dog. This means the owner stands still as the dog is directed around the course, through hand signals and verbal cues. Often their owners tell me that they’ve always wanted to participate in a fun sport with their dogs and they’ve felt left out. The tunnels we use in Hoopers are wider than those in agility and I’m yet to find a low-cost option that I can recommend to dog owners. Canine Hoopers UK strives to protect the long term well-being of the dog by … Instead, ground-level hoops are used for the dog to run through. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. There are no jumps or high impact equipment: just hoops, barrels and tunnels – not only making injury less likely, but also making it cheaper and more accessible for pet dog owners to partake and practice at home. The “hoop” part is made from hula hoops or PEX pipe material that is 2336mm (92”) long and is inserted into the base uprights. This has facilitated a packed calendar of shows and competitions across the UK throughout 2018. Is there anything in particular about Canine Hoopers that dogs enjoy? 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The hoops themselves can be bought online for around £12 each or you can make them from standard hula-hoops and plastic pipe. Katie works hard to improve the lives of the dogs she meets on a weekly basis and believes that reward-based training and enrichment are the keys to a strong and long-lasting relationship. Hoopers is brilliant because it doesn’t exclude any dog or person! That’s because unlike agility, Hoopers has no jumps. In Hoopers dogs are focusing on targets so we can easily turn that focus back on us, giving us greater control from a distance. The PEX pipe is pushed in until it contacts the bottom of the hoop base. Learn how your comment data is processed. Start your Hoopers journey at Canine Hoopers World website www.caninehoopersworld.comand visit their Facebook page Canine Hoopers World. Hoopers is a fun dog sport that’s ideal for dogs and owners of all ages and fitness levels. People love working as a team with their dog and they get so excited when they see what their dogs are capable of. It’s a new dog sport for dogs and their owners and it’s been sweeping the nation for the last 18 months. For dogs that need more space I run 1-1 Hoopers classes at Dogwood Adventure Play in Stockton-on-Tees and we will be adding group classes in Spring. Get it as soon as Thu, Dec 3. When I found that Hooper competitions tested your ability to work your dog from a central spot – or from behind a line – that suited me to the ground. For regular updates, join our mailing list. A lot of our clients use Dogwood because they have nervous or reactive dogs and so I’m always on the look out for fun activities for them to do together. Dogs navigate a course of hoops, barrels and tunnels with the same pace and excitement as agility. Older dogs can join the fun as it puts less strain on their joints than agility and for that same reason dogs as young as eight months can take part. Training Tunnels Touch n … Find 1 listings related to Hooper Nicole Od in Houston on YP.com. Dogs navigate a course of hoops, barrels and tunnels with the same pace and excitement as agility… They love running and letting off steam around the course. Ther are two online courses available from Canine Hoopers World. Hoopers Hoopers for dogs.With dogs running free flowing courses through hoops, tunnels and around barrels, far less physical stress is placed upon the dog than in agility, though warm up and downs are … My goal is to give them the same opportunities to have fun with their dogs as everyone else has. MiMu Agility Hoop Set for Dogs - Backyard Dog Agility Equipment Training Hoop Outdoor and Indoor Dog Agility Course Kit. Where can people find out more about Canine Hoopers? The Accredited Canine Hoopers UK Instructors program is the only hoopers instructors course in the UK which has been approved by the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers. What made you decide to be a Canine Hoopers instructor? We love how Tanya … Usually they’re group classes but some instructors like myself run 1-1 sessions too. Hoopers is a fun activity for all sizes & breed of dog. You must attend the … Gerry Moss, at Jay K9 based at The Willow Tree Canine Daycare – finalists in this years Pet Industry Federation Awards (PIFA) – was one of the first in the UK to become an accredited CHUK instructor. But to me, the … This makes it an exciting, fast-paced dog sport that is accessible to owners with restricted mobility. It’s also good for dogs that tend to bulldoze around because although they’re moving at speed, they have to be very conscious of what’s around them. Fun Hoopers agility classes in Harlow, Essex with Happiest Hounds Dog Training. You must be able to demonstrate a good working use of your Level 1 training and have been actively training hoopers to multiple dog and handler combinations for a reasonable time. Hoopers is a fun dog sport that’s ideal for dogs and owners of all ages and fitness levels. This year has seen the formation of Canine Hoopers UK (CHUK), our own UK body for rules and regulations. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Sturdy Collapsible Barrels – don’t squash if a dog jumps on them! Contact them directly to find out further info and to introduce your dog to this fun sport on Facebook or through their website. Start your Hoopers journey at Canine Hoopers World website. */, Michaela Strachan talks rescue dogs and The Big Flea Project, BGT’s Ashleigh Butler shares how Sully is following in Pudsey’s paw prints. As soon as I got back from Instructors course I started making hoops. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Hooper's Fencing at 1210 Lamplight trail dr, katy, TX 77450. Required fields are marked *. It’s a sport all dogs can take part in whether they’re puppies or senior dogs as there is no impact so it’s kind to joints. You can really see the happiness on their faces when their owners cheer them at the end of the course. 6 talking about this. But the courses are flowing and don’t involve tight turns – making it accessible for everyone! It has the same pace and excitement as agility, but the courses are flowing and don’t involve the tight turns of agility, making it safer for dogs. Hoopers is ideal for this! My first attempt was pretty rubbish I must admit but then my brother made me a full set that actually stay upright! Jay K9 offers Hoopers classes from complete beginner level, at their training and behaviour centre based just outside Biggleswade. Classes and competitions have been popping up all over the country since – even at this year’s Crufts. Retired ex-agility dogs can return to dog sports through Hoopers. I’ve known people stick the two ends of the hula-hoop into a plant pot so they could get started at home straight away! Katie is a dog trainer and Canine Enrichment Specialist at Dogwood Adventure Play, the North East’s first adventure playground for dogs. Hoopers is a low-impact sport suitable for all age dogs, including puppies and older dogs. Led by award-winning dog trainer, Stephanie Bennett, we offer a variety of innovative programs including but not limited to private training, potty training, puppy training… $35.89 $ 35. 2020 © The Paw Post. It creates confidence so it’s beneficial for nervous dogs. Amazing NADAC Hoopers Training Examples Tanya Bauer has some really amazing dogs that take these practice courses with extreme talent and great speed. So it’s good for proprioception – it helps dogs to be aware of where they’re putting their feet and bodies. The best place to begin is by finding a qualified instructor. Hoopers equipment doesn’t take up much space so it can be stored away in a garage or shed. /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Search for other Fence Repair in katy on The Real Yellow Pages®. With four you can get really creative! Hoopers is a relatively new canine sport which offers a low impact alternative to agility for dogs. Unlike most agility courses that are designed to challenge the physical and mental dexterity of both the dog and the handler, Hoopers agility focuses on the teamwork demonstrated … (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); #mc_embed_signup{background:#ffe5e5; clear:left; font:14px Arial,Arial,sans-serif; } It is especially suitable for younger dogs as an early introduction to their agility training, it is popular for developing speed and directions, plus it is great … According to Spooner, tricks that increase a dog’s flexibility are great for agility … Hoopers is a great bonding activity between dog and owner. Hoopers Basics. While your dog visits us at PetsHotel or Doggie Day Camp, our Accredited Trainers can help your dog master good manners and basic cues during a private session. HOOPERS. Find out about Canine Hoopers at Dogwood: www.dogwoodadventureplay.com/, With thanks to Ten 77 Dog Photography for the photos: www.facebook.com/ten77dogphotography/. Your email address will not be published. Hoopers first appeared in the USA under NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council). Ok, let’s start with the benefits for the dogs themselves. Unlike agility, Hoopers has no jumps. Canine Hoopers is a fun low-impact dog sport The dog follows a flowing course through Hoops, 80cm Tunnels, and around Barrels. Browse Visit www.dogstodaymagazine.co.uk/essay-submission or email editorial@dogstodaymagazine.co.uk. It’s perfect for high-energy dogs too as it channels their focus – and of course it’s a great energy burner too. Instead of jumping the dog runs through large hoops it is also required to circle barrels and go through tunnels. 175L is the correct ‘competition size’ but you can buy pop up garden waste barrels for under a fiver from B&Q or The Range. Want to write for us? We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. I run Dogwood Adventure Play which is a secure field in the North East. Hoopers Equipment. Phase Purple: Budget, Training and Competition standard Hoops in a variety of colours. You have entered an incorrect email address! Instead, dogs navigate a ground-level course of hoops, barrels and tunnels. Dog agility needs little explanation, but there is a new trend within canine sports that is becoming increasingly popular and this year, for the first time ever, Hoopers was featured in the main ring at Crufts. The first is our instructor course, Canine Hoopers World founder Carrie-Anne Selwyn will take you through all … Taster Sessions, Beginners Workshops, Sequencing Workshops, Guest Trainer Workshops ( the chance to train under an Advanced Canine Hoopers Instructors at selected workshops), Taster Sessions / Regular Weekly Training- This option can be offered to dog training … Dogs find it exhilarating! Dogs negotiate flowing courses made up of hoops, tunnels and barrels and learn to work at a distance from their handler. Hoopers is suitable for all breeds and ages from Puppies to Veterans as it doesn’t involve any jumping or tight turns so it is easier on the dogs…