Norbi24. im Tolino Forum im Bereich ebook reader; Hallo! As the days passed by and the Internal Storage was bursting at its seams from the installed apps, you may have noticed that your new ereader has become sluggish. August 2020; Antworten 1 Zugriffe 192. Das neue Modell Shine 3 kann dank eines neuen Features vor allem im Schlafzimmer mächtig punkten. I summon this thread from the dead with my necromancy! 91.47 MB. Leider kann ich ihn nicht fastbooten. Tolino has issued three different generations of the Shine e-reader, which is their mid level device. tolino vision 4 hd black friday. I managed to restore the device's functionality quite easy, once I contacted the author of the allesebooks text. Der Tolino Shine (Eigenschreibweise: tolino shine) ist ein E-Book-Reader, der in Deutschland, Österreich, Südtirol und der Schweiz seit März 2013 in Zusammenarbeit der Deutschen Telekom mit den Buchhändlern Thalia, Weltbild, Hugendubel, dem Buchgroßhändler Libri sowie der Osianderschen und der Mayerschen Buchhandlung neben weiteren Geräten der Marke Tolino vertrieben wird. Hallo, ich habe einen relativ frischen Tolino vision 2. I think that remowing a SD Card and writing an image on the another SD card is an easier option . xda-developers Android Development and Hacking Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting Recovery for tolino Shine 2HD by aligator123456 XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. I hope this is still relevant to you. Alles zur Tolino Gemeinschaftsplattform hier rein Forum; Anmelden oder registrieren. No menu!) I currently live in Germany and I am interest on buying one! This particular Tolino I bought used, so no idea. 2. I have just learned that the Tolino Shine has been hacked, and underneath the ordinary looking ereader facade lies the beating heart of an Android tablet. BUT: It has a sd card for internal storage, which you can change with e.g. 2Connect your tolino shine 3 to your computer with the supplied USB cable and open the eReader directory view under MY TOLINO in your computer’s file explorer. Mit ein bisschen Technischem Verständnis und ein wenig Fingerspitzengefühl kann man Root realisieren ohne das Gerät ganz auseinander zu bauen. 1. Last Week . 37,519 views. Beim Tolino Shine sitzt er unter der Klappe beim Strom-Anschluss. Rate it first! auch Sideloading und ADB-Root lassen sich am Tolino Shine 3 mit Hilfe von Fastboot erlangen. tolino shine 3; tolino vision 2; tolino vision 3 HD; tolino vision 4 HD; tolino vision 5; tolino epos; tolino epos 2; tolino tab 8″ FAQ. Thank you very much bell! one with 64gb and you can get root access to costumize your os and install with Android 4.42 compatible apps. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. Join our MobileRead Facebook Fan Page! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Tolino Shine 2 HD features a six inch e-ink Carta display with a resolution of 1440 by 1080. , Angela?, Daniel?) [Draft] Having rooted your Tolino Shine (a post to be written), you have been using it for a while. I have TWRP and flashed SuperSU, now I'm not usre what to do to sideload and use android APKs: "adb install" doesn't work from recovery and I found somewhere that I could manually place the .apk in /system/app/, but the directory doesn't exist. Die Deutsche Telekom ist hier… Service tolino vision 3 HD. hi I would like to create a usable recovery for the tolino shine 2 HD. Januar 2014, 13:01 . Im Internet habe ich auch gleich ein paar Informationen gefunden, bezüglich root etc., leider ist das rooten ohne das Gerät zu öffnen seit dem Update 1.2 nicht mehr möglich, zumindest bis jetzt. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. hello, thanks for the informations, I'm trying to recover a bricked tolino 4hd. Problems: - No Featurefull recovery. Die Tolino-Allianz hat ihren eReader per Software auf den neuesten Stand gebracht (ein leicht verbessertes Modell ist bereits im Handel, der Vergleich Neu gegen Alt folgt). Tolino is in the process of changing the e-reading experience on all of their e-readers, except for the Shine 1. Tolino Shine root geschaft ! Junior Member . FAQ | eReader; FAQ | tolino app; FAQ | Tab; FAQ | Data Protection; Webreader; m s Reading as flexible as ever - enjoying eBooks and audiobooks with the free tolino reading app . The tolino shine 3 lets every story appear in a favorable light – day and night. The Shine uses a Kernel – a diff against the sources from returns the changes made for the Shine… mainly patches from freescale to support the MX-series, the Android parts and some additions made by the Shine firmware developers (Joseph? Andere Lesegeräte. Tags: Android Root. Der deutsche E-Reader Tolino gilt schon lange als ernstzunehmender Konkurrent für den Amazon Kindle. Im Geräte-Manager sollte der Tolino nun mit einem Frage- oder Ausrufezeichen versehen sein. . 19. hi I have a tolino shine 2 HD ebook. Which howto did you followed? Android Software and Hacking General [Developers O. The Tolino Shine has a 6″ HD E-ink screen with frontlight and touchscreen, giving it a nice step up on the Onyx E-ink Android tablet launching this Summer in Russia. Wissenswertes, bevor man loslegt. In diesem Fall drücken Sie einfach den Reset-Knopf. What did you in detail? Now hold the light button … Tolino has issued three different generations of the Shine e-reader, which is their mid level device. However, one must mention here is that the ghosting effect depending on the device can be a not inconsiderable source of friction. Weitere Schritte: Root-Zugriff auf den Tolino Verbinden Sie Ihren Tolino nun wieder per USB-Kabel mit dem PC und wechseln Sie in die " Systemsteuerung " > "Geräte-Manager". Labels: ADB, Android, Root, Tolino. Startseite » Uncategorized » tolino vision 4 hd black friday. When the Tolino Shine ereader launched a few months ago I immediately awarded it the title of most underwhelming generic ereader. In seltenen Fällen kann es vorkommen, dass der Bildschirm einfriert und Ihr tolino eBook-Reader nicht mehr reagiert. The screen will still show the Tolino logo, but the power buttons doesn’t blink anymore. 8. [Tolino] Shine, a rooted ebook reader with e… 2020-02-11.,,,,,,, [ROM][OFFICIAL][kenzo/kate] HavocOS 3.11 [Q], Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 [Snapdragon] ROMs, Kernels, Re, LG Stylo 6 metro by t-mobile USA latest ota update/payload.bin dump, [ROM][UNOFFICIAL][kebab][11] LineageOS 18.1, OnePlus 8T ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Deve, [ROM][OneUI 2.5][A50] FreshROMs - No-frills Samsung Experience, Samsung Galaxy A50 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Ot, [OneUI 3.0 Beta] (EXYNOS) Galaxy S10/+/e Beta Thread, files, Samsung Galaxy S10+ Guides, News, & Discussion. Tolino: Reset durchführen Der Reset-Knopf befindet sich neben dem Micro-USB-Anschluss in dem kleinen Loch. See my "Root your Tolino" post (in the making) with more details. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. JavaScript is disabled. Tolino Shine Easy Root. Alles zur Tolino Gemeinschaftsplattform hier rein Wir setzen auf unserer Website Cookies ein. I apologise for the delay. So we must rewrite that part of the SD card. … The answer for question as is is: "You can still boot TWRP trough fastboot and repair/reinstall what ever you did". So, has anyone tested the Kindle App with the rooted Tolino? You must log in or register to reply here. On startup the shine checks the external sdcard for some special files. Diese eReader Software-Version stellt Ihnen die aktuellsten Features und Funktionen für Ihren tolino … The build is compatible to the most Tolino devices. enter fastboot; in cmd do fastboot boot
Installation. So I think I need some help... First question: The tolino uses Android 4.0.4. Beitrag #240 Ich habe den Eindruck,dass das Google Framework den automatischen Sync nachzieht und damit ziemlich schnell den Akku leerzieht...dieser hält bei mir aktuell nur 1 woche (ohne Beleuchtung). I tried to root my TS3 myself but I haven't succeed. Online License Help for your eReader tolino vision 3 HD includes operating instructions, manual as ePUB, Tolino FAQ and data sheet. I had used the allesebooks walk through. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. unlikely tolino is one of them. auch Skoobe mit vollständiger Seitenaktualisierung bei jedem Umblättern nahezu perfekt nutzbar macht. It missfired and I can't restart the device. Please wait approx. Hey everyone ! Ryogo-Z ported the TWRP custom recovery to tolino_ntx_6sl_twrp and published them on github. TWRP for Tolino eInk reader devices State. Tolino Shine Easy Root. Software Update tolino shine 2 HD: So aktualisieren Sie die Software auf Ihrem tolino shine 2 HD eBook Reader. There is one working instruction for installing root. I have tried to root tolino shine 2 HD. Android Software and Hacking General [Developers O. Der Tolino Shine 3 hat sich im Verlauf meiner Root- und Sideloading-Tests zu einem genialen Android-eReader entwickelt, der z.B. Password: Notices: Tip Got Facebook? 5:11. How To easy access android root tolino shine; Download KingoRoot app for PC. Ich hatte das Gerät damals mit der Firmware-Version 1 gekauft, welche man noch recht einfach rooten … Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. ), pokes at the filesystem and software, gets ADB to work, uploads backup image of internal storage shiny ADB and root – the f*c**@! Update: Hier findest du die Anleitung zum Root von Tolino Shine 2 HD und Tolino Vision 3 HD. (I can only boot a recovery from the PC with fastboot, and the only recovery, which exists has only adb. The question is, I want to make root, but I also want to be able to put everything again as from day 1, for garantie effects. 2Connect your tolino shine 3 to your computer with the supplied USB cable and open the eReader directory view under MY TOLINO in your computer’s file explorer. August 2020; Che; 8. Windows reports an error - can't recognizer the USB device. Receive the freshest Android & development news right in your inbox! Also: interne Links im Text funktionieren nun. How to android root Android root tolino vision 2 Download KingoRoot app for PC is one of the viable solutions to root almost any mobile device. Diskutiere Tolino Shine 2 HD - Root usw. Thread Tools: Search this Thread: 06-04-2019, 06:02 PM #1: twinkybot. Download Now Download Now This package includes all you need to easily root your Tolino Shine ebook reader. Download the free tolino app. Posts: 9. Email This BlogThis! Contribute to Ryogo-Z/tolino_shine3_twrp development by creating an account on GitHub. 8 comments: pseudônimo June 25, 2018 at 4:36 PM. ), pokes at the filesystem and software, gets ADB to work, uploads backup image of internal storage shiny ADB and root – the f*c**@! Posts: 9. Ich vermute, dass dies eine Kerneleinstellung ist, denn der Shine aktualisiert den Bildschirm nie vollständig. I ve just bought a tolino shine and i've downloaded the tolino shine easy root on cnet download, since the one on is not available anymore. The tolino smartLight provides optimal reading light on the tolino eBook Reader at every time of day or night. root android phone free download - Kingo Android Root, Rescue Root, One Click Root, and many more programs [ROM][OFFICIAL][kenzo/kate] HavocOS 3.11 [Q], Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 [Snapdragon] ROMs, Kernels, Re, LG Stylo 6 metro by t-mobile USA latest ota update/payload.bin dump, [ROM][UNOFFICIAL][kebab][11] LineageOS 18.1, OnePlus 8T ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Deve, [ROM][OneUI 2.5][A50] FreshROMs - No-frills Samsung Experience, Samsung Galaxy A50 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Ot, [OneUI 3.0 Beta] (EXYNOS) Galaxy S10/+/e Beta Thread, files, Samsung Galaxy S10+ Guides, News, & Discussion. Damit hat man alle benötigten Schritte erledigt, sodass jetzt Applikationen am Tolino Shine installiert werden können. Für eine einfache Basisfunktionalität startet man nun abschließend die Datei „3_install_su.bat“ im Root-Paket-Ordner.Hier bestätigt man nochmals, dass man diese Anleitung gelesen hat, damit es keinerlei Probleme und Missverständnisse gibt. August 2020. 2. Die aktuelle Software Version für den tolino shine 2 HD eReader ist die Version 12.2.0. JavaScript is disabled. Have you done on yours? v 1 | Released 10 Dec 2013. My Deutsch is quite schlecht, I would have done it by myself if only I had been able to understand which tutorial from allesebooks I should use ? Using the TWRP is it possible to root … You must log in or register to reply here. Wissenswertes, bevor man loslegt. I've been looking for info like this but couldn't find it, maybe because I don't know German. TWRP for Tolino Shine 3 eInk reader. Posted by Zezen at 2:03 PM. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Che; 7. TWRP builds and is fully functional (hopefully). hecke of naberius has hacked into this device a bit and found a way to root it: exploring the tolino shine: wherein hecke takes the hardware apart, finds out it uses an removable SD card for internal storage (! Tolino Shine 3 e. Regarding epubs on Kobo, they leave outrageously wide margins in the default reading app. It would be great to see some screenshots... :fingers-crossed: "Button Savior" is inside the rooting file, afaik host mode works on very very few droids.