Insgesamt sehr schöner Zustand! Nach dem Tod der geliebten Mutter bricht für sie eine Welt zusammen. La dernière membre de la famille von Trapp de l'époque autrichienne, Maria Franziska, est morte le 18 février 2014 dans le Vermont à l'âge de 99 ans[1]. That's it. Agathe von Trapp was the eldest daughter of the Austrian family who inspired the Rogers and Hammerstein Broadway production and film The Sound of Music. Elle découvre qu'elle est la vingt-sixième gouvernante, bonne ou institutrice, en quatre ans, à s'installer à la villa. Agathe arrived in the USA in October 1938. Maria Agatha Franziska Gobertina von Trapp (born on 28 September 1914 in Austria) is the second-oldest daughter of Baron Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead von Trapp. Agathe was 43 years old. Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea! Reality: The Real Story of the von Trapp Family", "Agathe von Trapp, of Trapp Family Singers, dies", The Sound of Music: Music from the NBC Television Event. She was a niece of St John Brodrick, 1st Earl of Midleton (he was her aunt Hilda's brother) and a granddaughter of Robert Whitehead, who invented the modern torpedo. agathe von trapp. She wrote her memoir, Agathe von Trapp: Memories Before and After The Sound of Music, which chronicled the true story behind the film and includes dozens of her hand-drawn maps, portraits, and other illustrations. [21], After touring the United States singing as the von Trapp family Choir, Agathe returned to Europe [4] when her and her family’s visas were expired. Explore Agathe Von Trapp's biography, personal life, family and cause of death. Georg was born on April 4 1880, in Zadar, Općina Zadar, Croatia. The youngest of 7 children of Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead von Trapp, and the step-daughter of Maria von Trapp, she was born in the … 56 likes. Agathe von Trapp, author of Memories Before and After the Sound of Music: An Autobiography, on LibraryThing ), najstarija kći Georga von Trappa i Agathe Whitehead. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 16 avril 2020 à 19:49. [25] She toured Canada, South America, Australia, Austria, New Zealand, the Fiji Islands, Hawaii, and Europe. The obituary was featured in Legacy on December 29, 2010, and Baltimore Sun on January 5, 2011. Deze informatie is onderdeel van van op Genealogie Online. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (Pula, 12. ožujka 1913. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (Pula, 12. ožujka 1913. [6] She and her family finally settled near Salzburg, in the town of Aigen in 1925. Von Trapp had uit zijn eerste huwelijk met Agathe Whitehead reeds zeven kinderen, te weten Rupert, Agathe, Maria, Werner, Hedwig, Johanna en Martina. Cultuur & Media Maria von Trapp, inspiratiebron Sound of Music, overleden. To install click the Add extension button. C'est toute une famille qu'elle doit apprivoiser, à commencer par le chevalier (en allemand : Ritter) Georg von Trapp (en), un homme sensible et strict. Agathe was born on July 18 1859, in Grafenegg, Krems-Land District, Niederosterreich, Austria. Maria Franziska von Trapp, née le 28 septembre 1914 et morte le 18 février 2014, était la deuxième fille de Georg von Trapp (en) et d'Agatha Whitehead von Trapp1. Agathe von Trapp was born on March 12, 1913 in Austria-Hungary as Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp. Ruinés avant l'arrivée des nazis en Autriche, les von Trapp furent contraints de se produire sur scène et de chanter pour raisons financières et non par loisir[4]. Agathe Whitehead is geboren rond 1887, dochter van John Whitehead en Agathe von Breunner-Enkevoirth. Par hasard et par nécessité, les von Trapp sont amenés à effectuer des tournées de chant choral en Europe. Entertainer. Agathe von Trapp, a member of the musical family whose escape from Nazi-occupied Austria was the basis for The Sound of Music, has died in the U.S., a longtime friend said yesterday. Explore releases from The Trapp Family Singers at Discogs. Voorpagina Laatste van de Von Trapp Family Singers. Le commandant passe de plus en plus de temps avec sa famille et tombe amoureux de Maria, provoquant l'inquiétude de la future religieuse. Zij is overleden in het jaar 1922. Towson, Maryland. It also recounts her personal memories of her parents and their lives. All video (1) Fornecedor open/close filter. [24] In 1942, Agathe settled down with her family on a farm in Vermont,[4] and continued to perform throughout the country. Agathe sewed black aprons for her family, and the whole family wore the clothes of mourning for Austria. Gefühlvolles Familiendrama über die junge Agathe von Trapp, die trotz großer Schicksalsschläge im Österreich der Nazi-Zeit die Zuversicht nicht verliert. Her mother was played by beloved actress Julie Andrews in the film production of "The Sound of Music", which supplanted "Gone With the Wind' as the highest-grossing film of all time. born 1913, died 2010, age 97 (approx.) Trois autres enfants naquirent de l'union de Georg et Maria von Trapp[e]. Discover the real story, facts, and details of Agathe Von Trapp. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp. Agathe led a privileged life as the eldest child of Georg and Agathe von Trapp. Dat heeft Mary Louise Kane, een goede vriendin van Von Trapp, woensdag bekendgemaakt. The von Trapps decided to sign a singing contract with Charles Wagner in the United States, leave Austria for Italy, and, from there, head to the United States via London. Zustand: leicht benutzt und berieben an den Kanten (nicht bestossen), aber sauber ohne nennenswerte Mängel oder Eintragungen. I've read several of Maria Augusta Trapp's books, and knew the basic von Trapp family story. La famille Von Trapp, Rupert Graves - Janice et Agathe Von Trapp près de Trapp Family Lodge de Stowe, Vermont The von Trapp Family Singers se produisent à Orchestra Hall Chicago, il. Cultuur & Media Familie Von Trapp maakt comeback. Maria, née Kutschera, novice à l'abbaye de Nonnberg, à Salzbourg, en Autriche, ne peut poursuivre son noviciat pour devenir bénédictine car elle souffre de maux de tête de plus en plus fréquents et ne peut s'acclimater à la haute altitude. [23] Concert tours resumed after this incident. It's definitely a completely different story from the The Sound of Music, but both the books and the movie are good in their own way. born 1914, died 2014, age 100 (approx.) It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. There was no danger in these refusals, as border rearrangements that had been made after World War I made Agathe and her family Italian citizens[4] and Germans could not arrest Italians at that time. Il y avait bien sept enfants[d], mais dans les deux films, les nom, âge et sexe des enfants furent changés. Maria von Trapp est une femme de lettres et une chanteuse autrichienne, née le 26 janvier 1905 à Vienne (Empire austro-hongrois) et morte le 28 mars 1987 à Stowe (Vermont) aux États-Unis.. By Agathe Von Trapp: Memories Before and After the Sound of Music: An Autobiography First (1st) Edition on [5], After the war, Agathe moved with her family to a house called "the Martinschlossl", in Klosterneuburg, a half hour train ride from Vienna, near the Danube. (AP) — Agathe von Trapp, a member of the musical family whose escape from Nazi-occupied Austria was the basis for "The Sound of Music," has died, a longtime friend said Wednesday. Category Education Hun verdiensten haalden zij uit muzikale optredens, waarmee zij in 1935 erg bekend werden. Selon Christopher Plummer (qui l'incarna dans La Mélodie du Bonheur), dans l'une des plages audio de commentaires du film, à l'époque de la production du film, indique que, alors qu'il cherchait des éléments afin de développer son jeu d'acteur sur ce personnage, il aurait rencontré un neveu du véritable Georg Von Trapp et, lui demandant de décrire son oncle, le neveu lui aurait simplement répondu : « Profondément ennuyeux ». Maria (Kutschera) arriva dans la famille von Trapp en 1926, en tant qu'institutrice d'un des enfants, Maria Franziska, qui était en convalescence et ne fréquentait plus l'école, et non comme gouvernante de l'ensemble des enfants. [2] She was the eldest daughter[2] and the second of ten children[3] born to Georg von Trapp. Agathe had 4 siblings: Edgar Thoreau Whitehead and 3 other siblings. Bekijk Agathe von Trapp (97) overleden op [14], In 1937, after singing in Vienna twice, and singing at the 1937 Salzburg Festival, Agathe toured Europe going to France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, England, and Norway with her family calling themselves the Salzburg Chamber Choir Trapp, or Chamber Choir Trapp. [22] Agathe returned to the United States in October 1939,[4] and received the unwanted publicity of being detained on Ellis Island with her family for several days. Agathe von Trapp is growing up happily with her six siblings on a splendid estate near Salzburg. born 1915, died 2007, age 92 (approx.) Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg and Agatha (née Whitehead) von Trapp. Media open/close filter. Text und Fotos von Agathe Bunz. Évoluant dans une maison qui respecte le protocole de la noblesse autrichienne, elle apprivoise les enfants par le biais de la musique et du chant. Agathe von Trapp/author, Baltimore, MD. Werner Bunz schnitt die Schrift aus Papier. Agathe christened his first command, the U-boat U-6. [16], On the eve of Agathe's 25th birthday, 11 March 1938, Austria was invaded by Germany. Agathe is the only one willing to search for Kirsty. Elle enseigne à l'école de l'abbaye puis, dans le but de la guérir, la mère supérieure lui demande vers 1926 de s'occuper de Maria Franziska, la fille d'un aristocrate veuf depuis quatre ans[a] et vivant aussi à Salzbourg, ancien capitaine de corvette de la marine de guerre austro-hongroise, au sein de laquelle il a commandé deux sous-marins, notamment au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale. Sammler-Exemplar! Agathe von Trapp, born in 1913, is the eldest daughter of Baron Georg von Trapp. La famille a survécu et fini par connaître le succès en chantant des compositions de Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann et Johannes Brahms ainsi que des chants d'inspiration religieuse, et non des comptines ou des ritournelles[4]. ), najstarija kći Georga von Trappa i Agathe Whitehead. Georg était assez différent du personnage romantique dépeint dans le film. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (born 12 March 1913) is the eldest daughter of Baron Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead. [26] Unlike some of her siblings, Agathe sang with the von Trapp Family Singers until they sang their last concert on 26 January 1956. Variations: Viewing All | The Trapp Family Singers. Vader Von Trapp stierf al in 1947 en is op het landgoed begraven; in 1987 volgde Maria. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. [18] While they stayed a little while longer, they did not care for what the new government was doing. She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the musical play The Sound of Music. Maria Agatha Franziska Gobertina von Trapp (born on 28 September 1914 in Austria) is the second-oldest daughter of Baron Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead von Trapp. Elle était membre du groupe des Trapp Family Singers, dont la vie a inspiré deux films en Allemagne, ainsi que la comédie musicale puis le film La Mélodie du bonheur2 où Maria y est représentée par le personnage de Louisa. The first seven of these were born to his first wife, Agatha Whitehead, while the youngest three: Rosmarie, Eleonore, and Johannes, half-siblings to the elder seven, were born to Georg's second wife, Maria Augusta Kutschera. Member of the von Trapp family choir. [11], After graduating from High School, Agathe tutored briefly,[12] and then pursued her loves of painting, languages, and sewing. [4] The whole family refused the request to sing at the birthday party of Adolf Hitler, and Agathe's older brother, Rupert von Trapp, a doctor, declined the offer to work in Nazi hospitals. Tout en s'occupant à temps plein de Maria Franziska, la seconde fille de Georg, qui a été malade et ne peut fréquenter l'école, Maria en vient à s'occuper de tous les autres enfants. She was portrayed as the character "Louisa". She was also a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the 1959 musical play and 1965 film The Sound of Music. She was also a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the play and film The Sound of Music. Agathe, her siblings and parents formed the famous Trapp Family Singers, which inspired the popular film, The Sound Of Music.This famous movie was based on books written by Maria about their lives and experiences from her perspective, which - of course - the movie producers had creative license with. Georg Johannes Ludwig Ritter von Trapp. They were devoted to Austria. Agathe von Trapp's new memoir, MEMORIES BEFORE AND AFTER THE SOUND OF MUSIC, tells the true story of … Agathe passed away. Agathe Von Trapp passed away. with Georg von Trapp. 3 décembre 1945. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp. While they wait for the train, she shares stories about her childhood. born 1913, died 2010, age 97 (approx.) … Mar 12, 1913 – Dec 28, 2010 (Age 97) Plant Memorial Trees Opens send flowers url in a new window Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. Agathe Von Trapp Popularity . Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from The Trapp Family Singers at the Discogs Marketplace. Agathe von Trapp. De Von Trapp kinderen zijn de kinderen van Georg von Trapp en Agatha Whitehead.De kinderen en vader en stiefmoeder Maria von Trapp vormden samen de Zingende familie von Trapp waarop The Sound of Music (1965) werd gebaseerd.. La petite-fille de Maria, Elisabeth von Trapp, est une chanteuse dont les concerts sont un mélange de chant grégorien, de comédie musicale, de country et de folk. On one European tour, they sang for Pope Pius XII in a general audience in the Vatican. the movie producers had creative license with. Bila je članica pjevačke trupe obitelji Trapp čiji su životi bili inspiracija za predstavu i film Moje pjesme, moji snovi.U filmu je prikazana u liku Liesl. She still painted, and one of her paintings is displayed at the Austrian Embassy in Washington, D.C.[27], Throughout her life, she made many water color paintings and crayon etchings, most of which she sold. The film The von Trapp Family: A Life of Music (2015), starring Eliza Bennett and Rosemary Harris as younger and older Agathe, respectively, was based on this book. D'autres ouvrages suivent. Agathe von Trapp was also a guitarist and sketch artist who ran a kindergarten for 35 years until 1993 at the Sacred Heart Catholic parish in Glyndon, Md., with her longtime friend, Mary Louise Kane. Agathe von Trapp, a member of the musical family whose escape from Nazi-occupied Austria was the basis for "The Sound of Music," has died, a longtime friend said this week. But after their mother's premature death, Agathe – the eldest of seven children, who loves singing more than anything else – decides to never sing again. À la veille de sa mort à 99 ans, elle était le … Trapp has sometimes incorrectly been credited with sinking the Italian troop transport Principe Umberto. Photo was taken on the occasion of their Aunt Mary Whitehead's wedding to Baron Gioacchino Pietro Malfatti di Montetretto. She was portrayed as the character "Liesl". La famille avait un contrat avec un agent littéraire américain et c'est par ce biais qu'ils sont ensuite parvenus aux États-Unis. Agathe von Trapp is very anxious to let us all know that "The Sound of Music" wasn't the real story of the family, and to set the record straight. She self-published the book with Publish America, LLLP in 2003 at age 91. By Agathe Von Trapp: Memories Before and After the Sound of Music: An Autobiography First (1st) Edition Le nom du traducteur ne semble pas apparaître sur l'édition. Agathe Johanna von Trapp Erwina Gobertina (12 Mars 1913-1928 Décembre 2010) était la fille aînée de Georg von Trapp et sa première épouse, Agathe Whitehead von Trapp. Mais avec la bénédiction de la mère supérieure de Nonnberg, Maria épouse finalement l'officier de marine. Agathe applied for citizenship in 1944 [4], The Trapp Family Singers made two long tours of the United States each year, singing in all forty-eight states and Hawaii. The real von Trapp children were (in age descending order) Rupert, Agathe, Maria, Werner, Hedwig, Johanna and Martina. I also really enjoyed reading this book by Agathe von Trapp. Zij is in het jaar 1912 getrouwd met Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp, ze kregen 8 kinderen. Agathe von Trapp's new memoir, MEMORIES BEFORE AND AFTER THE SOUND OF MUSIC, tells the true story of … [24] At his request, the family changed their stage name to The Trapp Family Singers. Agathe von Trapp was born in Austria in 1913. Language open/close filter . Back row: Baron Rupert von Trapp, Baroness Maria von Trapp, and Baroness Agathe von Trapp. VIDEOS (1 Resultados) Die Trapp Familie - Ein Leben für die Musik. Incorporates information from the article in the German Wikipedia Corvette Captain Georg Johannes, Ritter1 von Trapp (4 April 1880 – 30 May 1947), often incorrectly referred to as Baron (Freiherr) von Trapp, was an Austro-Hungarian Navy officer.23 His naval exploits during World War I earned him numerous decorations, including the prestigious Military Order of Maria Theresa. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. foto: Gezin Von Trapp / Whitehead. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Agathe Whitehead von Trapp (14 Jun 1891–3 Sep 1922), Find a Grave Memorial no. of course ? The book was republished in 2010 by Harper Paperback. Agathe married Georg Johannes von Trapp on month … 56 likes. Agathe von Trapp, Charlene Peterson (3), Eleonore von Trapp, Harold Peterson (3), Hedwig von Trapp, Johannes von Trapp, Maria Augusta von Trapp, Maria von Trapp, Werner von Trapp. Member of the von Trapp family choir. [8] Agathe was surrounded by music at an early age,[9] and her father began teaching her guitar when she was in her early teens. Member of the von Trapp family choir Bila je članica pjevačke trupe obitelji Trapp čiji su životi bili inspiracija za predstavu i film Moje pjesme, moji snovi.U filmu je prikazana u liku Liesl. Het laatste nieuws met duiding van redacteuren, achtergronden, columns, opinie, wetenschap, en recensies van kunst & cultuur door Het Parool. She was a member of the von Trapp Family singing group who inspired the film and play The Sound of Music. Die Fotos entstanden auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos. Voorpagina Terugkeer van familie Von Trapp en wetenschapsfraude op de UvA. De gauche à droite se trouvent la Baronne von Trapp, Johannes, Martina, Agatha, Rosemarie, Jahanna, Maria, Hedwig, Eleonare et le Baron George von Trapp. AP 29 december 2010, 21:58 [2] In 1958, they moved to Maryland and started another kindergarten there, at the Sacred Heart Parish in Glyndon, Maryland. Agathe von Trapp/author, Baltimore, MD. [17] Her family had never liked or supported Hitler or the way the Nazi party functioned. Her parents were Georg and Agatha von Trapp. [13] While they did this just for enjoyment at first, their hobby turned into a career for the von Trapps after much of their money was lost in the global depression that followed the 1929 Wall Street Crash. But after their mother's premature death, Agathe – the eldest of seven children, who loves singing more than anything else – decides to never sing again. Les von Trapp étaient partis en Italie parce que Georg était né à Zadar (située à présent en Croatie) qui, à l'époque de sa naissance, faisait partie de l'empire austro-hongrois. Hier in der Hardcover-Variante mit dem Titel auf dem Cover! The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Agathe Von Trapp passed away. - Towson, 28. prosinca 2010. She was portrayed as the character "Liesl". Maria n'aurait pas épousé Georg von Trapp par amour : ainsi qu'elle le rapporte dans son autobiographie[2], c'est plutôt des enfants qu'elle était tombée amoureuse. Then Maria enters the life of Georg, the von Trapp patriarch, as governess and as new woman at his side. Agathe von Trapp, born in 1913, is the eldest daughter of Baron Georg von Trapp. Unfortunately by doing so, she makes the true story so staid and sweet that you can understand why, as her stepmother Maria said in her own book "You must allow Hollywood a little Hollywooding". "So long, farewell: Von Trapp daughter dies, aged 97", "Agathe von Trapp: Eldest daughter of the family who inspired 'The Sound of Music, "Former Vermont resident Agathe von Trapp of 'Sound of Music' fame dies", "Movie vs. Elle enseigne différents chants aux enfants qui ne demandent qu'à les apprendre. A member of the original Trapp Family Singers, Agathe traveled with the group on their worldwide concert tours in … De kinderen waren toen allang gestopt met zingen. Werner von Trapp. From 1934-1956, they sang in over 2,000 performances, in venues ranging from high school auditoriums to iconic concert halls, bringing joy and comfort to over 3 million people throughout 30 countries. She was also a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the musical play and film The Sound of Music. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Story Agathe von Trapp is growing up happily with her six siblings on a splendid estate near Salzburg. [1], Agathe was born on 12 March 1913 in Pola, Istria, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (present-day Pula, Croatia). Agathe Von Trapp was born on March 12, 1913 in Austria. Text in deutsch. I've read several of Maria Augusta Trapp 's books, and knew the basic von Trapp family story. Feature film ... Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF. 1880, April 4: Birth of Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp 1905, 26. Maria Agatha Franziska Gobertina von Trapp was born on month day 1914, at birth place, to Georg Johannes Ludwig von Trapp and Agathe von Trapp (born Whitehead). Quatre arrière-petits-enfants de Georg, les petits enfants de son fils Werner, chantent sous le nom de The Von Trapp Children (Les Enfants von Trapp). We have created a browser extension. She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the play and movie The Sound of Music. [27] Agathe continued to be busy in retirement. Agathe von Trapp. Door financiële problemen was hun gemeenschappelijke hobby zingen plots een mogelijkheid om toch geld te verdienen. Chronology. After winning a competition for folksingers at the 1936 Salzburg Festival,[4] the von Trapps were asked to sing a half hour radio program, which resulted in singing before Austria’s chancellor, Kurt von Schuschnigg. It's definitely a completely different story from the The Sound of Music, but both the books and the movie are good in their own way. Agathe married Corvette Capt. [15] Early in 1938 the family toured Italy. The youngest of 7 children of Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead von Trapp, and the step-daughter of Maria von Trapp, she was born in the … Au lieu du personnage de fiction Max Detweiler, le chapelain des von Trapp, le révérend Franz Wasner (en), fut leur directeur musical pendant plus de vingt ans. On screen Rupert became Liesl, a 16 going on 17-year-old girl. Différences entre l'histoire romancée et la réalité, Son épouse, Agatha von Trapp née Whitehead (britannique), est morte de la, Fortune héritée par la première femme de Georg, Agatha, issue d’une famille d’industriels britanniques ayant produit des torpilles pour l'. [20] The family merely rented out their house and walked to the train station behind their property. Her artwork illustrates a cookbook of family recipes[3] and “The Trapp Family Book of Christmas Songs”, written by Father Franz Wasner, the priest and family friend who had directed the Trapp Family Singers. Entertainer. En 1920, Zadar est rattachée à l'Italie, et de ce fait Georg von Trapp devient citoyen italien, sa femme et ses enfants également. En 1938, ne souhaitant pas répondre à la demande de l’Allemagne nazie qui lui propose un poste à bord d’un navire de guerre et craignant d’être en conséquence arrêté, Georg von Trapp décide de s'exiler aux États-Unis avec sa famille où ils entament une série de tournées. Gezin Von Trapp / Whitehead. Pola (1911-1914) At the time he was married, Georg was Commander of SM U-6, training submarine crews. Her mother was played by beloved actress Julie Andrews in the film production of “The Sound of Music”, which supplanted “Gone With the Wind’ as the highest-grossing film of all time. Agathe von Trapp (Eliza Bennett) wächst mit ihren sechs Geschwistern behütet auf dem Erlhof auf, dem Familiensitz im Salzburger Land. She was a member of the von Trapp Family singing group who inspired the film and play The Sound of Music. Associated With. I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like. Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp (12 March 1913 – 28 December 2010) was the eldest daughter of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp. She sang around the house until she was about 94 years old. (Novum) - Agathe von Trapp, een lid van de muzikale familie Von Trapp wier familiegeschiedenis de basis vormde voor de musical The Sound of Music, is dinsdag overleden op 97-jarige leeftijd. Agathe, her siblings and parents formed the famous Trapp Family Singers, which inspired the popular film, The Sound Of Music.This famous movie was based on books written by Maria about their lives and experiences from her perspective, which ? Maria von Trapp est une femme de lettres et une chanteuse autrichienne, née le 26 janvier 1905 à Vienne (Empire austro-hongrois) et morte le 28 mars 1987 à Stowe (Vermont) aux États-Unis. In 1993, they both retired. : document utilisé comme source pour la rédaction de cet article. Agathe's father decided not to accept the offer of a place in Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine. Une année avant l'Anschluss (en français : « le rattachement ») de l'Autriche à l'Allemagne, la famille von Trapp perd sa fortune[b] en raison de mauvais placements du père de famille : il avait voulu venir en aide à une amie[c] associée d’une banque autrichienne qui a ensuite fait faillite. Those who had heard them sing encouraged them to do more concerts. Agathe von Trapp (born Whitehead) was born on month day 1891, at birth place, to John William Whitehead and Agathe (Agatha) Whitehead. [4] Agathe von Trapp spent her early years, throughout World War I and after, near Zell am See, Austria. She discovers the teenager at the train station. She played guitar and piano into her retirement. [7] Agathe was tutored by a governess at home until age 11, when she started attending a local school. Médaille d'or de l'ordre du Mérite autrichien, La Mélodie du bonheur (The Sound of Music), Lien pour les arrière-petits-enfants de von Trapp, La véritable histoire de la famille Von Trapp,, Récipiendaire de 1re classe de la croix d'honneur autrichienne pour la science et l'art, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence.