[85], Strictly within the realm of Being, the underlying unity behind all its determinations necessarily stands externally, and in contradiction, to those determinations themselves. a. Schluß der Allheit. [39], This (a) One in its Own Self, standing in negative relation to all its preceding moments, is entirely differentiated from each of them. Although as a whole, the Positive and Negative comprise a unity, the Positive on its own is also a self-subsistent being, as is the Negative on its own. [41], The original transition of Being and Nothing to Determinate Being is again echoed here in the sphere of Being-for-Self. Das Bewußtsein ist der Geist als konkretes, und zwar in der Äußerlichkeit befangenes Wissen; aber die Fortbewegung dieses Gegenstandes beruht allein, wie die Entwicklung alles natürlichen und geistigen Lebens, auf der Natur der reinen We- The nature of the Substrate is not tied, like the Something was, to a merely external Qualitative appearance, but represents the underlying unity of a variety of internally determined appearances, which are its States. Because the Inverse Ratio confines within itself many Direct Ratios, the constant of the former displays itself not merely as a Quantitative, but also as a Qualitative Limit. [26] The flip side of this, though, is that the Limit also takes its negative along with it back into the Something, this (the result of negating the Limit) being the Other yet now as posited in the Something as that Something’s very own Determination. The Void can be said to be the Quality of the One. [43], Once these many Ones have been posited, the nature of their relationship begins to unfold. Hegel wrote Science of Logic after he had completed his Phenomenology of Spirit and while he was in Nuremberg working at a secondary school and courting his fiancée. This standpoint is (c) the Infinity of Quantum from where it is seen that Infinity, initially the absolute Other of Quantum, essentially belongs to it and in fact determines it as a particular Quality alongside all the other Determinate Beings that had long since been sublated. This nullity actually serves to fix them eternally in their specific determination and preserve them from Alteration, because they no longer relate to each other externally as Others to one another, but internally as equals in Essence's nothingness. Die Hegelsche Auffassung des Maßes in der Wissenschaft der Logik gemäß der Lehre vom Sein von 1832. Werke in 20 Bänden mit Registerband: 6: Wissenschaft der Logik II. Quality, then, comprises both what a Determinate Being is and is not, viz., that which makes it determinate in the first place. Die Wissenschaft der Logik ist ein zweibändiges Werk des Philosophen Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831), das zwischen 1812 und 1816 zuerst in Nürnberg erschien. „Die Wissenschaft der Logikist ein zweibändiges Werk des Philosophen Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831), das zwischen 1812 und 1816 zuerst in Nürnberg erschien. Here however, the two terms are Illusory Being and Essence. This is the (c) Relation of Repulsion and Attraction, which at this point is only relative. Hamburg: Meiner 1987. 2020 ist Hegel-Jahr: Vor 250 Jahren wurde der Philosoph Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel geboren. This "volume" is the third major piece within the Science of Logic. Although it "knows" that the Illusory Being it finds immediately before it has been posited by none other than itself, External Reflection nevertheless regards this Being as something external to it from which it returns to itself. What the unity of Continuity and Discreteness, i.e., Quantity, results in is a continual outpouring of something out of itself, a perennial self-production. If two material things are combined, the dual Measures of the one are added to those of the other. From the standpoint of this Ideal One, both Repulsion and Attraction now presuppose each other, and, taken one step further, each presupposes itself as mediated by the other. This page was last edited on 23 September 2020, at 13:36. Friedrich Hogemann and Walter Jaeschke, Gesammelte Werke, Band 21 (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1985) and Wissenschaft der Logik. Die subjektive Logik. [62] This irresolvable self-contradiction within Quantum yields (b) the Quantitative Infinite Progress. Rather, what is involved in measurement is a ratio between two Qualities and their inherent Quantities, the one made to act as the (b) Specifying Measure of the other, this other, however, being itself just as capable of measuring that which it is being measured by. Formerly, from the standpoint of Quality, a sufficient Quantitative increase or decrease would result in a sudden transition from one Quality to another. However, the Number ten or twenty, though made up of Many, is also a self-determining One, independent of other Numbers for its determination. In … This inclusion of what is excluded is what constitutes the Positive and the Negative as what they are. In ihren drei Teilen – „Das Sein“ (1812/1832), „Die Lehre vom Wesen“ (1813) und „Die subjektive Logik oder die Lehre vom Begriff“ (1816) – verfolgt sie den Weg, auf dem Denken sich zum begreifenden und sich selbst begreifenden Denken bestimmt. That these "infinites" are each the Spurious Quantitative Infinite is evident in the fact that "great" and "small" designate Quanta, whereas the Infinite by definition is not a Quantum. Pembahasan menarik tentang bagaimana "Hegel menjadi Hegel", dengan menggunakan hipotesis pembimbing bahaw Hegel "pada dasarnya adalah seorang teolog manqué". Because it is the nature of the One to be purely self-related, their relation to one another is in fact a non-relation, i.e., takes place externally in the Void. HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831). Diese Reihe behandelt die "subjektive Logik" (Begriffslogik) in Hegels Werk "Wissenschaft der Logik". It is the Ideal One of Infinite Being, which, for Hegel, actually makes it more "real" than the merely Real Many. Wissenschaft der Logik by Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Hegel… 38 See, for example, Hegel, , Wissenschaft der Logik, 2: 202; Science of Logic, p. 542 (on ‘immediate, unreflected actuality’). Werke, Band 05 - Wissenschaft der Logik I | G.W.F Hegel | download | Z-Library. [49], The previous determinations of Being-for-Self have now become the sublated moments of Pure Quantity. Wissenschaft der Logik by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. Wissenschaft der Logik (Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich) Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich -- 1770-1831 -- Wissenschaft der Logik; Wissenschaft der Logik (Hegel) Einführung; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. One designates an inner Quality, in this case weight; the other designates an external Quality, in this case volume, the amount of space it takes up. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel * 27. If the constant is given, then the Quantum on any one side of the ratio could be any Number, and the Number on the other side will automatically be determined. Die subjective Logik. [55], Taken in its immediacy, a Number is an Extensive Magnitude, that is, a collection of a certain Amount of self-same Units. in seiner eigenen immanenten Tätigkeit oder, was dasselbe ist, in seiner notwendigen Entwicklung darzustellen. These two aspects, however, are the constitutive moments of one and the same overall determination. [16], (a) Something and Other are separate from each other, but each still contains within itself, as moments, their former unity in Determinate Being. Wissenschaft der Logik, 2. Vierter Band: Erster Theil, Die Objective Logik; Zweite Abtheilung, Die Lehre Vom Wesen. Likeness and Unlikeness are both in fact only Likeness. Editor's choice ... Wissenschaft der Logik, vol 2 by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Download Read more. 250,00 € / $350.00 / £227.50* Add to Cart. "At the name of the infinite, the heart and the mind light up, for in the infinite the spirit is not merely abstractly present to itself, but rises to its own self, to the light of thinking, of its universality, of its freedom. "[93], In the sphere of Being, above, Qualities were determined only relatively. [47], Repulsion and Attraction are relative to one another insofar as the One is taken either as the beginning or result of their mediation with one another. Hegel shows that the true idea can only be based upon valid reasoning and objectivity. The self-exposition of this unified consciousness, or Notion, follows a series of necessary, self-determined stages in an inherently logical, dialectical progression. Because of this, it falls back into the determination of the Something with a Limit peculiar to itself. This absolute Identity rests on the absolute negativity that unites Essence with its Essentialities. What concerns it, therefore, is no longer the act of positing itself, but the specific determinateness of that which is posited, since it is this and nothing else that establishes its externality in the first place. Auf der Phänomenologie des Geistes aufbauend soll hier eine ontologisch-metaphyische Logik entwickelt werden, die an die antike Logos-Philosophie anschließt. [70], Insofar as Quantity describes the upper and lower Limits between which a specific Quality can maintain itself, it serves as a (a) Rule. This Being is not just another Finite Other, but is the One for which they are and of which they are a part. These moments now re-emerge as Being-in-Itself, i.e., Something as Something only insofar as it is in opposition to the Other; and Being-for-Other, i.e., Something as Something only insofar as it is in relation to the Other. Science of Logic is too advanced for undergraduate students so Hegel wrote an Encyclopaedic version of the logic which was published in 1817. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you've read. There is nothing arising within this relation, however, to tell us what it is about something that is Essential and what Unessential. Philosophy. [89], Reflection in the sphere of Essence corresponds to Becoming in the sphere of Being. This means that the Something's self-determination (inherited from Determined Being as Such) is only relative, entirely dependent on what it isn't to be what it is, and entirely dependent on Something posited as the contradiction of itself, of its own Limit. Fragt man sich, zu welchen Ergebnissen die Zweiter Band. $68.29. Seeing as the successive determinations are self-generated by an internal Quantitative Alteration of Measure, they can now be seen, from the standpoint of the Measureless, to be different States of one and the same Substrate. The two Qualities are no longer distinct, mutually exclusive determinations, but together comprise a single whole. This is the subject of Book One: The Doctrine of Being. D ie Wissenschaft der Logik hat das Denken und den Umfang seiner Bestimmungen zum Gegenstande. )[18], Something is now no longer only an isolated something, but is in both positive and negative relationship to the Other. Book Three: The Doctrine of the Notion outlines the subjective side of the Notion as Notion, or, the Notion as it is for itself [für sich]; human beings, animals and plants being some of the shapes it takes in nature. His stated goal with The Science of Logic was to overcome what he perceived to be a common flaw running through all other former systems of logic, namely that they all presupposed a complete separation between the content of cognition (the world of objects, held to be entirely independent of thought for their existence), and the form of cognition (the thoughts about these objects, which by themselves are pliable, indeterminate and entirely dependent upon their conformity to the world of objects to be thought of as in any way true). [74], Although now united by the Quantitative Ratio, the two or more Qualities thus brought into relation retain their mutual separation as distinct Qualities. So if, from our external standpoint, that which comprises the Identity of something cannot be established without a Comparison of Likeness with something else. This self-determination constitutes the Quality of the Quantum, and finally demonstrates the full significance of the essential identity of Quality and Quantity. Finally, just as Becoming mediated between Being and Nothing, Alteration is now the mediator between Something and Other. Therefore, while the Essentialities are absolutely Identical in their shared nothingness, their absolute negativity, they are equally absolutely Different in their determinations, their relative negativity. There is Nothing in it. Hegels Logik neu gelesen: »eines der größten humoristischen Werke der Weltliteratur« Die Wissenschaft der Logik, laut Brecht »eines der größten humoristischen Werke der Weltliteratur«, ist das dunkle Herz des Hegel’schen Systems. For Finite things, "the hour of their birth is the hour of their death. One side of the ratio, y, is a certain Amount relative to the other side, x, which serves as the Unit whereby this Amount is measured. This relationship, however, is then reflected back into the Something as isolated, i.e., in-itself, and bestows upon it further determinations. They are, however, also relatively negative, in that the one is, by definition, not what the other is. If x is Unit and y Amount, then k is the Amount of such Units. However, once we have established a Quantitative ratio between two or more Qualities, we can give this ratio an independent existence that Quantitatively unites things that are Qualitatively distinct. The indifference of Quantum is retained in Measure insofar as the magnitude of things can increase or decrease without fundamentally altering their Quality, and yet their essential unity nevertheless manifests at the Limit where an alteration in Quantity will bring about a change in Quality. This higher, and yet more concrete, reality is the Ideal [das Ideell]: "The idealism of philosophy consists in nothing else than in recognizing that the finite has no veritable being. Band 5, Frankfurt a. M. 1979, S. 11.: Erster Teil. [81], Measure, being the unity of Quality and Quantity, now transitions into its version of the Infinite, the Measureless, which accordingly is the unity of the Qualitative and Quantitative Infinites. It is therefore by their common Limits that Somethings and Others are mediated with one another and mutually define each other's inner Qualities. The relation between Identity and Difference takes the form of one term reflecting off the other back into itself: Difference off of Identity back into itself or Identity off of Difference back into itself. Wissenschaft der Logik | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | ISBN: 9781484031834 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Although it is often tempting to assume so, there is in actuality no object that can serve as a completely universal standard of measurement, i.e., be pure Quantity. [83], This Substrate, as what persists through the succession of States, is in a relation of Absolute Indifference to every particular determination—be it of quality, quantity or measure—that it contains. Wissenschaft Der Logik. Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Sublation, then, is the ending of a logical process, yet at the same time it is its beginning again from a new point of view. It is therefore a Qualitative Quantum. Quantity is a Continuous Magnitude when seen as a coherent whole; as a collection of identical Ones, it is a Discrete Magnitude. The Logic of Hegel by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Download Read more. This unbridgeable gap found within the science of reason was, in his view, a carryover from everyday, phenomenal, unphilosophical consciousness.[1]. Hegel toimi jonkun aikaa journalistina ja meni naimisiin Marie von Tucherin kanssa vuonna 1811. Der Schluß der Reflexion. [58], Although thus differentiated from each other, Extensive and Intensive magnitude are essentially (b) the same. What saves Essence from falling back into the relativism of Determinate Being is the very radical and absolute distinction from Being that defines it as Essence in the first place. if x is Amount, then k is the Unit, the amount of which, y, determines it, As in themselves incomplete in this way, these Quanta serve only as the Qualitative moments of one another.[67]. B. "[34], As having been sublated, the mediation which was performed by the True Infinite between the Finite and the Infinite now has resulted in their immediate unity. Now, however, that Qualitative Determinateness has returned, the Quantum loses its simple self-relation and can relate to itself only through a Qualitative Other that is beyond itself. diverse content, together. [84], B. Indifference as Inverse Ratio of its Factors, Taken in its immediacy, this Indifference is simply the result of all the different determinatenesses that emerge within it. As moments, Identity and Difference require each other and are bound up with one another: one term could not exist without the other. Therefore, an Essentiality, as opposed to a Quality, is essentially the same as its other—they are both essentially nothing. First published in 1820. Zur Feier lese ich aus meinem Buch "Hegel: der Weltphilosoph" (Propyläen, 2020). So, from henceforth it cannot be said that they simply emerge within the Substrate of Indifference, but that this "substrate" itself is their very own living self-relation. Die Wissenschaft der Logik. Now, with Absolute Indifference as our standpoint, every possible Qualitative determination is already implicitly related to every other by means of a Quantitative ratio. The One, though, as negatively related to all aspects of Quality excepting its own Quality of being the Void, cannot take on a Qualitative determinateness like Determinate Being did. Centrifugal force, Hegel states as one of several examples drawn from the physical sciences, The Ratio of Powers takes the following form: It is in this form of the Ratio, says Hegel, that "quantum has reached its Notion and has completely realized it." These Determinations of Reflection—formerly known as Determinate Beings when they were in the realm of Quality (see above)—therefore share in the nullity that undergirds them.