Modules are the building blocks of the bachelor's and master's programs. See here for instructions on creating a new course in TUMonline. The program is designed to meet you at your current academic stage. the teaching format(s) (= different forms of courses, lecture, exercise, project work etc. Für diesen Studiengang gibt es aufgrund des allgemein gehaltenen Profils keine Empfehlungen. After creating any course(s), please notify the Module Administration accordingly so that the team can assign the course(s) to the corresponding module. examiners are able to verify to what extent students have recognized the fundamentals of stabilization capabilities and the basic relationship between fundamental (in)stability and agility. Please contact stating your change request. release of modules for integration in the study programs of Mechanical Engineering and of export modules for other departments. Ein Modul besteht aus einer oder mehreren inhaltlich und zeitlich aufeinander abgestimmten Lehrveranstaltungen. The HRSL Guide contains official instructions on How to Write a Module Description. Module im Überblick . endobj
Justification for the chosen type of examination. <>>>
coursework). Our Career Service Center is at your disposal to help you launch your professional career after graduation. Die TUM Maschinenwesen-Fakultät belegt Spitzenplätze weltweit in der Forschung und gehört zu den Top-Universitäten in der Maschinenbauingenieurensausbildung. A module may consist of various forms of teaching and learning methods, such as lectures, exercise courses, seminars, project seminars, independent study, project work, homework, e-learning units, etc. Assistance and advice concerning the creation of new modules (creation of dummy modules in TUMonline, checking of module descriptions, release of modules, issuing module IDs, integration of modules in study programs). - Studierende, die sich für einen Master im Maschinenwesen interessieren, setzen ihre Schwerpunkte bitte individuell. Our Bachelor in Management & Technology (TUM-BWL) gives you the interdisciplinary focus you need, putting you at a distinct advantage when it comes to shaping your career. The creation of courses in a degree program comes within the sole responsibility of the Chair / Professorship etc. Explanation regarding the form of examination (e.g. This approach is aimed at providing deeper insights into mechanical processes, thus simultaneously fostering a transfer of the acquired know-how to other problem areas. One learning outcome is in each case described by a single verb. Module im Überblick. Aptitude assessment allows the TUM school or department to which you are applying the opportunity to evaluate your individual talents and motivation for study. 2 0 obj
As a rule, a module is completed with one module examination which may be graded (examination result) or not graded (passed or failed, i.e. On the basis of a case study, students will demonstrate their qualification to apply the taught state-of-the-art technologies and criteria (stabilization capability criterion) to current aircraft / autopilot designs. Follow the Department of Mechanical Engineering: Dr.-Ing. non-programmable pocket calculators .... Weighting: for instance in the case of laboratory work comprising execution, documentation and presentation tasks, these individual results will count ...% towards the module grade. Technical University of Munich Requirements: ⢠Good/very good Bachelorâsdegree â2.5 or better ⢠Good/very good command of English âlevel B2 or better ⢠For Ingénieur ISAE: Good/very good command of French âlevel B2 or better ⢠First year of M.Sc. A module description provides information about the course content of a module. Items permitted in exams: e.g. Master Lab-Course For students in the master-program Informatics - Games Engineering, two 10 ECTS master lab courses are mandatory. Depending on the degree program in which students complete their studies, they are awarded one of three academic titles: the Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Education (BEd) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). In accordance with Annex 1 of FPSO (Academic Study and Examination Regulations) of the TUM Bachelor's program Mechanical Engineering, amendments to the course catalog of elective modules (Bachelor's modules and supplemental courses) must be disclosed at the latest at the beginning of the semester concerned (i.e. %����
Tablet PCs are used to derive and illustrate complex issues. Module descriptions have to meet specific criteria (see "guide" and "tips and tricks") to ensure adherence to TUM-wide quality standards as stipulated by HRSL (e.g. the module can be rightly integrated in study programs of the mechanical engineering department and also in those of other TUM departments. For step-by-step instructions in TUMonline use the presentation. Inquiries containing module descriptions on Excel forms cannot be accepted! TUM School of Management works hand-in-hand with major corporations. The bachelorâs degree is the first qualifying degree, awarded after 6 to 8 semesters of study. In particular, the electronic bandstructure and the resulting properties of effective mass electrons, holes and other relevant quasiparticles such as excitons are discussed. First contact point for all students of the TUM School of Management All general questions, receiving certificates and other documents or submitting bachelor/master theses; Phone +49 (89) 289 25000; Room 1554; Office hours. Students earn credits for the successful completion of a module. Description of learning outcomes / examination results. The division Student Services of the Department's Central Services, assisted by the division Examination Affairs, is responsible for module administration. For TUM as the entrepreneurial university, management is not only a key area in research and teaching, but also a vital interface between engineering, natural, political and social sciences. To ensure inclusion of new modules in the course catalog, the deadlines indicated in the regulations (see below) must be adhered to. on 1 October or 1 April). endobj
It is no longer possible to upload Excel files in TUMonline because the comments are outdated and fail to meet the current guidelines of HRSL. Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: Women's Representatives and Office for Diversity and Equal Opportunity, Offers to Campus Garching Staff or Colleagues, HRSL guide for writing module descriptions, Writing a module description â tips and tricks, instructions on creating a new course in TUMonline. stream
Duration of examination (e.g. Learning outcomes reflect the capabilities students have achieved after successfully completing a module. You would like to constructively broaden the teaching portfolio of the Department of Mechanical Engineering? Each module has a "module description" describing the course content and learning objectives.". a bachelorâs) and the successful completion of the aptitude assessment procedure. at the end of August or end of February) in compliance with FPSO, Annex 1 of the Master's degree programs of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. At the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's and Master's modules (normally 5 ECTS credit points each) are usually comprised of one lecture (2 SWS â semester weekly hours) and one practice exercise (1 SWS â semester weekly hour), supplemental modules (normally 3 ECTS), one lecture (2 SWS) and practical classes (normally 4 ECTS) one internship (4 SWS). If only a small number of students are applying for an exam, the examiner may conduct an oral instead of a written examination after issuing a written announcement of this change at the latest four weeks ahead of the planned examination date. The main body of the module deals with material and electronic properties of the most commonly used semiconductors. By mastering these programming tasks, students are trained in converting mechanical learning techniques into corresponding codes and eventually applying this know-how to problems of automotive engineering. Beachten Sie auch den entsprechenden Stichwortindex. Degree course documentation - Department of Mechanical Engineering These code examples are primarily taken from automotive engineering so that students are familiarized with the use of mechanical learning techniques when addressing specific challenges in the automotive engineering sector. the learning outcome achieved by your teaching / learning method (= as justification for using this particular teaching / learning method). Regardless of whether you already have an interdisciplinary background gained through a degree combining management and technology or if you are rooted in pure management studies â you will be equally prepared to reach the same goal: Become a skilled business leader with a profound understanding of technical knowledge. x��]K����+B��|#�R�Q/��Ďf�qoH���cl(5��U7�%�#˿u��
s�a�x�H�X,�#4f��Df"?|(T�����f��|����Ň��u��W�O�z~�����/��z�8����o��?/�����'/~�1�ߧO�4��UUI�,����,��+���O^�����кL��m�T|6}9����1��Ҋ�,HZ�)mK^��1y��ۋ�᰽�3��v{�2��(/H����Q�ꢭS��V�8X���Td�q92�Z9M>�\��_��u��6Qc����4�1�k�3��&Ҷ�y��d��Ic,2PX&����ʄ�,%. General Academic and Examination Regulations for Bachelorâs and Masterâs Programs (APSO) at the Technical University Munich, âLesbare Satzungâ (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including the 2012 Oct amendment) [in English] (29.10.2012) - Fragen und Hinweise bitte an: Alternatively, a module exam may comprise coursework such as written, oral or electronic processing of tasks in the form of homework, exercise sheets or programming exercises. which requires the students to identify problems and develop targeted solution concepts within a limited time period and with the aid of permitted items. the module will receive a regular module ID of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and will be assigned to courses and examinations. Chairs and professorships develop courses and teaching sessions as part of their teaching programme. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) combines top-class facilities for cutting-edge research with unique learning opportunities for 44,000 students. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Wardah Khawar im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. In each semester, we offer a games-specific instance of the master lab course (it is, however, also possible to choose a lab course from the list of lab-courses of the regular master informatics (IN2106 or IN2257).). Change requests received after 31 January or 31 July cannot therefore be taken into account for the current summer or winter semester but instead for the next following winter or summer semester. Note: Dividing between different categories of courses accounts for the latest Bachelor-FPSO valid since WS12/13 and Master-FPSO valid since WS13/14. Name of Chair / Professorship, Contact person for the module, Type of module (internship, supplemental subject, Bachelor's module, Master's module: column assignment, which Master's degree? By means of short questions, arithmetic problems, sketches/diagrams to be drawn up etc. assistance and advice in the revision of both modules and their descriptions. Anna ReifTel. Teacher-centered teaching based on presentations, chalkboard presentations etc., such as the method typically used in lectures. You are requested to give the following data: For example, the following teaching / learning methods may be applied in teaching formats: During lectures, the content of teaching is disseminated by way of talks or presentations. Eine Modulbeschreibung gibt Auskunft über die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung eines Moduls. Please be sure to allow the necessary lead times when applying! on 1 October or 1 April). If these are to become part of a degree course, they must be part of a module. The module will typically also include one or more optional topics, such as many-body entanglement, topological quantum computation, quantum complexity, or tensor networks, which link quantum information theory to many-body physics. In addition, APSO, § 12, para. Maschinenwesen der TUM problemlos möglich. Minimum requirements to apply for a Master's program at TUM are a recognized undergraduate degree (e.g. You intend to amend the module description of Module MW... or its assignment to courses? A typical example is the detection of traffic lanes or vehicles by means of support vector machines (SVM). After successfully completing module â¦, students are able to. This overview is designed to provide a first orientation and to help you make your choice. Details; Prerequisites: E-FSD (Bachelor course) OR must watch Centralized Definition Notes Lecture Videos: Content / Educational Objectives: The lecture Flight System Dynamics 1 gives an insight on flight performance calculations and explains the relations in flight dynamics based on analytical approximations of aerodynamic, thrust and gravitational forces. As a rule, most modules require an examination, usually administered at the end of the semester. Bachelormodule (Bachelor Modules) : +49 89 289 1 Person hat Shafiq Ahmed empfohlen Zum Anzeigen jetzt Mitglied werden. no further alterations can be made by the Chairs. (not of the Department Administration staff). Der Vorkurs Höhere Mathematik für Maschinenwesen findet statt von Montag bis Freitag, 19.Oktober bis 29.Oktober 2020. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden. Items permitted during examinations: writing utensils, ruler and one pocket calculator (not programmable). Learning outcomes are described with verbs illustrating the relevant level of competence (see the listing in ascending order (above), and refer also to the HRSL Guide, German and English versions). Master Lab-Course For students in the master-program Informatics - Games Engineering, two 10 ECTS master lab courses are mandatory. Alterations to the course catalog of required modules (Master's modules) and elective modules (supplemental courses and university internships) must be disclosed at the latest six weeks prior to the start of lectures (i.e. %PDF-1.5
In each semester, we offer a games-specific instance of the master lab course (it is, however, also possible to choose a lab course from the list of lab-courses of the regular master informatics (IN2106 or IN2257).). In semester 1 to 4 you will learn the fundamentals in mathematics, technical mechanics, material science, thermodynamics⦠. Wenn Sie selbst eine Diplomarbeit ausschreiben wollen, lesen Sie bitte vorher unbedingt das 'Best Practice Manual Stellenanzeigen'. Specifically, the following topics will be covered: Safety Management Systems; Reporting Schemes; Human Factors <>
Moreover, exams are intended to assess the students' competence in evaluating typical problem areas involved in the design of highly controller-assisted configurations, and to identify both their principal insights gained from lectures and exercises and their aptitude to answer relevant questions. Please differentiate between teaching formats and teaching / learning methods. Additionally, lectures present simple code examples which can be actively programmed by the attending students. Within our different academic bachelor, master, doctoral and Executive MBA programs, you will receive outstanding training in management. Module sind die Bausteine der Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge. They are able to classify and derive simple models, to analyse crticial points and asymptotic behaviour, and to apply common discretization methods as well as explicit and implicit time stepping schemes to ⦠Dann sind Sie hier richtig. For interim saving of the module description click ". General Academic and Examination Regulations for Bachelorâs and Masterâs Programs (APSO) at the Technical University Munich, âLesbare Satzungâ (consolidated version of the regulations up to and including the 2012 Oct amendment) [in English] (29.10.2012) The bachelorâs program in Bioinformatics is offered by the Technical University of Munich in partnership with Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). Total number of hours in h = number of ECTS x 30 h, Compulsory attendance in h = number of SWS (semester weekly hours) x 15 h, Self-study in h = total number of hours in h minus compulsory attendance in h. 1 SWS corresponds to 15 h compulsory attendance in a semester. written tests) or scope of examination (e.g. Detailed tips, tricks and model texts are therefore given in the following. Bachelor Maschinenwesen (Bachelor's Program Mechanical Engineering) Bachelor´s Thesis (Bachelor´s Thesis) ... Literaturhinweise und -empfehlungen erhalten Sie in den Präsenzveranstaltungen und auf der online Plattform At the end of the module, participants know the steps of the scientific computing pipeline. Details; Prerequisites: none: Content / Educational Objectives: The lecture âIntroduction in Flight System Dynamics and Flight Controlâ shall give an overview over the subjects, which are provided by the institute of Flight System Dynamics during the master study âAeronautical Engineeringâ. Fach % Grundlagen BWL, Kommunikation und IT: 40%: ... Das Studium wird mit dem akademischen Grad Bachelor of Arts, kurz BA oder B.A., abgeschlossen und entsprechend beurkundet (Abschlusszeugnis, Bachelor-Urkunde, internationales Diploma Supplement etc.). Shafiq was very energetic, competent and achieved good name to the company. comprehension questions, arithmetic problems, programming tasks, execution of experiments â¦). Modulhandbuch des Studiengangs B.Sc. A listing of these and other types of examination as recognized at TUM including detailed definitions is to be found under § 41 of the TUM sample regulations. Following each lecture unit, the students are given homework with learning and programming tasks referring to the subject of the lecture unit and which serve as preparation for the examination. random checks of module descriptions in conformity with the guidelines issued by the Hochschulreferat Studium und Lehre (HRSL). <>
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For legally binding information, please refer to the TUM-MW Examination Office. 1 0 obj
For more information, select the the module in the table below. A module consists of one or more courses with aligned content and schedules. Experience has shown that major difficulties arise when it comes to describing the examination / coursework results, the learning outcomes and the teaching / learning methods in keeping with the HRSL criteria. After completing the module, students are able to recall a fundamental knowledge about todayâs methods in risk management of airlines, important safety organizations and aircraft systems aimed for providing safe flight operation. ), for explanations refer to the. Modulbeschreibungen finden Sie in TUMonline Das sagen LinkedIn Mitglieder über Shafiq Ahmed: â Ex. Please inform the student services office at and tell them the module name and number of credits (make sure that there are a minimum of 5 ECTS credits) - Prepare a description of the new module in TUMonline, assign the module to either Winter or 8 stipulates that deviations from the regulations set out in the relevant Annex of FPSO shall be appropriately disclosed at the beginning of the course preceding the examination and at the latest four weeks after the start of lectures. "Modules are the building blocks of the bachelorâs and masterâs degree programs. This means learning outcomes are not just a response to lecturers' wishes, but they rather give a realistic impression of the students' knowledge gain. Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? For module descriptions go to TUMonline. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Wardah Khawar und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. BoltzmannstraÃe 15 85748 Garching b. München Germany. presentations, roundtable discussions, group work, live programming etc., such as during excercises. For questions about modules and module descriptions please contact Sehen Sie sich Shafiq Ahmeds vollständiges Profil an. The following forms of examination were defined and issued as of May 2018 and are currently in force: Apart from the type of examination, please give the following data (see HRSL Guide "How to Write a Module Description"): See here for information on grading and composition of the module grade â also for submodule examinations or voluntary efforts. When applying for a new module, please mail until the deadlines above the following data along with an outline of the envisaged module content to In the presentation you can find detailed instructions for working on a dummy module. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 24 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
for accreditation). You can find the rules for your degree course in the examination and study regulations (FPSO), module lists, degree course documentation, and curriculum. The program combines informatics with molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. Depending on your program of choice, you will additionally gain profound skills and insights into engineering, natural or consumer sciences. We continuously receive enthusiastic feedback from our partners on the masterâs program. The decision whether that module should be linked to a degree course or if it should be offered to students as a supplemental field of study (which will not count towards a degree qualification) is made by the Dean of Studies, the body of professors and members of the Student Services department (see illustration below: Allocations to SPO versions).