Eurovision Song Contest 2006 Semi-final result: Finland got 292 points and won the Semi-final with the song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" performed by Lordi Date: Thursday 18 May 2006 Location: Olympic Indoor Hall, Athens, Greece Broadcaster: Ellinikí Radiofonía Tileórasi (ERT) Hosts: Maria Menounos & Sakis Rouvas Slogan: Feel The Rhythm Qualification: The best 10 songs qualified for the Grand Final 64 votes, 33 comments. Directed by Giorgos Alpogiannis, Antonis Bakolas, Efstratios Bogdanos. Gewinner war Finnland mit der Gruppe Lordi und ihrem Song Hard Rock Hallelujah. [8][9], The EuroClub was the venue for the official after-parties and private performances by contest participants. The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra will add a classical touch to the show in a very special sequence too. [36][37], The president of ERT, Christos Panagopoulos, clarified, however, that the total cost does not include the shows that started in February for the advertising support of the event, for which he estimated that their cost will not exceed 1 million euros. [5] As the city of Patras seemed not to be available to host the contest, at the end it was a two-horse race between Athens and Thessaloniki. The contest saw the 1,000th song performed in the contest, when Ireland's Brian Kennedy performed "Every Song Is a Cry for Love" in the semi-final. Ireland's Brian Kennedy performed in Lumen, the interval act of the 1995 contest. Es nahmen 37 Länder am Wettbewerb teil, aber Serbien-Montenegro durfte mit abstimmen. [23] Armenia participated for the very first time in the history of the contest. It is also noted that EOT paid for the production of 47 commercials and their promotion during the semifinals and the final 3.5 million euros. Vierzehn weitere Länder sind bereits für die Endrunde qualifiziert: die Bestplatzierten des Vorjahres sowie die Großen Vier der European Broadcasting Union (Deutschland, Frankreich, das Vereinigte Königreich und Spanien). The EBU initially announced on 16 January 2006 that thirty-eight countries would participate in the contest,[21] with Austria opting not to participate due to the bad result at the previous contest[22] and Hungary also deciding not to participate due to financial reasons. Finally, on June 30, 2005, ERT and EBU announced that Athens will be the host city of the 2006 Contest, despite the opposition of some Greek politicians, stated that Athens already had its promotion during the 2004 Summer Olympics and that it's “another city's turn now”. In the semi final, Monaco and Albania used the jury voting due to insufficient televoting numbers. [36][37], It was also clarified that the costs of the "promotour" of Anna Vissi are included in the total cost and that from these the transfers were covered by Olympic Airlines and the hotels, the cost of which amounted to 150,000 euros, by the sponsors. 23 countries performed and all 37 participants and Serbia and Montenegro voted. [11] The stage was a replica of an ancient Greek amphitheatre. All participating broadcasters may choose to have on-site or remote commentators providing an insight about the show to their local audience and, while they must broadcast at least the semi-final they are voting in and the final, most broadcasters air all three shows with different programming plans. The Eurovision Song Contest 2006 was the 51st edition of the annual Eurovision Song Contest. Located at the Zappeion, it was open from 15 to 21 May 2006. [36], In France, average market shares reached 30.3%, up by 8% over the 2005 figure. It took place in Athens, Greece, following Helena Paparizou's win at the 2005 contest in Kyiv, Ukraine with the song "My Number One". The majors of the three cities (Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras) were said that their cities were ready to host the event. Uploaded by 1DEuroGag on July 8, 2016. [4], When Greece won the 2005 contest, the Head of the Greek Delegation, Fotini Yiannoulatou, said that ERT was ready to host the event in Athens the next year. The Barbara Dex Award is a humorous fan award given to the worst dressed artist each year. With Maria Menounos, Sakis Rouvas, Mr. Lordi, Dima Bilan. The 2006 sub-logo created by the design company Karamela for Greek television was apparently based on the Phaistos Disc which is a popular symbol of ancient Greece. Eurovision Song Contest fand am 18. und 20. The host broadcaster ERT spent 3 million euros on the production of the 37 postcards. According to ERT, it was "inspired by the wind and the sea, the golden sunlight and the glow of the sand". And for the first and only time before the Prespa agreement, the display for the Macedonian entry had the title spelled out in its entirety (as "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia") instead of being abbreviated as it has been in previous years (as "FYR Macedonia"). Hiergegen regte sich Widerstand seitens der ESC-Fangemeinschaft, wie der Zulauf zu einer entsprechenden Unterschriftensammlung im Internet zeigte. Eurovision Song Contest 2012 result: Sweden won with the song "Euphoria" by Loreen with 372 points Date: Saturday 26 May 2012 Location: Crystal Hall, Baku, Azerbaijan Broadcaster: İctimai Television (İTV) Hosts: Leyla Aliyeva, Eldar Gasimov and Nargiz Birk-Petersen Slogan: Light Your Fire! Finnland war das erste Land in der Geschichte des Song Contests, das sowohl das Halbfinale als auch das Finale gewann (beide Male mit 292 Punkten, was ein neuer Rekord war). The postcards filmed between March and April 2006. It was the first ever hard rock / heavy metal music song to win the contest, and Lordi was the first band to win since 1997. [10], The stage for the contest was designed by Greek stage designer Elias Ledakis. [36][37], According to G. Chouliaras, the revenues that ERT had from the event were 3,630,000 euros from national sponsors, 2,200,000 euros from tickets and 1,450,000 euros from the share of international sponsors, advertising revenues outside sponsorships, sms, etc. [24], Serbia and Montenegro announced its withdrawal on 15 March 2006, reducing the participants number from 38 to 37.[25]. Die diesjährigen Preisträger des Marcel-Bezençon-Preises waren: 1956 Lugano • 1957 Frankfurt am Main • 1958 Hilversum • 1959 Cannes • 1960 London • 1961 Cannes • 1962 Luxemburg • 1963 London • 1964 Kopenhagen • 1965 Neapel • 1966 Luxemburg • 1967 Wien • 1968 London • 1969 Madrid • 1970 Amsterdam • 1971 Dublin • 1972 Edinburgh • 1973 Luxemburg • 1974 Brighton • 1975 Stockholm • 1976 Den Haag • 1977 London • 1978 Paris • 1979 Jerusalem • 1980 Den Haag • 1981 Dublin • 1982 Harrogate • 1983 München • 1984 Luxemburg • 1985 Göteborg • 1986 Bergen • 1987 Brüssel • 1988 Dublin • 1989 Lausanne • 1990 Zagreb • 1991 Rom • 1992 Malmö • 1993 Millstreet • 1994 Dublin • 1995 Dublin • 1996 Oslo • 1997 Dublin • 1998 Birmingham • 1999 Jerusalem • 2000 Stockholm • 2001 Kopenhagen • 2002 Tallinn • 2003 Riga • 2004 Istanbul • 2005 Kiew • 2006 Athen • 2007 Helsinki • 2008 Belgrad • 2009 Moskau • 2010 Oslo • 2011 Düsseldorf • 2012 Baku • 2013 Malmö • 2014 Kopenhagen • 2015 Wien • 2016 Stockholm • 2017 Kiew • 2018 Lissabon • 2019 Tel Aviv • 2020 Rotterdam • 2021 Rotterdam, 2003 Kopenhagen • 2004 Lillehammer • 2005 Hasselt • 2006 Bukarest • 2007 Rotterdam • 2008 Limassol • 2009 Kiew • 2010 Minsk • 2011 Jerewan • 2012 Amsterdam • 2013 Kiew • 2014 Marsa • 2015 Sofia • 2016 Valletta • 2017 Tiflis • 2018 Minsk • 2019 Gliwice • 2020 Warschau • 2021 Frankreich, 1985 Reggio Emilia • 1987 Schwetzingen • 1989 Paris • 1991 Helsinki • 1993 Stockholm • 1995 Lausanne • 1997 Gdynia • 1999 Lyon • 2001 London • 2003 Amsterdam • 2005 Warschau • 2011 Oslo • 2013 Danzig • 2015 Pilsen • 2017 Prag, 1982 Manchester • 1984 Genf • 1986 Kopenhagen • 1988 Amsterdam • 1990 Wien • 1992 Brüssel • 1994 Warschau • 1996 Lissabon • 1998 Wien • 2000 Bergen • 2002 Berlin • 2004 Luzern • 2006 Wien • 2008 Wien • 2010 Wien • 2012 Wien • 2014 Köln • 2016 Köln • 2018 Edinburgh • 2020 Zagreb, Albanien • Aserbaidschan • Australien • Belgien • Bulgarien • Dänemark • Deutschland • TV5Monde will be airing the final of Eurovision France: c’est vous qui décidez live across Europe. Host Sakis Rouvas previously represented Greece at the 2004 contest. With the Greek broadcaster wanting Rouvas' involvement in the contest, they offered him to be one of the hosts of the contest, where he accepted. Ireland won the Eurovision Song Contest 4 times between 1992 and 1996. 4000 Years of Greek Song (composed by Dimitris Papadimitriou, choreographed by Fokas Evangelinos); the four automatic qualifiers France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom; the top 10 countries from the 2005 final (other than the automatic qualifiers); the top 10 countries from the 2006 semi-final. We are happy to announce that Irish broadcaster RTÉ has made available the Eurovision Song Contest 1997! Veranstaltungsort war die Olympiahalle im Olympia-Sportkomplex. Despite of this, the nation did retain voting rights for the contest. The semi-final opened with a medley of former Eurovision songs performed by Greek gods: "Welcome to the Party" (runner-up at the Ellinikós Telikós 2006) of Anna Vissi performed by Muses, "Nel blu, dipinto di blu" (Italy 1958) of Domenico Modugno performed by Zeus, "L'amour est bleu" (Luxembourg 1967) of Vicky Leandros performed by Poseidon, "Save Your Kisses for Me" (United Kingdom 1976) of Brotherhood of Man performed by Hermes, "Making Your Mind Up" (United Kingdom 1981) of Bucks Fizz performed by Athena, "A-Ba-Ni-Bi" (Israel 1978) of Izhar Cohen & The Alphabeta performed by Hephaestus, "Dschinghis Khan" (Germany 1979) of Dschinghis Khan performed by Ares, "Diva" (Israel 1998) of Dana International performed by Aphrodite, "Waterloo" (Sweden 1974) of ABBA performed by Charites, "Wild Dances" (Ukraine 2004) of Ruslana performed by Artemis and "My Number One" (Greece 2005) of Helena Paparizou performed by the ensemble cast of the Greek gods. Between the names that were rumored for the female host, included the Greek Canadian actress, screenwriter, director, and producer Nia Vardalos (known for writing and starring in My Big Fat Greek Wedding), the Greek social entrepreneur and philanthropist Elizabeth Filippouli (later, she founded the Global Thinkers Forum in London), the Greek American actress, producer, and businesswoman Jennifer Aniston (world-known for her role as Rachel Green on the television sitcom Friends (1994–2004), for which she earned Primetime Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild awards), all three of them having Greek roots, and the previous edition's winner, Helena Paparizou. The spokespersons only announced the countries scoring 8, 10 and 12 points. It was the third time that Stockholm hosted the contest and the second time that it was held in the Globe Arena. Litauen Litauen erreichte nach 2002 erneut das Finale, nachdem man 2003 aufgrund der Relegation gesperrt sowie 2004 und 2005 im Halbfinale ausgeschieden war. Veranstaltungsort war die Olympiahalle im Olympia-Sportkomplex. Initially, the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) asked Sakis Rouvas to represent again Greece in Athens, an offer which he didn't accept. Organised by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and host broadcaster Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT), the contest was held at the Nikos Galis Olympic Indoor Hall, and consisted of a semi-final on 18 May, and the final on 20 May 2006. Bosnia and Herzegovina achieved their best result in their Eurovision history. The album featured all 37 songs that entered in the 2006 contest, including the semi-finalists that failed to qualify into the grand final. Every third Saturday of the month at 8pm (UK time / 9pm CEST) we’re picking a classic Eurovision Song Contest and inviting others to watch it in sync with us while tweeting along using #EurovisionAgain. We are happy to announce that broadcaster LTV has made available the Eurovision Song Contest 2003! At the end of the ballet, the presenters appeared in the air, suspended from ropes. The official logo of the contest remained the same from 2004 and 2005 with the country's flag in the heart being changed. This voting process has been criticized because suspense was lost by only reading three votes instead of ten. Official website of the Eurovision Song Contest. They immediately introduced the previous year's winner, Helena Paparizou, who covered her winning song, "My Number One". The grand final opened with a ballet dance, symbolizing the birth of Greece. Tonight, we will be travelling to Stockholm for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016! #EurovisionAgain may be over for now, but the Eurovision 2005 grand final remains online. Coincidentally, Albania and Monaco were two of the three countries that did not vote for the winning entry, the third one was Armenia. All participating countries in a Eurovision Song Contest must be active members of the EBU. #EurovisionAgain is scheduled to return on Saturday 17 October at 21:00 CEST. Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Monaco, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Armenia, Belarus, Finland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Evi Papamichail and Pampina Themistokleous. Die Tabelle ist senkrecht nach der Auftrittsreihenfolge im Finale geordnet, waagerecht nach der chronologischen Punkteverlesung. The table is ordered by appearance in the semi-final, then by pre-determined voting order. Mit diesen nicht ganz ernst zu nehmenden Preis soll das „schlechteste“ Outfit des Wettbewerbes ausgezeichnet werden. Because Eurovision is best watched together.Next… Watch in sync. It was the third time that Stockholm hosted the contest and the second time that it was held in the Globe Arena. This theme was also the basis for the postcards for the 2006 show, which emphasized Greece's historical significance as well as being a major modern tourist destination. The Eurovision Song Contest is organized by the European Broadcasting Union, the world's foremost alliance of public service media, representing 116 member organizations in 56 countries and an additional 34 Associates in Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Americas. A folkloric ballet followed, using traditional Greek music and dances, with the pan flute as a conducting element. Folgende Länder nahmen am Halbfinale teil: Das kurz zuvor der EBU beigetretene Georgien nahm 2006 aus finanziellen Gründen noch nicht teil, ebenso die Tschechische Republik. After the Contest, EBU officials stated that the overall ratings for the Semi-Final were 35% higher than in 2005, and for the Final had risen by 28%. Greek singer Foteini Darra performed "The Mermaid Song" (also known as "The Song of Life"), while the dancers and the sets mimicked the creative elements (the sea, the wind, the sun). Österreich und Ungarn verzichteten auf eine Teilnahme. If No Name had been permitted to represent Serbia and Montenegro, they would have done so for the second consecutive year. This ballet was also composed by Dimitris Papadimitriou and choreographed by Fokas Evangelinos. Following Istanbul's "Under The Same Sky" and Kyiv's"Awakening", the slogan for the 2006 show was "Feel The Rhythm". Given Eurovision is principally a television show, over the years competing performances have attempted to attract the viewers' attention through means other than music, and elaborate lighting displays, pyrotechnics, and extravagant on-stage theatrics and costumes having become a common sight at recent contests; criticism of these tactics have been levied as being a method of distracting the viewer from … Folgende Teilnehmer wären fast zu zurückkehrenden Interpreten geworden: Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. Constantinos Christoforou (who also represented Cyprus in 1996, 2002 and 2005) saluted from "Nicosia, the last divided capital in Europe"; during Cyprus' reading, the telecast displayed Switzerland by mistake. EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags) Want ... SHOW ALL. Few days after Greece's won in the contest, the Greek public broadcaster stated that “ERT intends to hold the Eurovision Song Contest in Athens, taking into account EBU's already expressed wish for the event to be combined with the Olympic facilities and amenities that the city of Athens has to offer”. A record 26 countries took part in the Eurovision Song Contest in the Latvian capital Riga. The Greek people did not pay a penny for the event. Folgende Länder haben am Halbfinale (18. [68], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}37°58′N 23°43′E / 37.967°N 23.717°E / 37.967; 23.717, "Eurovision 2006" redirects here. The table is ordered by appearance in the final, then by pre-determined voting order. Eurovision Song Contest fand am 18. und 20. 35.4k members in the eurovision community. The Eurovision Song Contest is a perfect platform to achieve equal or even better results. It was located at Athens Technopolis, an industrial museum and a major cultural venue of the city. Die Plätze 1 bis 10 haben sich für das Finale qualifiziert. The two live shows were hosted by Maria Menounos and Sakis Rouvas.[2]. Welcome to another EurovisionAgain Saturday night! Countries in bold automatically qualified for the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 Final. Finale und Halbfinale wurden moderiert von Sakis Rouvas, der für Griechenland 2004 den dritten Platz belegte, sowie von Maria Menounos, Moderatorin des US-Senders NBC. Monaco used a jury as the chances of getting enough votes needed to validate the votes were low. That's why it is worth the investment”. It was the first contest hosted in a Nordic country since 2001 in Copenhagen. [8], The official logo of the contest remained the same from 2004 and 2005 with the country's flag in the heart being changed. However, it is only available for an unspecified “limited time”. There it was possible to watch performances by local artists, as well as the live shows broadcast from the main venue. : Fühle den Rhythmus), Statistik der Zwölf-Punkte-Vergabe (Semifinale), Statistik der Zwölf-Punkte-Vergabe (Finale), Verhältnis zwischen dem Gastgeber Griechenland und Mazedonien, Liste der Sieger und Veranstaltungen des Eurovision Song Contests, Eurovision Club Germany e. V.: Deutscher Fanclub, Eurovision Song Contest 2006 Final – Scoreboard,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Finnland, Kroatien, Monaco, Norwegen, Rumänien, Schweiz, Serbien und Montenegro, Slowenien, Türkei, Armenien, Bulgarien, Israel, Lettland, Litauen, Moldau, Ukraine, Weißrussland, Belgien, Frankreich, Niederlande, Russland, Spanien, Zypern, Deutschland, Estland, Island, Polen, Schweden, Vereinigtes Königreich, Zusammen sind wir Eins (Dies ist die Zeit). Shaded countries qualified for the Eurovision Final. Dies könnte auf das. The voting lines for both shows opened by three special guests: for the semi-final the lines opened by Emilia Tsoulfa (Gold medalist in Athens 2004 at 470 class sailing representing Greece) and Dimosthenis Tampakos (Greek gymnast and Olympic gold medalist) and for the grand final the lines opened from the Luxembourgish entrant at the 1963 Contest, Nana Mouskouri. Das Televoting im Halbfinale wurde von den griechischen Olympiasie… Finale und Halbfinale wurden moderiert von Sakis Rouvas, der für Griechenland 2004 den dritten Platz belegte, sowie von Maria Menounos, Moderatorin des US-Senders NBC. Latvia hosted the competition in 2003 following Marie N's victory in Tallinn the previous year. IN COLLECTIONS. This page was last edited on 6 April 2021, at 20:19. The semi-final was held on 18 May 2006 at 21:00 (CET). Additionally, Hari Mata Hari were selected to represented Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1999 contest, but their entry was disqualified. The 2016 Eurovision Song Contest was held in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. Mai 2006 im Vorort Marousi der griechischen Hauptstadt Athen statt. The following people were the spokespersons for their countries. The final was held on 20 May 2006 at 21:00 (CET) and was won by Finland. Liechtenstein konnte als Nicht-EBU-Mitglied nicht am Wettbewerb teilnehmen. [12][13], As it was referred, the theme "Feel The Rhythm" was also the basis for the postcards, which emphasized Greece's historical significance as well as being a major modern tourist destination. They landed on the stage and greeted the audience. Albanien, Kroatien, Mazedonien, Monaco, Schweiz, Serbien und Montenegro, Slowenien, Türkei, Dänemark, Estland, Griechenland, Island, Norwegen, Polen, Schweden, Vereinigtes Königreich, Armenien, Finnland, Israel, Lettland, Litauen, Ukraine, Weißrussland, Die Startnummer 8 des Halbfinales am 18. The contest took place in Athens, Greece, following the country's victory at the 2006 edition with the song "My Number One", performed by Helena Paparizou. Armenien nahm das erste Mal am Wettbewerb teil. Eurovision Song Contest 2016 Grand Final Movies Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. 2005 scheiterte man im Halbfinale. Meanwhile, Austria, Hungary, and Serbia and Montenegro announced their non-participations in the contest for various reasons.