› TH Köln › Info. A wide range of standards and technologies has to be used to find optimum solutions. b) IELTS with 6.5 points 50968 Köln. Communication Systems and Networks (Master's program) – How to Apply ; Self assessment. The program is organized by the Institute of Communicatios Engineering which is part of TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences) Faculty of Information, Media and Electrical Engineering, in cooperation with the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in St. Augustin. Except for the IT Security profile, each profile offers at least four courses in the English language. 3 bed semi-detached bungalow for sale. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. The quality seal "HR Excellence in Research" awarded by the European Commission certifies that TH Köln meets international standards in the field of human resources development. 2, 50679 KölnRoom ZN 2-4. A program is deemed suitable if its curriculum includes a minimum of 110 credits in the fields of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering and computer science. Mandatory courses are held in English (100%). Dagmar Schall. A public student services association called "Kölner Studierendenwerk" (KSTW) operates 88 student dorms offering roughly 4,800 rooms. (The language of lecture titles corresponds strongly to the lecture language.) Mehr Infos > Chemie. This specifically includes the degree programmes in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at TH Köln. Master of Science (M.Sc.) Under regular conditions, courses will be offered as regular lectures at the university. General information (in German) Information for international students; General questions about the programme. While developing solution strategies for the most important questions of our time, researchers offer their professional expertise in interdisciplinary interaction. In the first and second semester, students focus on their specialization which they choose according to their personal interests. Each module is supplemented by practical training courses. The Leverkusen campus is located 15 km north of Cologne in the CHEMPARK in Leverkusen, which is one of the largest chemical parks in Europe. Start. The concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) offers solutions to the water crisis in linking water to other vital resources and viewing the whole water cycle together with human interventions as the basis for sustainable water management. Cologne's economy is characterised by its amalgamation of different industries and trades. The undergraduate degree must be worth 210 ECTS credits and successful applicants have a final grade of 2.3 or better according to the German grading system. English . Since the program is presented in English the number of international students enrolled in the program is significant. Find Einführung in die Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaften study guides, notes, assignments, and much more. Modern high-speed trains link Köln with London, Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg and Berlin at hourly intervals. Taking on a part-time job while studying has lots of benefits. E-mail melanie.opfer@th-koeln.de . A final Master's thesis completes the programme in the third semester. Financing of studies . Excellent English language proficiency is also required. Our subject range includes the fields of applied natural sciences, architecture and construction, information and communication, computer science, engineering, culture and society, and social sciences as well as business studies. To improve their scientific capabilities, students have to conduct an individual research project. Self-assessment (pdf, 177 KB) Is this the right program for me? English ; Languages. Voir le profil de Chloé RONGIER sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. With its disciplinary and cultural diversity and openness, TH Köln's activities are aimed at cultural and technological breakthroughs of high societal relevance. Der Bachelor of Insurance Management (B.A.) Follow their code on GitHub. Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts. This program is accredated by ASIIN, a well-respected German quality assurance institution. Abschluss. Here are the best resources to pass Einführung in die Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaften at TH Köln. Please visit the websites of the universities for up-to-date information. Our Master programs educate specialists and future leaders in order to develop and employ managerial, economical, governance, social and technical solutions – in short, professionals with lateral understanding and trans-disciplinary approaches for a sustainable development. It was always my dream to do the Global MBA Master after my bachelor but 2 years ago I got in a serious accident which still causes me many problems. thesis presentation), Optische und drahtlose Übertragungssysteme, Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen / Distributed Communication Systems. be able to prove some basic programming knowledge in a standard programming language like C/C++, Java, or Python (basic programming skills will be tested before you are allowed to enter some of the labs). Old Skool Navy $149. Study Profiles: The property is 32 km from Linstow and free private parking is provided. Leirintäalueella on Paikkoja ilman varjoa ja Leirintäpaikkoja, joilla on hieman varjoa. Students can earn some extra money and gain valuable professional experience, and they might even take a first step up on the career ladder. Faculties. In addition, the programme is structured in such a way that students can focus on one of two different study profiles: Students have to take at least four courses within a profile. Gaining a first insight into the German corporate world is especially beneficial for international students. Some courses are held in the German language, but they are not mandatory. The campus can also be reached with the TH Köln semester ticket. The nature and scope of these conditions are individually determined by the examination board based on the courses completed by the applicant in his/her undergraduate programme. This is why we strongly recommend that you start looking for a place to live as soon as possible. Ces cursus d’excellence permettent aux étudiants d’AMU de partir étudier dans une ou plusieurs universités étrangères, pour un ou plusieurs semestres, de manière continue ou en plusieurs fois. Please also check the "How to Apply" section of the individual TH Köln programme websites: http://www.th-koeln.de/programs. Gummersbach is a town with 50,000 inhabitants located 55 km east of Cologne, surrounded by a hilly landscape which is a recreational area for residents from Cologne and other cities nearby. 15 months Tuition. Many students partially fund their studies at TH Köln by taking on a part-time job in or outside the university. The other big universities of Cologne are the University of Cologne and the German Sport University Cologne. Admission to the Master's programme will be denied if the applicant has obtained a final cumulative grade of worse than 2.3. The educational organisation is based on a regular start in March/summer semester. Graduates have the ability to conduct scientific work independently. In Leverkusen, you can find urban buzz and village-like tranquillity in close proximity. A train ride to Cologne, which is the largest city in the region, takes one hour and ten minutes and will be covered by the semester ticket, which is included in the semester fee. Du interessierst Dich für das Studium International Business an der TH Köln? Therefore I'm not able to study 3/4 of my masters abroad. In addition to Double Master’s Programmes and the M.Sc. ist ein achtsemestriger berufsbegleitender Studiengang, der gemeinsam von dem Institut für Versicherungswesen und der Deutschen Versicherungsakademie (DVA) in München getragen wird und mit dem Abschluss „Bachelor“ endet. C’est le résultat d’un partenariat entre la Commission européenne et les établissements d’enseignement supérieur européens proposant des masters en traduction de qualité. As a community of faculty and students, we see ourselves as a learning organisation forging new paths. The study programme has been developed in a modular way. I want bungalow in Carrickfergus. It is our goal to provide graduates with the opportunity to continue their academic career with a doctorate degree. Medieninformatik an der TH-Köln has 43 repositories available. The seemingly large number of dorm rooms is misleading; as the dormitories are open to the roughly 80,000 students enrolled at all Cologne universities, they are in extremely high demand. We therefore encourage you to be flexible. The increasing influx of people can make the search for adequate accommodation quite difficult. c) An alternative language test with a test score equivalent to those of TOEFL and IELTS Both profiles (Communication Systems and Communication Networks) can be studied entirely in the English language, even if there are further modules in German. Technische Hochschule Köln / TH Köln. Angewandte Chemie (Voll- und Teilzeit) Master of Science. I'm a student of Mehrsprachige Kommunikation at TH Köln. Application deadline uni-assist: 31 March for the following winter semester and 31 October for the following summer semester. d) Prior enrolment of at least one year in a university programme conducted entirely in English we are re-designing our website and want to include you in the process. A broad range of further modules from the fields of electrical engineering, optical technologies, informatics, and media technologies are available as electives due to the close cooperation between both universities. Communication Systems. Please fill out a short questionnaire. International Management (CEMS MIM), the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne offers national and international consecutive master's programmes in the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Social Sciences and the Cologne Rotterdam Executive MBA. Hochschule Niederrhein (University of Applied Sciences), Studienort Krefeld. The objective of the Master's program is to provide interdisciplinary training and education for engineers, qualifying them to work in the industrial, economic or public sector. Architektur. au cours : (intitulé) à (établissement d’accueil) pendant le . Duration. This will only take a few minutes, Auch interessant. Dozens of apartment hunters often compete for one single apartment. Some courses are held in the German language, but they are not mandatory. Further information on how to apply:https://www.th-koeln.de/internationalapplicants. European Master's in Translation. Krefeld. Economic and technological developments in the information and communications industry are strongly influenced by joint soft and hardware solutions and by system inter networking. Global players from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, such as Bayer and LANXESS, are located there. Module … If you are a prospective international student, the way to apply is determined by your citizenship, your desired degree programme, and your previous academic qualifications. The thesis must also be written in English. A degree programme is deemed suitable if it teaches competencies in the fields of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering and computer science comprising a total of at least 110 credits. Technische Hochschule Köln Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54, 50968 Cologne, Allemagne Représenté par Tél Mme Melanie Opfer (en qualité de coordinatrice pour les semestres à l’étranger à l‘Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation) au nom du Président de la TH Köln +49 221- 8275 -3643 . Studiengang. During the first semester, some basic courses on fundamentals from the area of communication systems and networks are conveyed (advanced mathematics, networks and signal processing). Application Deadline 31 st of May (Non-EU) 20 th of August (GER & EU) Study places 30 places Language of instruction English. This Master's program is offered in cooperation with Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The students have to conduct an individual R&D project in the framework of a university research project to improve their scientific capabilities. At least four courses have to be chosen from one profile. Thus, TH Köln contributes substantially to resolving social challenges. Winter- und Sommersemester. Each semester has a scope of 30 ECTS points, in total 90 ECTS. Students' skills and knowledge gained at undergraduate level will be expanded and deepened and a broad theoretical basis will be laid. Its metropolitan vibe, diverse student scene and a cityscape abounding with cultural and historical treasures make Cologne one of Europe's prime university cities. The Examination Board decides on the nature and scope of these conditions based on the courses of the undergraduate program. October . Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Game Development and Research an der TH Köln? Mainzer Str. This programme is organised in close cooperation with the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in St Augustin. All types of online lectures (video, audio, online, tests, etc.). HOW TO ORDER. Please apply directly to the KSTW: https://www.kstw.de/wohnen. Dans le cadre de la nouvelle offre de formation, neuf composantes d’Aix-Marseille Université proposent 7 licences, 38 masters et un diplôme d’ingénieur en partenariat international : ALLSH/FDSP/FEG/IAE/IMPGT/OSU/PHARMACIE/POLYTECH/SCIENCES. This facilitates participation in European exchange programmes. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Towering over the quaint Old Town of Cologne at 156 metres, this masterpiece of Gothic architecture is the world's third-highest cathedral and attracts around six million visitors a year, making it Germany's most popular tourist attraction. The focus of the study programme lies on the consolidation of theoretical knowledge in combination with practical scientific work in the field of communication systems and networks. Deutz Campus Betzdorferstr. Master programmes. Cologne's most convenient and economical housing option is often a student dormitory. Successful applicants are required to have obtained a recognised undergraduate degree in a suitable scientific or technological field with at least 210 credits in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and a final cumulative grade of 2.3 or better in the German grading system or equivalent. Communication Systems and Networks (Master of Science), https://www.th-koeln.de/internationalapplicants, Two profile courses, depending on the study profile (5 + 5 ECTS), Master's thesis (27 + 3 ECTS, incl. The fierce competition on the private housing market has resulted in above-market rents – particularly in proximity of the city centre. Chloé a 8 postes sur son profil. TH Köln can assist you in finding a job that suits your profile and interests. The campus can be reached in a few minutes from Gummersbach train station. Master of Science. Le master européen en traduction, en anglais « European Master’s in Translation », est souvent désigné par le sigle EMT. Due to the current situation, there may be changes in the individual course offers. Best regards, The city's characteristic landmark and source of pride for every inhabitant is without a doubt the magnificent Cologne Cathedral, locally known as the "Kölner Dom". Try to look for apartments outside the centre or share an apartment – and the cost of rent – with other students. Being Germany's fourth largest city, Cologne is a highly attractive place to live. GlobalMBA Language. Besides meeting these criteria, you should. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Annually, about 6,000 students take up their studies at TH Köln. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. e) Prior schooling of at least one year conducted entirely in English TH Köln’s campuses are located in Cologne, Gummersbach, and Leverkusen. One of the admission requirements is a suitable undergraduate degree in the field of natural sciences or technology and engineering. 1. Technische Hochschule Köln: Technology Arts Sciences. Liebe Erstis: Herzlich Willkommen! The focus of the study program lies on the consolidation of the theoretical knowledge in combination with practical scientific work. 50678 Köln… Students will be able to find affordable accommodation in Gummersbach and focus on their studies in the great environment of a modern campus. Technische Hochschule Köln / TH Köln. Mandatory courses are held in English (100%). Water resources, indispensable basis for development, food, and health, become ever scarcer and more polluted. You do not yet need a letter of admission in order to apply. 5. Research mainly focuses on future-related issues, including climate change, energy supply, health, and food safety as well as demographic changes. TH Köln is the largest University of Applied Sciences in Germany by number of students, having about 26,000 students and 440 professors and headquartered in Cologne Südstadt. With 160,000 inhabitants, Leverkusen is a smaller industrial city that has plenty of opportunities for relaxation, thanks to its location in the foothills of the Bergisches Land region. Download the app. Commencement of studies Winter semester. Thank you very much for your support! Close to one-fifth of its inhabitants have an international background. Please note that TH Köln also has two remote campuses outside Cologne, which are located in the towns of Gummersbach and Leverkusen. They are in a position to work independently in the industrial or economic sector or as academic or research staff in private or public research institutes. A l’issue de leur formation, les étudia… Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Mehrsprachige Kommunikation an der TH Köln? The third semester is reserved for the Master's thesis and the subsequent final oral examination. Camping Jersleber See sijaitsee lähellä Hiekkaranta. Each module counts for 5 ECTS. Each module is assessed according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Summary (PDF) in German in English. Your DAAD Team. g) English as mother tongue. Article 2 : Etudes suivies . étudiant(e) inscrit(e) à l‘Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation (ITMK) de la TH Köln (établissement d’origine) a régulièrement participé . Technische Hochschule Köln – abbreviated as TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences – sees itself as a university of technology, arts, and sciences. Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54 Dear students and all interested parties. Today, Cologne is Germany's fourth largest city with a population of just over one million and has evolved as an economic and cultural metropolis at the heart of Europe. For instance, TH Köln is one of the pioneers in the field of development and formation of concepts for higher education didactics. Information and communication technologies are well established in nearly all industrial fields and the private sector. 1,300 Features. Private Unterkünfte am Jersleber See. Overall, 26,000 students from about 120 different countries along with 440 professors and 1,600 staff members apply their potential. Cologne's origins date back to the Roman Empire more than 2,000 years ago. If applicants do not meet 210 ECTS, they can only be admitted under the condition that they will be able to attest to the missing prerequisites before registering for the Master's thesis by having successfully completed specific courses offered in Bachelor's programmes. Please note that German skills on the B1 level are required for this service. TH Köln Mehrsprachige Kommunikation WS 17/18 has 413 members. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Chloé, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. Therefore, a broad inter-disciplinary education is necessary to cope with future problems. Visitors from all over the world are bound to feel at home immediately, as Cologne is a true melting pot of cultures. 5 50678 Cologne Germany Programs at TH Köln. TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences) ... Master of Science in Communication Systems and Networks In cooperation with Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (University of Applied Sciences) Teaching language. We offer two master programs in the frame of management of natural resources: Back to top | print page. When choosing the profile which includes German-language modules, students must additionally submit proof of the German Language Proficiency Test for Admission of Foreign Students (DSH first level) if they have not obtained their higher education entrance qualification at a German-language institution. Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, Information, Media and Electrical Engineering, Information Science and Communication Studies, Process Engineering, Energy and Mechanical Systems, Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems, Admission Requirements for international students, Office of Student and Examination Services, Online Examination and Student Services (PSSO), Information for pregnant students and new mothers, Welcome at TH Köln for international freshmen students, Faculty of Information, Media and Electrical Engineering, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Communication Systems and Networks (Master's program) – How to Apply, Communication Systems and Networks - Curriculum, be interested in information and communications technology, be able to work and research independently. Technische Hochschule Köln . As a place where research-based learning and academic education take place, the university nurtures prospective scholars through cooperative dissertations. Quite a few of the world's most renowned enterprises call the metropolitan region their home, in particular, corporations operating in the automobile industry, biotechnology and life sciences, chemicals and pharmaceuticals as well as commerce and banking. Applicants therefore need to meet one of the following requirements: Intakes . Please submit your application through TH Köln's online application platform . Graduates are well-equipped to work in fields such as communications and information technology and can help strengthen industrial as well as economic competitiveness. The university offers its researchers an attractive sphere of activity. Home to the country's most influential television and radio stations, Cologne is unquestionably Germany's media capital and host to some of the continent's biggest trade fairs. The TH Köln offers a total of 100 bachelor's and master's degree programs in full. Fakultät 03. The program provides a solid scientific basis and teaches scientific and technological ways of thinking and working that are essential to the field of communications and information technology. Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Automotive Engineering an der TH Köln? Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation Mainzer Str. Department of International Affairs At the same time, they collaborate closely with local, national, and international cooperation partners, including 350 international institutions of higher education. One of the admission requirements is a suitable undergraduate degree in the field of natural sciences or technology and engineering. The predominant language of instruction in the Master's programme is English. conduct our self-assessment test to check your personal qualification for the program (please follow the instructions document on the right hand side). Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation. but will help us tremendously to determine how we can improve the usability of our website. Please refer to the examination and enrollment regulations for more detailed information. Master of Science. Alles zur Technische Hochschule Köln am Studienort Köln und ihren 73 Studiengängen. f) Completion of a suitable degree programme which included courses in Technical English comprising at least 3 credits. Dual Degree. Bei Fragen zum Bewerbungsmanagement und generell zum Studium an der TH Köln infomieren Sie sich bitte hier über Ihre Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Mehrsprachige Kommunikation – Bewerbung View this page in English. If applicants do not meet all requirements their admission will be conditional and they will be expected to meet certain conditions prior to registering for the Master's thesis.